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Class316 12-08-04 10:28 AM

Mine have just been recieved. It's never taken 2 days to be recieved. It's the first time this happened so I'm hoping it's a one time fluke rather than a habit.

texasgator 12-08-04 10:56 AM

I have had the same experience as Hammer. My service dropped significantly for about two weeks after the price drop, I complained to them, they replied that nothing had changed in the service, and since then it has been back to normal and I'm a happy camper.

darqleo 12-08-04 11:39 AM

No sucking here. I get email confirmations that they've received my DVDs the next day. And usually that very night I'll get emails that the next ones in queue have been sent. And then the day after that they they are in-hand. Oh h*ll yeah.

Davie50 12-08-04 01:22 PM

One time I got Whose Afraid of Virginia Woolfe from Netflix and the disc was broken in two and held together by tape. I couldn't believe it. I put it in my player anyway and it actually worked. I didn't have any problems watching it at all. I was very surprised, but now I use that story as an example to friends about how much better dvd is over vhs.

Yes I still have friends who willingly choose vhs over dvd. I need better friends methinks.

But yeah, that was just one of the things that have happened.

Also, I don't know how often it happens to some people, but that whole thing about sending in all 3 discs at once and they never get them, so you wait the 6 days or however long it is to report them lost, and the next day after you do that they say they finally received them. That has happened to me 4 times in the last 4 months. Very frustrating.

Chew 12-08-04 01:38 PM

About the only recent complaint I have about Netflix is getting the 1998 Criterion Edition of M when the picture (and the fact they also have the bonus disc) shows the new 2004 edition. :(

masetodd 12-08-04 01:56 PM

My thought on the missing DVDs is that somewhere in the mail stream, the discs are getting stolen. It could be USPS workers or people rummaging through mailboxes. In the past no one knew what these little envelopes were, but now everyone knows there's DVDs inside.

I'm sure many of them are legitimately "lost", but I'm also sure some of them are finding new illegitimate homes. Personally, I've only had 4 or 5 movies lost in about 4 years - at 1 per year that's not too bad.

mrhan 12-08-04 02:16 PM

Originally Posted by masetodd
My thought on the missing DVDs is that somewhere in the mail stream, the discs are getting stolen. It could be USPS workers or people rummaging through mailboxes. In the past no one knew what these little envelopes were, but now everyone knows there's DVDs inside.

I'm sure many of them are legitimately "lost", but I'm also sure some of them are finding new illegitimate homes. Personally, I've only had 4 or 5 movies lost in about 4 years - at 1 per year that's not too bad.

Maybe they should get rid of those damn red envelopes. They practically scream "Steal Me!" because they stand out from the rest of the mail. They should just use plain white envelopes. I'm sure people are intelligent enough not to trash them thinking it's just more junk mail.

NoirTech 12-08-04 02:44 PM

I've had nothing but good service from them, even after the price drop. I usually get the DVDs the day after they ship them. I'm in Tucson, AZ so I have no idea if they have a center in near me, but I'm guessing the nearest one is in CA. Is this true or does anyone know of a center in AZ?
Anyway, I've had Netflix since January 2000, and I'm getting as good, if not better service now then at any time in the past. I've only had 1 DVD get lost in the mail, and 3 that did not play right due to scratches. I keep an excel spreadsheet with all the titles I have rented from them.

RockStrongo 12-08-04 02:58 PM

Mine has been fine. Turnaround is about 2-3 days usually. Last week, they shipped a movie and I got it the next day.

They shipped Dodgeball yesterday and I should have it today or tomorrow. No complaints here.

On another note, I am trying BBV online right now (used Free Bourne Supremacy promo) and the first 3 movies they sent, 1 got to me within 2 days, the other two were shipped, but I still dont have them after 4 days. :(

The Antipodean 12-08-04 03:45 PM

Mine's been fine. Slightly slower the last week or two but I chalk that up to the fact that December is the busiest month of all for mail deliveries due to Christmas.

spoon81 12-08-04 04:21 PM

Originally Posted by Sierra Disc
Mine's been fine. Slightly slower the last week or two but I chalk that up to the fact that December is the busiest month of all for mail deliveries due to Christmas.

That is exactly what I was going to write.

nightmaster 12-08-04 04:26 PM

Originally Posted by masetodd
My thought on the missing DVDs is that somewhere in the mail stream, the discs are getting stolen. It could be USPS workers or people rummaging through mailboxes. In the past no one knew what these little envelopes were, but now everyone knows there's DVDs inside.

I'm sure many of them are legitimately "lost", but I'm also sure some of them are finding new illegitimate homes. Personally, I've only had 4 or 5 movies lost in about 4 years - at 1 per year that's not too bad.

