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djbrown 06-12-03 10:53 AM

das Monkey's "greatest" thread?
When can we expect to see das Monkey's "greatest drama/comedy/etc.. episode" thread this year?

Groucho 06-12-03 10:56 AM

I don't know. I added Mr. Monkey to my ignore list when he expressed disapproval over my thread about the homos.

das Monkey 06-12-03 10:59 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE> • Quoth Groucho •<HR SIZE=1>I don't know. I added Mr. Monkey to my ignore list when he expressed disapproval over my thread about the homos. <HR SIZE=1></BLOCKQUOTE>


Could someone tell <B>Groucho</B> that I didn't disapprove of the thread ... I just thought the previous comment about HMO-phobes was incredibly funny.


Kal-El 06-12-03 11:07 AM

So whend do we get your top 10 best episodes thread for the past season?

das Monkey 06-12-03 11:13 AM

Re: das Monkey's "greatest" thread?
<BLOCKQUOTE> • Quoth djbrown •<HR SIZE=1>When can we expect to see das Monkey's "greatest drama/comedy/etc.. episode" thread this year? <HR SIZE=1></BLOCKQUOTE>

Wow ... people actually care about this stuff? ;)

Please forgive the delay. Back-to-back deaths in the family have thrown my schedule into disarray, and I have a bit of catching up to do on a few contenders. For me, the list is meaningless if I haven't actually seen everything, so I don't want to rush it. I'm also still in the process of reviewing many episodes I've already seen, since this is a particularly difficult year, and I don't want to jump to any quick decisions.

I should note that I'm not going to do a comedy list this year. For a number of reasons, it just doesn't work very well. I did however make another list last year that I never posted, and I'm making it again this year. I'll post it instead of the comedy one. It's more a summary of the TV season as a whole. Btw, I drew the "line" this year with the season finale of <I>Six Feet Under</I>. I think it was the best point to prevent any significant overlap.

Anyway, I'll do my best to get it finished as soon as I can. I wasn't in much of a hurry, since I didn't think anyone cared but me, but over the last week I've received a bunch of emails asking about it as well, so I'll kick it up a notch (bang). I think fans of some shows will be pleasantly surprised with the results. Others will likely want to kick me in the nuts. It should be fun for the whole family.


Venusian 06-12-03 11:18 AM

so can we start posting predictions?

i'm betting we see a strong showing from HBO shows. Season Finale of the Shield will be in there. Maybe an honorable mention for 24 but i doubt it'll make it.

this is all assuming we're talking about dramas on tv. If you do a top 10 reality crap list or something, then I dont know.

Rogue588 06-12-03 11:19 AM

Condolences das.

And here I thought you put me on your ignore list after my "fetal position" comment in the feedback forum..

guess my girlfriend is right...the world really doesn't revolve around me..:(


das Monkey 06-12-03 11:39 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE> • Quoth Rogue588 •<HR SIZE=1>guess my girlfriend is right...the world really doesn't revolve around me..:(<HR SIZE=1></BLOCKQUOTE>

[clicks "here"]

No, but if you stand <I>real</I> close to a certain pop music fan, it will seem like it does.


djbrown 06-12-03 11:55 AM

Count me among the supporters of the thread. Anyone have a linky to it from last year? (i can't remember the title or I'd look myself).

As a <i>direct</i> result of das' thread, I got caught up with The Shield in re-runs before Season 2 started. Needless to say, thank you.

Chew 06-12-03 12:41 PM

Re: Re: das Monkey's "greatest" thread?

Originally posted by das Monkey
I think fans of some shows will be pleasantly surprised with the results.
Wow, Enterprise is going to make the list? ;):lol:

I'm looking forward to the big-list-ala-das as well. :)

das Monkey 06-12-03 01:04 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE> • Quoth djbrown •<HR SIZE=1>Count me among the supporters of the thread. Anyone have a linky to it from last year? (i can't remember the title or I'd look myself).<HR SIZE=1></BLOCKQUOTE>


It's hiding in the Archives.

<BLOCKQUOTE> • Quoth djbrown •<HR SIZE=1>As a <i>direct</i> result of das' thread, I got caught up with The Shield in re-runs before Season 2 started. Needless to say, thank you.<HR SIZE=1></BLOCKQUOTE>

Wow. You're welcome.


das Monkey 06-12-03 01:05 PM

Re: Re: Re: das Monkey's "greatest" thread?
<BLOCKQUOTE> • Quoth Chew •<HR SIZE=1>Wow, Enterprise is going to make the list? ;):lol:<HR SIZE=1></BLOCKQUOTE>

I said the fans would be pleased; you and I both know that show has no fans. :)


nny 06-12-03 02:31 PM

Well, I was able to make a top 10 list last year fairly easy considering there were 10 really stand-out episodes in my mind last year. I think any other year it would be really hard for me to do that. This year the only 2 episodes that come to mind are: Boomtown's "The David McNorris Show" and Angel's "Apocalypse, Nowish".

