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Marvel's Daredevil (Netflix) - Season 1 Discussion Thread - Premieres 4/10/15

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Marvel's Daredevil (Netflix) - Season 1 Discussion Thread - Premieres 4/10/15

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Old 04-11-15, 02:56 PM
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Re: Marvel's Daredevil (Netflix) - Season 1 Thread - Premieres 4/10/15

Liked episode 2 as well.

Good to see Murdock having a lot of vulnerability and not entirely a badass can't get hurt superhero.

I'm already liking Cox better as this character than Affleck.
Old 04-11-15, 02:57 PM
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Re: Marvel's Daredevil (Netflix) - Season 1 Thread - Premieres 4/10/15

I like that Kingpin also has a lot of vulnerability. He isn't this invincible guy. His emotional depth is awesome.
Old 04-11-15, 04:07 PM
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Re: Marvel's Daredevil (Netflix) - Season 1 Thread - Premieres 4/10/15

Originally Posted by kgrogers1979
I think a lot of it is just because the best writers tend to get hired at the premium cable networks. Basic network is more like the McD's minimum wage crappy ass writers.

Like for example, the best chefs get hired at five star restaurants. They're not flipping burgers at a fast food joint. Five star restaurant = premium cable, fast food = basic network

So premium cable tends to have better writing simply because the writers are better.
This is nonsense. The difference in cable vs. broadcast has more to do with the production schedules (discussed already) and the creative environment. Generally speaking, cable shows enjoy a much greater amount of creative freedom when compared to broadcast. Also, most of the best shows of the past decade have been produced under the watchful eye of an auteur with a very specific creative vision. They exist mostly to bring acclaim and notoriety to the networks on which they air. On the other hand, broadcast networks are driven more by ratings and the bottom line. Something like Mad Men would never last on broadcast tv because despite all it's awards, no one watches it. The goals of broadcast vs. cable are completely different, thus the different product. It has very little to do with the writers. I bet if you researched some actual names of writers, you would find that most of the ones working for cable shows have long histories with broadcast networks as well. Then again, you've admitted many times over that you don't pay attention to directors when it comes to movies, so I can't imagine you have any familiarity with the people writing television shows.
Old 04-11-15, 04:35 PM
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Re: Marvel's Daredevil (Netflix) - Season 1 Thread - Premieres 4/10/15

Heh. A site found a Stan Lee "cameo" in DD.

Old 04-11-15, 04:52 PM
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Re: Marvel's Daredevil (Netflix) - Season 1 Thread - Premieres 4/10/15

Oy vey.
Old 04-11-15, 04:57 PM
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Re: Marvel's Daredevil (Netflix) - Season 1 Thread - Premieres 4/10/15

Originally Posted by flashburn
Actually the only "cheat" was that they swapped out thugs during the camera pans. Sort of like True Detective where they had a place where they could of done a cut, they had several of those during the pans across the walls, but they went ahead and tried to do a one-take, and succeeded so they didn't ever need to use them. If you google you can find an interview with the fight choreographer about it. They said they had to do 7 or 8 takes. It'd be awesome if they include a behind the scenes of those takes (or at least a couple) as extra's on the Blu-ray release.
Found it. Damn. That is impressive.
via the Observer:

(This interview contains mild spoilers for the first two episodes of Daredevil on Netflix, so proceed with caution if you haven’t fully binged. I guess it also contains spoilers for Ben Affleck’s 2003 Daredevil, but I can’t in good conscious recommend you watch that movie.)

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, Netflix’s first of four Marvel-centric shows, Daredevil, is like nothing you’ve seen under the Marvel Umbrella yet. What it lacks in the grand visual scope of say, an Avengers movie, or the lighthearted rompy-ness of a Guardians of the Galaxy, it makes up for in one critical area — it just kicks so. much. ass.

