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slowcloud 07-06-06 05:49 PM

Personally, I don't see this notion of this being compiled into a "complete season" happening. I just don't trust Mr. Tucker. His response seems a bit flip and uninformed. Besides, weren't studios getting away from making such thick sets beacuse they're just too expensive? People on this thread and places like dugpa.net are more trustworthy because we just care so much more about this kind of detail. Therefore, I trust the earlier report that there will be two season sets.

critterdvd 07-06-06 08:42 PM

Personally, I don't see this notion of this being compiled into a "complete season" happening. I just don't trust Mr. Tucker. His response seems a bit flip and uninformed. Besides, weren't studios getting away from making such thick sets beacuse they're just too expensive? People on this thread and places like dugpa.net are more trustworthy because we just care so much more about this kind of detail. Therefore, I trust the earlier report that there will be two season sets.
Well it wouldn't have to be that thick... probably 8 or 9 discs, which in thinpacks (which Paramount seems to favor), that wouldn't be much thicker than the original first season release. And Price wise, I'm pretty sure this one is going to be expensive anyway you cut it, its a cult show, and paramount is spending ALOT of money of it for release... I wouldn't be surprised at all to see the series with a MSRP around $100

calhoun07 07-06-06 10:37 PM

Originally Posted by Richard Malloy
Unless there are improved transfers (would be tough), then the fact that most "Twin Peaks" fans already own Season 1 would seem a fairly good reason to release Season 2 separately.

That is, it's a fairly good reason from a consumer's perspective. Paramount's perspective may well be to gouge us for whatever they can get.

Or protect their bottom line. You really have no idea how much money they sank into restoring this series (neither do I). I just say let's hold off any judgment on "gorging" until they release the SRP of the set. We paid a pretty penny for season one back in the day, before they started to mark the sets down. If they charge double that, then, yes, we are being gorged. If they charge something around that same price, then, no, we are not being gorged.

And didn't David Lynch oversee the transfers to assure they were good quality?

calhoun07 07-06-06 10:40 PM

Originally Posted by critterdvd
Well it wouldn't have to be that thick... probably 8 or 9 discs, which in thinpacks (which Paramount seems to favor), that wouldn't be much thicker than the original first season release. And Price wise, I'm pretty sure this one is going to be expensive anyway you cut it, its a cult show, and paramount is spending ALOT of money of it for release... I wouldn't be surprised at all to see the series with a MSRP around $100

And they can easilly find thin packs that hold two DVDs, so you could have a 8 disc set taking up about as much space as maybe two DVDs in normal cases on the shelf.

And I would be curious to know if there is anything on the Internet saying how much they paid for the set. I recall season one being in the $40-$50.00 range when it came out, but would they have to spend money to do season one again, or could they use the transfers from the previous release?

Josh Z 07-07-06 08:46 AM

Originally Posted by Maxflier
Since the first season is only like 8 episodes(or was it 7?), I don't see any point in releasing it separate anyways.

The first season consisted of a 2-hour pilot movie followed by 7 regular episodes. The second season ran for 22 more episodes (the premiere being 2-hours also).

critterdvd 07-07-06 03:55 PM

The first season consisted of a 2-hour pilot movie followed by 7 regular episodes. The second season ran for 22 more episodes (the premiere being 2-hours also).
I was curious about that... so in essence the second season was 23 hours? (counting commericals of course)

garmonbozia 07-07-06 06:05 PM

Originally Posted by critterdvd
I was curious about that... so in essence the second season was 23 hours? (counting commericals of course)

yes, season 2 was 23 hours on tv (with commercials).
The entire show was 32 hours of tv. (2 hour pilot + 7 eps of season 1 + 22 eps of season 2).

Episode 8 (the first episode of season 2) was a double-length episode. Basically so much happened in the last episode of season 1 that it took 2 hours to follow up on it all. I think Lynch was satirizing the soap opera genre by setting up as many cliffhangers as he could.

