View Full Version : Forum Feedback and Support

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  1. "Your Notifications" link on desktop site no longer working?
  2. Quick Reply filled with entire site
  3. Can an admin please delete my thread in the other forum?
  4. The mobile facelift is great!
  5. Expanded poster information
  6. What going on with videos?
  7. Happy Birthday to Me
  8. The "Quick Reply" window shows a Screenshot of the Page
  9. Firefox is telling me Dvdtalk is Slowing the Browser down (9.18.23)
  10. Anyone hate the new "tab icon" ?
  11. Reviews
  12. The ads seem odd and inappropriate
  13. Will Internet Brands continue to support DVDTalk?
  14. Privacy certificate issue starting 5/14/23
  15. Unable to update signature
  16. Thread title change request
  17. Quick Reply - Unable to type in body area (MS Edge works fine)
  18. Once, yet AGAIN, no search results...
  19. Anyone know the image address for stars?
  20. Ipad updated, now videos in posts dont show up
  21. Need to Contact Bill Warren or Glenn Erickson
  22. Please report any problems with the the Dec. 7th PHP update here
  23. Is search broken?
  24. Blue text in mobile site
  25. Mark all forums read button on mobile site?
  26. Suddenly getting Error 1005, Address Banned form site
  27. General discussions hidden unless I'm logged in. Is that new?
  28. Two things
  29. Politics Forum is supposed to be re-opened today, but not so far
  30. Please welcome our newest moderator: Goldberg74
  31. "This forum is not accepting new posts" ?
  32. Lack of apostrpohes
  33. Problem Posting Images
  34. Format change?
  35. Is blatant racism OK on DVDTalk?
  36. Was there some kind of heated discussion in the Weird Al movie thread?
  37. When did this forum become so prudish?
  38. Site having problems?
  39. Movie title review linked TWICE on IMDB, but no page for it...
  40. Can't Post
  41. Uploading photos issue
  42. Desktop Test
  43. Test Thread so FB/IG
  44. Test post (forum problems?)
  45. Links to this site's reviews not working on IMDB...
  46. Another questionable ad choice?
  47. Can't view last page unless I change posts per page
  48. Absentee moderators
  49. Action Figures and Toys
  50. Pages unresponsive - delays loading threads with a lot of video links
  51. Test Oembed Read
  52. Are old reviews being deleted?
  53. Post Revisions Being Undone
  54. No way to see “likes” in mobile version?
  55. New Post button takes me to messages I've already read
  56. BB and [IMG] code links under Posting Rules broken
  57. Spoilers not opening
  58. Will the main page ever be updated?
  59. Marking threads as read
  60. Controls/Icons Missing
  61. Why is this coming up on iPhone when using the full site?
  62. test IG
  63. DVD Talk Newsletter
  64. Any Thoughts on Allowing "LIKES" in the Politics Meme & Social Media Type Threads?
  65. Spoiler Slippage
  66. Did Instagram embeds/links get killed?
  67. Automatic Text Color
  68. Marking forums as read
  69. Soundcloud URL/embedding is broken?
  70. DVD Reviews - Search Error?
  71. Is Dark Mode Available?
  72. Image & Signature Limits
  73. Virus in Safari browser?
  74. Can we no longer edit font sizes in posts?
  75. Can we get rid of the "View Post" button?
  76. Reply to a post about Meagan McCain in the political forum
  77. The Mass Shootings thread is broken
  78. Any possibility of a 'Hide thread' feature?
  79. Images won't upload.
  80. Purchase FilmAficionado and make it part of the site?
  81. COVID Disinformation
  82. Website is loading pages slowly.
  83. Why was my post deleted?
  84. Should Arrow releases be in one separate thread? (Domestic or International)
  85. Easter Egg Database not working?
  86. Codes busted Dude ["9","47","73","-1"]
  87. New attachment support?
  88. Test FB links
  89. Go to first new post link not working
  90. Can't click from front page straight to politics anymore?
  91. What's wrong with the thread I just made?
  92. Merge TV Talk and Streaming Talk?
  93. Videos vanish when clicked on
  94. Multi-Quote Function Not Working on PC
  95. Is this allowed? This looks like it could be considered as a "doxing" of a DVD Talk member.
  96. The Bouillabaise Subterfuge Smorgasbord thread doesn't open right for me
  97. How do I ignore someone?
  98. How do you like a post in a thread?
  99. Is there any way to search for the very first post you made in these forums?
  100. disgusting spam
  101. Site help
  102. Can't get to last page of thread
  103. Did embedding videos get killed off?
  104. Testing Thread!
  105. Bulleted List Issue
  106. When Did the Opportunity to Like Posts Begin?
  107. The "Whoops, I screwed up a thread with copied code." thread.
  108. Can't copy paste into or save any edits to my post
  109. Getting weird reply box?
  110. avatar sizes - some bigger than 100x100?
