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bunkaroo 06-07-09 12:56 AM

Re: Revolutionary Road (Mendes, 2008): Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet
Just watched it tonight.

Just when I thought my anger with this year's Oscars was waning, this brought it back into focus.

This movie absolutely deserved to be up there for all the major awards. Such a powerful film. Maybe moreso for me as I feel very relatable to their dilemma (as I'm sure many do).

This could unseat American Beauty as my favorite Mendes film. Kate and Leo were excellent, and Kate was far better in this than The Reader IMO.

I am really at a loss as to why this film did not get more recognition.

PopcornTreeCt 06-07-09 01:12 AM

Re: Revolutionary Road (Mendes, 2008): Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet

Originally Posted by Mr. Cinema (Post 9489769)
I thought this was outstanding and ranks only behind "Doubt" as my favorite of 2008. Superb performances from Leo, Winslet, and Shannon. After finally seeing this and the snoozefest that is "The Reader", I am in shock she didn't win for this film instead. This film deserved much more than the 3 Oscar nominations it received.


jeffkjoe 06-07-09 01:39 AM

Re: Revolutionary Road (Mendes, 2008): Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet

Mr. Cinema 06-07-09 01:50 PM

Re: Revolutionary Road (Mendes, 2008): Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet

Originally Posted by bunkaroo (Post 9490155)
Just watched it tonight.

Just when I thought my anger with this year's Oscars was waning, this brought it back into focus.

This movie absolutely deserved to be up there for all the major awards. Such a powerful film. Maybe moreso for me as I feel very relatable to their dilemma (as I'm sure many do).

This could unseat American Beauty as my favorite Mendes film. Kate and Leo were excellent, and Kate was far better in this than The Reader IMO.

I am really at a loss as to why this film did not get more recognition.

This is going to be one of those unsolved Oscar mysteries. How in the world The Reader and the king of bland direction, Stephen Daldry, got in over this is beyond my comprehension. Not to mention several other far more deserving films. This has it all. Great acting and direction, a very good story, massive star power from the leads, and an Oscar winning director. I'll never figure out how that adds up to 3 nominations.

Hammer99 06-07-09 02:03 PM

Re: Revolutionary Road (Mendes, 2008): Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet
Saw this last night, so glad I rented from Netflix instead of blind buying. That first hour was painfully slooooooow. All in all, it was OK, but I have no desire to ever see it again.

lamphorn 06-08-09 03:02 PM

Re: Revolutionary Road (Mendes, 2008): Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet

Originally Posted by Mr. Cinema (Post 9490791)
This is going to be one of those unsolved Oscar mysteries. How in the world The Reader and the king of bland direction, Stephen Daldry, got in over this is beyond my comprehension. Not to mention several other far more deserving films. This has it all. Great acting and direction, a very good story, massive star power from the leads, and an Oscar winning director. I'll never figure out how that adds up to 3 nominations.

You're right that Revolutionary Road should have been nominated, but you're picking on the wrong movie. The Reader was much better than that piece of crap Benjamin Button.

Of course the film that should have been nominated above even this one is Synechdoche, New York which is a masterpiece.

chris_sc77 06-08-09 03:50 PM

Re: Revolutionary Road (Mendes, 2008): Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet

Originally Posted by lamphorn (Post 9492985)
You're right that Revolutionary Road should have been nominated, but you're picking on the wrong movie. The Reader was much better than that piece of crap Slumdog Millionaire.

Of course the film that should have been nominated above even this one is Synechdoche, New York which is a masterpiece.

Fixed. :)
I will agree with you on all other accounts though.

Jack Straw 07-04-09 03:52 PM

Re: Revolutionary Road (Mendes, 2008): Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet
Watched it last night, and was enthralled by the acting and tension coming from the screen. Scenes with the mental patient were beyond uncomfortable and brutal. Loved how Frank put up with it spectacularly until the fit hit the shan. Then all hell broke loose.

PopcornTreeCt 01-08-10 11:49 PM

Re: Revolutionary Road (Mendes, 2008): Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet
I'm watching this again on HBO. What a great movie.

I don't think Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet got enough credit for their performances. This is my 4th viewing and I feel like both of them were better than Michael Shannon. This was a movie where I was in the 50's. Like Mad Men, it was one of the most authentic period films I've seen.

AnonomusBob15 01-09-10 12:11 AM

Re: Revolutionary Road (Mendes, 2008): Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet
that's sad that everything that had to be said about Revolutionary Road from conception to HBO, resides in these four paltry pages.

Great film that went unnoticed for the most part.

Buttmunker 10-11-10 09:50 AM

Re: Revolutionary Road (Mendes, 2008): Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet

Originally Posted by Buttmunker (Post 9182993)
any thoughts on the book?

I'm finally reading the book now, and it's so rich and delicious, I can't believe I waited this long. Once you pass that boring first chapter, the author really sinks his teeth into the two characters of Frank and April Wheeler in great detail. It's mostly from Frank's point-of-view.

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