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inri222 07-24-08 12:34 PM

The Terminator

Shannon Nutt 07-24-08 12:36 PM

The one that won 11 Oscars and made $1.8 billion worldwide.

Rockmjd23 07-24-08 02:27 PM

1. Aliens
2. T2
3. T1

mcnabb 07-24-08 04:36 PM

I love all of Camerons movies, as he never puts out any crap, but here goes:

1. The Terminator
2. Titanic
3. The Abyss (Directors Cut)
4. T2
5. Aliens
6. True Lies

NoirFan 07-24-08 05:00 PM

Originally Posted by Shannon Nutt
The one that won 11 Oscars and made $1.8 billion worldwide.

That's your criteria for why Titanic is his best? I'm going with the first Terminator. I prefer the original Alien as well.

Teazingweezer 07-24-08 05:12 PM

1. True Lies
2. Abyss
3. Titanic
4. T2
5. Aliens
6. Terminator
Never Saw Pirahna

Ginwen 07-24-08 05:27 PM

Aliens by a hair over Terminator

chanster 07-24-08 05:38 PM

Aliens, Terminator 2, Terminator

Terminator is the most thought provoking of the films, and more rewatchability I go with Terminator 2. Aliens scared the living shit out of me as an 9 year old though, so its the sentimental favorite.

grip 07-24-08 06:00 PM

1. The Terminator
2. Titanic
3. Aliens
4. T2
5. True Lies
6. The Abyss (Directors Cut)

And Alien beats out all of the above (inserted only because others have mentioned it and it is a personal favourite)

mattressman 07-24-08 06:36 PM

Originally Posted by kicker_of_elves
1. Aliens
2. T2: Judgment Day
3. The Terminator
4. True Lies
5. The Abyss

That is EXACTLY what I was thinking!

FiveO 07-24-08 07:02 PM

Really enjoy all of them but I'd have to go with The Abyss - Directors Cut.

True Lies a close 2nd, then T1, T2 and Aliens.

Ronnie Dobbs 07-24-08 07:13 PM

Titanic was such a chick flick. I really hated it.

mndtrp 07-24-08 07:22 PM

Originally Posted by kicker_of_elves
1. Aliens
2. T2: Judgment Day
3. The Terminator
4. True Lies
5. The Abyss

I'd go with this as well.

DeanoBKN 07-24-08 08:17 PM

Terminator 1.

UAIOE 07-24-08 11:07 PM

I've never seen "Piranha 2" or "Titanic"

So I've got choose from:

Terminator 2
The Abyss
True Lies

This is my James Cameron movie collection, I can't pick one

Mercury&Solace 07-25-08 12:45 AM

This fucker took too much time off after making Titanic, 10 years.....and I am not counting that Aliens Of The Deep Crap or TV stuff. WTF James??

My top Cammie movies....

1. Aliens
2. Terminator 2
3. Terminator
4. Titanic
5. True Lies
6. The Abyss

Nick Martin 07-25-08 12:55 AM

Originally Posted by NoirFan
That's your criteria for why Titanic is his best? I'm going with the first Terminator. I prefer the original Alien as well.

Oh please. You made your bias against the film pretty clear when you made that 'best of 1997' poll and "forgot" to include Titanic.

But whatever.

1. Titanic
2. Aliens
3. The Terminator
4. Terminator 2
5. True Lies

I'll get around to seeing The Abyss some day. All those 'when will it be anamorphic?' questions over the years and I never once considered picking up the DVD.

Tarantino 07-25-08 01:54 AM

It's very close for me between True Lies and T2...but I had to go with T2.

= J

lordwow 07-25-08 06:51 AM

True Lies

starman9000 07-25-08 07:38 AM

The Abyss, though I have never seen True Lies and I imagine that would be my #1 if I ever got around to it. (I suppose I should stop waiting for a better edition on DVD and just rent it)

notkevinbacon 07-25-08 08:25 AM

1. The Abyss is his most impressive film for me.
2. Aliens is great, a childhood fav that probably switches back and forth with my #1.
3. T2 - rocked my 3rd grade world.
4. Titanic (don't really care for this, but I don't hate is as much as I used to)

Am I the only one here who's seen Piranha 2? Hell, I own it. Bought it for like 2 bucks out of curiosity. It's awful. But the first one is truly great fun. So, I was somewhat disappointed in the sequel. I had some expectations.

