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nando820 06-18-18 12:36 PM

Re: How often do you watch your favorite films of all-time?
Unless its a favorite Christmas film like "Die Hard" I rarely watch my favorites every year
Except Die Hard because it fucking rules and it always puts me in the Christmas spirit that and "Its a Wonderful Life"

stvn1974 06-18-18 12:51 PM

Re: How often do you watch your favorite films of all-time?
I tend to watch my favorites like David Lynch's filmography, Original Star Wars Trilogy and Serenity quite often. I am more of a fan of watching my favorite TV shows though. I have about 15 complete series on BD and I will just continually watch them.

davidh777 06-18-18 01:15 PM

Re: How often do you watch your favorite films of all-time?
My favorite film is Casablanca, but I don't feel like watching it all the time. Same with LOTR.

Some seasonal movies I watch every year (Love Actually, It's a Wonderful Life) and some every other year or so (Die Hard).

Comedies (Notting Hill) and light-ish action (Serenity) are easier to pop in and watch anytime.

funkyryno 06-18-18 01:22 PM

Re: How often do you watch your favorite films of all-time?
During the Christmas season, I always make it a habit to watch "A Christmas Story" and "Bad Santa" to get me in the holiday spirit, but those are the only films I watch on an sort of regular basis.

T-bone22 06-18-18 02:36 PM

Re: How often do you watch your favorite films of all-time?

Originally Posted by TheMovieman (Post 13354430)
Quick Change for comedies

Originally Posted by Hokeyboy (Post 13354469)
Quick Change is not only Bill Murray's funniest movie, it's a criminally underheralded comedy that should rank up there with the best of the genre.

You rule!


Hokeyboy 06-18-18 03:41 PM

Re: How often do you watch your favorite films of all-time?
Flores! Flores para los muertos!

Flores! Para los muertos!

Los muertos.

Los muertos!


devilshalo 06-18-18 03:46 PM

Re: How often do you watch your favorite films of all-time?
>5 times a year...

TheMovieman 06-18-18 04:00 PM

Re: How often do you watch your favorite films of all-time?

Originally Posted by Hokeyboy (Post 13354978)
Flores! Flores para los muertos!

Flores! Para los muertos!

Los muertos.

Los muertos!



Geofferson 06-18-18 04:12 PM

Re: How often do you watch your favorite films of all-time?
Probably once every 2-4 years in their entirety. If I'm channel surfing, I'm more likely to watch it for 20 mins or so before moving on. This happens quite frequently.

dhmac 06-18-18 04:36 PM

Re: How often do you watch your favorite films of all-time?
I have a group of all-time favorite movies that I watch frequently, so I don't watch every single one of them every year, but I do watch more than one of them annually.

One of my favorite ways to see one of these movies is split into chunks. So watch just the first 15 minutes of a movie one day. Then a week later, watch the next 15 minutes of the same movie. And continue until eventually get to the end weeks later. I find doing this method of watching scenes in the middle without seeing everything before it causes me to notice things in the movie that I never noticed before. It's a way of seeing the movie with new eyes.

JeffTheAlpaca 06-18-18 05:53 PM

Re: How often do you watch your favorite films of all-time?
Once a new video format comes out but not sure if I want to jump into 4K discs just yet.

Maybe once every 4 or 5 years so I won't get stick of them.

I watch new movies and listen to new music all the time since I don't want to reach this stage


T-bone22 06-18-18 07:31 PM

Re: How often do you watch your favorite films of all-time?

Originally Posted by Hokeyboy (Post 13354978)
Flores! Flores para los muertos!

Flores! Para los muertos!

Los muertos.

Los muertos!




Hnghh hnghh

GoldenJCJ 06-18-18 08:06 PM

Re: How often do you watch your favorite films of all-time?
^ infinitely quotable. Last night after I posted I started thinking about Quick Change quotes that made me laugh.

“It’s bad luck just seein’ a thing like that!”


“...the god damn air...port!”

Are two that made me chuckle all over again. :lol:

GoldenJCJ 06-18-18 08:12 PM

Re: How often do you watch your favorite films of all-time?

Originally Posted by milo bloom (Post 13354510)
When I was younger, before the Prequels came out (before the dark times...) I would watch the original SW trilogy on VHS probably a couple times a month.

Now, it's barely once a year for the saga, if that.

Frankly, if I had decent copies of the OOT, I would probably still watch the Star Wars trilogy once a year or so. As it stands I only have the special edition DVDs that were originally released (I never bothered with the blu-rays). Those versions just seem so tainted to me now that I hardly get any enjoyment out of them at all. Just as I get sucked into the magic and wonder that was Star Wars, some cgi monstrosity or added scene nonsense pops up and totally takes me out of the movie.

TheMovieman 06-18-18 08:12 PM

Re: How often do you watch your favorite films of all-time?

Originally Posted by T-bone22 (Post 13355099)


Hnghh hnghh

He's on a bluftoni

whotony 06-18-18 11:05 PM

Re: How often do you watch your favorite films of all-time?
1.Somewhere in Time
2. Heaven can Wait (Beatty)
3. On Borrowed time
4. Unbreakable
5. What Dreams May come
6. Shawshank
7. Cast Away
8. Annie Hall
9. Field of Dreams
10.The Green Mile.

My ten favorite movies.
I rarely watch any one them.

Probably watched Field and Annie Hall more then all the others combined.

There are a couple of reasons for not watching them often.
It becomes to emotional for me. I cry like a baby during all of them and it’s just too much.

Plus when I watch them I want to make it a special thing.
If I watch them all the time it’s not all that special.

Reasons might be weird but there they are.

alexkevin 06-19-18 02:40 AM

Re: How often do you watch your favorite films of all-time?
When it is being broadcast on any channel and I switch on TV so I watch it.

Neitzl 06-19-18 09:23 AM

Re: How often do you watch your favorite films of all-time?
Just once a year, since it's so heavy.

I love it, but damn.

Draven 06-19-18 10:01 AM

Re: How often do you watch your favorite films of all-time?
Probably once a year for favs like Ghostbusters and Raiders. The problem is that one of the big reasons movies like that are favorites is how much I watched them as a kid when choices were more limited. So I have already seen them 100 times, and when given a choice, I will probably default to something new or something I haven’t seen as many times. Also I tend to put a lot of movies I love on as background noise, so things that are easy to listen to like Pitch Perfect end up in the rotation far more than my all-time favorites.

big e 06-22-18 08:44 AM

Re: How often do you watch your favorite films of all-time?
Almost never for me. Star Wars, Office Space, and Evil Dead are three of my favorite movies but I haven’t watch Office Space or Evil Dead in years. Star Wars I just re-watched this past Memorial Day weekend, but that was the first time since buying the BD boxset. The last time I watch Office Space or Evil Dead was when I bought their respective Blu-rays, which would have been shortly after they were released.

Something I’ve noticed as I’ve gotten older is that I need more time to pass after watching a movie before I feel like watching it again although, honestly, a lot of what I watch nowadays I just don’t feel like revisiting, regardless of whether I liked it or not.

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