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American Idol (8/20)

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American Idol (8/20)

Old 08-20-02, 11:11 PM
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Originally posted by Daytripper

And it's such a deep song, God forbid you don't stick with the original word for word.
That's not the point. The backing vocals were singing the right lyrics and her different lyrics over them is what sounded strange.

I'm not even sure why she had to have the canned backing vocals, but like I said, she could have gotten away with singing the wrong lyrics but the vocal track gave her away.

I just watched it again and the backing vocals were keeping the song together. During the line "God bless mother nature" Kelly skipped the first part and just started on "nature".

She was not intentionally delaying the start of the song, she forgot the lyrics.
Old 08-20-02, 11:21 PM
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Originally posted by Jadzia

I just watched it again and the backing vocals were keeping the song together. During the line "God bless mother nature" Kelly skipped the first part and just started on "nature".

She was not intentionally delaying the start of the song, she forgot the lyrics.
I think the key is to not just listen to them sing but also pay attention to their faces as they are singing. When they make mistakes you can see it in their faces. And I agree that she forgot the words. At least she didn't pull an RJ and just not sing at all.
Old 08-20-02, 11:22 PM
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I'm surprised there is so much debate here. I watched this show as openly as I ever have and felt Kelly and Tamyra were still the true talents, vocally. Nikki had a GREAT night and I thought was better than Justin. But is it fair to judge her on one night or over the entire run of the show? Overall, I really tried to ignore whether I liked the song or not (it's rainin men, yuck!), but even with a great performance by Nikki and only so-so by Justin it sure seemed like neither had the vocal abilities of their rivals. I mean as much as Nikki did well, I kept thinking during the performance how bad she was compared to Melissa Etheridge. And Justin looked so poor trying to do Michael. It was weak and Simon was right to say so. Why should you give them credit for trying when people are deciding who should win based on a single night's performance. The first song by Tamyra was awful and I couldn't tell you why. Nerves, song selection...I have no idea but she came back huge in her 2nd song. Kelly was superior to everyone tonight. The standard she has set is high and it wasn't her best night (but when you choose it's raining men, how do you expect to have your best night?) but she was strong in both rounds. Justin was average to bad, Nikki was great for her, and Tamyra fell back a little with that first awful performance but people will forget that and she'll move on when Nikki or Justin leaves. Up until tonight I thought Nikki was a goner but with Justin having a bad night and Nikki having a lot of fans, it might be close. To me, if it was based on tonight Nikki would move on, but based on the past Justin deserves to finish 3rd. As far as marketing goes, I sure think Nikki is a lot prettier than the others so that will help. If you look past the horrible haircut and colors, boy does Nikki have beautiful eyes and a very cute face and body. That certainly will help her. Personally, I don't think Kelly will need much help in marketing as I know a lot of people, myself included, who are already eager to hear and purchase her 1st album. Her looks aren't the best, but it seems like music is trending more towards voices/talent rather than faces and bodies which have been dominating the charts for the past 4-5 years.

Round by round:
Kelly A- A
Nikki B B+
Justin B+ C
Tamyra C A-
Old 08-20-02, 11:28 PM
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• Quoth Big Quasimodo •<HR SIZE=1>Can you imagine him in a remake of "What's Happenin' Now, Again". Hell, he's already got the wardrobe. Hey-Hey-Hey, Raj!!! <HR SIZE=1>

I'll one up you ... Tamika as Dee!

Old 08-20-02, 11:45 PM
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Hmmm...I'm one of the people who thought Nikki did well. Which is sad, because I'm betting she's next to leave. Kind of obvious, I'm sure Justin's fan base is much larger than hers. Too bad, so sad, I'm sure she'll find something.

I wouldn't be suprised by the fact that they are tired...they are always trotted out to sell Coke and Ford Focus, photo shoots, press interviews, sell more Coke and cars, and I'm fairly sure they recording an album with all their songs. That's a lot to do is so little time, but on tour, I think they probably won't have to do as much, probably just sip a Coke or something...
Old 08-20-02, 11:50 PM
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It's about that close in my opinion.
Old 08-20-02, 11:53 PM
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Originally posted by Jadzia

That's not the point. The backing vocals were singing the right lyrics and her different lyrics over them is what sounded strange.

I'm not even sure why she had to have the canned backing vocals, but like I said, she could have gotten away with singing the wrong lyrics but the vocal track gave her away.

I just watched it again and the backing vocals were keeping the song together. During the line "God bless mother nature" Kelly skipped the first part and just started on "nature".

