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"24" 04/06/04

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Old 04-07-04, 11:22 AM
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Great episode last night! I was thinking of what "the sky is falling" could have to do with anything and it must be something. I don't buy the red herring idea - it just comes off as a cheap means of suspense. But then again, that would not be entirely out of place with this show. Who knows?
Old 04-07-04, 12:01 PM
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Kinda funny how when anyone needs Bauer to do something he doesn't think he should, he screams about there not being enough time, but when the tables are turned, he's like "sure, go ahead".

Stroud - " I want Jack Bauer to make me a ham sandwich"

Bauer - "There's no time! We'll have to just blow up the city instead "

Stroud - "Mr. President, I want you to stand at Half Court during the Laker game and sing, I'm a little tea pot, short and stout..and sing it with feeling"

POTUS - "I'm the President of the United States, I will not be your pawn"

Bauer - "Mr. President, we don't have any choice, you're going to have to sing the teapot song"


Old 04-07-04, 12:09 PM
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I loved when they said, "Tell them it's legionnaires disease, they're familiar with that." I said, "We are?"

I thought Tony was going to kick Chapelle's ass when he said he should act as if Michelle is dead. She's looking more and more like she isn't going to die. They should send Kim inside the hotel to deliver the suicide capsules. Then she can continue to do movies where she plays a porn star.
Old 04-07-04, 12:12 PM
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Originally posted by Roto
I loved when they said, "Tell them it's legionnaires disease, they're familiar with that." I said, "We are?"

Well if you were old enough during the 70's, you probably would. I think they found out it had something to do with the air ventilation system and water. I could be wrong.

Old 04-07-04, 12:26 PM
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Pretty dang good episode. Sorry to see Gael go out like that. I liked his character.
I have no problem with Michelle being tough AND having moments of near breakdown. I've never shot a guy in the back or enhaled a deadly virus, but I can imagine it'd be stressful.
I hope Jack's in it more next week. They won't really kill Chappelle, will they? (That's the cool thing about this show--you never can tell...)
Old 04-07-04, 12:44 PM
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BTW it was nice to see that Chappelle found time to get a haircut in the last hour.
Old 04-07-04, 12:51 PM
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Originally posted by uteotw

I hope Jack's in it more next week. They won't really kill Chappelle, will they? (That's the cool thing about this show--you never can tell...)
I'm betting he goes out Mason style. The jerk-off boss that everyone hates goes out a hero.
Old 04-07-04, 01:02 PM
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Kim also got her hair cut as well.
Old 04-07-04, 01:04 PM
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Originally posted by Roto
I loved when they said, "Tell them it's legionnaires disease, they're familiar with that." I said, "We are?"
My wife and I looked at each other and went, "huh?"

Originally posted by mrpayroll
Well if you were old enough during the 70's, you probably would. I think they found out it had something to do with the air ventilation system and water. I could be wrong.
Hmmm, doesn't sound like anyone knows too much about it.
Old 04-07-04, 01:29 PM
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I stupidly missed this episode. Could someone please provide a brief summary, or link to one? Thanks!
Old 04-07-04, 01:34 PM
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Originally posted by Jeremy517
BTW it was nice to see that Chappelle found time to get a haircut in the last hour.
Damn those continuity errors!

Old 04-07-04, 01:36 PM
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Okay class, listen up!


The first known outbreak of Legionnaires` Disease was at a convention for ex-service personnel in Philadelphia USA, in 1976. A total of 221 people contracted the disease and 34 died. Most of those that died were Legionnaires and that's how the disease got it's name.

Domestic Air Coolers

Legionnaires` Disease, undiscovered till 1976, has highlighted the need to keep air conditioners clean.

Though domestic air conditioners have never been found to cause Legionnaires Disease, two types of domestic systems, ducted and mobile, which use water as a coolant, can provide ideal conditions for the organism to multiply.

For this reason the West Australian Health Department now advises that evaporative air coolers, commonly used in smaller commercial premises and in homes, should also be cleaned regularly.

