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PopcornTreeCt 09-08-04 11:58 PM

I am buying EVERY single Criterion from here on out
Ok, I'll probably get flamed for this but its ok I'm ready for it. I plan on buying every Criterion that's released after Videodrome. I do hope someday that I will own the entire collection and this is really the best way to start. I know what you're saying 'just buy what you like' Yes, yes I think I've reached that point already. I already own 500 other non-Criterion movies aside from a few releases here and there I pretty much own everything I've already seen that I want to own. I want to own the complete criterion collection. I know pretty much no one else has this ridiculous goal or is willing to admit it but I am. What's your opinion? Nuts?

Cameron 09-09-04 12:01 AM

I believe there are a few people here that own the entire set. Good to have a goal i suppose...start with the cheap ones and get a bulk then buy the expensive one's when you find a deal.

emhello 09-09-04 12:28 AM

You can't think of anything else to spend your money on? Donate it to charity instead?

g 09-09-04 12:31 AM

Fat Girl is coming up soon. lol

Rockmjd23 09-09-04 12:41 AM

Re: I am buying EVERY single Criterion from here on out

Originally posted by PopcornTreeCt
Ok, I'll probably get flamed for this but its ok I'm ready for it. I plan on buying every Criterion that's released after Videodrome. I do hope someday that I will own the entire collection and this is really the best way to start. I know what you're saying 'just buy what you like' Yes, yes I think I've reached that point already. I already own 500 other non-Criterion movies aside from a few releases here and there I pretty much own everything I've already seen that I want to own. I want to own the complete criterion collection. I know pretty much no one else has this ridiculous goal or is willing to admit it but I am. What's your opinion? Nuts?
it would be nice to own the whole collection, but good luck finding Salo :p

cultshock 09-09-04 01:09 AM

Re: I am buying EVERY single Criterion from here on out

Originally posted by PopcornTreeCt
Ok, I'll probably get flamed for this but its ok I'm ready for it. I plan on buying every Criterion that's released after Videodrome.
After VIDEODROME? You should pick up that one too, because they did a great job on it.

pro-bassoonist 09-09-04 01:14 AM

Originally posted by g
Fat Girl is coming up soon. lol


Gerry P. 09-09-04 01:19 AM

Originally posted by g
Fat Girl is coming up soon. lol
Awesome movie...can't wait.

Spritle 09-09-04 01:52 AM

Wait for the Deep Discount DVD sale in November and buy 'em all at 20% off.

Jackskeleton 09-09-04 01:59 AM

Many people have already beat you to this.

Cameron 09-09-04 02:21 AM

better yet get a holiday job at a video store and get 30- 40 percent off

Leechboy 09-09-04 02:38 AM

Way back in the summer of 2000 I had this great idea to buy then entire Criterion Collection. That was back when there was only about 100 or so. I ended up getting about 75 and realizing it was a goal not worth completing. I ended up spending $225 on a sealed copy of Salo.

FatTony 09-09-04 02:48 AM

Originally posted by Cameron
better yet get a holiday job at a video store and get 30- 40 percent off
Tell me where this magical video store is! I would like to work there. Every other video store I've ever worked at has been a max discount of 20%. Except for a week during the holidays at Blockbuster, where it's 30%, but they typically charge full retail for Criterions, so there's no real deal there.

Flynn 09-09-04 03:11 AM

I have a friend who had this goal and got about halfway there before ebaying the whole thing in one big lump for a CHEAP price a few months ago. He needed the money.

logboy 09-09-04 03:12 AM

you know, there are always new things coming out... new things announced... so why criterion - its the last refuge of the pretentious film fan... terrrible in a way... just be patient and buy what you want when it comes out : dont plan so rigidly!

eau 09-09-04 04:16 AM

Before considering collecting the entire Criterion collection, will Criterion DVD goes the way of Criterion LD, after Blu-Ray or HD-DVD becomes mainstream?

msbailey 09-09-04 06:58 AM


TomOpus 09-09-04 07:05 AM

If it's something you want, go for it.

DanishDVDfreak 09-09-04 07:29 AM

I collect InfiniFilm :) Its much easier...some crap movies though

I would also like to own every CC disc, but just as a collector...many of the movies, I have no particular interest in

bboisvert 09-09-04 08:03 AM

Originally posted by logboy
so why criterion - its the last refuge of the pretentious film fan... terrrible in a way...
Umm... yeah. Right. :rolleyes:

Groucho 09-09-04 08:32 AM

Gotta catch 'em all!

