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HSC 01-06-00 08:59 PM

It looked a bit interesting, and I've heard good things about the DVD. Can anybody tell me a bit about it?
Thanks http://talk.dvdtalk.com/ubb/smile.gif

Drastic 01-06-00 10:37 PM

The best of the recent glut of the "'real' world is all a devious illusion" films (eXistenZ, 13th Floor, Matrix).

alanbenson 01-06-00 10:45 PM

It's not an action film. Not a fast-paced thrill ride, like The Matrix, but that's one of the films it's most often compared to. I love it! Great atmospherics and visuals. As in the Matrix, reality is not what it seems, and I can't go far AT ALL into the plot without giving away major spoilers...

An amnesiac wakes up in his bathtub, and discovers a dead hooker with him in his room. He discovers he's married. There's a police investigator tailing him. And then there's one of those phone calls, like in Matrix, saying that there are those odd people after you--right now, right outside your door... http://talk.dvdtalk.com/ubb/smile.gif

redshift 01-06-00 11:03 PM

Great film, more stylish neo-noir thriller than frenetic action sequences. Great transfer, dual sided, anamorphic. Great commentary by Roger Ebert where he actually talks about camerawork and film theory, rather than tangential anecdotes. Only let down was the reward for completing the Shell Beach Game.

needlz 01-07-00 01:10 AM

Well, Roger Ebert voted this film as the best of 1998 . . . 'nuff said!!! http://talk.dvdtalk.com/ubb/smile.gif

. . . great movie and an even better DVD!!!

Muishkin 01-07-00 01:54 AM

I found it slow and boring. But that's just me.

astroknight 01-07-00 09:44 AM

Very good movie, although I had low expectations. If you like movies such as The Matrix, give it a try. It's also part of New Line's Platinum series, which is always a good sign.

DodgingCars 01-07-00 01:09 PM

I'd say its one of the better Sci-Fi films out there. I recommend it.

The Zizz 01-07-00 06:22 PM

Best sci-fi film of the 90's, along with Gilliam's 12 Monkeys. I've seen Dark City 5 times already, and will certainly watch it again. Great film, great dvd.

[This message has been edited by The Zizz (edited January 07, 2000).]

Jamezuva 01-07-00 07:46 PM

This was the first dvd I ever bought and I can't recommend it enough. Still after 92 dvds, this is one of the best quality dvds in my collection and it is an excellent film too. I wouldn't say it was the best film of 1998 but it is certainly up there

Beno 01-07-00 10:03 PM

This was my first DVD also.

If you are interested in this movie at all (obviously you are, or you wouldn't be asking), then you will not be disappointed by the movie, or the DVD!

Go for it dude!!!

gdjohnson 01-08-00 01:19 AM

Dark City was one of me first DVDs also. I greatly enjoyed the movie. It has a nice mix between a '30s detective movie and a sci-fi film. That's a dark moody film with a good use of light and shadow. I agree it was not a fast paced movie but it holds your interest all the way through.

HSC 01-08-00 02:17 AM

Just wanted to say thanks to everybody who posted here, you've been a great help! I placed the order for it and can't wait to see it. Thanks again all!

Sonic 01-08-00 02:43 AM

<font size=+3 color=brown face="chiller">"First came darknest....then came the strangers...they were a race as old, as time itself."</font>

<small>Honestly..this is the one of the hottest intros that I have ever seen.</small>

JoeC 01-08-00 06:35 PM

I went into this one not knowing anything zbout it other than Roger Ebert was a huge fan of it. Enough so that he did a commentary track for it. It was well worth the money I paid for it. It's imaginative and well made.

JoeC...and the commentary is insightful. Roger Ebert should do more. (I'd love to see a Pulp Fiction commentary track by him)

dsharky 01-08-00 07:16 PM

Dark CITY is one my favorite film of all time. You follow the main character along for a great thrill ride. Contrary to what people said, this film is VERY fast pace. I can't recall a single slow moment that was insignificant in the movie. This movie also has high replay value because you pick up more details as you watch this film again. I hate Sci-Fi movies, but as a non-Sci Fi can, still enjoyed it greatly! The Matrix does have a lot more action but the special effects, and on the DVD, the sound is awesome with DD5.1. The visuals is top notch and of course, it's one of the most intriguing story line ever!
The DVD also has lots of special features including commentary by Roger Ebert.