All season long Six Feet Under was great, but I can't think of any standout episode. Also, even though I'd consider them both comedies, Gilmore Girls and Scrubs have been superb all season. I could probably find a couple standout episodes from Scrubs, like "My Overkill" (the episode that got me watching Scrubs).

Also, for anyone looking at my list from last year, I added "Normal Again" as my 10th choice, but I'd replace that with "Once More With Feeling". It took a second viewing for me to fall in love with that episode.

Venusian 06-12-03 02:32 PM

so what are we expecting this year? a list of dramas? and what's the unreleased list from last year?

Venusian 06-12-03 02:51 PM

well I'm bored and noone else is talking so I guess i"ll discuss with myself :p

Like I said last year, I don't watch too many dramas. I have season passes to the following:
The Shield, 24, Practice, Boston Public, Smallville

I would probably include and episode of The Shield and maybe even a couple of 24 (definitely the one where
Jack "kills" the guys son, very tense episode
). Practice and BP were nowhere near where they have been in the past. Smallville is more of a "fun" show instead of a "critically acclaimed" show.

I don't remember particular episodes for the comedy but i'd include something from That '70s Show. This show is probably funnier now than ever. Definitly include the premier of Chappell Show. Probably atleast 1 episode of CYE, but haven't seen them in a while so don't remember. I'd want to include a Futurama, just because we had new ones this year, but don't know if any of them actually stood out. Was the marijuana episode of Simpsons this season? If so, I'd include that. Off the top of my head I can't think of any other episodes I'd include. Friends was better this season but I can't think of a specific episode that was good. Same with Malcom in the Middle. I would want to include an episode of Clone High or 3 South, but I'll avoid that temptation

Numanoid 06-12-03 03:19 PM

Originally posted by das Monkey
<BLOCKQUOTE> • Quoth Groucho •<HR SIZE=1>I don't know. I added Mr. Monkey to my ignore list when he expressed disapproval over my thread about the homos. <HR SIZE=1></BLOCKQUOTE>


Could someone tell <B>Groucho</B>...


Groucho, das wants you to know that, and I quote, "your constant mockery of homos will not be tolerated and you will remain on my ignore list until the proverbial cows come home, or Jolene Blalock wins an Emmy...whichever comes first".

Red Dog 06-12-03 03:24 PM

Originally posted by Numanoid
or Jolene Blalock wins an Emmy...whichever comes first".

You mean there isn't an Emmy handed out for Best Actress in an Oil Rub-Down Scene?

Josh Z 06-12-03 03:25 PM

Re: Re: das Monkey's "greatest" thread?

Originally posted by das Monkey
Please forgive the delay. Back-to-back deaths in the family have thrown my schedule into disarray,
I had that happen to me a couple of years ago. I had to notify the rest of my family that no one else was allowed to die that year, and that in fact 2 years worth of deaths had been covered and everyone else was just going to have to suck it up and live.

You know what, it worked.

das Monkey 06-18-03 11:08 PM

Ugh ... when it rains, it pours ... literally.

Major electrical storm
Dead TiVo
Hot flashes
Fetal position
Can't ... breathe ... must ... *gasp* ... the horror ... the horror

I don't even want to think of all the great television that's encrypted in ones and zeroes on the unaccessible hard drive sitting on my desk.

Suffice it to say, it could be a bit longer than I anticipated.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go kill something ...


palebluedot 06-18-03 11:55 PM

Yikes...sorry to hear that one das...I had 60 hours of shows on my Replay TV and it decided to not let me watch them. Tech support told me the only way to fix was to reformat the drive. I took it back the next day...

Damn the cranky meter is full on...!!!!!!

I was going to make fun of you and ridicule you in this tread but now I am too frightened.

das Monkey 06-19-03 12:12 AM

I have to be honest ... I'm a bit scared myself. Not even the <I>Farscape</I> cancellation sent the Cranky-meter into Red. You may want to keep your distance; it's showing signs of going Plaid, and then we're all in deep ****. While it'll be uncharted territory for even me, I have visions of Tetsuo from <B>Akira</B> ... not pretty.

I guess if there's a silver lining, I'm now free to hack the **** out of this thing. Like the WTC, I shall rebuild ... bigger, stronger, faster ... "we have the technology." When I'm done with this thing, it will make Cartman's Dawson's Creek Trapper Keeper
Futura S2000 with On*Star look like a first generation Lite-Brite. Redundant systems, video extraction, tetris ... oh, it's on!


Rogue588 06-19-03 12:13 AM

Originally posted by das Monkey
Ugh ... when it rains, it pours ... literally.