One popular type of air-conditioner does not need cleaning. The window-type, which uses refrigerated air instead of evaporated water, cannot collect the bacteria and therefore presents no risk of Legionnaires Disease.

A Common Organism

The organism is so common that many Australians, roughly a third according to several independent tests, have antibodies in their blood. This indicates contact with the organism at some stage in their lives, though without showing any obvious symptoms.

In its own habitat it is not known to be harmful to humans. It is only when it is found in man made situations that the bacteria can multiply in large quantities and become dangerous (only if the bacteria is breathed into the lungs).

If inhaled, the bacteria may cause infection.
The disease is not transmitted from person to person.
Legionnaires disease does not occur from drinking contaminated water.

pneumophila Pseudonomas

There are other illnesses that should be mentioned which are Pontiac Fever, Humidifier Fever and Hypersensitivity Pneumontitis.

Pontiac Fever is a non life threatening illness and can last up to 14 days.
Humidifier Fever Normally occurs via cold water sprays.
Hypersensitivity Pneumontitis is exclusively associated with air conditioning.

Class is over!

Old 04-07-04, 01:45 PM
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Originally posted by Breakfast with Girls
I stupidly missed this episode. Could someone please provide a brief summary, or link to one? Thanks!
Edited to put into spoiler tags


After killing the man trying to escape, Michelle
orders the other guests to stay calm. A SWAT
team surrounds the place and makes everyone
alarmed. Michelle is forced to fire her gun into the
air to keep the panicked people in line. She says
over the hotel intercom that an infectious
substance has been released into the building.
Anyone attempting to leave will be stopped. The
guests file back to their rooms. The dead man's
wife lashes out at Michelle.

Jack doesn't have an answer when President
Palmer questions why the terrorist used Jack to
get in touch with him. Jack has Chase call CTU
for a physical description from Alvers. They
should cross-check that description against
Jack's personnel files.

Palmer tells Wayne that they have no choice but
to give in to the terrorist's demands because he
will kill most people in America.

Phillips asks Michelle if everyone in the hotel will
die. She thinks that some of them are immune to
the virus because not everyone was afflicted.
Tony calls Michelle, and she is upset that she
had to shoot a man who tried to escape. Tony
assures her that she did what was necessary. He
wants her to have Alvers give a description of the
man who hired him.

As Dr. Duncan arrives at the hotel with her
Hazmat-suited NHS team, Michelle grills Alvers.
He claims that he doesn't know his employer's
name, but he met the man at a Go parlor in
Chinatown. Alvers describes the man and
Michelle feeds the information to CTU. Chloe
looks it up against Jack's records and sends the
matching headshots to Michelle's laptop. Alvers
doesn't spot the man among the photographs.
Jack, who has been listening in, has them widen
the search to include those who are listed as
dead. Alvers reviews the new set of headshots,
but this time he recognizes one as his boss. Jack
knows who it is. Stephen Saunders was a British
agent loaned to CTU from MI-6 for the operation
that brought down Victor Drazen in Kosovo. Jack
had thought Saunders did not survive the

Palmer and Wayne discuss how to keep the virus
threat from the press. Palmer advises his brother
to not use the term "Cordilla virus" when drafting
releases to not arouse fear. The President meets
with his Homeland Security Chief, Joseph
O'Laughlin, who suggests that the threat level be
raised to red and that airports and highways be
closed. Wayne is worried that this will cause
even more panic. Palmer orders O'Laughlin to
alert the airlines of a possible nationwide

Palmer is interrupted when Saunders calls and
demands that the Secret Service pick up a
package from a mailbox across the street within
ten minutes. Before Palmer can say anything
more, Saunders hangs up.

As they drive toward CTU, Jack discusses his
theories about Saunders with Chase. Jack thinks
Saunders might have been captured and has
spent the last ten years in a foreign prison. Jack
calls a friend of his at MI-6, Trevor Tomlinson.
Tomlinson, who has already been briefed on the
situation by CTU, pulled up Saunders's contacts.
The only person not confirmed dead is a woman
named Diana White who ran a high-end escort
service. She lived with Saunders and passed
intelligence to him. Diana lives in Los Angeles.