Haven't seen True Lies in forever... couldn't even tell you where I'd rank it.

I don't think I have ever seen The Terminator in full. At least not since I was very,very young. I really need to get around to that one.

tommyp007 07-25-08 09:48 AM

True Lies and The Abyss are the most rewatchable and enjoyable for me still.

Doughboy 07-25-08 01:58 PM

Wow, that's tough. He's never made even a mediocre film(Pirahna 2 doesn't count).

I voted for The Terminator. Aside from some dated FX and a few bad lines by Linda Hamilton, it's a damn near perfect movie. And truly chilling. T2 and T3 watered it down and made Ahnuld less intimidating, but he was one scary MF'er in that flick.

Aliens(the theatrical cut) is damn near perfect too, but I rank it just below The Terminator. If only Cameron had left in that scene from the Special Edition where Burke informs Ripley that her daughter died while she was in cryosleep, I'd rank it #1. That added a whole new layer to her relationship with Newt.

The Abyss Special Edition is right up there too. It might even be his best overall film. Ed Harris refusing to let his wife give in and die is still one of my all-time favorite moments in any movie. But I prefer to limit this to the versions that played in theaters.

T2 is the perfect summer blockbuster. Great story, great FX, great action, and mostly great performances. And it lived up to all the hype which is rare these days. But it's also a virtual remake of the first film, albeit with the brilliant twist of Ahnuld as the good guy. And it does have some glaring plotholes that contradict the first Terminator(although T3 was even worse in this regard).

True Lies is another great summer blockbuster. Until Casino Royale came along, this was the best Bond movie in ages. Some people hate the middle act, but it makes you give a crap about Harry and Helen so that the third act is more than just action setpieces. The only complaints I have are the pedestrian score by Brad Fiedel(he was perfect for the Terminator films, but totally out of place here) and the horrible character of Dana Tasker. I don't completely blame Eliza Dushku since she is more than capable of great acting as her TV work has shown. But I hated that little bitch. And when the whole finale of the movie is centered around rooting for her dad to rescue her, it undermines the entire scene.

Titanic. I won't sit here and defend it yet again. I know people hate it. And I think some of the complaints are legit(the cheesy dialogue, Billy Zane, the Celine Dion song, etc.). But for me, it delivered what it promised. An effective love story set against the backdrop of one helluva disaster movie. Not Cameron's best film and not even the best film of 1997(that would be L.A. Confidential). But it was still an amazing achievement. It's decline in popularity over the years IMO is due to a) backlash because of its overexposure and b) it's nowhere near as impressive at home compared to the big screen.

That's quite a resume. When your worst movie is either The Abyss or True Lies, you know you're a damn good filmmaker. I just wish he hadn't been resting on his laurels the last 11 years.

brainee 07-25-08 02:12 PM

:lol: at Groucho's vote

Aliens and Terminator (first one) are the cream of the crop for me. Cameron is one of the best "adrenaline rush" directors out there. But what makes his movies stand out from the wannabes is that they're more than just action. They have characters you care about, and the quiet scenes work just as well in the context of the overall movie (rather than being throwaway links between action scenes like lesser directors would do).

After that it's a toss-up. Abyss, True Lies, Titanic, T2 - I enjoyed watching all of them. We're not counting Pirahna 2 ... Cameron was just a fledging filmmaker taking a job there. He didn't write it, and it's not fair to consider it "A James Cameron Film" like the others. Though I completely agree with Cameron's assessment of the movie: it IS the finest flying pirahna movie ever made.

MrTerrific 07-25-08 02:45 PM

1. Aliens
2. T2

It's hard to go wrong with most of these movies.

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