Blinded as a young boy, Matt Murdock (played here by Boardwalk Empire alum Charlie Cox) is granted the gift of having five out of six super-heightened senses, which he puts to use at night in his crime-riddled home town Hell’s Kitchen by throwing on a black mask and beating criminals to a pulp. Standing opposite of him is Wilson Fisk, AKA the Kingpin, played by a massively framed and impressively bald Vincent D’Onofrio. And that’s the story, a simple one, but it’s filled with enough darkness, impressive performances, and grounded reality to be worthy of your time. And the fight scenes, Jesus, the fight scenes. If you’ve watched through by now, you know what I mean. If not, I’ll wait.

Philip J Silvera has a hand in more super heroes punching each other in the face than I can count. He’s done stunt work — as a double, a performer, and as a coordinator — in everything from the Dark Knight Rises to Iron Man 3 to Thor: The Dark World. As Daredevil’s fight and stunt coordinator, he’s the man behind the kicking of ass in Netflix’s latest series, including a one-take fight scene in episode two that would make Rust Cohle blush.

I hopped on the phone with Mr. Silvera, who was in Vancouver working on set of Marvel’s Deadpool (Mr. Silvera designed that test footage that drove everyone crazy three years ago), to talk about making a blind man fighting child traffickers look so damn cool.

OBSERVER: I was completely blown away by the fight scenes in Daredevil. What was your mindset going into Daredevil, about how you wanted everything to look and feel?

PHILIP J. SILVERA: The best thing about these characters, super hero characters, is I want to see how the real world relates to them all. [Daredevil showrunner] Steve DeKnight had a vision on how the characters should be, and I just try and build off of what they saw. But I really wanted to make sure these characters felt a lot more grounded. This wasn’t your Iron Man, this wasn’t your Thor, your Captain America, this was a guy that through sheer will and determination, he just keeps pushing through the pain of everything he goes through.

Was there any added challenges to designing a fight scene for a character that can’t see?

There’s always little challenges around something like that. Charlie Cox has such a great way of interpreting the character that we were able to play off of. At times, there would be the little moments in between knocking a guy down, how would he move forward on them? Would he take a moment to sort of feel where they are, or would he just go in for the charge already knowing because this is something he has done his whole life? He’s been blinded since he was a kid, so part of it feels like second nature by this point. It was just finding that middle ground of how to approach it.

The first notable fight scene comes at the end of the very first episode, a one-on-one confrontation between Murdock and an unknown assailant in the pouring rain. Unlike the 2003 movie, Daredevil does not use the rain to see Jennifer Garner’s sonar face. The two participants use the rain to beat the ever-loving shit out of each other.

The first scene I want to talk about particularly is the scene in the rain.

Right, that’s the final fight of episode 1. That was what got me the job, was previs-ing that fight. [note: a previs, or previsualization, is used to map out complex scenes prior to filming]

Oh really?

Yeah, I think they were still looking for a very specific style. Something that told their story, and they offered me a chance to do a previs, to get the job. It was such a mix of so many different things they were looking for. And the rain was one of them. They wanted longer takes, and more of the boxing style, and grittier. They didn’t want it to look too martial arts-y, but still having style to it all. Within 24 hours I turned in a previs.

How much of that was Charlie, how much was a double, and how’d you go about things like that?

It was a good balance. Charlie would do a lot of things, and then there were things Charlie just wasn’t trained for. And we had a great stunt double, Chris Brewster, who worked great with Charlie. They had a great relationship. But Charlie did a great deal of it, and then the stunt double did things that just were physically out of Charlie’s training.

Can you take me a little bit through the layout process?

Well, number one, the first thing I want to make sure of, it has to relate to the story. If it doesn’t relate to the story, it’s just punches and kicks for no reason. It has to constantly keep the story driving forward. After we do that, we have to find the tone of the fight. We’ll do a concept build, and off our concept build we’ll shoot a previs, shoot it all for approval. Then that’ll be our interpretation of what we think the fight will be like. Then Steve DeKnight, who has a great vision on things, and the actors involved will give us notes. And we’re doing this all in a quick turnover time. As you know this is a TV series, but we’re doing feature film style action. So, we’re constantly cranking one scene to the next. We’re constantly in go mode. There’s no room for error. Early on, there is a great scene in 102 that definitely sets the tone for the show.

