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  1. Recommendations for movies featuring a movie w/in a movie
  2. Your favorite Harrison Ford movie? (besides the obvious Star Wars/Indiana Jones)
  3. OMG: "The Foreigner" - It's that bad
  4. Adv - Matrix Revolutions Poster
  5. Just saw Hollywood Homicide
  6. Where can I get a Twin 2 figure?
  7. Sweet Sixteen (a Ken Loach film)
  8. Lawless Heart
  9. Blow mirror
  10. Any TMR: IMAX Experience reviews?
  11. Matrix or Terminator?
  12. Make your own "Heroes and Villians List" here.
  13. Matrix or Terminator?
  14. Original Star Wars to Play at New Cine Capri in Phoenix
  15. Is there going to be a Terminator 4?
  16. Friday Box Office - 2 Fast 2 Furious Dominates
  17. Matrix Reloaded is #1 movie of the year.. so far
  18. Put the Matrix Code on your desktop
  19. Im looking for good horror DVDS
  20. Ringu is it realy worth it?
  21. I Watched The Hulk
  22. relativly new war movie fan looking to explore. .
  23. Hulk: Much more than a Summer Blockbuster. ((Spoilers))*long*
  24. Why wasn't Neo able to punch superfast like he did in the first matrix?
  25. Soul Survivors: did someone actually get paid to make this?
  26. Sly Stallone News. Yeah!!!!
  27. Pang Brothers horror film THE EYE opens in NY and LA
  28. What would you call the THIRD Fast and the Furious?
  29. Thoughts on Godsend with DeNiro?
  30. Smith Rules All
  31. Plastic surgery gone bad
  32. What's Cameron Crowe up to?
  33. The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou --- Wes Anderson
  34. Spielberg To Go 'Back To The Future'?
  35. The Special Effects are "Beyond Comprehension"
  36. Keymaker discussion - can you make sense of this?
  37. Dirty Harry Fans: Why No Ketchup Allowed on Hot Dogs?
  38. I just saw the trailer for Gigli [Affleck & Lopez] on Access Hollywood...
  39. MTV Movie Awards.
  40. HBO makes better trailers than studios
  41. Inaccuracies in "Fact-Based" Movies (Inspired By True Events)
  42. Whale Rider: Anyone hear anything about this?
  43. Kill Bill,: get ready to vomit or be offended by violence
  44. Movies you are suppost to root for the bad guys
  45. Why was the Nebucannezer's crew downsized so much?
  46. Besides Rounders, any other good poker/card movies?
  47. Zion Defense
  48. TALK TO HER....impressions?
  49. Ken Park ( new Larry Clark film )
  50. Which is more blasphemous to Romero? Night (1990) or new Dawn?
  51. Travis Bickle is NOT a Villain!!!!!!
  52. Heat (1995, D: Mann) S: Pacino, De Niro, Kilmer, Ashley Judd's "Great Ass"
  53. What does Jim Cameron think of Terminator 3?
  54. Does anyone have a WAV or MP3 of the "Keep Swimming" song from Finding Nemo?
  55. Movie Suggestions
  56. Same location-different movies?
  57. Vincent Gallo calls Roger Ebert a "fat pig"
  58. What are the Ice Age creators up to?
  59. Complete Reloaded Transcript
  60. NYTimes Article
  61. People that live under a rock: should it matter?
  62. "Mauled by a Tiger?!"
  63. Strange bit 'o' irony( spoiler I guess)
  64. Looney Tunes: Back In Action
  65. Ben Affleck Hair Piece picture
  66. When will they make a COMPLETE movie about ENTIRE history of THE BEATLES?
  67. 'FreeFlixTix'?
  68. Raiders of the Lost Ark: Fan edition
  69. Question About SUPERMAN (1978)
  70. Another 60% drop..
  71. Nemo Imax?
  72. Spellbound
  73. Wanna get rave reviews? Play a retard!!
  74. "Secret Window, Secret Garden" by Stephen King coming...
