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Rob V 06-13-08 01:47 PM

What % must they like you to get the perk?

murray731 06-13-08 02:01 PM

Originally Posted by Rob V
What % must they like you to get the perk?


DRG 06-13-08 02:05 PM

Originally Posted by uteotw
I really have NO interest in continuing to meet people for pool, darts, etc. Does it matter that much if I ignore all these lame invites and just stay on mission?

There is an achievement related to keeping them happy, as well as certain friend-related things tied into getting 100%. But as far as I know the friends will never "dump" you, so you can always build up the friendships later to fulfill those matters. I got all the friend-related stuff out of the way, plus earned that 90% up achievement, so now I don't bother with them.

jonw9 06-13-08 08:13 PM

Originally Posted by fumanstan
Only thing is you won't get some of the perks that they offer, which come in handy but aren't necessary.

Do they take away your perks if you don't?
Icalled Kiki last night, and she said she couldn't do anything. Was is because of the mission, or because she was mad?

PopcornTreeCt 06-13-08 08:33 PM

Which DVDTalkers have the "Kill a Rockstar" achievement? I'm down with some multiplayer to get it!!

Gamertag = luke1014

Drexl 06-13-08 10:52 PM

Originally Posted by jonw9
Do they take away your perks if you don't?
Icalled Kiki last night, and she said she couldn't do anything. Was is because of the mission, or because she was mad?

That happened once to me too, but later it worked again. I don't remember if I took her out on a date before that or not.

Apparently if you let them go for too long, you will lose the special ability, but I assumed that meant letting it get to the 70's or 80's. Kiki was still at 100% IIRC.

BTW, does anyone know what constitutes a bad date? I see that I have 4 of them, but I don't remember any of them going wrong. I've been able to "score" every time after getting her like close to 100%, so that's not it. I remember one time I ended the comedy show early and Kiki made a remark about it, but again it didn't affect my luck.

BravesMG 06-13-08 10:55 PM

I'm officially done with this, the millions of cutscenes have bored me to death and I just want to finish the damn thing. Is there any way to know how close to completion I am? The last mission I did was
eliminating the Pavanos. I had to chase a car to a restaurant and then take out like 20 people with the cops around. It was a PITA.

Is that near the end? At least close? I don't think I can take many more convoluted chase and kill stories, but I would like to see a completion to the 28 hours or so I've put in.

slop101 06-13-08 11:44 PM

Here's a mission check-list where you can see what you've done and what you've got left:

fumanstan 06-14-08 01:16 AM

Originally Posted by PopcornTreeCt
Which DVDTalkers have the "Kill a Rockstar" achievement? I'm down with some multiplayer to get it!!

Gamertag = luke1014

Kill Deftones! Everyone Kill Deftones!

Deftones 06-14-08 10:00 AM


Yeah, I have it. I'll try to pop on sometime this weekend, and if you see me, shoot me a message.

Music 06-14-08 10:06 AM

It should be relatively easy to get the Rockstar achievement now... at least it was for me.

I popped the game in this past Thursday (haven't played sine 05/17), joined a game of Ranked Team Deathmatch and got the achievement on the very first person I killed.

Decadance 06-14-08 12:20 PM

Same, I jumped on a Turf War, ran over a guy with a car and pop, achievement.

BravesMG 06-14-08 12:41 PM

Thanks for that Slop. Do you have to complete all of the missions to get to the finale or can any be skipped out of order?

gotrice487 06-14-08 12:56 PM

Just finished the game last night and now I'm gonna start working on 100%...incredible game!

rabbit77 06-15-08 10:49 AM


I've jacked 227 cars so far and last night was the first time I saw Niko take the driver's head and smash it against the steering wheel, making the horn honk.


Also I found it's super easy to do the 500ft wheelie achievement on the Faggio. The thing wouldn't flip over no matter how far I pull back.

aktick 06-15-08 11:29 AM

Originally Posted by rabbit77
Also I found it's super easy to do the 500ft wheelie achievement on the Faggio. The thing wouldn't flip over no matter how far I pull back.