The last two episodes (episodes 28 and 29) were originally aired on tv as a 2 hour finale, but they were intended to be two separate episodes, and have always remained as such on home video.

joliom 07-10-06 04:02 AM

Originally Posted by calhoun07
Or protect their bottom line. You really have no idea how much money they sank into restoring this series (neither do I). I just say let's hold off any judgment on "gorging" until they release the SRP of the set. We paid a pretty penny for season one back in the day, before they started to mark the sets down. If they charge double that, then, yes, we are being gorged. If they charge something around that same price, then, no, we are not being gorged.

And didn't David Lynch oversee the transfers to assure they were good quality?

Umm...not to sound like an English teacher from Hell here, but I think the word you want is "gouge"

Ginwen 07-10-06 12:38 PM

Originally Posted by bookcase3
At this point, I'd be happy to get Season 2 at all, so if it's a buy both or buy nothing, I'll throw down the cash and buy both. And there are very few releases for which I would do this -- I'm not a big participant in the notorious double-dipping.

I hope no one from Paramount reads this, but the fact is if this only comes out as a totally overpriced release of both seasons, I'll probably buy it.

caligulathegod 07-11-06 12:35 AM

Considering season 1 was released by an entirely different company, they will probably feel no obligation to accommodate those of us who bought the first season. Is it technically a double dip if it's another company that releases it? Are Criterions "double dips" when they release movies that are otherwise available?

p h a n a t | c 07-11-06 02:34 AM

i have the R2 season one set, which was released by paramount here in europe.

Peep 07-11-06 08:12 PM

Originally Posted by caligulathegod
Considering season 1 was released by an entirely different company, they will probably feel no obligation to accommodate those of us who bought the first season. Is it technically a double dip if it's another company that releases it? Are Criterions "double dips" when they release movies that are otherwise available?

I always thought that "double dipping" was something that the consumer chose to do (or chose not to do). As in "I will 'double dip' for the new release of..."

What the studios do is called "screwing you".

slowcloud 07-12-06 05:01 AM

Originally Posted by Peep
I always thought that "double dipping" was something that the consumer chose to do (or chose not to do). As in "I will 'double dip' for the new release of..."

What the studios do is called "screwing you".

Studios double dip in the worst way when they reissue a title with some small tweek, when they should have got it right the first time.

But if a studio looses its rights to a title and another studio reissues it, that would be a buyer's double dip. Like with Twin Peaks.

Joe Molotov 07-24-06 10:38 PM

Was I the only one that saw this on the front page...


...and immediately thought "TWIN PEAKS SEASON 2 NEWS!!!" only to be disappointed.

Arpeggi 07-25-06 12:33 AM

I clicked on this thread thinking there's a new update since 07-12-06.

Only to be disappointed.

calhoun07 07-25-06 01:59 AM

Originally Posted by Arpeggi
I clicked on this thread thinking there's a new update since 07-12-06.

Only to be disappointed.

I clicked to read your post thinking it was an update only to be disappointed.

Can we not bump these dormant threads like this until we have real NEWS??? (After this post, anyway! ;) )

JLyon1515 08-11-06 09:14 AM

Ok, I've got some news, so I guess I'll post it. :)

I am one of the organizers of the annual Twin Peaks Festival, which takes place in and around Snoqualmie Washington (where they filmed the Pilot and FWWM). I guess I'll let the cat out of hte bag and say that CBS Paramount attended this years Twin Peaks Festival to shoot some extras for the upcoming DVD release of the show. They wouldn't give us any release information or the like, but at least it looks like they're throwing together some interesting extras. If they're just now filming extras, does that mean that there's no way they'd get the DVD all ready to be released in November? The November release date was only for Australia anyway, so maybe the Ozzies won't be getting such a feature full release as the US. Who knows. Like I said, all I know is that they just filmed a couple extras at the fest. :) I spent almost 5 days with them filming. The producer and assistant producer were tight lipped on any specific details though.

