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The Running Man 08-04-07 08:56 PM

Not so special editions
What supposed "special editions" or re-releases of DVDs that have been released you feel are either not worthy of a "special edition" label, or are not really the upgrades from a previous edition?

An edition I thought was not so special was "Deer Hunter". The r1 Legacy Series release is quite a joke for a supposed 2 disc special edition. First disc has only one commentary track with the cinematographer while the second disc just has some deleted scenes and a trailer. That's lacking quite a lot when compared to the UK set which housed commentary with the director and a number of featurettes on the making of the film.

Two re-releases off the top of my head that weren't really upgrades are "Big Lebowski" and "Carlito's Way". The former didn't really bring any new features and some argue that the transfer has it's ups and downs compared to the first DVD. Carlito's Way's re-release only really brought small collection of deleted scenes that weren't that big a deal and a 5 minute throwaway interview with Brian De Palma that was put together from out-takes from the interview used on the making of featurette.

Swahili 08-04-07 09:15 PM

'Fletch' comes immediately to mind, as does that paltry 'Escape from NY' 2-disc that could have easily been a single disc release. The commentary may be great, but there's only one deleted scene and a 22-minute 'making of'; thats not enough shit to need a whole other disc for!

Its amazing that now that I'm sitting down to list them, barely any come to mind. Considering I've looked at pretty well 1/3 of my collection and thought 'fuck, thats a skimy SE'.

dx23 08-04-07 09:16 PM

Pretty much everything that Universal has re-released as a special edition since 2001. Big Lebowski, Fletch, Flash Gordon, The Jerk, Mallrats, The Blues Brothers. They have had some good releases like the legacy collections but the other gimmicky rereleases have been atrocious.

GoldenJCJ 08-04-07 10:08 PM

One word: Ransom

Peep 08-04-07 10:37 PM

21 Grams

The Monkees 08-04-07 11:14 PM

The Secret of NIMH

MikeShaynePI 08-04-07 11:21 PM

Definitely Big Lebowski.

wilky61 08-04-07 11:34 PM

Originally Posted by Peep
21 Grams

I'm glad you said that. I was gonna see about double-dipping on that tomorrow if it's $4 at CC, but after consulting the DVD review, jeez I know it's only chump-change but that $4 is better kept in my wallet.

emachine12 08-04-07 11:37 PM

The Secret of Nimh: Family Fun Edition - Two discs and it only has a few set-top games, short making-of, and commentary.

Halloween H20 - featurette, music video, and trivia game. The original artwork listed a commentary and DTS 5.1 audio which weren't included.

The Hunt For Red October - Commentary, 30min featurette, DTS 5.1 audio, and trailer.

Patriot Games & Clear and Present Danger - 30min featurette, DTS 5.1 audio, and trailer.

Tartan UK's R2 Collector's Edition of Hard Boiled - Theatrical trailer and DTS 5.1 sound. That's it.

Fox Australia's Porky's One Size Fits All Edition - Almost none of the extras from the US SE appear on this disc except the trailer.

uncle-frank 08-04-07 11:38 PM

mallrats & the blues brothers definatly came to mind when i read this aswell as mission impossible 2 & 3.

enemy of the state was a pointless re-release, same with rush hour 1&2

Mondo Kane 08-05-07 12:14 AM

Originally Posted by emachine12
Halloween H20 - featurette, music video, and trivia game. The original artwork listed a commentary and DTS 5.1 audio which weren't included.

Non-anamorphic too, I think.

WMAangel 08-05-07 12:20 AM

Originally Posted by dx23
Pretty much everything that Universal has re-released as a special edition since 2001. Big Lebowski, Fletch, Flash Gordon, The Jerk, Mallrats, The Blues Brothers. They have had some good releases like the legacy collections but the other gimmicky rereleases have been atrocious.

Hate all you want on those other titles, but the Mallrats 10th Anniversary re-release was definitely NOT a totally unnecessary double-dip...

Along with a remastered picture, we get the all new recut extended "version that should not be", plus over an hour and half of new special features: new making of documentary, brief Q&A with Kevin, introduction to the extended cut, outtakes, the cast and crew reunion Q&A, etc....

Sure, you lose the brief bits of PIP video from the commentary, and you cannot watch the deleted scenes separately with the intros/explanations from the original release (that's why I held onto it as well)....but in an overall comparison, the 10th Anniversary still wins hands down as the better package in my book...

PopcornTreeCt 08-05-07 12:44 AM

I can't really think of any because I don't buy them.

The Monkees 08-05-07 01:18 AM

I hate to admit it but I know that the biggest waste of the "Special Edition" label is The Care Bears Movie dvd that was released not too long ago. The only special feature was an episode from the tv show, but the DVD was labeled as the "25th anniversary limited ediion". whatever

MTRodaba2468 08-05-07 01:28 AM

Originally Posted by dx23
Pretty much everything that Universal has re-released as a special edition since 2001. Big Lebowski, Fletch, Flash Gordon, The Jerk, Mallrats, The Blues Brothers. They have had some good releases like the legacy collections but the other gimmicky rereleases have been atrocious.