  75. What is the average life expectancy for a summer movie nowadays?
  76. Are you looking forward to the Incredibles? / One and only (Merged)
  77. movies similar to the matrix
  78. Pixar Perfect! Drop Deadweight Disney
  79. Historical inaccuracy in "Glory"
  80. Weekend Box-Office (5/30-6/1)
  81. TCM spotlights Bollywood every Thursday night in June
  82. Larry Wachowski to become a "Laurie" [2016 update: Andy now "Lilly"]
  83. All hypocrites Unite! Actors you despise but like some of their movies
  84. Emilio Estevez is finally making a big screen comeback!!!!
  85. Spiderman in The Italian Job? <minor spoiler>
  86. Disney remaking their animated classics in CGI; help stop them before it's too late!!
  87. Seabiscuit
  88. Actors suffering from the "Julia Roberts Syndrome"
  89. How bad was your audience during Finding Nemo?
  90. T3: Rise of the Machines get an "R" rating
  91. The Almighty Phone #...
  92. Empire Records, seriously, who likes this piece of garbage?
  93. Best pixar/disney cgi movie?
  94. Free movies on the web?
  95. Producers who have appeared in their own movies?
  96. Why I loathe movie theaters even MORE!
  97. EVERYONE MUST WATCH NOW!!!! Clip of "Taxi 3"!!!!
  98. Little Moments (scenes) that stand out in a film
  99. Figured something out...
  100. Harrison Ford Receives Hollywood Star After 19-Year-Mixup
  101. Apollo 13: The IMAX Experience - anyone seen it?
  102. What should the title of Romero's fourth DEAD film be?
  103. Surely a sign of the Apocolypse
  104. Matrix Reloaded DVD
  105. I think I'm falling in love with Orlando Jones...
  106. Opening credits...why?
  107. Your Choice for the New Wonka?
  108. Indie/Foreign films becoming formulaic?
  109. Question about "Tombstone" and "The Road to Perdition"?
  110. The Matrix online comic series...
  111. George Romero's LAND OF THE DEAD
  112. Who is your favorite male or female Secret Agent on DVD besides James Bond?
  113. What Do You Think About LOTR: The Musical?
  114. Weiss brothers working on Elric script
  115. Alien re-release & series continuity
  116. What was the last price you paid for a movie?
  117. Listing of IMAX theatres playing THE MATRIX RELOADED: THE IMAX EXPERIENCE
  118. If you made Jurassic Park IV, how would you improve on the series
  119. Super Sucker, what happend to it
  120. Questions about Tarkovsky's "Stalker" (Warning : Spoilers).
  121. upcoming disney animated movies
  122. My interest in seeing "Garfield" has slightly increased...
  123. How did Phil Hartman do the kiki (anime) dub?
  124. Favorite Cheesy Montage.
  125. Straight to video: What is "Bloodfist?"
  126. New zombie movie
  127. The Samuel L. Jackson Award for Bad Movie Hair
  128. I'm seeing Double. Same Theme Movies
  129. When people talk...
  130. Ending was very cheezy...idea for more dramatic ending (spoilers of course)
  131. What happened to Originality?
  132. Why are the majority of people in Zion.....
  133. Hellsing [Anime] Question?
  134. Profile of Roy Lee (and info about Sam Raimi, Ju-On)
  135. Casting a Buffy the Vampire Slayer movie that continues the series...
  136. News Flash: Fox to Release DVD 6 weeks after Movie Release of "Justin and Kelly"
  137. No more Lizzie McGuire??!?!
  138. New Godzilla film this December in Japan
  139. "Wicker Man" staring Nicholas Cage
  140. Any ideas of what the dvd will be like?
  141. Help Me Name This Movie...
  142. Theory about the end [spoiler]
  143. No-Frills Cinema....
  144. Whats the appeal of Good Burger for many of you?
  145. How much would The Matrix Reloaded have made if it was PG-13?
  146. 25th Hour Script?
  147. Finding Nemo reviews out
  148. The "these actors were considered for these movies" thread
  149. Poster for Kevin Costner's "Open Range" - looks good!
  150. Top 5 Mob/gangster movies
  151. Spun
  152. 2003 - Not the Year of Brad Pitt
  153. Planet of the Apes Marathon on Encore 5/26
  154. The phony parody theatrical movie poster art thread!!! (for you photoshoppers here)
  155. So what's Winona up to?
  156. Intereting tidbit about the Architecht's words
  157. Hey check out this awesome site
  158. Whats the worst movie that you have seen so far this year?
  159. What is the oar?
  160. Free Matrix Reloaded Ticket?
  161. Why didn't they give Roy Jones Jr. any fight scenes?
  162. quick question regarding the twins
  163. Why do the machines need the matrix?
  164. name this movie
  165. Glitches In The Matrix . . . And How To Fix Them
  166. The Man From Elysian Fields
  167. The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe is coming
  168. ~~~The Ultimate Star Trek The Movies Trivia Game Thread~~~ (SPOILERS!!! SPOILERS!!!)
