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Superman07 01-01-20 09:38 PM

Re: Doctor Who (BBC America) -- Series 12 Discussion Thread -- Premieres 1/1/20
Color me shocked and pleasantly surprised!

Those energy blurbs reminded me of those crossover where Rose got sucked into that alternative dimension/earth. Would also make sense why there were multiple sets of coordinates if they aligned to multiple Earths.

The Valeyard 01-01-20 10:37 PM

Re: Doctor Who (BBC America) -- Series 12 Discussion Thread -- Premieres 1/1/20
Spyfall Episode 2 Teaser (SPOILERS):

The Antipodean 01-02-20 01:58 AM

Re: Doctor Who (BBC America) -- Series 12 Discussion Thread -- Premieres 1/1/20
The first half was a bit slow, but the second half was a cracker - did not see that twist coming.

Tom Banjo 01-02-20 02:03 AM

Re: Doctor Who (BBC America) -- Series 12 Discussion Thread -- Premieres 1/1/20
I wonder if this is a pre-Missy Master, or possibly even an alternate universe version. The multiverse concept has been dabbled with, but Nu-Who has only gone there once that I can remember, which of course was Rose’s final story arc (not counting Turn Left, Stolen Earth, etc.).

L Everett Scott 01-02-20 09:45 AM

Re: Doctor Who (BBC America) -- Series 12 Discussion Thread -- Premieres 1/1/20
Liked the premiere but didn't love it...a 6.5/10. It was nice to see
Yaz's family (if only briefly) as they're very likeable. The MI6 bits with the agents escorting the gang to their headquarters and Graham being so excited by the spy toys were fun. Ryan trying to stay cool while being undercover was good for a few chuckles. Also liked the design of the aliens--kind of retro, reminiscent of some of the effects used in Classic Who but a nice break from rubber suits and prosthetics. The re-appearance of the Master was a surprise, but the reveal was a bit hurried.

But I really didn't care for
the car chase. Yes, it's a staple of spy films, but the way it came about in the episode seemed incredibly forced...cringe worthy, if I'm being completely honest. Also, I'm big fan of Stephen Fry and was disappointed that his appearance was so short and just a one-off.

Dscarpad 01-02-20 08:50 PM

Re: Doctor Who (BBC America) -- Series 12 Discussion Thread -- Premieres 1/1/20
It all felt so generic to me what with the car chases and such and I’m not feeling the new actor as the reveal at the end of the episode. All the actors are so manic and over the top, they need to dial it back about 5 notches

Superman07 01-05-20 09:52 PM

Re: Doctor Who (BBC America) -- Series 12 Discussion Thread -- Premieres 1/1/20
Solid second part, although I could have done without the present day stuff.

Is it bad I wanted the Doctor to say yes when they asked if they were getting replaced?

We better get more of the Gallifrey and Timeless Child plot throughout the series, and not smack dab at the end like last series with Tim Shaw or whatever his name was! :grunt:

The Valeyard 01-05-20 10:35 PM

Re: Doctor Who (BBC America) -- Series 12 Discussion Thread -- Premieres 1/1/20
Fun follow up to last week's series premiere. Loved bouncing around time with the enthusiasm of an early Steven Moffat episode. A lot of throwbacks to both the Classic and New Series. Great moments with the entire cast and Jodie Whittaker finally hit her stride as The Doctor (IMO). Her scenes with the Master were great. She and Dhawan were able to bring the history/weight of both their characters with their performances.

Looking forward to the rest of Series 12.

Josh-da-man 01-06-20 01:25 AM

Re: Doctor Who (BBC America) -- Series 12 Discussion Thread -- Premieres 1/1/20
Looks like I might owe Chibnall an apology. The "Spyfall" two-parter was a blast. Whittaker finally feels like she's found her footing; The Doctor was in-charge and commanding again. Even Graham, Ryan, and Yaz seemed like they finally belonged in the ensemble. Loved Dhawan's Master -- psychotic and dangerous. Creepy as hell seeing him as an SS Officer. Hope he's back soon. Intriguing mystery involving the Time Lords, though I flinch at the notion of Gallifrey being destroyed again. Does the BBC have some kind of mandate that Gallifrey and the Time Lords be kept out of the show?

randian 01-06-20 03:36 AM

Re: Doctor Who (BBC America) -- Series 12 Discussion Thread -- Premieres 1/1/20
What's with the Doctor's new telepathic super powers?

Superman07 01-06-20 06:43 AM

Re: Doctor Who (BBC America) -- Series 12 Discussion Thread -- Premieres 1/1/20

Originally Posted by randian (Post 13666126)
What's with the Doctor's new telepathic super powers?

I’m only a NuWho watcher, so somebody who’s seen more will have to answer, but I think it’s an old skill. The Master even made a comment that seemed it was a throwback

Josh-da-man 01-06-20 12:13 PM

Re: Doctor Who (BBC America) -- Series 12 Discussion Thread -- Premieres 1/1/20
I think the memory-erasing ability was first shown in the episode where the Tenth Doctor erased Donna Noble's memories. Not sure how extensive the power is; if he/she can erase any memory, or just ones involving him/her; or if The Doctor can erase anyone's memory, or just the memories of those have traveled in time with him/her. Seems like it would be a useful ability for a time traveler to have.