Major electrical storm
Dead TiVo
Hot flashes
Fetal position
Can't ... breathe ... must ... *gasp* ... the horror ... the horror
Ahhhhhhh! My prophecy has come to pass.. [Just not due to the reason I suggested..] :p

I have the PERFECT thing to cheer you up..


MY treat dude! :D

nny 06-19-03 12:19 AM

Dammit! I wasn't looking forward to this because I didn't even realize that das did this list. Now, ever since this thread has been posted, I've been looking forward to it. I always love these types of lists.

das Monkey 06-19-03 12:31 AM

Oh, the irony of the phrase, "some people wait a lifetime ... for a moment like this."

Have no fear, the list will find life, if for no other reason than as a big F U to whichever fate decided to cut the string on my TiVo.


Chew 06-19-03 06:44 AM

das, sorry to hear about the TiVo. I can't imagine life without it.

On a side note, I didn't know a better place to post this. Have you seen this thread?

I really wanted to post an answer, but didn't feel like starting an endless pissing match. It's been done already. -ohbfrank-

djbrown 06-19-03 08:32 AM

what's the url for your thread over at tivocommunity.com, das? I've just been lurking over there lately, but I'd be happy to take a look at the thread and see if I can be of assistance.

das Monkey 06-19-03 08:55 AM


I responded. ;) Oops.


das Monkey 06-19-03 08:58 AM

<BLOCKQUOTE> • Quoth djbrown •<HR SIZE=1>what's the url for your thread over at tivocommunity.com, das? I've just been lurking over there lately, but I'd be happy to take a look at the thread and see if I can be of assistance. <HR SIZE=1></BLOCKQUOTE>


It's a tough one, which probably explains why no one will respond to it. They probably don't want to look dumb by not knowing the answer.*


* I don't really believe this ... just trying to toss some bait

jkingfish 06-19-03 09:16 AM

d00d... Sorry about all of that. Wow, seems like this is going around. The wife is having a pretty bad and stressful [read: death, firings, etc] crap this week as well. I've been meaning to get in touch. Email forthcoming.....

Chew 06-19-03 10:07 AM

Thanks to das for a response in that "other" thread I posted about.

Much better than what I could come up with. :up:

nny 06-19-03 01:22 PM

Hey, das, I don't know anything about tivo's, but I have had hd's crash on me. I don't know if this will help, but here's 2 links to companies I've used software from for data recovery.



Good luck!

das Monkey 06-19-03 01:37 PM

Thanks for the links. Unfortunately, as best I can tell, it's an issue with the controller board. I cannot get the BIOS to recognize the drive in any capacity, which means I'm unable to run any software on it at all. Even worse, the drive is pretty obscure. But I've tracked down the model (slightly different revision) on eBay, so I'm going to buy it, swap the boards, and see if I can pull a rabbit out of my ass. I only need the drive for about 5 minutes anyway. I'd like to keep the shows on the drive if possible, but all I <I>need</I> is the indexing information to access my second drive. If I can just get it up and running for a few minutes, the day might be saved. Anyway, thanks for trying to help.

<B>jkingfish</B>, hope the wife's doing OK. Maybe there's an apocalypse on the way or something. You notice how it's stormed like a MF every single day since April? Something's rotten down here in the ATL.


Chew 06-20-03 06:04 AM

Originally posted by das Monkey

I responded. ;) Oops.


Oh, look: The Pissing Match has begun, yet again, in earnest.

benedict 06-20-03 07:53 AM

Re: Re: das Monkey's "greatest" thread?

Originally posted by das Monkey
[....] fans of some shows will be pleasantly surprised with the results. Others will likely want to kick me in the nuts. It should be fun for the whole family [....]
</small> :lol::up:<b><i> I'll</b></i> say!

:eek: First I wrote the above and then I scrolled down! Looks like the nut-kicking came from on-high! :( Commiserations!

jkingfish 06-20-03 07:57 AM

Thanks, Das! She's doing fine, more family drama than sorrow on this one, unfortunately, but you know how that goes. In any case, haven't we been taught that there's ALWAYS an impending apocolypse around the corner? ;)

das Monkey 06-20-03 08:35 AM

Re: Re: Re: das Monkey's "greatest" thread?
<BLOCKQUOTE> • Quoth benedict •<HR SIZE=1><small></small> :lol::up:<b><i> I'll</b></i> say!

:eek: First I wrote the above and then I scrolled down! Looks like the nut-kicking came from on-high! :( Commiserations!

God must be a <I>C.S.I.</I> fan.


Chew 06-23-03 07:47 AM

Originally posted by Chew
Oh, look: The Pissing Match has begun, yet again, in earnest.
Crap, I was really hoping to hear the response to my further evidence. :(

On the other hand, the thread was locked with several points on the "winning" side. :D

Venusian 07-15-03 03:26 PM

where is our promised thread das?

elektra 07-15-03 09:17 PM

das who? :D

Rogue588 07-15-03 09:33 PM

das what?

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