  169. Interesting tidbit from the Animatrix re: Second Renaissance "SPOILERS"
  170. Most beautiful actress?
  171. Greatest Summer movie Year
  172. Favorite character in a War movie?
  173. WOW! Huge Dropoff for Box Office
  174. Takeshi Kitano is the new Zatoichi
  175. "Boogie Nights" question ---
  176. Mystery Man at the end: NOT BANE! (spoilers)
  177. Saving Private Ryan Question
  178. Actors turning down roles (that ended up being big mistakes)?
  179. Miller's Crossing question...
  180. Anyone else see the irony of all this deep discussion?
  181. Worst Cannes... ever!
  182. Let's Play a Game
  183. Reloaded: Full Transcript
  184. Free Matrix Desktops
  185. Where are all the "bruce almighty blasphemy" reviews?
  186. Question about the Chateau Fight Scene
  187. The 3 Sea Shells - - Just How do you use them?
  188. Trinity's Hack
  189. From Justin to Kelly - American Idol winners star in a movie
  190. Please stay away from "Avenging Angello" (Stallone movie)!!!
  191. Need help finding movie-related website...
  192. Agent Smith?
  193. Who was Aaliyah supposed to play?
  194. Dead or Alive (Takashi Miike) how is it?
  195. I think I know why there are Vampires and such in this movie
  196. Friday Box Office
  197. Is Rowan Atkinson really THAT popular outside of N.America?
  198. Bruce Almighty.....saw the trailers which is same as seeing the movie in theaters!!
  199. Anybody have restrictive parents as a kid (as to what movies you could watch)
  200. The Prisoner (do we still need to say, "spoiler"?) --spoilers
  201. Zellweger - ugliest actress ever?
  202. The In-Laws remake
  203. fangoria weekend horror with Bruce Campbell Burbank, CA Saturday
  204. Neo's mom and dad?
  205. A *FOURTH* Maytricks
  206. Blue Car
  207. Lone Wolf and Cub (D: Justin Lin)
  208. Bruce Almight looks like a cheap TV movie
  209. Matrix Reloaded beats Spiderman at boxoffice
  210. In search of intelligent science fiction movies...
  211. reviews for controversial Dogville
  212. The "I have seen The Matrix Reloaded more than twice" thread
  213. Films in OAR on HBO/Cinemax (An open question...)
  214. Subliminals and other subtle elements in the Matrix Reloaded
  215. Whatisthematrix.com Hex Code collection...
  216. Windtalkers Directors Cut
  217. Matrix Toys are out.
  218. Superman with the Coen Bros. making it...
  219. The I have seen Matrix Reloaded a second time thread
  220. Zion and the .1% thing is a Mind Job!
  221. TMR vs Star Trek
  222. Question for Jackselekton
  223. Best Jodie Foster movie
  224. Glorify Michael Bay as The "Architect" for Action movies!
  225. Martin Scorsese to direct a bio on Bob Dylan
  226. TMR turns into Terminator Judgement Day
  227. What ever happened to the director's cut of "Highlander: Endgame"?
  228. Your Digital Self
  229. Shades worn in TMR
  230. 5 downed ships
  231. So what would you LIKE to see in Revolutions (spoilers!)
  232. Moviehole Interview with Joel Schumacher
  233. Why 24 hours?
  234. Check out how much the Wachowski Bros are making!
  235. Question about how Agents take people over.
  236. Matrix: Reloaded Plot Question
  237. Holy Flurking Shnit! Tim Burton To Direct 'Charlie and The Chocolate Factory'
  238. Movies Based on Good Books
  239. Aussie actors do better American Characters than American Actors.
  240. How does TOHO do it? (Godzilla related)
  241. planned trilogy?
  242. Mulholland Drive... (merged)
  243. calling all action movie junkies!
  244. reproduction in the matrix?
  245. Matrix/Merovingian theory
  246. a Trinity question. Beware [spoiler]s inside!
  247. movies you wish did NOT have a sequel.
  248. Father and Mother of Matrix
  249. Dances with Wolves Drama or Western??
  250. Equilibrium is NOT GOOD at all