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moviefan19125 02-18-09 07:41 PM

Please recommend a short story to me
hey every one what are the best short stories out there. That you could recommend me. it doesnt matter if its horror, suspense, science fiction, drama anything. thank you

kevinlord190 02-18-09 08:15 PM

re: Please recommend a short story to me
benjamin button

moviefan19125 02-18-09 09:06 PM

re: Please recommend a short story to me

Originally Posted by kevinlord190 (Post 9275913)
benjamin button

i read benjamin button i really enjoyed it. Im going to have to check out the mist. thanks take care

Jay G. 02-18-09 09:29 PM

re: Please recommend a short story to me
I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream
"Repent, Harlequin!" Said the Ticktockman
A Boy and His Dog
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge
The Albertine Notes
Minority Report
Sales Pitch
Roadside Picnic

story 02-18-09 10:45 PM

re: Please recommend a short story to me
The Scribner Anthology of Contemporary Short Fiction (1st and 2nd edition have a little crossover but not much; they're both great) is $20 and had fifty great stories, including:
- "We Didn't" by Stuart Dybek
- "The Ceiling" by Kevin Brockmeier
- "Sarah Cole: A Type of Love Story" by Russell Banks
- "Caviar" by T.C. Boyle
- "Boys" by Rick Moody
- "The Way We Live Now" by Susan Sontag
- "Girl" by Jamaica Kincaid
- "Two Kinds" by Amy Tan
- "Car Crash While Hitchhiking" by Denis Johnson
- "Brownies" by ZZ Packer
- "Xmas Jamaica Plain" by Melanie Rae Thon
- "The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brien

...and a lot more.

Drop 02-19-09 11:18 AM

re: Please recommend a short story to me
Get Raymond Carver's Where I'm Calling From collection.

dick_grayson 02-19-09 11:28 AM

re: Please recommend a short story to me
The Long Walk To Forever - Kurt Vonnegut (from Welcome to the Monkey House)

Pointyskull 02-19-09 11:34 AM

re: Please recommend a short story to me
The Lottery - Shirley Jackson

Travis McClain 02-19-09 12:10 PM

re: Please recommend a short story to me
Three of my favorites are:

"Ligeia" by Edgar Allan Poe
"Bartleby, the Scrivener" by Herman Melville
"Benito Cereno" by Herman Melville

The Melville shorts are often published together, and should be easy to find. Also, they are in the public domain so you should also be able to find them in their entirety online. Check the Gutenberg Project. I have also become a fan of P.G. Wodehouse's "Jeeves" stories. They've been published in book form, but only a few of the books are actual full-length stories. The bulk of them are collections of "Jeeves" short stories.

Nick Danger 02-19-09 12:12 PM

re: Please recommend a short story to me
Stories I've recently read that I enjoyed:

Poor Old Bill - Lord Dunsany http://www.horrormasters.com/Text/a3072.pdf
The Hoard of the Gibbelins - Lord Dunsany http://www.sff.net/people/doylemacdonald/d_hoard.htm

JAA 02-21-09 07:50 AM

re: Please recommend a short story to me

Originally Posted by 12thmonkey (Post 9277175)
The Lottery - Shirley Jackson


Sean O'Hara 02-21-09 11:24 AM

re: Please recommend a short story to me
I recommend Fredrick Brown's "Knock". It's very short:

The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock on the door.

The End

The Dude 02-21-09 12:41 PM

re: Please recommend a short story to me
"We Can Get Them For You Wholesale" by Neil Gaiman (actually, I really enjoy almost all of his short stories).

Dr Mabuse 02-22-09 08:24 AM

re: Please recommend a short story to me

Fantastic short story.

arminius 02-22-09 04:22 PM

re: Please recommend a short story to me
The Hellbound Train by Sum Dum Phuc.

Nick Danger 02-23-09 11:24 AM

re: Please recommend a short story to me

Originally Posted by Dr Mabuse (Post 9282665)

Fantastic short story.

That was hard to read. It must be the translation that makes it so flat. Stanislaw Lem praised the story.

tasha99 02-25-09 12:29 AM

Re: Please recommend a short story to me
"Beverly Home" by Denis Johnson
"Good Country People" by Flannery O'Connor
"Greasy Lake" by T.C. Boyle
"Bullet in the Brain" by Tobias Wolff
"Minority Report" by Philip K. Dick
"Green is the Color" by John M. Ford
"Bloodchild" by Octavia Butler
"The Dance of the Changer and the Three" by Terry Carr
"Flowers for Algernon" by Daniel Keyes
"Evening Primrose" by John Collier
"The Autopsy" by Micheal Shea
"Sticks" by Karl Edward Wagner

Okay, this list is getting long, but off the top of my head, those are some I remember liking a lot.

benedict 02-25-09 02:57 AM

Here's something I prepared earlier....
I'm keeping my carbon footprint down by recycling some old posts ;)

Originally Posted by benedict (Post 2498814)
.... I think it is difficult to make recommendations without knowing a little more background....