Dr. Duncan prepares to run a nasal swab test on
all the people in the hotel, and she begins with
Michelle. The results will be available in two

Secret Service Agent Pierce brings the package
from the mailbox to Palmer. Inside it is a cell
phone that contains a sub-channel chip which
causes the signals to be untraceable. Suddenly,
the cell phone rings. Saunders is on the other
end. He instructs the President to call a press
conference within the next half hour on any
subject. Palmer must use the phrase "the sky is
falling" during the briefing. Wayne is resistant to
sending out this signal, whatever it means.
Palmer, however, knows that millions might be
killed if he doesn't oblige. He has his staff hastily
arrange a press conference.

Chase pulls up information on Diana White. Her
clients are very rich and very powerful. Saunders
has probably blackmailed these men to raise
money to fund his operation. Jack thinks
Saunders was captured and tortured, and he now
holds the United States government and Jack

Tony frantically makes calls to NHS to find out if
there are any possible cures for the virus. He
tells Kim that NHS says there is a 100% mortality
rate, and that he feels bad that he and Michelle
had been fighting before she left for the hotel.
They are interrupted by Chappelle, who asks to
speak to Tony privately. Chappelle accuses Tony
of putting his emotions for Michelle ahead of his
work. He advises Tony to assume the worst, and
then turn his focus to getting revenge for
Michelle. Chappelle wants him to track bank
accounts from Amador's computer to find a link to

Jack and Chase break into Diana White's house.
Diana hears them, and she fires at Jack. He says
he wants to speak to her about Saunders. Jack
puts his gun down. Diana approaches him with
her weapon raised, but Chase knocks her down.
Diana tells Jack that Saunders left her and she
hasn't seen him. When Diana asks for her
lawyer, Jack says that she is being taken to MI-6,
an agency of foreign government, which means
her constitutional rights don't apply.

Michelle asks Dr. Duncan if she can speak to
Gael in his isolation. He has deteriorated quickly.
Dr. Duncan advises against it, but Michelle goes
anyway. She is shocked to see the boils on his
face and his bloodstained shirt. Gael asks
Michelle to contact his family. She offers him her
gun to end his own life, but Gael refuses. He
feels guilty because, when he was trying to stop
the cylinder from exploding, he hesitated out of
fear. If he hadn't hesitated, he could have saved
himself and the others. Michelle walks away,
visibly upset.

As they approach the press room, Wayne tells
the President that the FBI is ready to move if the
phrase "the sky is falling" triggers any suspicious
activity. The FAA is also prepared to ground
planes if necessary. Palmer steps up to the
podium before the throng of reporters. He
announces that the threat level has been
elevated to red and that the airports will be
closed. Palmer also says the phrase given by
Saunders. The reporters shoot out questions, but
Palmer is vague in answering.

Jack and Chase enter MI-6 with Diana.
Tomlinson says that Diana is the registered
owner of the address in Chinatown where
Saunders was last seen. Suddenly, a helicopter
rises to the window of the MI-6 office and men
with machine guns begin firing. Diana is killed.
Tomlinson is also hit, and he manages to tell
Jack the number of the server where the
Saunders files are stored.

Jack and Chase run downstairs, killing two
gunmen as they flee. They come upon four dead
bodies in the computer room. Jack finds a bomb
attached to the computer mainframe. He pulls the
hard drive out, and he and Chase run just as the
bomb explodes.

Michelle calls Tony with news that Gael has died.
She wants to make available to the infected hotel
guests the suicide capsules that are used for
agents who have been captured. Tony can not
authorize this, but Michelle has witnessed what
the virus is capable of. "I'll see what I can do,"
Tony sighs.

Jack calls Chappelle to let him know that the MI-
6 office was decimated, but he managed to save
the hard drive that was sorting information on
Saunders. Jack will bring it in.