I got it with the Sanchez, completely by accident (well, I didn't know about the achievement), while going over one of the big bridges. Ended up being like 800 or 900 some feet. Just wouldn't fall over.

prozac80 06-15-08 03:15 PM

according tio that checklist posted, I haven't finished all the manny/ezliabeta missions, but they are not on my map at all. Is it because I havent' done all the brucie missions yet? I've done all the PBX/Dwayne missions, just not brucie's...I'm having trouble with search and delete. Any pointers?

Rival11 06-15-08 07:28 PM

Originally Posted by prozac80
according tio that checklist posted, I haven't finished all the manny/ezliabeta missions, but they are not on my map at all. Is it because I havent' done all the brucie missions yet? I've done all the PBX/Dwayne missions, just not brucie's...I'm having trouble with search and delete. Any pointers?

Yes - sometimes a few missions will remain unavailable until you complete some for others.

Don't remember search and delete - provide some detail if you want and if I remember....I'll give ya my two cents.

Drexl 06-15-08 07:47 PM

I believe Search and Delete is one of the chases that eventually ends and they get out of the car, so just concentrate on following them until it's over.

prozac80 06-16-08 03:07 PM

Originally Posted by Drexl
I believe Search and Delete is one of the chases that eventually ends and they get out of the car, so just concentrate on following them until it's over.

that is the one. I keep trying to shoot at him while driving 200MPH and I always wreck and lose him. I'll try just chasing him. Thanks!

naitram 06-17-08 03:11 PM

I finally downloaded the update patch, now I can get on online! I played online for about 5 hours last night, but when I was ready to quit it locked up so I didn't get to save argghh. I was up to level 2 finally...does it save your online stats automatically or do I have to save manually in the safehouse?

BTW I suck pretty bad at the deathmatch, got killed so many times. But it was a nice change from the solo game.

Rogue588 06-17-08 08:35 PM

So...does anyone know how to get in the airport during a deathmatch?

A-aron 06-23-08 11:20 AM

I'm finally able to get some time to play this, and had a blast with the bank heist mission (except for the dumbass brother getting in front of me when I tried to lob a grenade at the cop cars) LOL ... Now I am finding cars for this new guy, and having a hell of a time doing that.

chrisfelice 06-23-08 09:54 PM

What the HELL is with this new update... game keeps locking up CONSTANTLY... anyone else having this trouble?

chrisfelice 06-23-08 10:20 PM

Now it's completely bricked... game won't even boot up past the "intro" screens... just keeps rotating through them all over and over and over and over...


DRG 06-24-08 09:48 AM

Just beat the game and a few hours later got 100% (I only had some text message cars and a few friend activities left by the time I finished the last mission) and I'm rather disappointed in the lack of 100% completion rewards. This game (this series, actually) needs a mission select mode badly.

timewaster 06-26-08 01:09 PM

i finished all the bernie missions and got a call from him that i can have his sports car. How do i get it? I tried to go to the Bernie icon on the map, but can't seem to reach it since it is inside a building and i cannot get inside the building.

Drexl 06-26-08 01:33 PM

Originally Posted by timewaster
i finished all the bernie missions and got a call from him that i can have his sports car. How do i get it? I tried to go to the Bernie icon on the map, but can't seem to reach it since it is inside a building and i cannot get inside the building.

IIRC the car is outside, behind a building.

timewaster 07-05-08 11:35 AM

no text

maingon 07-13-08 07:56 PM

Tried playing this again today and cant get into it. I loved the other ones but this one just isn't as fun exploring the city etc.

- Camera (on foot and driving) never feels right and makes exploring the city annoying
- Controlling on foot feels slow, he controls like a brick
- Driving controls cant get used to them still.
- City doesn't have much personality
- Radio doesn't have any personality compared to San Andreas or Vice City. Those games had tons of great songs that really created a great expereince.

