View Full Version : Book Talk

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  1. Books on Sexuality (possibly MATURE)
  2. "Dune" et al
  3. Where's Your Favorite Place For Reading?
  4. Under the Banner of Heaven
  5. CafePress now lets you publish yourself.
  6. Cirque Du Freak (The Saga of Darren Shan) and sequels
  7. Great beach reading: Herman Wouk's Don't Stop the Carnival
  8. Anyone read J.D. Robb's In Death series?
  9. Easton Press shrink wrap: retain or remove?
  10. Dark Eye: films of David Fincher
  11. Non fiction is real?
  12. Anybody read Robert Newcomb The Fifth Sorcerss?
  13. Stephen King Book Club?
  14. Are you going to see Mystic River?
  15. Tietam Brown by Mick Foley
  16. Those Ender's Game sequels
  17. Questions on Harry Potter, the character and series [merged]
  18. WTB : Crossroads of Twilight?
  19. Ambrose for the WWII pacific theater?
  20. Princess Diana is back --- as a mutant!!!
  21. Batman's The Killing Joke - spoilers
  22. A Brief History of Time
  23. Jarhead: A good book about a soldier's experiences in the 1st Gulf War
  24. Dark Tower and A Song of Ice and Fire
  25. Trading Graphic Novel HC's?
  26. What are you reading? Part 13 [July]
  27. Dark Tower V: will it have the same style of cover?
  28. Harry Potter vs. Dark Tower
  29. FS: Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
  30. Books "I Know My First Name Is Steven" and "The Yosemite Murders"
  31. **SPOILERS** Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix [open discussion]
  32. Ann Coulter goes to new lows with Treason.
  33. National Novel Writing Month [updated 2007]
  34. Different versions of Tintin?
  35. name of book? re: movies that coulda been made
  36. Where does Ann Frank belong?
  37. Other than the Dark Tower series, will Stephen King ever write a sequel?
  38. New Clancy novel
  39. Found some pretty good blowouts today...
  40. What are your feelings on a REVISED VERSION of the GUNSLINGER?
  41. Ann Coulter's book is ahead of Hillary on Amazon
  42. Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix out now [post-publication thread]
  43. Best B&M price for HP #5??
  44. Dr Seuss
  45. Bret Easton Ellis - Less Than Zero
  46. Are there any other book forums out there?
  47. May as well read me, not a lot of other posts to see.
  48. The Dark Tower Series: A hard read?
  49. Fave Fantasy Authors Thread!
  50. How long will it take you to read order of the phoenix?
  51. Listen You Pencil Necked Geek
  52. Life of Pi
  53. Hello?
  54. X-Men question RE: Bishop
  55. Good writers: Are they good writers?
  56. Need book title help.
  57. Hankering for a Victorian Murder
  58. Help! Need to get a present for a friend.
  59. Throwing money away
  60. Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code - opinions / thoughts ? [merged]
  61. Anyone have Johnny The Homicidal Maniac?
  62. Cards as Weapons book
  63. The Time Machine(2002 and the 60's version) and The Book
  64. NPR Summer Reading List (what do you think?)
  65. What are you reading? Part 12 [June]
  66. Who would you have star in a movie [based on your fave series of novels]?
  67. Recommendations
  68. Huge list of books direct from the UK
  69. Bushwhacking: Michael Moore coming out with a new book [?]
  70. Wolves of the Calla Up For Preorder!!
  71. The Cryptonomicon / Baroque Trilogy question & critique thread
  72. Authors who have been untapped by Hollywood?
  73. Garage Sale Book Prices
  74. Stephen King should write a sequel to THE STAND
  75. Any good pirate or ghost story books out there?
  76. "Taking the Red Pill: Science, Philosophy and Religion in the Matrix"
  77. Any other books sorta like "I Was Saddam's Son"
  78. Eric Schlosser - Reefer Madness
  79. Is there an on-line book tracking site [like DVD Aficionado] ?
  80. trouble getting into Devil In The White City. How about you?