I agree with you on some of those titles, like The Big Lebowski and The Jerk, but Mallrats? And The Blues Brothers? Both of those have got plenty on them, including two different cuts of the movie!

Anyway, a few titles come to mind. To list a few, IMO:

Casino Royale: 2-Disc Edition
Empire Records: Remix! Special Fan Edition
Fast Times At Ridgemont High: Special Edition
National Lampoon's Vacation: 20th Anniversary Edition
National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation: Special Edition
Parenthood: Special Edition

salamander2 08-05-07 01:31 AM

Most (especially) Sony and Universal titles come to mind, especially with catalog titles that get's a "Special Editions". Especially the recent FLASH GORDON.

calhoun07 08-05-07 01:47 AM

Rainmaker. I waited a long time for the SE of that movie and when I read the review of it I felt like it just did not seem to have a lot in terms of bonus features. I have not seen it, but I would love to rent it first to at least check it out.

Mallrats is another one...the first edition was pretty packed. Aside from the extended version, it really didn't have all that much more.

Numes 08-05-07 09:57 AM



The Q&A in the first side and the intro prior to the extended edition on the other side are worth the price of the disc by themselves. Two of the funniest things I've ever seen.

(from dvdcompare.net)
Extras:SIDE A
*Theatrical Cut Of The Film (95:17)
Audio Commentary by director Kevin Smith, actors Ben Affleck, Jason Lee and Jason Mewes, producer Scott Mosier and Vincent Pereira
Cast Interviews From Original Set (8:44)
"A Brief Q&A With Kevin Smith" featurette (9:03)
Outtakes (8:13)
1999 "View Askew's Look At Mallrats" featurette (21:06)
"The Erection Of An Epic: The Making of Mallrats" featurette (22:10)
Production Photographs (19:30)
The Goops "Build Me Up Buttercup" music video (3:41)
Theatrical Trailer (2:25)
*Extended Version Of The Film (122:07) (w/ Kevin Smith & Scott Mosier introduction (11:02))
"Mallrats: The Reunion: Tenth Anniversary Q&A" featurette (50:11)

Yep, not much there...

Edit: Plus there are 8 Easter Eggs too.

chris_sc77 08-05-07 10:36 AM

Blues Brothers 2000
V for vendetta: 2-Disk Specail Edition
Punch-Drunk Love: 2-Disk Special Edition
The Village: Vista Series
La Femme Nikita: Special Edition
Bandits: Special Edition

Rusty James 08-05-07 10:59 AM

Originally Posted by calhoun07
Rainmaker. I waited a long time for the SE of that movie and when I read the review of it I felt like it just did not seem to have a lot in terms of bonus features. I have not seen it, but I would love to rent it first to at least check it out.

It may not have a LOT of extras, but what's there is pretty good. Coppola's audio commentary is terrific, and the alternate ending is really interesting. Plus audition reels of Matt Damon and Claire Danes. And a top-notch anamorphic transfer. Sometimes, less is more.

Steve 08-05-07 12:14 PM

well, if people think of every Criterion as being a "SE", then let me add
1) every W.C. Fields dvd they have put out
2) lady vanishes
3) Most dangerous game

and probably a whole bunch that I have sold and can't remember.

soop 08-05-07 12:39 PM

The upcoming Chinatown special edition doesn't look so special.

livingdeadking 08-05-07 01:14 PM

Lionsgates hellraiser 3, it has sceen selections as its only special feature and its full screen

DJariya 08-05-07 01:24 PM

Legends of the Fall: a 4 1/2 minute making of featurette, a costume featurette, a few deleted scenes and commentary don't really make this a special edition

Bourne Identity: Explosive Extended Edition: Don't buy this one, the new 3 disc Bourne series has the original version with Liman commentary. This one has a bunch of fluffy EPK featurettes.

300: I'm sorry to say this, but this disc is a little bit of a downer as well. The making of featurette is 5 1/2 minutes long!! You would think this would be the type of movie that gets an extensive 1 hour + making of documentary that covers pre-production, production and post production.

The Terminator: Although there are some really good behind the scenes material and interviews, I was disappointed that Cameron didn't do a commentary, but did one for the deleted scenes? :hscratch:

16 Blocks: Richard Donner and the writer did commentary on the deleted scenes, but not the movie? Is this a new trend? :hscratch:

Dane Marvin 08-05-07 02:50 PM

I'm questioning the sanity of the people who are singling out "Mallrats" 10th Anniversary edition as not being very special. Most of the others I agree with, but you guys saying "Mallrats" are on drugs. It was pretty packed. I loved the aforementioned Q&A reunion that was included.

(Numes makes this point very clear in his post above, which lists all the features included.)