The scene Mr. Silvera is referencing, that closes out episode 2, is the aforementioned one-shot, no cuts fight scene. Matt Murdock walks into a den of child traffickers, and what follows is multiple uncut minutes of doors breaking, punches flying and at least one person being hit in the face with a microwave.

I was just about to ask you about that one-shot scene.

I think this was what started defining the show for me, and the weight that was being played into it. Phil Abraham was directing, and it was always scripted that this scene was going to be a one-shot. For me in my head, with the time, we had, I said let’s do wipes and we’ll be able save things. But Phil challenged us to do a pure one-shot, which really just brought a grounded real feeling to the whole thing. We were able to slow down the fight, and just have this raw, animalistic feeling happening.

So it was genuinely one shot? No cuts?

No cuts. We did do a few Texas Switches between our actor and our stunt double, but it was purely a one shot fight. There were no cuts in that fight. Every performer, the actors and the stunt doubles, were in there performing that fight full on. I’d say there was a minimum of 105 beats, and they killed it.

And how many takes did you have to shoot?

I feel like our magic number was take around 7 or 8.

That must have taken some planning.

Well it was tight, because yeah a good amount of planning had to go into it but again, we had such a short amount of time to do that planning. We had maybe a few days to set up that fight. You know, most feature films would get weeks to rehearse something like this. Even the remake of Oldboy probably had at least a couple weeks to plan this. We had literally days. I felt like the New York stunt community stepped up in a big way. To me, it’s going to be a highlight of the show.

How much did you get to work with Vincent D’Onofrio on figuring out how Wilson Fisk would look in a fight?

Quite a bit. He had his own thing, and I shot a previs for him, sort of envisioning how I saw his character play out, and I think we were on the same page. Obviously he brings something amazing to the table when he performs.

How would you compare designing a fight for Wilson Fisk compared to Daredevil?

I feel like they’re almost two sides to the same coin. They’re both doing things for their city. And it’s a tricky thing with their two characters. I think when you get the Fisk character to a certain point, it just becomes pure rage, and all thought process is out the window. His behavior goes into this rage mode, which I’m sure you saw.

The brutality is just relentless with him. When he gets into this mode, he just keeps going until he’s done. And that’s it. He will drive for you. That is the Kingpin, that is D’Onofrio. He’s a very smooth, calculating individual, but when you bring the rage out in him, he’s like a bulldozer.
Old 04-11-15, 05:32 PM
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Re: Marvel's Daredevil (Netflix) - Season 1 Thread - Premieres 4/10/15

Originally Posted by Solid Snake
Heh. A site found a Stan Lee "cameo" in DD.

Ugh. It's bad enough they made Ben Urich black. Now this.
Old 04-11-15, 10:48 PM
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Re: Marvel's Daredevil (Netflix) - Season 1 Thread - Premieres 4/10/15

Only watched the first episode so far and to be honest, not overly impressed

Doesn't look any different to any of the other 100 procedurals out there
Old 04-11-15, 11:20 PM
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Re: Marvel's Daredevil (Netflix) - Season 1 Thread - Premieres 4/10/15

I'm on episode 8 right now; I think the show really gets going around episode 4. Spoilers for 4-8.

Once Fisk is actually shown and they start showing his interactions, both with Vanessa and the other people working for him, it really started to get interesting for me. They do a great job developing him as a character and not just a one note villain. The brutality against the russians was pretty shocking, especially as they show the aftermath in the next episode.

Another thing that struck me as very well done as the pace of all his conversations and his speech patterns. There's something slow and methodical the way he talks and handles things that adds to the gravitas of the character. It's interesting seeing that aspect of the character change in conversations with Vanessa. Also in the conversation he has with the asian lady here in the 8th episode it was crazy seeing him unhinged and worried. Showing Fisk as a child was excellent, so far he's my favorite part of the show. Much more then Matt and company.

I wasn't amazed by the first 2 episodes, but the show really does get better as things unfold.

Last edited by fumanstan; 04-11-15 at 11:27 PM.
Old 04-11-15, 11:30 PM
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Re: Marvel's Daredevil (Netflix) - Season 1 Thread - Premieres 4/10/15

Maybe it's just me thinking back to his role in Ed Wood, But sometimes I see D'onfrio playing Orson Welles playing Wilson Fisk.

