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NoirFan 09-14-08 12:51 PM

Revolutionary Road (Mendes, 2008): Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet
Didn't see a thread for this one. IMDB:

A young couple living in a Connecticut suburb during the mid-1950s struggle to come to terms with their personal problems while trying to raise their two children. Based on a novel by Richard Yates.
Full synopsis, with spoilers:

April and Frank Wheeler are a young, thriving couple living with their two children in a Connecticut suburb in the mid-1950s. Their self-assured exterior masks a creeping frustration at their inability to feel fulfilled in their relationships or careers. Frank is mired in a well-paying but boring office job, and April is a housewife still mourning the demise of her hoped-for acting career.
Determined to identify themselves as superior to the mediocre sprawl of suburbanites who surround them, they decide to move to France where they will be better able to develop their true artistic sensibilities, free of the consumerist demands of capitalist America. As their relationship deteriorates into an endless cycle of squabbling, jealousy and recriminations, their trip and their dreams of self-fulfillment are thrown into jeopardy.

Sam Mendes
Justin Haythe (screenplay)
Richard Yates (novel)

http://i226.photobucket.com/albums/d...h1/photo01.jpghttp://i226.photobucket.com/albums/d...070530-leo.jpg http://i226.photobucket.com/albums/d...-08preview.jpg

Trailer of sorts- annoying Entertainment Tonight bimbo blathering over half the footage.

Supermallet 09-14-08 12:52 PM


Zen Peckinpah 09-14-08 04:34 PM

In for the director and cast. Sounds like American Beauty or Little Children in the 50's.

NoirFan 09-21-08 08:33 PM

Trailer, sans babbling reporter.

hardercore 09-22-08 07:08 AM

Leo and Kate are among my favourite actors, Mendes is a competent director, and the film looks gorgeous. I'm definitely there.

The Bus 10-02-08 05:19 PM

<a href="http://movies.yahoo.com/premieres/9951304/standardformat/">Trailer</a> in non-Squint-O-Vision.

hapgilmore 10-08-08 11:52 AM

I can't wait for this, Sam Mendes has yet to make a bad film. American Beauty is the best film of the past 10 years and Road to Perdition was also excellent. Jarhead isn't as good as those, but for someone who doesn't like war movies, I thought it was great.

By the way, is it me or does that music towards the beginning and end of that trailer sound like its from Halloween?

NoirFan 11-14-08 05:12 PM

Second trailer for the film.

NoirFan 11-18-08 05:30 PM

Watch four clips from the film.

NoirFan 11-24-08 08:36 PM

Variety review:

"Revolutionary Road" is a very good bigscreen adaptation of an outstanding American novel -- faithful, intelligent, admirably acted, superbly shot. It also offers a near-perfect case study of the ways in which film is incapable of capturing certain crucial literary qualities, in this case the very things that elevate the book from being a merely insightful study of a deteriorating marriage into a remarkable one. Sam Mendes' fourth feature reps what many people look for in the realm of serious, grown-up, thoughtful film fare and, led by the powerful performances of Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet, teaming for the first time since "Titanic," Paramount Vantage should be able to push this sad tale to a potent commercial career among discriminating audiences.

Mr. Cinema 11-25-08 09:20 AM

Rave reviews are starting to pop up. Looks like Michael Shannon is a lock for a Supporting nomination. This one is high on my watch list.

Zodiac_Speaking 11-25-08 02:22 PM

Same here, Mr. Cinema. Is it opening wide or in limited soon?

NoirFan 12-14-08 10:04 AM

Six clips

chris_sc77 12-18-08 07:22 PM

Originally Posted by Zodiac_Speaking (Post 9094223)
Same here, Mr. Cinema. Is it opening wide or in limited soon?

Looks like only on 3 treaters when it opens on the 25th. Paramount really should have opened this up last Friday on the 12th. All it would have been going up against was The DAy the Earth Stood Still. Seems like it would have done well up against that one but what do I know. It sucks we will be having to wait longer but I guess it depend upon how well it does in limited release and the The Oscar nominations before this one goes as wide as it will go I would imagine.

hapgilmore 12-22-08 09:49 AM

anyone know when this is going wide?

redrum 12-24-08 05:57 PM

dvd screener is out

Arpeggi 12-24-08 06:46 PM

Seeing this at the Arclight on Friday.