  111. Editing polls?
  112. Title change for Politics subforum
  113. new members in politics
  114. What are the rules/best ways to post images
  115. Ad for DVD Piracy
  116. NRA ad showing up
  117. Why does deleting a post take so long?
  118. Song of the South
  119. New user: Restrictions on posting and formatting
  120. Tagging a user
  121. Change YouTube embeds to match aspect ratio of the source?
  122. Logged Out
  123. "show first unread" button isn't working right
  124. What exactly is Political Exile status?
  125. What is Standard Editor?
  126. Podcast Sticky Thread?
  127. Conceal carry gun advertisements on this site
  128. Profile Pictures
  129. Randomly unable to post
  130. Broken page
  131. Suggestion For Toys & Collectables Sub-Forum
  132. Dark Mode. Please.
  133. Father
  134. "New Posts" search doesn't seem to work for me
  135. What happened to PMs?
  136. Random Asterisks in Posts?
  137. Please deactivate my account
  138. DVD Talk Presents: The Best Releases of 2018 -- Link not working?
  139. Would a mod please quote my post(s) that caused me to be put into permanent political exile?
  140. Blocking spam
  141. Request: Hide spoilers in email notifications
  142. Broken thread - other talk random pictures thread
  143. Thread Title Length - increase?
  144. Threads are remaining highlighted as unread, dating back over a week now.
  145. Thread broke - 2019 Pro Wrestling
  146. JANUARY 2019 UPDATE: Desktop skin versus Mobile skin
  147. JANUARY 2019 UPDATE: Ads column on the right
  148. JANUARY 2019 UPDATE: Reviews are down, but we are working to fix this ASAP
  149. JANUARY 2019 UPDATE: What is "Infinite Scroll" and how to disable it
  150. JANUARY 2019 UPDATE: Clear your browser cache
  151. Jan. 3rd 2019 Upgrade Master Thread
  152. Whoa, what happened to the formatting?
  153. My Closed Thread
  154. Process for status of reported posts?
  155. Database issue? Broken thread.
  156. Mods: Regarding the George HW Bush thread
  157. Sales Team Follow Up
  158. This user has not registered and therefore does not have a profile to view.
  159. Mobile friendly
  160. Wait, now we’re sponsoring DVD Rippers?
  161. Feedback Forum Guidelines
  162. DVD Talk rubbing ads for right wing candidates?
  163. Character Limit / Post Length?
  164. What is this?
  165. Was Cloudflare Added to the Site?
  166. What is this?
  167. Adware volume: are you kidding me?
  168. How can I change my user name?
  169. "Your connection to this site is not fully secure"
  170. Houston, We Have A Problem...
  171. Forum software doesn't allow google short links?
  172. New Mod - story
  173. Should dvdtalk get rid of the Politics Forum?
  174. Why was this thread being allowed in the forum?
  175. Admin says changes coming to DVDTalk
  176. Users should be able to ignore mods who poo-post in subforums they don't moderate.
  177. Why is this sig being allowed in the forum?
  178. Star Images in Polls
  179. ? About digital codes I have
  180. Dark Theme?
  181. Can I post stuff from my personal blog?
  182. Is it OK to advocate murder here?
  183. GDPR compliance notice
  184. "Can't post" or "there's no reply box" issues -- ANSWERS HERE
  185. How long are users suspended?
  186. Database Error
  187. Locking/Retitling Threads
  188. An Observation about the Dvd Talk forum
  189. Smilies window is serious business - change default size?
  190. Can MODS ban a user?
  191. Users online
  192. Why does the word "it" turn into a link?
  193. Um... how do I change my avatar?
  194. Politics Proposed Rule - Post frequency limits?
  195. Random pic thread broken?
  196. Black Panther Thread - Relevant Discussion about Cultural Impact and Importance
  197. Is there any way that we can get the 2018 Spending Tab thread stickied?
  198. Should "Streaming Talk" be moved to the DVD Discussions section?
  199. Merging "DVD Talk" and "HD Talk" into a single forum
  200. Merging "DVD Bargains" and "Blu-ray Bargains" into a single forum
  201. Can't get to the 7th page of the Bond 25 thread.
  202. Why not just fix the site?
  203. Contact via email not working reliably
  204. Can we have a food sub-forum?
  205. Can't copy and paste a picture.
  206. toxic auto link
  207. Old thread shows a pop up asking for login and password
  208. Video Ad Causing Problem
  209. Just joined the forum
  210. Sig not showing up in every thread
  211. Mark this Forum Read ~ Not Working
  212. I can't see YouTube videos
  213. Need Moderation in HD Talk Twin Peaks Release Thread please
  214. New site encryption
  215. Digital Copies Buy/Sell/Trade thread: post frequency?
  216. What happened to the President Trump thread?
  217. Tolerance for trolls
  218. Why were my threads and posts deleted without any contact or explanation?
  219. How to contact DVDTalk physically
  220. buggy script
  221. multi-quote limit?
  222. Test thread
  223. HTTPS support?
  224. Malware warning in TV Talk thread....
  225. Yet another Ad issue (autoplaying audio and video)
  226. New Moderator - TheBigDave
  227. Why are my letters dancing?
  228. What's up with all the political ads?
  229. Account request
  230. Can't get to second page on Saw Legacy thread.
  231. Fix Twitter embedding
  232. main forum page is slow when coming from another site
  233. I lost an avatar bet, can I use this avatar?
  234. Amazon CANADA links getting broken (desktop)
  235. Last page of thread not loading
  236. Emoji errors
  237. Are we really good with members calling each other POS, C***s, D****s???
  238. New mobile site issues: Annoying as hell edition.
  239. Hope thisis the right place...
  240. Political Cartoon Thread Stuck?
  241. New feature request: personal threads subforum?
  242. Server slowness
  243. Real-time 9/11 thread?
  244. What's with links now?
  245. Post reply issue?
  246. Ads redirecting on mobile
  247. Forumrunner being turned off for DVDTalk
  248. Keep getting script errors...from this site?
  249. Youtube Embedding Test, please ignore
  250. Anyone having an issue with threads marked as new?