She was not intentionally delaying the start of the song, she forgot the lyrics.
I just love the way some of you know for sure she "forgot" the lyrics. All I said was it "appeared" to me she was purposely choosing to sing differently and (to me) didn't look like she messed up. I can't tell you how many times I've seen the likes of Whitney and Mariah sing all over the map and no where NEAR on the same track as their background singers. Canned or otherwise. Doesn't mean they forgot the words. As far as her facial expressions during that performance, I just watched it again too and she doesn't look any different than she normally does. And, again, I agree with most of you that it wasn't her best performance. But don't you think at least one of the judges would have pointed out that she forgot the lyrics if she did? They certainly did with RJ!
Old 08-20-02, 11:57 PM
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Tamyra's face reminds me of Tori Spelling's face.

I've grown to appreciate profressional singers after watching tonite's AI. Any comparison to Whitney, Mariah, Celine is so vastly premature, it's not even funny. These pro singers have not only range, but control (well, maybe not Mariah), and a style that permeates every note uttered by them, and makes the interpretation of the songs their own.

Tamyra's 1st song was ill-chosen because she's doesn't have the "attitude," the presence of a Patti LaBelle, and came across as a karoake competitor in that song.

Tamyra's 2nd song is more suited for her vocal style, but again, she can't control her ending notes, always throwing in a gratituous octave, but it results in making her sound hoarse in some notes.

Kelly was pretty much winging it on the first song, and it's not a song she should ever sing again because her persona doesn't "go there" and she doesn't need to "go there" every again. I appreciate the original singer of that song. One of the pitfalls I do see in Kelly is always singing "big", and at this point in the competition, her high notes are getting louder, not higher (due to the stress, and from being hoarse through overuse). Also, Kelly simply doesn't have the attitude needed for performing "It's Raining Men".

Kelly's second song is also more suited for her style, but while she's still got the pipes, there was some strain in her voice while going for singing loud, but when she's not straining, her voice sends shivers down my spine in a good way. She's got plenty of natural talent, but needs to be reined in by a good vocal coach (as does Tamyra).

Nikki's problem is that she's one-note in her vocal range. For rock songs, that's going to cover up a lot of deficiencies for Nikki, but it's plainly obvious she sings loudly because that's what she has to work with. She's obviously very pretty (if she'd get rid of the multi-colored hair, like tonight), she'd be taken more seriously, but I don't see her doing anything else other than rock songs. Didn't like her first song that much, though she did sing it as well as she could.

Nikki's second song had a problem with tempo, when Melissa Etheridge sings that song, she absolutely owns it and the pain that goes with the song. When Nikki sings it, she's more focused on enunciating every single word, forgetting a lot of the inherent emotion that comes from the lyrics, and comes across too slow in the tempo department. Sure, she sounded pretty good, but just because you incorporate some hand/arm gestures doesn't mean you are doing the song justice.

Justin's first song is what he needs to stay with because it does give him a little to show us what little falsetto he has, but he's a quiet singer, the show's volume level drops by 3dB when he singing in comparison to the girls. Not to say it's a bad thing, just something I noticed. Justin's is more suited to crooning love songs because his voice betrays him in other material. His vocal range is limited, and that limits his choices (should he want to make good decision for the material he performs).

Justin's second song was a total mis-step on his part to do a Michael Jackson song. Sure, as Paula admitted to, she was entertained by Justin's moves on stage, she was responding to the dancer in Justin, and for some people that's almost enough to give Justin a pass, but overall, the song exposes a lot of Justin's weaknesses in the upper registers that Michael owns.

I would not be surprised if either Tamyra or Justin were the bottom 2 vote getters based on their performances, but it's a total toss-up now, due to the system in place to "vote" for the top 3.

Oh, the judges were on the take tonight, especially Simon. At least Randy tried to be more level-headed in handing out the compliments and also so-so reactions he had. Paula has reverted back to cheerleader mode for the home stretch.

Last edited by Patman; 08-21-02 at 12:00 AM.
Old 08-21-02, 12:04 AM
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Thank you Patman! Winging it is the perfect description for Kelly's first performance. I couldn't quite put my finger on it or find the right word. The song is such a piece of fluff, I can't even believe we're dissecting her performance in this much detail. The song sucks (IMO), she didn't (IMO). Poor choice. But I personally thought she made it work. Misplaced words or otherwise.
Old 08-21-02, 12:25 AM
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Justin is easily the best performer of the group. However, he needs to stick to songs like the first one he did to even have a chance.

Nikki, you're hurting my ears. She'd be good singing rock songs, but lacks any type of versatility.

Tamyra's first song was yuck. Second song == redemption.

Kelly had the best voice of the night IMO.