I make it a point to drop off my rentals at a post office mailbox on my way to work, just in case any neighbors might want to help themselves to free movies from my mailbox; I leave for work at 6am and my mail carrier doesn't get to my house until 1pm or so each day. That way I feel that if they turn up lost it will be because of USPS employees or because of a Netfix screwup.

William Fuld 12-08-04 04:42 PM

Originally Posted by NoirTech
I've had nothing but good service from them, even after the price drop. I usually get the DVDs the day after they ship them. I'm in Tucson, AZ so I have no idea if they have a center in near me, but I'm guessing the nearest one is in CA. Is this true or does anyone know of a center in AZ?

Look at the return address on the envelope.

mndtrp 12-08-04 06:34 PM

I've had Netflix for about a year, and have been very happy with it. There were a couple of 2 or 3 week periods where my service would slow down, but nothing dramatic. I mail a movie one day, get returned confirmation and new dvd sent the next day, and receive it two days after I mail it. I do have a distribution center in my town, so that helps.

I have also noticed that I've been getting the dvd sent email at odd times now. I work at night, and have been getting the emails sometimes at 3 or 4 in the morning. I don't remember this happening before, but never really noticed.

GMLSKIS 12-08-04 11:28 PM

Netflix is awesome and exceded my expectaions. Blockbuster sucks and was a major dissappointment. Netflix got me 13 movies in my 2 week trial while Blockbuster didn't get me that many in my month trial. Netflix would deliver in one day where is Blockbuster took 4-6 days. It all depends on how close to one of their warehouses you live. I dropped both because I have bought a lot also and am too far behind in viewing not to mention wanting to rewatch some old DVD's. It's also Christmas time with other things to do too. I will definitely rejoin Netflix probably in about 2 months.

BigDan 12-09-04 03:04 AM

Being close to a Blockbuster shipping center doesn't necessarily help. I am within spitting distance of a Blockbuster shipping center, and it has taken as long as seven weeks to get a disc scanned into their system as received. The minimum amount of time anymore is two mailing days, unlike Netflix (which is actually further away from me, but not by that much) which always has a one-day mailing time (Netflix receives my discs the day after I send them, and I receive the discs the day after Netflix sends them).

I can't imagine it's a postal issue, especially since I used the same post office (and have mailed Netflix and Blockbuster discs at the same time) to send them to the respective companies.

scarredgod 01-01-05 09:43 AM

is it true that Netflix doesnt ship DVDs on Saturdays? i have read conflicting reports on this, and from the website...

Q: How soon will Netflix send the first DVD?
A: We ship everyday except Saturday and Sunday. You can expect to receive the DVD within 1-3 days after we ship it.

is this still true or did they change this policy?

JPRaup 01-01-05 09:56 AM

from my account, none were shipped on a Sat since a started the service ( 5 months)

bluesparrow 01-01-05 10:25 AM

My service vastly improved this week, my shipping time is now something like 24 hours. Maybe a lot of the problems were christmas shipping rush.

DVDTalker002 01-01-05 02:13 PM

In the last year netflix has horribly went down hill.

A year or so ago they shipped on saturdays and I was able to get around 50 movies on their 8 out of a time plan.....I re signed up I belive it was october/november and I only go around 32 movies....I think thats a huge change and it pissed me off since its alot more expensive now then it used to be...So you would think for the extra money you would get more movies....I probably won't ever sign up again unless they run some sort of 10 dollar off special.

BigDan 01-02-05 02:13 AM

I hope the Post Office being busy with Christmas mail is the problem I've having. In the last two weeks, I've seen a tremendous slow-down in both delivery and return times (and my "no shipping on Tuesdays" has reappeared. I guess it was a mistake that they actually shipped something on Tuesday a few weeks ago).

Until this week, I never had anything take longer than "next day" to reach me. This week, I've had it happen a few times.

Since my Blockbuster shipping has been similarly slowed down, I assume it's a Post Office issue, so hopefully it clears up soon.

Oh, for the first time, I was skipped over for a new release, as well, this week. Usually, if I have an open slot on Monday, I get the new release at the top of my queue. But not this week. I know Netflix admittedly prioritizes new releases so they go to low-volume renters over high-volume renters, but this is the first time for me that's meant not getting a new release.

ArchibaldTuttle 01-02-05 01:41 PM

My service has gone to hell too, but it's because I moved from a netflix distribution city to 2 hours away from the nearest.

Rizor 01-02-05 06:15 PM

Yeah, mine has been slow in the past two weeks. Sometimes it takes them two days to receive a disc or it takes them an extra day to send it out. They sent me a disc on Tuesday and I still haven't gotten it yet. Hopefully it's just the holidays.

postpunk 01-03-05 07:11 AM

Originally Posted by zidane349
Anyones Netflix service starting to suck?

Nope. Still happy with it.

Class316 01-03-05 10:36 AM

Mine seems to be back on track. I guess we'll see.

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