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Buffy 11/20/01

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Old 11-20-01, 05:01 AM
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Buffy 11/20/01

Spoilers for Today's Buffy! You've been warned!

Wow, what an episode.

Now, there were obvious bad parts to it, but I'm going to give it a chance.

Buffy and Spike, well, she's using him as her booty call. And that's fine. That's how it's going to be for now and I'm ok for that. They are still showing Spike as a monster and that's good, because he is one. And knowing what Buffy's going through, and the fact that something has happened to her as made this more belivable. I think I'm going to like this arc unless they screw it up in the end and make Buffy love Spike, or make Spike turn good.

Boy, Buffy keeps pushing the limit of what UPN will show sexually on TV. The Christian Right is going to be having a bloody fit. Hahaha, GOOD! This isn't a kids show, it's a teen and adult show, and teens and adults know what sex is.

I found the dark willow story line to be picking up for the first time ever. Amy is great, I like her a lot. I think I'm going to like this arc.

The trio were funnier, but I still don't know about them. I'm pretty sure they aren't going to be the big bad, but I still don't know. The freeze gun was stupid.

Ok, and the lame cliche with one guy trying to break in scientifically while the other walks in was done on Angel a couple weeks ago. It was lame then, and it's lamer now.

Also, Dr. Who isn't all on DVD, only 3 series of episodes in Region 1, and I think.. 5 series in the UK. He might not have ment that though, he didn't say he saw it all on DVD... but It would still be impossible for someone of his age to see all of Dr. Who because many episodes are lost. The BBC purged them.

Also, that Boba Feet figure is out of it's packaging, so it wouldn't be worth much... unless it was a genuine rocket firing Fett... but hmm, I don't know..

Boy, I'm a geek, I'll shut up now.

Enjoyable episode. Looks like this season might recover. Hell, looks like the show might recover.
Old 11-20-01, 03:29 PM
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ttt, I guess no one has seen this yet because it's only aired in Canada...
Old 11-20-01, 08:05 PM
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That was one crazy episode...the Geek-boy trio is played out IMO, time to move on. As far as the sex scene goes there have been much more risque scenes on TV although I thought it was pretty hot...SMG gets my vote!

Anyway can someone explain the whole chip in Spike's head thing because I missed a bunch of past episodes and that one blew right past me.
Old 11-20-01, 08:07 PM
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UPN Buffy 11/20/01:

Daaaa-ammm!!!! Now that's what I'm talking about!

I could not believe I was watching 8 p.m. family programming at the end of tonight's Buffy. Spike and Buffy finally do the big nasty. That first slow descent of Buffy on Spike's, uh, spike was *gulp* not what I thought I'd ever get to see on TV.

So the question of the night is: Is Buffy now more than human since her resurrection?

Could believe how much abuse Buffy and Spike were delivering to one another in their version of foreplay.

Looking at Amy, I wonder how Buffy (the show) would have turned out if this actress got tapped to be Buffy from the start. She's not too hard on the eyes either.

The cavalier use of magic by Willow and Amy will definitely produce some consequence (plus judging by next week's previews).

This was the kind of episode that makes slugging through the last month of Buffy's worth it.

Last edited by Patman; 11-21-01 at 01:08 PM.
Old 11-20-01, 08:10 PM
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Originally posted by palebluedot
Anyway can someone explain the whole chip in Spike's head thing because I missed a bunch of past episodes and that one blew right past me.
Spike got implanted with a chip that renders him incapable of harming humans and feeding off of them for his meals. Then he noticed that he was able to take full swings at Buffy, thus, he deduced that Buffy is not fully human anymore, so he was able to fight her.
Old 11-20-01, 08:18 PM
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What's the deal with Amy? I've missed previous seasons, so I've no clue who she is. It seems like she's been in the show earlier. Buffy isn't human, that rules, I'd like to see more of this in the future.
Old 11-20-01, 08:27 PM
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Wow! Okay, I'm kind of Ewww with the whole Spike thing because he is still evil. And he doesn't do that much for me. I guess I was hoping they wouldn't go this route. I agree with Biz in that she shouldn't fall in love with him and he shouldn't become good. Also, I hope they don't do the turning her or her getting into him biting here. Yuck! IMO, by the end of this season, Spike will have played out his usefulness.

The Willow/Amy thing was really well done. At first I felt the two dorks deserved what they did to them, but not for very long. What they did to the whole place was just wrong.