Chappelle goes downstairs and sees Tony
grabbing suicide capsules from the cabinet.
Although it goes against agency regulations,
Chappelle allows him to take it to the hotel.

One of Saunders's henchman reports that Jack
escaped the MI-6 raid, but that the hard drive
was destroyed. Saunders is mildly saddened that
Diana was killed even though he ordered her
death. The henchman also says that there have
been inquiries from Chappelle at CTU into their
Cayman bank accounts.

Wayne briefs the President on the MI-6 attack.
Palmer is worried that what he said in the press
conference could have triggered it. Saunders
calls Palmer on the secret cell phone. He wants
Chappelle killed. His body is to be delivered to
the downtown train yard by 7:00. Palmer refuses,
and Saunders tells him that what is going on at
the Chandler Hotel will happen at hundreds of
locations around the country if he does not

Last edited by DodgingCars; 04-07-04 at 01:53 PM.
Old 04-07-04, 02:07 PM
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You really don't know the legionnaires disease?


Anyway, one thing I really wonder is how Saunders can know WHO actually is tracing his money movement.
I mean it's not that you provide your netlogin or workstationname all over the net when you do something, so how can they know more than that it's just someone at CTU?

Smells like a mole
Old 04-07-04, 03:07 PM
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Boy DodgingCars , that's gotta be the longest (and I do mean longest) spoiler thread I've ever seen. I thought the black screen would never end!

Old 04-07-04, 03:19 PM
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Originally posted by mrpayroll
Boy DodgingCars , that's gotta be the longest ____ I've ever seen.

Actually it was a copy and paste from the official website.
Old 04-07-04, 05:23 PM
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Originally posted by blahloney
MI-6's official roles is to:
"to obtain and provide information relating to the actions or intentions of persons outside the British Islands"...

so it stands to figure there would be offices outside of the isles...
Maybe a small station in the British Embassy close to DC, but the US looks very badly on Spy Agencies not our own operating in the US (we have no problem doing it to other countries though...).

I doubt MI6 could set up a shop in LA.
Old 04-07-04, 07:23 PM
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oh and why do we need tags for that? i always remebered that tags were for the priviews only?
Old 04-07-04, 10:41 PM
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Originally posted by Rypro 525
oh and why do we need tags for that? i always remebered that tags were for the priviews only?
I was just playing it safe.
Old 04-07-04, 10:49 PM
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Originally posted by Neeb
I doubt MI6 could set up a shop in LA.
Yes, because everything in the 24 universe has been plausible till that.
Old 04-07-04, 10:59 PM
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Originally posted by mrpayroll
Boy DodgingCars , that's gotta be the longest (and I do mean longest) spoiler thread I've ever seen. I thought the black screen would never end!
I thought for a minute it was a transcript.
Old 04-08-04, 06:17 AM
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After seeing Gael die a horrible death, I just have to ask: why couldn't Kim of gone with Michelle?

Old 04-08-04, 07:50 AM
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Originally posted by Roto
I thought Tony was going to kick Chapelle's ass when he said he should act as if Michelle is dead. She's looking more and more like she isn't going to die. They should send Kim inside the hotel to deliver the suicide capsules. Then she can continue to do movies where she plays a porn star.
Here's a great way to end it... Michelle swallows the pill as Tony helplessly looks through the hotel window in a tear-jerker scene reminiscent of Spock and Kirk in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Kahn.

Just then a medical worker runs up and exclaims, "We found the cure!"
Old 04-08-04, 09:49 AM
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Originally posted by mrpayroll
Damn those continuity errors!

Looked like Tony gained about 15 pounds, too!

Mole = Chloe
Old 04-08-04, 10:50 AM
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Originally posted by Quapil
You really don't know the legionnaires disease?
Well, I turned 2 in 1976 and most people don't have air-conditioners in their homes around here.

I thought I saw a beer belly on Tony too. I thought that was strange.

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