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  1. twec.com opinions
  2. Mobshop gone
  3. Mobshop gone
  4. eBay's Telephone Number REQUEST...
  5. A Salute to Buy.com`s handling of the Oliver Stone Box
  6. Is Thunder.com Still in Business??
  7. buy.com and Terry Gilliam
  8. Film Empire.com - For real?
  9. Amazon customer service - call or email?
  10. Does HMV.com ship partial orders?
  11. Does buy.com pricematch?
  12. Cancelling an Order from Buy.com Methods ?
  13. TWEC.COM feedback anyone?
  14. DVDEmpire and the Buffy: Season One Box
  15. Walmart.com shipping policy??? Please advise
  16. videomas.com are very cheap but are they reliable??
  17. Has anyone been quicked off Netflix?
  18. Pride GP 2000 at Amazon
  19. When Harry Met Sally Pre-ordered from Amazon...gonna take a while.
  20. Netflix's response re: "released to ship"
  21. Netflix generosity?
  22. I just noticed an Itchee.com banner ad on one of the forums...
  23. The Superman & Rocky Collections Are Coming To DVD - Anyone Have Any MSRP's?
  24. Mercata.com going out of business!!
  25. Coupons with "no pre-order"...
  26. Tower Records Flooz Question
  27. Buy.com delimma - Please help
  28. Don't order from Chapters.ca Ontario
  29. Wishlist for vendor 2001 NY's resolutions.
  30. What to buy at Egghead?
  31. Buy.com: on order
  32. ? about Sears.com
  33. A few questions about using Amazon GC's...
  34. Which is more reliable- dvdplanet.com or express.com?
  35. Buy.com Question
  36. Columbia House Contract Question
  37. Does Netflix "flag" your account if...
  38. UPS shipping to PO boxes (ala Walmart)
  39. Samgoody.com Question
  40. Buy.com ordering problems
  41. Netflix - Do they "flag" your account if...
  42. Netflix Queue Poll
  43. Anyone not receive their orders from Shoptalk.com yet?
  44. MVP.com is going out of business
  45. where are Coupons for Borders.com?
  46. Something for $1 at Buy.com ?
  47. Some CompUSA bargains...
  48. Buy.com sent me 2 copies of Seven......Should I?
  49. Amazon was nice to me today...
  50. HELP! - Do you know this feedback website?
  51. When Best Buy offers free shipping because you can't do store pick up..
  52. Problems w/ egghead deal from last year
  53. Any low price Criterion DVDs?
  54. Experiences with Playcentric.com
  55. Anyone listen to NPR about Mercata?
  56. Question regarding Buy.com
  57. Amazon problem with Dogma: SE & Free Shipping
  58. Best Buy just sent me a $10 gift card.
  59. Mercata shuts down on the 31st
  60. Is there a price comparision site for R2 stores?
  61. Amazon and Nosferatu or new Predator? Anyone got 'em yet?
  62. Alphacraze.com- any opinions>?
  63. Where is the best place to Find Japanese Anime On DVD?
  64. Etoys Holiday Special
  65. Any Experience with Massmerchandis.com?
  66. Anybody get "Hollow Man" from amazon.com yet?
  67. The First Sign Checkout.com Going Away
  68. Office Depot B&M closing soon!!
  69. Are the B&M stores any cheaper than their online equivelents?
  70. Can someone please post Columbia House Codes and Instructions?
  71. Anyone receive an unwrapped DVD from Amazon
  72. Is Ebay down?
  73. Pricematch ... Which B&M is best?
  74. Frustrated with 800.com/Cancelled titles are in stock
  75. Does buy.com have an expert system running their CSR/email response
  76. Can someone help me find an extension cable on the BB website for...
  77. Do you need your credit card at BB for in store pick up?
  78. Can you use B&N paper gc's online?
  79. A&B Sound in Canada, ok to buy from?
  80. Is mymusic.com any good?
  81. Did Amazon jack their DVD prices up dramatically?
  82. Amazon and Meet The Parents?
  83. Returning DVD without Receipt
  84. What retail stores have the best prices for DVD'S?
  85. Amazon sent me a free coffee tumbler!
  86. Where's Deal Of the Day?
  87. 800.com and preorders
  88. buy.com overcharges?
