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lordwow 09-09-05 08:19 AM

I watched the entire 2nd half of Season 2 yesterday, followed by the Season 3 premiere. It was decent.

First off, I like the new title screens, much neater than last years.

Second, I agree with the above posters who think Trey should have died. It would have made the entire situation a lot more serious, and probably would have ripped Marissa and Ryan apart (for good), which would have been awesome drama. Even play the over-cliched showing up at the end of the season "not really dead" thing.

Third, thank god they didn't drag out the "Ryan did it" story, I thought it was awesome when Julie told him what to say (She's so evil!), but immediately saw the potential for the three-month long "I didn't do it!" plot-line. Good call, good call.

Fourth, am I the only one who hopes Jimmy sticks around? I see he's in the trailer for next week, but he's still listed as a guest star. He plays the part well, and I think there's enough they could do with him to keep it interesting, especially after losing Caleb and would leave potential for Halley to come back when Reunion gets cancelled (for the love of god, I hope it gets cancelled).

Fifth, Jeri Ryan creeped me out.

Sixth, This season I think will be better than last, I get the feeling they really have a clue as to what the audience wants to see this season, a lot of Season 2 dragged, and dragged, and dragged. They simply didn't have enough material to work with, and kept rehashing the same issues every week. This year, I think they'll keep things moving quickly, and be crazy, as we all love.

Finally, I'm glad it looks like their getting back to that "OC" feeling next week, the show got into a funk last season where it was just like any other soap opera, They need to have these crazy Newport Beach parties and stuff, that's what makes the show unique, IMO.

- Wow

Borst 09-09-05 08:27 AM

So how long into the season before Ryan finds out he still possibly has a kid? and then how long after that before he finds out that it's actually not his kid but Eddies?

Michael T Hudson 09-09-05 09:37 AM

I did not like the episode much. I think it could have used a little less drama. More Summer. :drool:

El Scorcho 09-09-05 11:28 AM

Here's an interview with Josh Schwartz, done by ESPN Page 2's Sports guy:


Good candid interview. For those who don't know Bill Simmons on Page 2, his columns are always a must read.

Shannon Nutt 09-09-05 11:46 AM

Sorry guys...that was just a poorly written, uninvolving episode - perhaps the worst one yet, and I'm a big fan of The OC.

The plotline itself was just silly...since the police could have easily identified the shooter through gunpower residue that Marissa would have had on her hands and body after shooting Trey. Guess they don't have a CSI in the OC!

Even ignoring that gaping plothole, the dialogue seemed forced and the actors seemed to have trouble getting back into their characters (with the exception of Peter Gallagher, who was excellent as usual).

Hard to believe this season premiere was written by creator Josh Schwartz...it was a horrible script. The only good thing is that they wrapped up the Trey storyline, so hopefully they will move on to something more interesting.

BTW, I used to think Jeri Ryan was hot...until I saw her right next to Kelly Rowan...I'll take Mrs. Cohen any day over Seven of Nine!

critterdvd 09-09-05 12:51 PM

Am I the only one that thought the episode stank...

Jonny2k1 09-09-05 12:52 PM

I would have to say that the season three premiere was a little lackluster, imo. I really wouldn't mind having Ryan and Marissa back together if the show started to be more like season one. I've always thought Jeri Ryan and Kirsten were hot, but both looked a little old to me - although Kirsten's body looked amazing. I still have high hopes for this season though!

DVD Josh 09-09-05 01:25 PM

I thought it was a decent episode. What I am more concerned with is the second year in a row first episode everything is back to normal BS. What's up with that? It doesn't need to drag, but maybe 1-2 episodes to get back into things wouldn't be awful.

Cancer Man 09-09-05 01:54 PM

Jonny2k1: I've always thought Jeri Ryan and Kirsten were hot, but both looked a little old to me - although Kirsten's body looked amazing. I still have high hopes for this season though!
Jeri Ryan is only 37 for christsake not 59! :eek: -rolleyes-

To be fair, I think Jeri Ryan is still very attractive and ageing well for the most part, even though she's faded slightly since her Seven of Nine days. You think she's no longer "hot" only because she's aged about three or four years and developed a few more laughter lines?!

Anyway these photos of Kelly Rowan and Jeri Ryan tell alot:

Kelly Rowan:
HTML Code:

Jeri Ryan:
HTML Code:

Judging from those two recent photos, who is still the hottest? Now that's a stupid question since both Kelly Rowan and Jeri Ryan are two very beautiful women, first rate MILF material and much more attractive than 90% other women that are in their mid to late 30's.

B.A. 09-09-05 03:06 PM

Originally Posted by El Scorcho
Here's an interview with Josh Schwartz, done by ESPN Page 2's Sports guy:


Good candid interview. For those who don't know Bill Simmons on Page 2, his columns are always a must read.

:lol: He called Schwartz a "sports bigamist".