JPRaup 12-25-08 02:00 AM

Damn, this surprised me, VERY good. It has a PERFECT ending, which I was scared it might not as the film went on, but one question:



hardercore 12-26-08 05:27 AM


I was awed and blown away by Revolutionary Road, for me the best film of 2008 that I've seen thus far, and we're coming to the end of them. It is a beautifully composed melodrama where not a single flinch or gesture goes wasted in adding to the existential despair of these two characters. DiCaprio and Winslet are, undoubtedly, the best I have ever seen them. I was totally gripped and ultimately left devastated by the time the final credits rolled. By far Mendes' most powerful work.

Buttmunker 12-26-08 12:28 PM

I'm a huge fan of both. Do DiCaprio and Winslet smoke in real life?

NoirFan 12-26-08 12:32 PM

Originally Posted by Buttmunker (Post 9156464)
I'm a huge fan of both. Do DiCaprio and Winslet smoke in real life?

Yes, both smoke. Winslet is also smokin'. Smokin' hot that is! Heh.

LickTheABCs 12-27-08 01:32 PM

I liked it. Didn't think it was the best of the year, by far, but still liked it. Should have renamed the film "For Your Consideration", though. I'd say Michael Shannon was good, but it looked like he was just channeling his character from "Bug" during is very limited screen-time.

CloverClover 12-27-08 02:10 PM

I agree, liked it but didn't love it, I liked Little Children from a couple years ago better, because it was 'fresher'. In this, Winslet overacted, maybe she was too comfortable being directed by her husband. Leo was more consistent and solid, at times he was clearly inspired by Jack Nicholson. I liked the crazy guy's performance, and how he sucked the energy out of these two iconic actors, but he was also saying very obvious things... true as they were, it struck me as cheap writing. At the end

when Kathy Bates is knitting and gossiping, and the husband tunes her out, it is played off as a highly dramatic moment, but this is sillier than dramatic. it's not like gossip/old lady jabber is specific to this time period, I am sure every old man has tuned out to their SO going on and on, it isn't as meaningful as the movie thinks it is and certainly not a scathing indictment of the era it tries to be as the last shot of the movie

LickTheABCs 12-27-08 04:01 PM

Originally Posted by NoirFan (Post 9156467)
Yes, both smoke. Winslet is also smokin'. Smokin' hot that is! Heh.

Yes, 'specially in these pics.

Arpeggi 12-27-08 04:27 PM

Great film and fantastic performances by DiCaprio and Winslet.

NoirFan 12-27-08 04:50 PM

Originally Posted by LickTheABCs (Post 9158138)
Yes, 'specially in these pics.

You can imagine my delight upon opening this month's issue of Vanity Fair and discovering her bare bottom. The Deneuve-esque photo spread is very nice indeed.

Superboy 12-27-08 04:50 PM

Thought it had a wonderful, mamet-like rhythm to the dialogue, without so many pretentious musings and coming off as being overly scripted.

Thought it was great period piece. They didn't feel like two modern characters transplanted back to the past. They suffer from an anxiety that they can't even describe and feel helpless in their plight. The 60s were obviously the cure...

toddly6666 12-28-08 10:56 AM

So I just saw this film - it was the film I was looking forward to all year, and it was just a fair flick. Definitely better trailer than the movie. I love Kate Winslet normally, but I thought she was awful in this. Although this is her hottest movie. I'll take Far From Heaven over this flick...

I would give it 6 out of 10...

hotsexyboi 12-29-08 03:20 AM

I just watched this movie on the 27th and it was awesome! Kate's performance was right up to par with what you would expect but still a terrific performance none the less. Leo's performance was something you defenitly wouldn't expect from a guy as most guy actors do not let their emotions go like he did..I think he should get nominated for Best Actor in a Leading Role even if he doesnt win which he should. Overall the movie itself was a very emotional heart felt roller coaster ride and is one you will want to see over and over again and again. GREAT PIECE OF WORK from the brillian Sam Mendes!

conscience 12-29-08 07:20 AM

I thought it was just decent. Nowhere near the hype it had before it was released. I thought Michael Shannon was horrible and can't believe he is/was getting awards consideration. The two scenes with him ( and Kathy Bates - "he's not wellll-l" :lol: ) were excruciating and were poor, easy excuses for moving the story along.