  89. Toss up - $10 off $50 at Gap - Expires Today
  90. Question regarding Amazon GC and coupons
  91. Comparing BestBuy prices
  92. Amazon "included" $50 GC - how and when ??
  93. Anyone else screwed by airborne express?
  94. Help me use $150 MCI Amazon GC
  95. Stay Away From Twec
  96. Is it just me or do Djangos not have boxsets?
  97. Question about Amazon.com GCs
  98. flooz + dvd's
  99. Upset with ebay purchase
  100. Express.com down?
  101. buy.com 1-800# not working
  102. Can't checkout at buy.com?
  103. anyone order Princess Mononoke from cdnow?
  104. Question regarding credit left over on Amazon?
  105. A scary credit card message.
  106. TWEC cannot process CC payments right now
  107. DVD Planet - Experiences?
  108. Amazon Raises Prices
  109. Onecall.com & Digital Kingdom ??
  110. Cancel Amazon backorder item that I needed for a coupon min without loosing coupon?
  111. Tower B&M Sucks
  112. Anyone know about ice.com GC's?
  113. Amazon Shipping Strangeness
  114. Amazon.com $50 coupon
  115. EToys DOES NOT Deliver
  116. Are Sam Goody and Bigstar GC's stackable?
  117. What B&M's will exchange DVD's without a receipt?
  118. HMV's January "sale"
  119. Did anyone else get this disturbing email from Egghead?
  120. screwed over by Columbia House?
  121. Has Anyone Received Their "Best Of Friends" DVD Set From Buy.com?
  122. ps2 in stock @ samgoody.com
  123. Is anyone offering just the basic PS2 online, not the bundle?
  124. Great Balls Of Nakedness
  125. What is the cheapest item on Amazon.com?
  126. What should I do about unopened damged disc?
  127. PlanetOutdoors.com to integrate with MVP.com effective 1/1/01
  128. Any chance Pointclick will pay?
  129. HELP! - Need to b**ch @ J. Bezos from Amazon
  130. DVDEmpire's new "Pre-Order Manager" function...
  131. How can they still call it "Half".com, and keep a straight face?
  132. Electrobuy.com?
  133. Airline workers played basketball with X-Mas packages
  134. Amazon Coupon Question
  135. Buy.com and preorders, what's up??....
  136. Anyone ever get screwed under online and bite back?
  137. question about amazon departments
  138. Buy.com ships canceled order
  139. DVD player scam?
  140. Columbia House Selection #s for X-Files Season 1/2
  141. Customer sevice phone# for TWEC ??
  142. Anyone ever tried returning for another of same at 800?
  143. is dvd empire ALWAYS this crappy??
  144. Question about Buy,com and Webcerts?
  145. Amazon telephone #?
  146. Sites That Carry Italian DVDs
  147. crouching tiger hidden dragon dvd?
  148. Netflix and NOT renting different versions of the same movie
  149. chapters.ca shipping old and cancelled orders?
  150. Amazon promo GC question
  151. The Conversation shipping 4-6 weeks from Amazon?
  152. anyone ever shopped at Total E?