But damn, love the Fisk stuff.
Old 04-12-15, 12:10 AM
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Re: Marvel's Daredevil (Netflix) - Season 1 Thread - Premieres 4/10/15

Originally Posted by MBoyd
But damn, love the Fisk stuff.
I'm only on episode 5, but I wouldn't have thought
"Fisk Goes on a Date" would be interesting, but I thought that was a great scene.
Old 04-12-15, 12:56 AM
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Re: Marvel's Daredevil (Netflix) - Season 1 Thread - Premieres 4/10/15

Love the Golden era of AWESOME TV.

Thanks Marvel for putting on a PERFECT DareDevil/Hells Kitchen Show.

I have to say this is the best EVER SuperHero TV (though this is not produced as a TV show), though I really love Flash also (Flash has a different feel to the show, in a good way).
Old 04-12-15, 07:57 AM
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Re: Marvel's Daredevil (Netflix) - Season 1 Thread - Premieres 4/10/15

Originally Posted by fumanstan
I'm on episode 8 right now; I think the show really gets going around episode 4. Spoilers for 4-8.

Once Fisk is actually shown and they start showing his interactions, both with Vanessa and the other people working for him, it really started to get interesting for me. They do a great job developing him as a character and not just a one note villain. The brutality against the russians was pretty shocking, especially as they show the aftermath in the next episode.

Another thing that struck me as very well done as the pace of all his conversations and his speech patterns. There's something slow and methodical the way he talks and handles things that adds to the gravitas of the character. It's interesting seeing that aspect of the character change in conversations with Vanessa. Also in the conversation he has with the asian lady here in the 8th episode it was crazy seeing him unhinged and worried. Showing Fisk as a child was excellent, so far he's my favorite part of the show. Much more then Matt and company.

I wasn't amazed by the first 2 episodes, but the show really does get better as things unfold.
Same here. I thought the first 2 or 3 episodes were good but not great. It was the ending of episode 3 where
that guy gives up Fisk's name and then is so afraid of Fisk's wrath that he decides to impale himself through the eye
that really hooked me on the show. After that I couldn't stop watching.
Old 04-12-15, 09:28 AM
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Re: Marvel's Daredevil (Netflix) - Season 1 Thread - Premieres 4/10/15

Originally Posted by kgrogers1979
It was the ending of episode 3 where
that guy gives up Fisk's name and then is so afraid of Fisk's wrath that he decides to impale himself through the eye
that really hooked me on the show. After that I couldn't stop watching.
Really? I thought that the ending of ep.3 was pretty stupid and did a whole lot to undermine the credibility of the show's writing. I'm through 5 episodes and that's been the only real complaint I've had, but, man was that bad.
Old 04-12-15, 09:38 AM
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Re: Marvel's Daredevil (Netflix) - Season 1 Thread - Premieres 4/10/15

Originally Posted by Iron_Giant
Love the Golden era of AWESOME TV.

Thanks Marvel for putting on a PERFECT DareDevil/Hells Kitchen Show.

I have to say this is the best EVER SuperHero TV (though this is not produced as a TV show), though I really love Flash also (Flash has a different feel to the show, in a good way).
I do find it funny that Hell's Kitchen has changed so much that they had to find a place to resemble "bad Hell's Kitchen" elsewhere in the area.

Last edited by RichC2; 04-12-15 at 09:50 AM.
Old 04-12-15, 09:48 AM
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Re: Marvel's Daredevil (Netflix) - Season 1 Thread - Premieres 4/10/15

Originally Posted by rocket1312
Really? I thought that the ending of ep.3 was pretty stupid and did a whole lot to undermine the credibility of the show's writing. I'm through 5 episodes and that's been the only real complaint I've had, but, man was that bad.
What was stupid about it?
The guy killing himself rather than facing Fisk's wrath added weight to Fisk being a badass that you do not want to mess with.
Old 04-12-15, 09:50 AM
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Re: Marvel's Daredevil (Netflix) - Season 1 Thread - Premieres 4/10/15

Yeah. The guy was scared about what would happen to those he cared for.
Old 04-12-15, 10:01 AM
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Re: Marvel's Daredevil (Netflix) - Season 1 Thread - Premieres 4/10/15

Originally Posted by Solid Snake
Yeah. The guy was scared about what would happen to those he cared for.
And the guy knew that Fisk controlled the police, so he knew there was no way he would get away.