As for the Geek Trio, I wonder if Spike will have them short out or remove the chip. They are laughable and sooooo geeky.
Old 11-20-01, 08:41 PM
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Originally posted by xxfobxx
What's the deal with Amy? I've missed previous seasons, so I've no clue who she is. It seems like she's been in the show earlier. Buffy isn't human, that rules, I'd like to see more of this in the future.
In season 3, Amy, Willow and Buffy were all tied up and being burnt at the stake by the parents that were under the control of a demon who like to convince humans into harming one another for his amusement (he appeared as a pair of young kids to the grown-ups, making mischief). To escape the fires, Amy turned herself into a rat, and Willow found her (as the rat), and for the past 2 seasons has taken care of Amy (as a rat) until she could reverse the magic spell, and finally Willow turned the corner on her magic abilities and indeed turned Amy back into a human in tonight's episode.

Amy was there from the start in season 1, when Buffy go out for the Cheerleading squad, and Amy's mom was a witch who's best days were in high school, and before you know it, Amy and her mom switched places, and the mom was trying to re-liver her glory days in high school until Buffy foils her plans.

Also, the actress that played Amy was up for the role of Buffy (SMG initially came in to read for the role of Cordelia - believe it or not!).
Old 11-20-01, 08:42 PM
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When Amy and Willow were at the bar, did anyone else expect "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" to be playing in the background?
Old 11-20-01, 09:11 PM
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Decent episode. I swear if they spend too much more time having Buffy and Spike do something "bad", then have Buffy say it didn't mean anything, it's gonna get old real fast. When is the first part climax? Obviously there was some climaxing going on in this one, but I'm talking about a different kind. What I really mean is what is the last episode before we take a few weeks off? I suppose no one knows, but it'll have to be a big one.

"You came back wrong..." - Spike
Old 11-20-01, 09:18 PM
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Originally posted by Neeperando
Decent episode. I swear if they spend too much more time having Buffy and Spike do something "bad", then have Buffy say it didn't mean anything, it's gonna get old real fast. When is the first part climax? Obviously there was some climaxing going on in this one, but I'm talking about a different kind. What I really mean is what is the last episode before we take a few weeks off? I suppose no one knows, but it'll have to be a big one.

"You came back wrong..." - Spike
Next week's episode is a new Buffy, and then we'll have at least 3 reruns from season 4 and 5:

12/04/01 After Life

12/11/01 Hush

12/18/01 The Body
Old 11-20-01, 10:02 PM
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Thanks for the explanation Patman...much appreciated!
Old 11-20-01, 10:17 PM
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Hmm... So I wonder, is there really something wrong with Buffy, or does hitting her not adversely affect Spike because his chip interprets it as foreplay? Hmm...

Ok, I'm getting really tired of the Three-Not-So-Wise-Men, so I have a few questions to ask, and if anyone has any answers, please feel free to use spoiler tags.

1) Is there going to be a major villain this season?

2) If so, when, for goodness sake? Or, has this villain already been introduced, and the big threat will become more evident later (there are a couple of candidates here, but I don't need a specific name)?

The character development this season is fine by me, but if there's no looming doom impending, threatening the ruination of mankind (or just The Scoobies), I'd like to know. I'm a very patient person, but previous seasons have acclimated me to expect a season-long villain, and I've curiously become restive regarding this one issue. If the evolution of the characters is it, I can live with that, but, like that cheesy Marc Anthony song, I need to know.
Old 11-20-01, 11:35 PM
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Originally posted by Patman
Next week's episode is a new Buffy, and then we'll have at least 3 reruns from season 4 and 5:

12/04/01 After Life

12/11/01 Hush

12/18/01 The Body
If they're going into mid-season reruns (already??), why are they doing prior seasons' shows?
Old 11-20-01, 11:45 PM
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Was this episode called SMASHED because Buffy smashed Spike's little spike with her fluffy buffy?

Now that Buffy is X-rated... when will Angel and Cordy f*ck?
Old 11-20-01, 11:53 PM
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How many times is Buffy going to say "THATS IT" to Spike. Next weeks episode:

Spike: "You snowballed me last night, Slayer"

Buffy: "Yes, but thats it! No more! I wasnt thinking!"

Then the season finale:

Spike: "You gave birth to my child, Slayer"

Buffy: "Yes, but thats it! No more! I wasnt thinking!"
Old 11-21-01, 12:27 AM
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Spoilers for the ep mentioned in the title. Duh.

The good:

Amy! And they didn't forget about her father!

And, while I'm talking about Amy: Willow's extremely random "Oh, hey, maybe /this/ is how I change her back!" thing has to have relation to stuff we're going to see later.

I really liked the Buffy, Anya, and Xander scenes.

And, they actually had Tara making conversation that didn't at all involve Willow--something that is all too rare.