My Conclusion: For the love of God get rid of NIKKI. What the hell was Simon thinking tonight giving her props? What. The. F!
Old 08-21-02, 01:15 AM
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Well I've got a headache and I'm exhausted, so I haven't read through this thread beyond page one, but omg - tonight SUCKED! I don't know what possessed the judges to tell everyone how great they sounded when they just bit - and bit hard. The one huge exception to that was Kelly's second song. I actually cried. And I don't mean got teary-eyed - I mean cried. That was beautiful, and all the more moving because her voice is so obviously exhausted, yet full of raw emotion and power beyond belief. Gorgeous rendition.

You know, the big band songs that both Kelly and Tamyra sang have become my favorite renditions of the songs - beating out even the original artists imo. I guess I was hoping for more of that kind of perfection, but every time someone started singing tonight I just kept walking way - the performances were boring and even downright bad.

Nikki's success is beyond me - she has almost no talent vocally, especially compared to the other two women. Justin gave me a bit of falsetto, and I enjoyed the first song he sang (the only other performance tonight that was worth a d@mn, imo). Tamyra's voice is just gone, and the poor girl looked exhausted, too - no energy whatsoever, though she still looked lovely. Her voice didn't sound bad exactly - everything was just off. Same with Kelly's first song - wrong lyrics, dropped lines, etc.

And what happened to a real orchestra?!? These canned background vocals and karaoke tunes sound like cr@p. At least give the singers decent music to back up their performances - sheesh.

But that second song that Kelly sang - good lord - it was gorgeous. The girl is utterly amazing. But I hope she doesn't win - I want her to have the freedom artistically to do this sort of amazing song (and more of "Stuff like that there") - I don't want them to smash her into a "pop idol" mold and ruin her. For that matter, I'd prefer if Tamyra didn't get altered, too - and I don't want Justin singing boy band type songs - he needs to stick with ballads (and his falsetto).

I can't believe it, but now I say let Nikki win. She's got a rabid fanbase already like all good popstars need, and the lack of both vocal range and real talent so she can take full advantage of the reprocessing that goes on with most pop star's voices in the recording studio. And I could care less if they want to smash her into a popstar mold - "my hair's RED!" my @ss. GO NIKKI!

(And leave the real talent alone)

Man, I'm ornery tonight.

Last edited by WarriorPrincess; 08-21-02 at 01:30 AM.
Old 08-21-02, 01:24 AM
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Originally posted by the aftermath
Justin is easily the best performer of the group. However, he needs to stick to songs like the first one he did to even have a chance.
I disagree! With the first song he sang, I have never heard a man sing that song before and now I know why. It just does not sound right sung by a man. If you have heard the original you know why. Justin knows that his singing is just OK and he makes up for it by flirting with the female fans and mugging for the camera.
Old 08-21-02, 04:21 AM
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Originally posted by Daytripper
I don't think Kelly messed up on "It's Raining Men" at all. She just "tweaked" the song a little and made it her own version. Still didn't care for it. But she didn't forget the lyrics or anything. Don't you think Simon at the very least would have pointed that out if she did?
She was waaaayyy off several times.. Did the wrong vocals, then changed in mid verse etc.. I was cringing..

And she totally cracked her voice on the second song almost right at the start on a "powernote". I thought she did pretty bad tonight even though she's probably my favorite.

Tonights most decent performances were imho :

Justins first song and Tamyras Second song. I actually dug Nikkis Etheridge song - just because it was miles better than what she usually pulls out.
Old 08-21-02, 06:40 AM
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Did you guys know that Fox doesn't have to take American's winner? Meaning, our votes aren't the determining facter (if Fox chooses to).

I heard on ET last night that all the contestants signed a waiver that Fox has the right to choose the winner if they think the votes are for someone that isn't the best.

Probably won't even matter, but interesting nonetheless.

My $0.02
1) Tamyra - i just think she's far and away the best singer, and peple talk about Justin being "the whole package", I think tamyra is. She's cute and has talent. She'll be the biggest star out of this contest, mark my words.
2) Kelly - I actually think she's cute and a dam good singer. I'm hoping she actually wins it, but she's not the best talent
3) Justin - as much as I hate this rube, he's actually pretty good.
4) Nikki - she's ok, but we'll all see the true goods when she does playboy soon

What scares me about this whole thing is that they're going to do this every year now. Like the pop-music industry isn't overflooded already, we'll keep adding to the nonsense. Why can't they do an "American Idol" type show for rock bands? I'll bet anyone money that soon there will be a rap type AI. And I'm sure there will be a country one too.

- joeboo
Old 08-21-02, 07:32 AM
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"Her looks aren't the best, but it seems like music is trending more towards voices/talent rather than faces and bodies which have been dominating the charts for the past 4-5 years."