  81. Stephen King creates PARADOX!
  82. Is "A River Runs Through It" a good book?
  83. What books do you have signed by the author?
  84. Author suggestions please
  85. Robert Ferrigno
  86. BUY.COM reduces incentives for us to buy books there
  87. What and where is your favorite bookstore?
  88. What is your opinion of my recent book-buying spree?
  89. How much do you read a day?
  90. Artwork and more info on new Mario Bava book
  91. X2 movie book?
  92. Dust jacket question
  93. James Swain
  94. A Guide to Mystery Books
  95. Grail / Knights Templar suggestion/discussion thread [Feb '06: Steve Berry's latest]
  96. Would you rather buy/read Omnibus(ex. 3 books in 1) or seperete books?
  97. Suggestions for a new reader that likes...
  98. The Long Walk by Richard Bachman (Stephen King) -- SPOILERS!
  99. What are you reading? Part 11 [May]
  100. Jennifer Government
  101. Can anybody recommend books about film-making? [merged]
  102. Going to a Dennis Lehane signing tonight
  103. books on Texas culture and history?
  104. I got to meet my fav author (LA Times Fest of Books)
  105. Author's Pic, have you ever judged a book by this?
  106. Need suggestions for a FUN book
  107. Is there a safe way to clean older books?
  108. Tales Of The Malazan to be published in the US?
  109. I Need Recommendations For Bond Novels NOT By Ian Fleming.
  110. Good Business Publication?
  111. Happy birthday, Bill Shakespeare!!!
  112. aSoIaF short stories???
  113. Pat Conroy - My Losing Season
  114. Salon's absolutely wonderful article about James Frey
  115. What is the best book about "The Beatles"? [merged]
  116. What's the best book about JOHN WAYNE?
  117. If I like Nick Hornby.......
  118. What do you do with a book when you are done reading it? [Bookcases]
  119. Faulkner for beginners...?
  120. "Jarhead: A Marine's Chronicle of the Gulf War and Other Battles"
  121. where can i find back issues of magazines?
  122. John Sandford's "Prey" series
  123. The Best of Stephen Ambrose?
  124. Portrait of a Killer, Jack the Ripper: Case Closed
  125. Best books on parenting/pregnancy?
  126. Cold Pursuit by T. Jefferson Parker
  127. Has anyone read "Fast Times at Ridgemont High"
  128. Got Order of the Phoenix on eBooks [???]
  129. Book Recommendation
  130. I'm looking for two books do you know where I can find them at?
  131. Fight Club hardcover: Back in Print?
  132. Anyone read Lucky Wander Boy by D. B. Weiss
  133. Will J.K. Rowlings(sp?) be remembered as one of the great authors?
  134. Will postage costs kill the book trading forum?
  135. Short stories: Where do you get 'em?
  136. Typos and spelling/punctuation errors in books
  137. Dark Tower Question.
  138. Robert B. Parker/Robert Crais discussion
  139. How to open a used bookstore?
  140. Need Recommendations for 10 year old
  141. What are you reading? Part 10 [April]
  142. Detective/Mystery novels set in Vegas?
  143. The Lord of the Rings and other myths
  144. Churches want to ban Harry Potter
  145. Curious New England: The Unconventional Traveler's Guide to Eccentric Destinations
  146. Who's read the Bourne Identity?
  147. FS/FT: Preacher tpb 1-9, The Smoking Gun
  148. Has there been a recent Marvel Universe or similar series ?
  149. Name ONE book that you really, really like.
  150. Recommendations
  151. Anyone want some Maxims?
  152. Stephen King & David Eddings
  153. My Novel Is Released This Week: The Australia Stories
  154. The official I'll loan you a book if you loan me a book thread
  155. Book Exchange Forum Area
  156. The IMDB of Books?
  157. Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix covers!