Xiroteus 01-06-20 09:11 PM

Re: Doctor Who (BBC America) -- Series 12 Discussion Thread -- Premieres 1/1/20
The Tardis feels weaker over the last couple seasons.

Dscarpad 01-06-20 09:31 PM

Re: Doctor Who (BBC America) -- Series 12 Discussion Thread -- Premieres 1/1/20
When did they retcon galifrey being destroyed in the time war? Since the doctor has a time machine why doesn’t she just go back and stop the master

The Valeyard 01-07-20 02:22 PM

Re: Doctor Who (BBC America) -- Series 12 Discussion Thread -- Premieres 1/1/20

Originally Posted by Dscarpad (Post 13666679)
When did they retcon galifrey being destroyed in the time war? Since the doctor has a time machine why doesn’t she just go back and stop the master

In the Day of the Doctor, the Doctors joined together to save Gallifrey during the Time War and locked in a "parallel pocket universe."

The 50th Anniversary special left the Doctor looking for Gallifrey afterwards. In Death in Heaven, after Missy mentions that she found Gallifrey, the Doctor visited the location and it wasn't there.

He finally got back to Gallifrey in Heaven Sent. It was where Missy said only at the extreme end of time to protect it. During Hell Bent, he saved Clara (after she died in Face The Raven) and ran away in another TARDIS.

As odd as this is going to sound after the Doctor(s) saved Gallifrey before, it's not so easy going back to change history if it's a fixed point. We don't know much about Gallifrey's current destruction apart from the Master saying he destroyed it. I'm sure more will be uncovered as we go forward.

Originally Posted by randian (Post 13666126)
What's with the Doctor's new telepathic super powers?

The Doctor has used this before but it's usually shown when he makes "contact" with himself (as in The Three Doctors).

The Valeyard 01-12-20 05:35 PM

Re: Doctor Who (BBC America) -- Series 12 Discussion Thread -- Premieres 1/1/20
Tonight - Orphan 55

Josh-da-man 01-12-20 09:08 PM

Re: Doctor Who (BBC America) -- Series 12 Discussion Thread -- Premieres 1/1/20
Pretty mediocre episode.

And so heavy-handed, as to be cringe-worthy.

Superman07 01-14-20 06:21 PM

Re: Doctor Who (BBC America) -- Series 12 Discussion Thread -- Premieres 1/1/20

Originally Posted by Josh-da-man (Post 13669782)
Pretty mediocre episode.

And so heavy-handed, as to be cringe-worthy.

Yeah, I didn’t much care for it either. At least they kept the heavy handing until the back of the episode. Also, it would make more sense if the Doctor said I’m going to drop you off some you can help do something about it! As it stands, they now know about the outcome, but aren’t in a position to help the planet because they continue to go around in the TARDIS...

Why is it they seem to jump so much between Ryan being dumb and level headed/brave? It’s really annoying. I generally like Graham and Ryan, but the whole lot come off like a wet blanket.

randian 01-14-20 06:27 PM

Re: Doctor Who (BBC America) -- Series 12 Discussion Thread -- Premieres 1/1/20

Originally Posted by Superman07 (Post 13670937)
Why is it they seem to jump so much between Ryan being dumb and level headed/brave? It’s really annoying.

Probably the same reason Ryan's disability seems to have disappeared.

The Valeyard 01-19-20 03:32 PM

Re: Doctor Who (BBC America) -- Series 12 Discussion Thread -- Premieres 1/1/20
Tonight - Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror

Josh-da-man 01-19-20 03:47 PM

Re: Doctor Who (BBC America) -- Series 12 Discussion Thread -- Premieres 1/1/20
Hope it's better than last week.

The Valeyard 01-19-20 04:16 PM

Re: Doctor Who (BBC America) -- Series 12 Discussion Thread -- Premieres 1/1/20
The last 15 minutes is a dissertation on saving energy.

The Valeyard 01-26-20 01:45 PM

Re: Doctor Who (BBC America) -- Series 12 Discussion Thread -- Premieres 1/1/20
Tonight - Fugitive of the Judoon

Jay G. 01-26-20 02:59 PM

Re: Doctor Who (BBC America) -- Series 12 Discussion Thread -- Premieres 1/1/20
I've been enjoying the season overall. I liked the opening 2 parter, and it introduced an arc that brought back up the "Timeless Child" mystery from Whitaker's first season. I did think Orphan 55 was really heavy-handed in its "save the Earth" message, but otherwise was a mostly forgettable "station under siege" story. I don't think the villain twist made much sense. Like, ok, your mother abandoned you, so you think it's ok to cause a lot of deaths over it? It's not even clear why the mom didn't bring her to the resort once it was set up, since there was another kid wandering around it the whole story.

I did like the Tesla story. It was a more "traditional" historical this year, getting the historical figure caught up in some alien threat.

The Valeyard 01-26-20 04:39 PM

Re: Doctor Who (BBC America) -- Series 12 Discussion Thread -- Premieres 1/1/20
Just finished today's episode. Chibnall is definitely going in a direction that breaks the mold. If you're an old-school Doctor Who fan, it feels like pages taken right out of the Virgin novels. Lot of BIG unanswered questions that will hopefully continue into Series 13 because if they wrap it up in the next 5 episodes, it may feel like a cheat.

Definite improvement over Series 11. Nice seeing.....

Jack back! Just hearing his voice gave me goosebumps. Even my wife started paying attention to the episode when she heard his voice.

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