It really would be kind of funny if he threw a character in an ep named "Bill Simmons".

lwhy? 09-09-05 03:18 PM

I also thought that this was a little lackluster. They must have some really stupid cops to not check for gunshot residue. On another note, I think that it would be really, really funny if Seth inherited the Nichol fortune. Also, from the preview for next week's episode it looks like Jimmy has gotten himself into trouble again. I think that Jeri Ryan has nothing next to Kelly Rowan.

Cancer Man 09-09-05 04:39 PM

I have mixed opinions about the openming premier, it's still far too early to tell how this season pans out. I'm pretty blah with some of the characters, although Kelly Rowan's character in rehab seems the most interesting. Jeri Ryan is playing her usual somewhat cold and creepy "outside" character pretty well.

LorenzoL 09-09-05 05:04 PM

An okay episode for me with the whole "Trey" saga finally out of the way and done for (hopefully).

It's assumed that Jeri Ryan character "Charlotte" is up to no good but did they have to show her staring at Kirsten intensely 3 times during the episode.

Another :up: on the way Summer looked.

I liked Seth line to Summer about her liking "seamen". :lol:

I'll watch next week.

Cancer Man 09-09-05 05:26 PM

lwhy?: I think that Jeri Ryan has nothing next to Kelly Rowan.
What do you mean?

lwhy? 09-09-05 06:12 PM

Originally Posted by Cancer Man
What do you mean?

I mean that I think Kelly Rowan is a heck of alot hotter than Jeri Ryan.

Cancer Man 09-09-05 06:21 PM


Anyway, I've popped over to the TWoP Forum and already some people dislike Jeri Ryan's character and subplot, even though she's only turned up in a few scenes. Anyway do you think her character sucks?

spainlinx0 09-09-05 06:27 PM

I'm already not a fan, and I don't find her attractive. She looks like an alien to me.

Jonny2k1 09-09-05 08:38 PM

Originally Posted by Cancer Man
Jeri Ryan is only 37 for christsake not 59! :eek: -rolleyes-

To be fair, I think Jeri Ryan is still very attractive and ageing well for the most part, even though she's faded slightly since her Seven of Nine days. You think she's no longer "hot" only because she's aged about three or four years and developed a few more laughter lines?!

Don't get me wrong, they are both still incredibly hot. IMO Kirsten just looked quite a bit more aged than last season. And btw I'm only 22, so 37 is old to me :)

Cancer Man 09-09-05 09:15 PM

Although Jeri and Kirsten are both very pretty, I was taken aback to how haggared they looked in the rehab scenes, though hopefully that was intentional. Also already there have been mixed reactions to Jeri Ryan's Charlotte character, with some OC fans already taking an instant dislike of her and hailing her as the new "Oliver".

What the heck does that mean?

And why the irrational dislike?

meritocracy 09-09-05 09:31 PM

If you don't know who "Oliver" is, I'll hazzard a guess that you haven't been watching this show very long. I don't think the dislike is entirely irrational considering the show essentially telegraphed to everyone that her character is destined to be nothing more than another in a long line of characters brought on as a calculated plot-device used solely to drive a wedge between the main characters. Granted this show has always contained aspects of melrose place and daytime soaps, but personally, I find it old, lazy and above all tiresome.

Cancer Man 09-09-05 09:42 PM

I don't really like The OC, but Jeri Ryan could prove to be a good guest star, despite the contrived cercirmstances surrounding her character. She's a good actress, I imagine she will do OK.

However, I don't think much of her sneaky and odd Charlotte Morgan character and the Rehab subplot has not developed a proper spark yet, which would explain the lukewarm reaction from the show'a fans. Then again, the other characters and plots are somwhat contrived as well

But I reserve my judgment and hope Season Three picks up fairly quickly.

THX7966 09-10-05 10:03 AM

Anyone else wonder why Ryan stopped to get a haircut before rushing his dying brother to the hospital?

flashburn 09-10-05 10:17 AM

Originally Posted by THX7966
Anyone else wonder why Ryan stopped to get a haircut before rushing his dying brother to the hospital?

They did this to show how shallow the people of Orange County really are, and how Ryan has now become one of them.


Dalvin 09-10-05 10:53 AM

actually is suppose to take place 3 months after the events of Season 2. Most people get a hairbut in that timeframe.

spainlinx0 09-10-05 11:20 AM

Plus it was a dream he was having. So maybe his mind just placed his new haircut in an old situation. :)

flashburn 09-10-05 11:38 AM

Originally Posted by Dalvin
actually is suppose to take place 3 months after the events of Season 2. Most people get a hairbut in that timeframe.

He was talking about the beginning of the show, during the 'dream sequence'.

Cancer Man 09-10-05 11:40 AM

Is The OC really this contrived? Or boderline dull?

Dalvin 09-10-05 01:12 PM

I missed the entire dream sequence. I came in during the opening credits.

Gizmo 09-10-05 02:21 PM

I think Jeri Ryans character will be a hell of alot better then Oliver....god I hate that flippin' character.