Kate Winslet was good as usual (her best scene was during the club/dance scene). Were we supposed to feel sympathy for this character, though? I feel they were striving for that, but I found her completely unlikeable and I could not form a connection. I, too, thought of Nicholson when Dicaprio was going over the top - his scenes in Carnal Knowledge with Ann-Margaret but nowhere near as good.

I loved the final moment though. I sorta felt like doing that a couple of time throughout the movie...

Maybe it's a film I should give another go round?

sauce07 12-29-08 11:08 AM

That was a fast 2 hours, time flew by. Dicaprio is just great, I'll admit a few years ago I didn't know where his career was going, but he seemed to find a path and has been kicking ass ever since. The Michael Shannon scenes could be viewed as hokey but I felt the writting was perfect and his character was needed at the time to give a point of view outside of suburbia. Not exactly uplifting, but I can't wait to see it again.

PopcornTreeCt 12-31-08 11:12 PM

I thought this movie was great. I just finished watching it and I'm still thinking about it. Mendes didn't disappoint with his great camera angles and scenes. Great production values, very, very authentic period piece.

DiCaprio and Winslet were amazing. The media made a big thing about about a Jack and Rose reunion but I saw both of them as 2 totally different actors. They both have come so far as actors.

I recommend it. As Marty McFly would say "This is heavy"

Doughboy 01-01-09 08:41 PM

I just finished watching it and really dug it. Great performances by Leo, Kate, and Michael Shannon. The latter stole both of his scenes. I didn't even realize til later that he was the creepy dude who threatens Ethan Hawke in Before the Devil Knows You're Dead.

I don't see it being a serious Best Picture contender though. It could get nominated, but the movie's too damn depressing. Something like Slumdog Millionaire will be more of a crowd pleaser. Leo should get serious consideration for Best Actor though. You find yourself agreeing with his pragmatic approach to life while at the same time wanting to smack him upside the head for not pursuing his dreams.

PopcornTreeCt 01-02-09 01:40 PM

Anyone notice similarities between the ending between this and Road to Perdition:

Tom Hanks and Kate Winslet both stare out a window for an extended moment before dying. It was because of that scene that I knew Kate was a goner.

grrr 01-02-09 03:13 PM

Originally Posted by conscience (Post 9160974)
I loved the final moment though. I sorta felt like doing that a couple of time throughout the movie...


Mendes films have always disappointed me, and RR was no better. Every scene looks like a glossy postcard, every quiet conversation is overlaid by a haunting piano melody, and every confrontation is filled with the leads screaming at each other at the top of their lungs.

It's no great surprise given SM's background, but the acting felt like it belonged in a stage play rather than a film, and the leads' deliveries were often calculated and unnatural. But then again, everything in Mendes' films feels calculated and unnatural--it's like he takes the very worst characteristic of Mamet's direction and then magnifies it by a factor of ten.

To be fair, it wasn't a terrible film, just icy, dreary, and filled with people who deserve little in the way of compassion or concern. All of Mendes films are technically sound, just unimaginative, ordinary, and overlong. He's the artsy version of Michael Bay.

And just wait for the Winslet scream scene.

hardercore 01-02-09 05:04 PM

Originally Posted by grrr (Post 9170082)
[Mendes is] the artsy version of Michael Bay.


Oliver Clothesoff 01-04-09 03:05 PM

Thought this was really good, but haven't seen many people/critics mention what I really thought this movie was about: bipolar disorder. The suburban malaise was just a manifestation of her depression. And watching the movie from that perspective, I have great sympathy for Winslet's and DiCaprio's characters.

Finisher 01-04-09 05:12 PM

On second thought, I don't think we're supposed to feel for Winslet's character. Which heightens the tragedy.

Daytripper 01-07-09 08:05 PM

Re: Revolutionary Road (Mendes, 2008): Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet
What a riveting film. I think it deserves every bit of the hype it has received. Kate Winslet has hit a double home run in 2008 IMO. Her performances in this and "The Reader" were both astounding. She better pic up an Oscar for one or the other. And both are two of the year's best films.

Buttmunker 01-08-09 08:01 AM

Re: Revolutionary Road (Mendes, 2008): Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet
any thoughts on the book?

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