dvdlover631 08-11-06 11:01 AM

Is there any chance at all that there could be a complete box set with ALL the episodes including the pilot? I know WB owns the pilot but maybe they will let CBS issue it with the entire run? Pretty please?

caligulathegod 08-11-06 11:50 AM

WB owns FWWM. Paramount owns the pilot and the series.

joliom 08-11-06 04:49 PM

Since when does Paramount own the pilot? WB has always held the rights to the pilot. That's why we keep on getting the "European" version with the tacked-on spoiler ending. It'd make my day if they'd license it to Paramount for release in the forthcoming box set, but I highly doubt it. What'd be awesome is if Warner would remaster the pilot and release it in it's broadcast version for release on the same day as the Paramount season sets. Then I could finally ditch the Malaysian import DVD. And if New Line wanted to go ahead and release an all-new Extended Director's Cut of FWWM with the excised footage they've been trying to get the rights to, the same day too...well that would just about leave me in eternal bliss.

critterdvd 08-11-06 05:14 PM

Since when does Paramount own the pilot? WB has always held the rights to the pilot. That's why we keep on getting the "European" version with the tacked-on spoiler ending. It'd make my day if they'd license it to Paramount for release in the forthcoming box set, but I highly doubt it. What'd be awesome is if Warner would remaster the pilot and release it in it's broadcast version for release on the same day as the Paramount season sets. Then I could finally ditch the Malaysian import DVD. And if New Line wanted to go ahead and release an all-new Extended Director's Cut of FWWM with the excised footage they've been trying to get the rights to, the same day too...well that would just about leave me in eternal bliss.
Paramount owns the pilot since all of Aaron Spelling properties (from around 1988 on) reverted to them almost a year ago as part of a syndication deal. FWWM is not included because it was a feature film and not part of the series, but the pilot is considered a part of the series...

Josh Z 08-11-06 11:26 PM

Originally Posted by joliom
And if New Line wanted to go ahead and release an all-new Extended Director's Cut of FWWM with the excised footage they've been trying to get the rights to, the same day too...well that would just about leave me in eternal bliss.

David Lynch has been very clear that the existing cut of Fire Walk With Me is the Director's Cut. He has expressed interest in restoring the deleted footage as stand-alone scenes for a supplement package, but he never wants them re-added to the film itself.

critterdvd 08-12-06 02:30 AM

David Lynch has been very clear that the existing cut of Fire Walk With Me is the Director's Cut. He has expressed interest in restoring the deleted footage as stand-alone scenes for a supplement package, but he never wants them re-added to the film itself.
thats probably a good idea as the movie would be well over 3 1/2 hours if all the footage was put back into it... the deleted footage alone would probably make up its own movie (or atleast the running time of a movie)... But if I remember completely the rights for the footage is more than the movie cost to make or something like that...

Josh-da-man 08-14-06 12:11 AM

Originally Posted by critterdvd
But if I remember completely the rights for the footage is more than the movie cost to make or something like that...

I believe that it is David Lynch himself that's holding up the deleted scenes.

FWWM, including the deleted scenes, is owned by a French Company called MK2 or something like that.

Before the New Line FWWM DVD was released, they were planning on including an hour of deleted scenes that Lynch had selected for inclusion. Lynch also wanted to edit, score, color-time, and master the delted scenes. New Line balked at this, and we got the DVD without the deleted scenes.

MK2 wants to release a 2-disc special edition of FWWM with the one hour of supplemental scenes, but Lynch won't let them do it unless they pay him to master, color-time, and score the scenes. MK2 is hesitant to put up that much money for a cult movie with limited appeal, but from what I gather, they're still trying to work something out.

So I don't think that the situation with the deleted scenes is so much a rights-holder issue as it is Lynch himself holding out.

Peter Canavese 09-15-06 06:31 PM

As per Moviehole:


Twin Peaks: Season Two has been delayed yet again until at least May 2007.

Truly an amazing tale in the annals of DVD...fans will be partying in the streets when this finally comes out. IF it finally comes out.

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