As per the Jimmy Situation, I think Julie does get some money (Maybe a few million) and Jimmy runs off with it. At the end of the season, Jimm turns up dead...

movieking 09-10-05 02:31 PM

Sorry to the fans, but to me, this was one of the worst OCs yet. It was uneven mismash. No doubt Jeri Ryan is there to cause trouble. BTW, a supposed spoiler for her (not sure if it is remotely true or not):

She does have a lesbian affair - with Julie!

Not sure if I believe it but it wouldn't surprise me.

THX7966 09-10-05 03:01 PM

Originally Posted by movieking
BTW, a supposed spoiler for her (not sure if it is remotely true or not):

She does have a lesbian affair - with Julie!

Not sure if I believe it but it wouldn't surprise me.

I doubt they would repeat that plot so soon.

Gizmo 09-10-05 07:01 PM

Originally Posted by THX7966
I doubt they would repeat that plot so soon.

She does move in with Julie...so who knows. Julie did say she dabbled in it when she was a teenager...

MrX 09-10-05 11:34 PM

I thought it was ok

Seth seemed more like S1 Seth than S2 Seth so hopefully that will continue

Cancer Man 09-11-05 02:57 AM

Posted by spainlinx0: She looks like an alien to me.
I guess that's why they picked her for semi-alien Seven of Nine. rotfl

Anyway, do any of you think Jeri Ryan's character is pretty unlikable and somewhat annoying?

SexualPudding 09-11-05 05:55 AM

I do, and from some of the posts I have read, you and I are not alone. I have a feeling a lot of people are just going to have built in hatred for her character from the get go, regardless of what kind of job she does.

For me personally, it's a little bit of both pre-bias and just feeling like the character is going to be an unnecessary annoyance and distraction on the show. First of all, I have never liked Jeri Ryan for some reason. Also, I, like many others, thought the majority of last season was weak compared to the first. A lot of that had to do with the new characters. No matter how much airtime they got or what situations they were put in, I just could never stand the new characters from last year, Lindsey, Zach, or even Alex. Lindsey's character was just so dull, Zach just struck me as a whiny little bitch, and although Alex was extremely hot, her character served no purpose at all other than for Marissa to have a 3 week lesbian flirtation and give the kids an in at the cool hang out spot, the Bait Shop or whatever. Nothing more than the 00's version of the Peach Pit/P.P. After Dark.

I know they have to have other stories and situations aside from the core characters, but last year the writing took a sharp nosedive to coincide with the new actors. Maybe they just got complacent from the 1st season's success and went on auto pilot. In any event, while this first ep didn't wow me, it definitely did feel a lot more like the O.C. I grew to really like the 1st season.

Cancer Man 09-11-05 12:52 PM

Jeri Ryan is going to be the only guest star this season with seven (or eight) episodes, so she'll won't be blocking out the main cast, plus judging from her relatively brief ten minute scene it looks like she going to keep to her station as a guest star, so that her annoying character won't do much "damage".

Plus The OC is a light weight teen soap, not high drama so Jeri Ryan will do well, despite the slimy and obnoxious character she is playing. Maybe she'll fit into the show relatively well, and she is a popular and established actress that will have her fans following her over, so there's no problem with the ratings going down.

Plus I think the writers have put their act together and judging from the general opinion about the premier episode, despite being lukewarm, it looks like the spark that drove the first season of The OC is coming back.

riley_dude 09-11-05 02:38 PM

Originally Posted by Cancer Man
Season 3 seems to be promising, also if you listen to any spoilers, it seems that Jeri Ryan's character is playing on the same team (if you know what I mean;)).

Been there done that last season. Good to see Jerry Ryan but the storyline looks dumb with her standing in the shadows and looking strange at Kristen all the time.
I was underwhelmed by the premiere but will give it a few more chances. I didnt see any spark or any reason to believe that this show is back on track yet.

lordwow 09-11-05 04:17 PM

I watched the Season 3 Premiere again today, and it was definately better than I initally remembered it to be, but I also saw a lot more of the faults that you guys brought up.

I will say that it was a hell of a lot better than the Season 2 Premiere (which blew) and, it definately feels like the OC of Season 1, instead of Season 2. Even the opening titles have more of the "OC Feel" to them than Season 2 (Which I didn't care for in S2).

I think a huge thing is the location shooting and B-Roll. There wasn't much last year, it was all at the Bait Shop, or at one of the houses, or god-forbid the Baywatch Lifeguard Station that everyone frequented/madeout/nearly got raped at, it was like the same 3 locations all year.

I'm thining the next three episodes before the break will be consistantly better, and leave us wanting more for Nov. That being said, I still want Jimmy to stick around, he cracks me up with his witty comments.

Original Desmond 09-11-05 11:07 PM

Jeri Ryan rocks ! Leave her alone !

Summer's jugs look smaller to me, not cool

Glad they wrapped up the Trey storyline in one episode and didn't have the Trey confession thing drawn out

Anyone else think that sex with Julie Cooper would be an experience you wouldn't forget in a hurry ?

Let's also leave Theresa out of this series

lordwow 09-12-05 02:41 PM

You do know "Trey getting on a bus" is TV Code for "Coming back in a shocking manner at the of the season" right?

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