Pokemon for adults.

marty888 09-09-04 08:47 AM

I currently own 70 Criterions, and they are all movies that I care about. There are probably another 70 or so that I want.

Then there are those I don't like. So guess what? I won't buy 'em.

Makes sense to me.

Tarantino 09-09-04 08:48 AM

Originally posted by g
Fat Girl is coming up soon. lol
I bet GiantRobo can't wait... :lol:

ArchibaldTuttle 09-09-04 08:51 AM

I think it's a waste of money, you probably won't even like half of them. I will never understand people that "collect" dvds.

Austin54 09-09-04 09:17 AM

DVDPlanet is selling CC at 35% off. Eevn with the special sales at DDD, they can still be the cheapest.
The problem with CC is that many of the titles are so offbeat that they appeal only to a few movie watchers. Even I don't want all of them.

movieking 09-09-04 09:43 AM

I started to collect them as well, not with the goal of having them all, but getting the most prestigious ones, like the OOPs, box sets, etc. I had quite a few of them, and decided that it was a waste of money, as I didn't watch them that often, and many of them had little or no replay value.

Based on some comments in this thread and others, don't be surprised if in the future you change your mind and decide to get rid of the Criterions that you have bought but are not watching, foregoing your dream of having them all.

ScottyWH 09-09-04 10:15 AM

Originally posted by Austin54
DVDPlanet is selling CC at 35% off. Eevn with the special sales at DDD, they can still be the cheapest.
The problem with CC is that many of the titles are so offbeat that they appeal only to a few movie watchers. Even I don't want all of them.

I think you need to change this part:

Even I don't want all of them.

The "I" should be in bold there for emphasis, like so:

"Even I don't want all of them."


Julie Walker 09-09-04 12:08 PM

Originally posted by bboisvert
Umm... yeah. Right. :rolleyes:

He has a point regarding the pretentiousness of Criterion 'collectors'. Alot just buy it for the name brand,and pretend to be 'hip' for owning such 'revered important works of art' because Criterion calls them that. Meanwhile they don't like half of what they release,but feel some insane need to 'have them all' for collectors sake. Have to be the biggest kid on the block afterall who has the 'whole' collection. Ha take that poor movie lover buying only movies you love and not owning a single Criterion!

Pretty much just as bad as snobby 'know it all' critics who can't seem to enjoy any films,since they view them all in the wrong mindset. Then attempt to 'prove' themselves of 'higher respect for film art' than everyone else by oogling over the art direction,the writing,the acting,ect..yet never ever truely becoming immersed in the film itself(suspension of disbelief is important to enjoying a film,so being aware of the art direction or thinking about other things as you view,takes you out of the film),thus giving plenty of films bad reviews besides a few pretentious works.

So yeah,it pretty much is a waste of time & money to buy movies you don't/won't like just because they are Criterion. Look at the prices they go for and ask your self "Do I really want this?".

The few Criterions I own,I bought because I liked the films,nothing more,nothing less. I want the Videodrome CC because I love the film. But I am broke at the moment and on alittle dvd boycott to save my cash for a couple months or so. So I'll just wait on that and get it when I can. If it goes OOP anytime soon,then I will pick it up immediately. But at the moment,my financial situation is more important than owning any Criterion.


William Fuld 09-09-04 12:28 PM

Originally posted by Julie Walker
Pretty much just as bad as snobby 'know it all' critics who can't seem to enjoy any films,since they view them all in the wrong mindset. Then attempt to 'prove' themselves of 'higher respect for film art' than everyone else by oogling over the art direction,the writing,the acting,ect..yet never ever truely becoming immersed in the film itself(suspension of disbelief is important to enjoying a film,so being aware of the art direction or thinking about other things as you view,takes you out of the film),thus giving plenty of films bad reviews besides a few pretentious works.
As an example can you name one well-known critic who does that?

indycohiba 09-09-04 12:55 PM

At their prices, I would question why you would want to purchase some of the clunkers they have put out. There are other companies putting out high quality foreign and obscure films. Would it not be better to get what you will actually watch.