Much true, but special for the Tori Spelling/Tamyra call. You analyzed the songs and singers just the way I saw them. Although I think Justin wins even more points for being able to dance very well. His vocal performance on PYT was weak, but he commanded the stage like a pro.


on the Nikki/Playboy call. Just be sure to post the pics in the Mature Forum when the issue hits the stands, m'k? Also, thanks for the info on the voting....I am actually glad of it.
Old 08-21-02, 02:55 PM
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Regarding Kelly's performance, where exactly is it
written in stone that the main vocals on a song have
to be synchronized with the backup? Or even done
verbatim? I'm a trained singer and that's not exactly
the way I was taught. There is no set way to sing or
perform a song. It depends on the singer or style in
which they want to deliver it. I can name you three
artists right off the bat that almost never follow the
pattern of their backup singers live: Aretha Franklin,
Patti Labelle and Chaka Khan.
Old 08-21-02, 03:22 PM
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• Quoth Trapper John •<HR SIZE=1>Regarding Kelly's performance, where exactly is it
written in stone that the main vocals on a song have
to be synchronized with the backup?

The stone is kept in a vault in Schaffhausen, Switzerland, very near the German border and is well protected.


P.S. Unless you mean where on the stone it's written, in which case you'll need to do further research.
Old 08-21-02, 03:29 PM
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I just noticed that Kelly kept glossing over "Halleluah" on her first song, "It's Raining Men". Makes you wonder if she even heard the song and "knew it" well enough to be performing it.
Old 08-21-02, 03:38 PM
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Originally posted by Patman
I just noticed that Kelly kept glossing over "Halleluah" on her first song, "It's Raining Men". Makes you wonder if she even heard the song and "knew it" well enough to be performing it.

Maybe she's an atheist.

Something tells me "It's Raining Men" is not on too many jukeboxes in Texas. And considering she probably wasn't even born yet when the song came out, you're probably right. She probably hasn't heard it before.
Old 08-21-02, 03:48 PM
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It's sort of funny when you are familiar with a song, like "It's Raining Men" and then you hear one of these kids sing it, and it sounds...imcomplete, the familiar refrains are missing, and totally pulls you out of the listening experience and turns you into a more critical listener for faults, rather than the good stuff.
Old 08-21-02, 05:52 PM
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Even though Tamyra has been my most favorite and believed to be the most talented singer of the bunch, I just feel as though she won't win this. In fact I wouldnt be surprised if she gets voted off tonight.
Some people are saying, "You can't just get rid of her after one bad night compared to all those other great performances she did". Well, this is now the final four and elimination can happen in a blink of an eye.

Originally posted by Adrian

If Nikki stays, the voting is rigged j/k. Well, she's really what the American public wants.
Yup. People love survivors. And since Nikki has been in the bottom #3 back-to-back-to-back-to-back, I feel as though her fan base (which is a huge one) is gonna catapult her to the top #2 spot after last night's "rousing" performance.

Expect Kelly to win.
Old 08-21-02, 06:10 PM
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Originally posted by palebluedot

Because they are learning a song for probably the first time in 7 days and they have to learn it with a new arrangement. Most of the songs haven't been played straight. So they are practicing all day every day with no rest. Plus a singers voice must be trained over time. I doubt leading up to this competition they sang the same song all day every day without rest.

On tour they would sing for maybe an hour or so and have a full day or more before having to sing again.
And don't forget that these are popular songs that they probably know word for word but have to condense down to 90 seconds. Their first instinct is probably to sing it the way theyhave been since they first heard it years ago. And to be fair, Tamyra messed up some words as well. :-) These "kids" have also been making a LOT of public appearances and they just aren't used to that yet.

Kelly got my vote last night! That 2nd song gave me chills!
Old 08-21-02, 07:11 PM
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Kelly's second song kicked ass last night. To me, it was probably the best of all of the performances that I have seen on the show. Nikki should be the next one gone, but Tamyra had a really rocky time with New Attitude. The only one that I can honestly say it would surprise me to get booted tonight is Kelly. I really think that she is going to take it all...
Old 08-21-02, 07:56 PM
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So, people watch this crap? Fox is getting worse and worse...cancelling Futurama/Family Guy and Dark Angel was bad enough, but they keep falling further. Im gonna stick to watching PBS or simply stare at my tv while its turned off.
Old 08-21-02, 08:04 PM
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Originally posted by discostu1337
So, people watch this crap? Fox is getting worse and worse...cancelling Futurama/Family Guy and Dark Angel was bad enough, but they keep falling further. Im gonna stick to watching PBS or simply stare at my tv while its turned off.
What's even more interesting is the fact that American Idol's ratings get higher each week and Futurama/Family Guy/ and Dark Angel all had bad if not mediocre ratings. So is FOX really getting worse or from a business stand point, did they make the right decision???

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