Playing this today, I gota say this is probably the worst GTA in the series since GTA3
Driving Physics are way too floaty makes police chases not very fun. I remember playing the other games and games like Driver on ps1 and police chases were a ton of fun. Here they arent, Cars are always doing 360s, sliding into stuff. I think the physics engine breaks this game. Still cant get over the reviews of this game.

More I play the more I wish it played like San Andreas.

Rob V 07-14-08 10:41 AM


Agree with most of what you said. The city, imo, has a lot of personality. But the controls and radio stations blow. I dug the previous games because the songs were awesome -- but I don't feel that way about IV.

I still enjoyed the game but I doubt I'll get back into it after taking a month break.

Goldblum 07-14-08 10:50 AM

I've gotten to the last mission and simply cannot beat it. Too hard without checkpoints. Can't make the jump from the bike to the helicopter. And I know if I ultimately do manage to make it, I'll die 5 minutes later from something else and never be able to make it again.

Unfortunately, I can't even just screw around with other aspects of the game because Little Jacob will just keep calling me telling me to pick him up and do the last mission. Sheesh.

Groucho 07-14-08 10:54 AM

I got to the same point as you, Goldblum, and just walked away. That last mission needs checkpoints. I'm sure I could do it, but it's not worth starting from the very beginning each and every time.

Drexl 07-14-08 11:03 AM

What bike are you talking about? When I did it, it was from a boat to a helicopter.

If that's the other path, you could revert to an earlier save and do the deal instead.

fumanstan 07-14-08 11:09 AM

I think i had far more problems with some of the other missions then the last one.

I chose revenge too, so you hop on a bike and need to go off a ramp onto a helicopter.

A-aron 07-14-08 11:14 AM

It took me a few times to pass (the first time I made it to the helicopter, I flew too low and hit the water) .. but I completed it last night. Now to wrap up finding all the cars and side missions :)

Groucho 07-14-08 11:17 AM

Since we're already talking about the last mission on the revenge track: is there a way to bypass and/or quickly get through that long ass gun battle in the warehouse?

uteotw 07-14-08 11:19 AM

I agree with the comments above about the radio stations. Vice City was the best--the radio stations perfectly fit the mood/setting of the game. I loved running from the cops with "Too Young to Fall in Love" blaring. Now I can't stand any of the stations and just turn it way down. I'm looking forward to the day we can import all our own tracks and make our own radio stations...

And from what I read, I'm not looking forward to the last mission. I HATE the lack of meaningful checkpoints.

BravesMG 07-14-08 11:23 AM

The revenge option was MUCH easier than the deal option as well. Just a few quick tips for how I got through the end on that side:
If you're low on guns, armor, whatever you can hop in a cab off the main road right above where you start. You can come right back to the fighting without an issue. To clear out the enemies at the beginning, I just climbed up to the road and stood right near the guard rail with a good view of the lot below. It was really easy to pick off the enemies as they ran out into the open and take minimal damage. Just watch out, there were usually a couple of guys lurking on the far left side. I walked up to the door to the warehouse slowly, until Jacob tells you that he's found a chopper, then backup as far as you can and use the sniper rifle to pick off about 4-5 guys through the main door. I could usually get through this whole thing in about 3-4 minutes, which made the restarts more bearable. Once you get on the bike, just follow the coastline at a reasonable speed, don't floor it, and look to the left of the screen for when the icon pops up for the arrow on the ramp. From there I just tried to keep a reasonable distance behind their chopper, but don't get too high off the ground. At some point they drop lower and it's hard to see them through the buildings. When you land, take out the cops, shoot everyone in your way until you find your man.
I completely misunderstood the bike ramp thing, so it took me forever doing this before I figured out what I was screwing up.

ElementZ 07-14-08 11:32 AM

For some reason, I passed the last mission on my first try but had some difficulty with earlier missions.

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