PopcornTreeCt 09-09-04 01:00 PM

Interesting replies so far. Well I have Videodrome so that's why I was starting after it. I have about 100 Criterions right now and honestly I've only disliked maybe 2 or 3 of the movies. Sure, there's about 150+ Criterions I haven't seen yet. But that's why we have the Criterion stinker thread. Its not actually that much money if you buy just the new releases take November Fanny & Alexander 5-disc Set; DVD Planet's price of $38.97 + Short Cuts $25.97 = $64.94. That's not too bad for the month. I just want to start keeping up with the new releases so when I get a new higher paying job (hopefully soon) I'll be able to go back and start getting ones I've missed.

eXcentris 09-09-04 01:08 PM

I woudn't do it but some folks just like to "collect" stuff. If you have the money and it makes you happy, do it.

Johnny Zhivago 09-09-04 01:49 PM

Originally posted by eXcentris
If you have the money and it makes you happy, do it.
And that's all that really matters... Idn't it?

gutwrencher 09-09-04 02:05 PM

I feel similar about Blue Underground....and own them all, except for dupes like the Cohen Collection. while I support BU....I still must have an active interest in each of the titles. it's easy with BU...because I adore obscure horror along with just plain good films, cheese and a pinch of crap. it does not have to be a great film for me to enjoy it. if it serves a purpose, then it needs to be in my library. I cant help it that BU hits the nail on the head almost everytime. just my luck, I guess.:thumbsup:

now Criterion....no...no desire to own them all. many I love....many I dont.

hey, collect whatever you want but what everyone else thinks of it is meaningless. I gave up caring about what people thought of whatever I was buying, years ago. it's your personal stamp on your library.....so go for it and have fun.

Afandi 09-09-04 02:24 PM

I'm being so obsessed by Criterion Collection myself. This superb DVD production company introduces me to lots of extraordinary movies back from the 40's, 50's to contemporary movies. I try to collect as many as I could.
Upcoming John Cassaveset's is a must.

joliom 09-09-04 02:32 PM

I think you ought to consider what a couple of these guys have brought up: That somewhere down the line the current Criterions will be left in the dust by Blu-Ray or some other format. Then where will you be? You'll have this huge Criterion set that you paid a fortune for that you can't even resell for 1/4 of the original price. And what about some of those elusive OOP ones? I hope you already own all of them, because if not, you're going to have to shell out some serious dough. You'd be looking at $1000 right there...maybe more. And after you pay $300+ for Salo some company will wind up releasing a new special edition version and the value of the Criterion will plumit to half that at least. Anyway you cut it you're looking at a small fortune and a continual commitment picking up all the new ones that come out. And sorry to burst anyone's bubble, but not all Criterions are actually worth owning. There are definitely some stinkers in there. Close your eyes and try to picture yourself doing this a few years back with all the Criterion laserdiscs, spending a couple grand in the process, and waking up today and looking at the end product: something you probably don't even care about anymore in 2004 and which was a terrible investment of your cash. Just buy what you like and stop the madness.

Jergen 09-09-04 02:33 PM

Although Criterion has the best looking DVD covers, I don't think it would be worth for me to buy the whole collection. For the price of one Criterion, you could get two, even maybe three DVDs.

dhs122 09-09-04 02:56 PM

One positive about the CC is that it has introduced to some films that I wouldn't have thought or heard about to watch. If people enjoy collecting, then by all means let them. We don't criticize (or maybe some do) baseball card collectors who like complete sets and have to get that '86 Luis Aguayo card....(a crappy Phillies player from the '80s).

Jet_Jaguar 09-09-04 04:08 PM

You must have wanted opinions so......

At Criterion prices, I have a hard time even buying the titles that I want!

I pick up plenty of Criterion titles at the Library and find that they release a lot of stuff that is just not that good. They release the best of what they can get their hands on and try to add value to it by the (often very good) way that they produce their releases.

I also find "completist" collecting to be a trap that has never been rewarding in the long run. I don't get much joy from collections now that I am done with the quest of finding them all. Time is better spent finding the best of things.

Still…. “Have a great time. All the time”.

Pressplay 09-09-04 04:22 PM

I love people who collect EVERY Criterion because down the line, they often end up selling most of them and I reap the benefits. Got some of my best deals that way... so thanks in advance!


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