Dane Marvin 08-05-07 02:54 PM

Originally Posted by DJariya
300: I'm sorry to say this, but this disc is a little bit of a downer as well. The making of featurette is 5 1/2 minutes long!! You would think this would be the type of movie that gets an extensive 1 hour + making of documentary that covers pre-production, production and post production.

I'm betting on a loaded double-dip for this within a couple years. Maybe when the next Frank Miller deal comes down the pipeline into theaters. But hell, even "Troy" is winding up with a director's cut and very elaborately-packaged collector's edition, so this release is probably just something to tide people over for a while.

NoirFan 08-05-07 03:15 PM

The extras on Boogie Nights could easily have fit on one disc.

Dane Marvin 08-05-07 03:54 PM

^ Same thing for "The Others" CE ... could have quite easily been on 1 disc. However, I believe this is the only available version of it, so at least no one double-dipped.

obscurelabel 08-05-07 05:31 PM

I agree with the original poster's assesment of the not-so-special edition of "The Deer Hunter", but IMO the commentary with cinematographer Vilmos Zsigmond is excellent. Some of the best information I have heard about the interaction between a DP and actors, for example.

Universal distrubutes this in the U.S. and Warner does in Europe, which I suppose is why we have two different commentaries. Hearing Cimino would be great because as far as I know he is not out and about that much. How difficult would it be for these two companies to cross-license their commentaries? HMMM??

Also, to address the original topic, Blue Underground's "My Brilliant Career" is a two disc set that could have easily fit onto one disc. The extras on disc two are nice, but brief (about 30 minutes) and the movie itself is 100 minutes. To be fair, the director's commentary is quite good.

chris_sc77 08-05-07 06:13 PM

Other 2-disk sets that could have easily fit on one disk:
V for Vendetta
A fistful of Dollars
For A Few Dollars More
Lord of War
Windtalkers (a 3 disk set in whichs disks 2 and 3 could have had all the content from both disks combined onto 1 disk)

Altimus Prime 08-05-07 07:08 PM

The new Fletch might not be that "special" in content, but it is special to those who haven't been able to get it. Unless you're unhappy that it destroyed the eBay market.

But if you already have it, then it wouldn't matter.

CertifiedTHX 08-05-07 07:12 PM

The Santa Clause - Special Edition

Only extra of any real substance is a six-minute promo piece that apparently redefines "fluff."


Dane Marvin 08-05-07 07:37 PM

Originally Posted by obscurelabel
Also, to address the original topic, Blue Underground's "My Brilliant Career" is a two disc set that could have easily fit onto one disc. The extras on disc two are nice, but brief (about 30 minutes) and the movie itself is 100 minutes. To be fair, the director's commentary is quite good.

Another Blue Underground title, The Final Countdown: LE (2-disc individually numbered edition), could have also easily fit on one disc. However, the few extras here that differ from the 1-disc version are worthwhile and I'm glad I have a copy.

Mr. Cinema 08-05-07 07:45 PM

Originally Posted by emachine12
Halloween H20 - featurette, music video, and trivia game. The original artwork listed a commentary and DTS 5.1 audio which weren't included.

This is the worst in history. In addition to the above, the film is non-anamorphic and it had a $39.99 list price when it first came out.

Mr. Cinema 08-05-07 07:49 PM

Originally Posted by Dane Marvin
^ Same thing for "The Others" CE ... could have quite easily been on 1 disc. However, I believe this is the only available version of it, so at least no one double-dipped.

I may be mistaken, but I think they may have finally released this as a 1-disc set with all the features. I thought I saw it before at Circuit City.

Defiant1 08-05-07 10:31 PM

I find Universal in particular tends to double-dip or even triple-dip but those releases have very little to offer over the original version.

dom56 08-05-07 11:30 PM

Originally Posted by dx23
Pretty much everything that Universal has re-released as a special edition since 2001. Big Lebowski, Fletch, Flash Gordon, The Jerk, Mallrats, The Blues Brothers. They have had some good releases like the legacy collections but the other gimmicky rereleases have been atrocious.

I would add Babe:SE. This was the second release by Universal after the first went OOP long ago. I liked the movie but the features all pretty suck along with some lame games and I hated those forced trailers you had to watch and couldn't skip them at all.

Trevor 08-06-07 07:03 AM

Originally Posted by Altimus Prime
The new Fletch might not be that "special" in content, but it is special to those who haven't been able to get it. Unless you're unhappy that it destroyed the eBay market.

But if you already have it, then it wouldn't matter.

What is the story here? I see that Fletch SE everywhere.

Oh wait, I guess you mean there was an original Fletch DVD that sold crazy on ebay?

Willh51 08-06-07 09:39 AM

Most WB 2-discs sets for new releases have been pretty lame. Compare them to the studios own rereleases of Green Mile, Batman, Superman, etc.

legend42 08-06-07 03:17 PM

A River Runs Through It, "Deluxe" Edition. It's an absolute joke.

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