A MUST HAVE!!! get it!

needlz 01-09-00 04:52 AM

I just finished watching it again tonight and it was even better the second time!!! This is a great DVD from New Line . . . it's DA BOMB!!! If you don't have this in your collection, go buy it now!!!

Mikey 01-09-00 06:12 PM

I will first say that I love this film because it has great atmosphere and visuals and is extremely intruiging.

One thing that I find to be very interesting is that Roger Ebert originally said that he believed that this film would become a cult classic, on the lines of Bladerunner. Both Bladerunner and Dark City didn't do too well at the Box office, but they have slowly found their much deserved appreciation on video and dvd.

For the person that wished to know about the dvd.. it is packed with great material, like 2 commentaries as well as production drawings... its a great disk.. oh yeah.. and you can watch it dubbed in French!

Spiderbite 01-10-00 10:06 PM

did anyone else think (like i did) that the trailer for this movie kicked the actual movie's ass. just wondering.

Beno 01-11-00 01:24 AM

I do have to admit I hated Keifer Sutherlands accent in this movie, though I heard that was how the character was written, and he actually did a good job with the interpretation.

Your comments?

Jamezuva 01-11-00 05:11 PM

brianluvdvd: no, I didn't think the trailer kicked the film's a$$ as I think the film is great....BUT...the trailer is very good too especially the music and how well it is integrated w/ clips of the film. It blew me away the first time I saw it on the big screen. I fell in love instantly!

Mikey 01-12-00 01:06 PM

I think that the trailer to the film did a very good job of maintaining the feel of the movie. It didn't try to present the film as an action film or a murder mystery. Instead, the trailer created an intriguing mood that was carried throughout the film. If there were a rating for it, I would give the trailer an "A."

gobot965 09-15-02 01:59 AM

Opinions and Reviews of DARK CITY
Hey guys, I was just wanting to know what you thought about the movie Dark City. Everytime I go to a video store I pick it up and look at it trying to decide if I want to buy it but I keep putting it back. I remember watching it a few years ago at the theatre but the a/c in the building was on too high and I was freezing to much to concentrate on the story. I just remember the cool looking nosferatu looking guys and the special fx shots with the buildings growing. I read on the back that they have a couple of commentarys on the dvd. One with Roger Ebert and one with the director. So is it worth the money or should I just rent it? Also give me an opinion of what you think the story is about?

Hendrik 09-15-02 02:59 AM

...haven't seen it in a couple of years (...so many movies, so little time... to quote someone or other)... but remember I liked this movie very, very much... the DVD is splendid ( see <a href="http://www.dvdangle.com/reviews/review.php?Id=668">review</a> ) so I suggest you stop procrastinating and buy it before it goes oop...

. . . ;) . . .

Blade 09-15-02 03:32 AM

Re: Opinions and Reviews of DARK CITY

Originally posted by gobot965
Hey guys, I was just wanting to know what you thought about the movie Dark City. Everytime I go to a video store I pick it up and look at it trying to decide if I want to buy it but I keep putting it back. I remember watching it a few years ago at the theatre but the a/c in the building was on too high and I was freezing to much to concentrate on the story. I just remember the cool looking nosferatu looking guys and the special fx shots with the buildings growing. I read on the back that they have a couple of commentarys on the dvd. One with Roger Ebert and one with the director. So is it worth the money or should I just rent it? Also give me an opinion of what you think the story is about?
FYI, I merged your thread with an existing one, so you might want to read through some of these past comments.

I last watched this about a year ago, and I enjoyed this movie. I like the look and mood, and it has a nice "noirish" feel to it.

The Roger Ebert commentary is one of two that he's done now (the other being Citizen Kane) and they are widely considered some of the best out there. The rest of the features are decent, but seem a little light compared to other special editions. But this is an early title, and that Roger Ebert commentary is quite an impressive part of it. I recommend buying.


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