  153. Unhappy with buy.com
  154. Return DVD to Amazon if only disc top scratched?
  155. Ever have pre-orders "mysteriously vanish" from buy.com?
  156. Amazon is taunting me...
  157. Tower shipped my Seven today
  158. Region one retailer for uk customer
  159. Amazon ? "Shipping Soon"????
  160. Anyone get their Se7en copy yet?
  161. Return a DVD you bought "new" but realized it was used?
  162. Djangos Problems
  163. Has Amazon ever done this with shipping?
  164. What's up with twec.com's order status?...
  165. Will I ever be getting the fixed LEON from Express.com?
  166. Does anyone do Customer Service better than Amazon?
  167. Anyone else get a suprise from Amazon?
  168. Another interesting Family Blunder tale.
  169. la vita a bella and closeoutvideo.com :
  170. Did anyone NOT get their 12/12 pre-orders from Buy?
  171. Amazon delivery question
  172. Problem affecting the MCI Amazon $150 GC
  173. R4 online store that has free shipping or inexpensive to the US?
  174. State Tax Charged Where Gifts Are Sent?
  175. CloseoutVideo.com --- results from last sale
  176. Best Buy.com FREE SHIPPING* for the Holidays!
  177. Who Does Price Matching?
  178. Just a quick note about itchee.com
  179. I was just on Virgin looking at their prices, are they serious?
  180. Need advice with damaged speaker situation
  181. Anyone gotten a $99.95 charge from dvdovernight?
  182. Amazon.com let me down again/Buy.com didn't
  183. WOW, Chapters impressed me on this one
  184. Blackstar Experience, consider me impressed!
  185. How does bn.com apply coupons?
  186. bad amazon code
  187. Buy.com and GC does not work!!!
  188. how long does Tower Records take to ship?
  189. Question About Buy.com Returns
  190. Amazon shipped my Sopranos preorder early!
  191. How fast is buy.com shipping in USA/Miami
  192. TowerRecords.com and Pre-Orders??
  193. whats hot now delivers orders from november of 1999!
  194. What to do with lost amazon packages?
  195. Amazon not shipping Fushigi Yuugi #2??
  196. Question About Applying Gift Certificate to Existing Orders at Amazon.
  197. Who ships books the fastest?
  198. Do A&B Sound stores in BC have as much stock/selection as their website?
  199. Buy.com pulling an Amazon.com scam?
  200. Circuit City selling used discs as new?
  201. Does Buy.com allow you to use coupons and a pricematch?
  202. SOPRANOS - I got it today from Buy.com...
  203. Best Buy Question
  204. Buy.com shipped to my PO Box via UPS
  205. buy.com shipping wrong version of Legend???
  206. Twec.com thread
  207. chapters mediocre deal for new year
  208. If you're going to decorate your room with cool posters, shop here!
  209. Woo Hoo, got Sopranos shipping confirm from Chapters!
  210. What to do about an order lost in "never-never land" at Amazon.......
  211. Restocking time for Amazon?
  212. Amazon shipping on in stock/pre-ordered items?
  213. Anyone ever use Mr. Swap.com?
  214. Has anyone received erroneous credit card charges from Buy.com?
  215. Any users of MassMerchandise.com's electronics store?
  216. Help! What's the fastest online DVD etailer?
  217. ****** is the place for DVD deals
  218. DVD players for $139 + free shipping
  219. Best Buy BUYING Musicalnd (Sam Good etc)
  220. Buy.com returns+coupons: BEWARE
  221. Is there anyplace, online, where we can get points/cash back using Amazon.com?
  222. Anyone else not receive their 800.com $50 Gift check?
  223. Amazon - double orders shipping??
  224. The Movie Store - Good/bad?
  225. Shortage of deals at Half.com?
  226. CloseoutVideo.com
  227. Quick Question For Any Bestbuy Employees
  228. Amazon Free Shipping Query
  229. Adios Amazon, DVDempire, Express.com. Hello B&M!
  230. Express.com
  231. Need recommendation: Where to buy GCs? (Chinese/reg. DVDs)
  232. Amazon praise
  233. Not too happy with Twec
  234. Amazon coupon question
  235. Buying amazon GC with GCs?
  236. question
  237. Please tell me if this is a good deal!
  238. Thanks Amazon
  239. My opinion of amazon just dropped way down
  240. Has anyone received the Beastie Boys DVD from Amazon?
  241. What's Up With Buy.com?
  242. Trade my $5 paypal for your $5 webcertificate
  243. Any Online Retailers take PayPal?
  244. How do I contact BMG Music Service to cancel my account?
  245. USPS delivery confirmation not reliable
  246. Amazon GC question?
  247. TowerRecords.com Question
  248. Milepoint... is it worth it?
  249. walmart.com, good news/bad news
  250. How does DoughNet work?