  158. Wheel of Time - the series so far (inc. prequel)
  159. Donating books to the library
  160. Did this bug you about "Put a Lid on It?" (small spoiler)
  161. I'm considering writing a book
  162. Any Judge Dredd/2000 AD recommendations?
  163. Electronics Books / How-To Projects ... help?
  164. Anyone know how to crack into the translating business?
  165. Richard Preston's "The Cobra Event"
  166. ARGH! Bugs. There're bugs near my books
  167. SoCal Mystery fans!
  168. Can you read when you're stressed?
  169. A Feast For Crows * pre-publication news & discussion
  170. Would You use a Book Trading Sub-Forum & Book Talk Notes
  171. Where can I buy books over there without being ripped off via shipping charges?
  172. How long does it take you to read a novel?
  173. "Everything's Eventual" by Stephen King
  174. What's the longest you've gone without reading a book?
  175. Clive Barker's "IMAJICA"
  176. What's the Most Expensive Book You've Bought?
  177. The Amityville Horror
  178. Guilty Pleasure Part III: Name Your Pleasure
  179. What are you reading? Part 9 [March]
  180. Lord of the Rings: The Musical?
  181. Fire by Sebastian Junger - No Perfect Storm
  182. Sales Books?
  183. Has anyone read the Elric Saga?
  184. Billboard Books - any updates?
  185. "Sin City" Recommendations
  186. New Norton Annotated Books
  187. OZ: Behind These Walls
  188. DaveNinja - 4 Great chinese stories - English translation
  189. Need recommendations
  190. Guilty Pleasures part 2: Marvel / DC Novels
  191. Thomas Perry question
  192. Please suggest book titles in which these [random] themes & storylines appear...
  193. What government is in place in Starship Troopers?
  194. Australia Guides?
  195. Guilty Pleasures part I: Indiana Jones novels
  196. Anybody read the WWE Hulk Hogan Book?
  197. Lawrence Block's "Hitman" series
  198. Need a Guide book to New York
  199. LOTR: RETURN OF THE KING... Gay subtext?
  200. What is the title of this book? People who did great things in adulthood/old age
  201. Question about a book mentioned in Six Feet Under Season 1
  202. Good, funny, creative non-fiction authors wanted.
  203. Basic book on Mental Illnesses?
  204. A Michael J Nelson online column/article about used books
  205. Overstock beats Amazon book prices
  206. Short Stories and Lit. Mag's
  207. John Grisham's The King of Torts
  208. Robert McCammon's "Speaks the Nightbird" to be released by Pocket Books in September
  209. Remainders going the way of the dodo?
  210. Some Tom Clancy info
  211. What are you reading? Part 8 [February]
  212. On The Road, by Jack Kerouac
  213. Patterson's "Four Blind Mice" - He's lost it...
  214. Writers Pay
  215. Rudolph Guliani Booksigning!
  216. I have an idea for a book and had a few questions...
  217. Jennifer Government & its marketing experiment
  218. Looking for a book !
  219. Questions concerning the British Special Ed. Harry Potter books
  220. Essential Iris Murdoch
  221. Sarah Vowell?
  222. Do I need to read Neal Stephenson's books in order?
  223. DUNE "7" on the Horizon...
  224. Harry Potter & the Order of the Phoenix out in June [pre-publication thread]
  225. Review Wanted Richard Preston - Demon In The Freezer
  226. Crossroads of Twilight (Wheel of Time, Book 10) By Robert Jordan [review/discussion]
  227. Where can I find the english-language book based on "The Ring"/Ringu movie(s)?
  228. "Bet Your Life" by Richard Dooling
  229. R. Kelly Children's Book To Be Reissued
  230. "The Boys From Brazil" by Ira Levin [Spoilers]
  231. Stephen King Books; Where to begin?
  232. Carter Beats The Devil
  233. Nick Hornby's Songbook
  234. Which of R.A. Salvatore's books should I start with?
  235. If you have read Dissolution by Richard Lee Byers, please help me!
  236. What are you reading? Part 7 [January]
  237. romance of the three kingdoms?
  238. Audio book Mp3 question
  239. WWII Discussion Boards?
  240. Desperation and The Regulators question...
  241. Top 5 Essential SF Novels?
  242. Bored of the Rings?
  243. WOT Book 10 - any places in the US that has broken street date?
  244. Here's an odd coincidence
  245. Which are nicer? American or UK edition of Harry Potter books?
  246. If LOTR was written by someone else?
  247. What books are you getting/did you get for Xmas?
  248. brad holland art compilation book is there one?
  249. The Stand - book vs movie
  250. Sweet! I'm authoring my first book!