That guy got off pretty easy compared to the guy in the next episode with the car door... and that whole car door scene happened merely because the guy embarrassed Fisk in front of his girl...
Old 04-12-15, 10:29 AM
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Re: Marvel's Daredevil (Netflix) - Season 1 Thread - Premieres 4/10/15

The plot mechanics of it all make perfect sense. It was the execution that was ludicrous. It's a scene written purely to shock the audience, rather than as an organic thing that would actually happen. That's my problem with it.
Old 04-12-15, 01:18 PM
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Re: Marvel's Daredevil (Netflix) - Season 1 Thread - Premieres 4/10/15

Just finished the show and I absolutely loved it. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy Agents of SHIELD and all, but this show put Agents of SHIELD to shame. Marvel really just hit it out of the park and I can't wait to see the rest of the planned Netflix originals.

I was very impressed by both the main cast and the recurring cast. Charlie Cox was great as Murdock/Daredevil; struck just the right balance of bravado and vulnerability. D'Onofrio was perfect as Fisk and I love the direction they went with the character. He's definitely a monster, but they gave him a compelling back-story and purpose so as to not make him a one-dimensional caricature. The chemistry between the main cast was great too. In one short season we were given fully-developed characters that we can identify with and root for and everyone felt very natural in their roles. The supporting cast was equally great and helped round out the show nicely. It's a shame we won't get anymore time with
in future Netflix series, but he had a good run on this one.

The fight choreography in this show was so impressive I forgot I was watching a television show at times. Every time someone was in a fight it felt real. When Murdock was getting pummeled I felt like he was taking each of the hits; when Fisk was getting beaten in the head it felt like he was absorbing that pain. The violence and blood added a level of realism and grit that I think was definitely needed for a show like this that looks at the street level heroism in New York.

And for what it's worth I thought his suit actually looks pretty good there at the end, especially in the dark alleyway. It fits the tone of the show and is somewhat realistic.

Last edited by kstublen; 04-12-15 at 06:06 PM.
Old 04-12-15, 01:25 PM
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Re: Marvel's Daredevil (Netflix) - Season 1 Thread - Premieres 4/10/15

Personally, I know he had to get the name somehow, and what follows was use to show how much Fisk was feared but,

I thought it was kinda goofy that he gave up the name in the first place if he was ready to die for it
Old 04-12-15, 02:08 PM
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Re: Marvel's Daredevil (Netflix) - Season 1 Thread - Premieres 4/10/15

Who played Wilson Fisk's dad in Shadows in the Glass? He looked familiar, but I couldn't find the role credited online
Old 04-12-15, 02:12 PM
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Re: Marvel's Daredevil (Netflix) - Season 1 Thread - Premieres 4/10/15

Domenick Lombardozzi

You probably recognized him from The Wire or Breakout Kings, but he's been in a lot more than that.
Old 04-12-15, 02:24 PM
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Re: Marvel's Daredevil (Netflix) - Season 1 Thread - Premieres 4/10/15

Originally Posted by Obi-Wan Jabroni
Personally, I know he had to get the name somehow, and what follows was use to show how much Fisk was feared but,

I thought it was kinda goofy that he gave up the name in the first place if he was ready to die for it
If he didn't give up the name, he probably thought Murdock would torture him until he gave up the name and then kill him. Either way he knew he was a dead man, so at least he went out on his own terms without the torture.
Old 04-12-15, 02:42 PM
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Re: Marvel's Daredevil (Netflix) - Season 1 Thread - Premieres 4/10/15

Just finished it. Great stuff, I'm very impressed with how they managed to stick to most of the old stuff that made Daredevil so great and add some new twists to keep things fresh.

I'm hoping DD makes an appearance in the MCU, (mostly with Spider-Man). That would be a perfect fit.

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