The 'Buffy's not entirely human' revelation. No idea where they're going with it, and I hope it's not some silly two episode arc, or something, but it has definite potential.

Buffy and Spike finally went ahead and did it--and it /wasn't/ healthy. Also, Spike was slightly less shmoopy this episode.

The bad:

The Willow plotline, in general, is wearing thin with me. I don't feel much sympathy for the girl, which is going to make it pretty darned hard to feel for her whenever the (theoretically) inevitable smackdown comes to be. This week was just more 'Willow abuses magic, doesn't feel at all responsible.' The preview for next week did seem interesting, though.

Yet another episode where, overall, nothing happened. This felt way more like the first half of an episode, than an episode in it's own right. Lots of setup, little payoff. Of course, given that this week is "Smashed", and next week's episode is "Wrecked", it seems likely that it's the first part of a two-parter.
Old 11-21-01, 02:12 AM
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Well, they've finally 'done it' - wasn't expecting that at all. I remember someone was keeping track of all the 'who slept with who' for all the characters - time to update!

I for one, wasn't very happy for Buffy - all the destruction around them seems to portend something bad. And, we find out she's not fully human? WTF?

I love this show!
Old 11-21-01, 02:48 AM
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Boy, I think I needed some cold water thrown on me after that episode Amazing! I can't recall a single primetime epsiode of anything that was THAT steamy. The foreplay was even phenomenal.

Bizrodan--It definitely had to be the rocket launching Fett albeit odd, they did not mention that fact.

Amy is going to be good, I am seeing some sort of Willow and her teaming of wicked ways. Although Buffy was 'working out' in other ways this evening--ah hem...she needs to toughen up for the bigger task of controlling Willow. At this point with Amy, she's unstoppable with her powers. Buffy even seems like she is stronger physically more than ever since she's been alive, or is this just me?

I find it difficult to believe Spike didn't see that diamond in plain site. The nerds still have their cover apparently. I find them rather amusing but not as harmful as some of the other arcs.
Old 11-21-01, 05:45 AM
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Can someone link me to where it said the actress who plays Amy tried out for Buffy? I don't remember reading that anywhere. I know that SMG was originally trying out for Cordy. I know that Charisma tried out for Buffy, but each got the others role.

Maybe Amy is going to wind up being the big bad this season? Or maybe, as someone else suggested, this is about them each dealing with their own inner demons and lots of different stuff gets thrown at them. Who knows?
Old 11-21-01, 07:13 AM
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Who's slept with who, from memory:

Spoilers for some stuff in Season 3, 4 and 5



I think that's it.
Old 11-21-01, 08:42 AM
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spike/drucilla (probably)
giles/buffy mom

the geeks rule
Old 11-21-01, 09:13 AM
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Dammit, wasn't thinking of Spike and I KNEW I forgot a big one (giles/joyce)...thanks Rubix
Old 11-21-01, 09:44 AM
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Just my two cents but I think I know why Spikes chip doesn't activate when he hits Buffy:

I could be wrong, but I don't think he ever actually hit her before, or I don't remember so the following diatribe may prove moot if he had.
Remember when Buffy was exploring her Slayerness and all indications were that the power she has is from a Dark/evil origin? Dracula had said it and Spike referred to it also. Not to mention when the first slayer visited her and the Scoobs in that dream episode at the end of Season Four.

That's my take. That the Slayers powers are innately evil in origin and that's why Spike can hit her.

What do you guys think?
Old 11-21-01, 10:09 AM
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First off, I'm glad to see this season starting to show some direction.

When Spike first hit Buffy and didn't react, it seemed perfectly valid to me that the chip didn't work on her because she's been brought back from the dead. If they hadn't played it up as something major, I wouldn't have thought another thing about it ... just seemed to make sense. But I guess they have something else in mind.

On the Buffy/Spike topic, as long as it's just an outlet for Buffy's frustration, I'm fine with it, but I'll get very pissed if they take it further than that. I assume this is all related to 'Going Through the Motions' and 'Walk Through the Fire' from the musical. She sang about not not being able to feel anything. And at the end we got "this isn't real ... but I just want to feel" before the kiss. I assume she's shagging Spike just to be able to feel something. People in emotional distress will often do crazy stuff just to remind them that they're alive ... I hope it doesn't go anywhere other than that.

Great to have Amy back. Next week's magic episode could be very strong, but I hope this new character is just another catalyst in Willow's decent and not a major player. I still want her ultimate demise to be her own, not some mystical badguy.

Overall, I liked this episode a lot. Finally ... we're going somewhere with this season.


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