.... if <b>I</b> was embarking on a short story adventure, I'd probably first check the library and try a few mixed "Best of Year" type anthologies and perhaps also seek out collections from any recent prizewinning writers. There are also magzines. In the science-fiction field, for example, you could try "ASIMOVs SF" or the UK publication "INTERZONE".

Most likely, there is an abundance of short fiction <A HREF="http://directory.google.com/Top/Arts/Literature/Short_Story/Classics/" target="_blank">on the web</a>.

Here is a genre site with a few tiny tales: http://www.crimelibrary.com/fiction/

And here is another that gives details of what stories individual SF authors have online at any time (and more): http://www.freesfonline.de/Authors.html

Aside from Interzone, I hardly read short fiction these day. If presssed for recommendations I'd probably say Ray Bradbury, Theodore Sturgeon and Cordwainer Smith but these stem from memories of quite some time ago. (If his full-length works are anything to go by, Gene Wolfe would also be in my list of recommendations).

And moving from the concept of recommendations to sources....

Originally Posted by benedict (Post 8508258)
Too busy to come up with any original suggestions at the moment but you might like to try here for science fiction, general, mystery, fantasy, online and contemporary short stories.

Originally Posted by benedict (Post 3648304)

<A HREF="http://www.short-stories.co.uk" target="_blank"><ImG SRC="http://www.eastoftheweb.com/images/ss_title.gif" border=0 alt="shortstories"></a>


story 02-25-09 07:48 AM

Re: Please recommend a short story to me
Benedict has a good point. In terms of anthologies, I'm a fan of "Best American Short Stories" yearly volumes, as well as the "O. Henry Award Winners," "Scribner Anthologies of Contemporary Short Fiction," and literary magazines like Tin House, Barrelhouse, and Glimmer Train.

Boot 02-28-09 11:05 PM

Re: Please recommend a short story to me

Originally Posted by dogmatica (Post 9276287)
- "The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brien

I very highly recommend O'Brien's collection short stories The Things They Carried. The short story dogmatica mentions from this anthology is the title story, but every story in the collection is outstanding.

Dr Mabuse 03-01-09 10:55 AM

Re: Please recommend a short story to me

Originally Posted by Nick Danger (Post 9285940)
That was hard to read. It must be the translation that makes it so flat. Stanislaw Lem praised the story.


I loved it Nick.

Different strokes I guess.

Michael Corvin 03-02-09 02:13 PM

Re: Please recommend a short story to me
My two faves from King are the Mist and Cain Rose Up. Of course, CRU has a totally different tone in light of the last decade of current events.

Buttmunker 03-15-09 09:21 AM

Re: Please recommend a short story to me
After 20 Years by O Henry - my very favorite by this author.
You can read it here: ----------------------> http://www.literaturecollection.com/a/o_henry/44/


Dr. Mantle 03-15-09 11:52 AM

Re: Please recommend a short story to me
"The Last Question" by Isaac Asimov
"The Nine Billion Names of God" by Arther C. Clarke
"-All You Zombies" by Robert H. Heinlein
"The Call of Cthulhu" by H.P. Lovecraft

Nick Danger 03-17-09 10:06 PM

Re: Please recommend a short story to me

Originally Posted by Dr. Mantle (Post 9327495)
"The Last Question" by Isaac Asimov
"The Nine Billion Names of God" by Arther C. Clarke
"-All You Zombies" by Robert H. Heinlein
"The Call of Cthulhu" by H.P. Lovecraft

One of those stories is not like the others.

From memory:

"And there was light."
"Slowly, and without any fuss, the stars overhead were going out."
"I know where I came from, but I don't understand where all you zombies come from."
But I don't think The Call of Cthulhu had a kicker at the end.

Nick Danger 03-17-09 10:16 PM

Re: Please recommend a short story to me

Originally Posted by Dr Mabuse (Post 9298459)

I loved it Nick.

Different strokes I guess.

Sorry. It was like reading the sort of high-tech military fiction that got common after The Hunt for Red October became a bestseller.

Numanoid 03-01-10 11:08 PM

Re: Please recommend a short story to me

Originally Posted by Dr Mabuse (Post 9282665)

Fantastic short story.

When did 126 pages become a short story?

Jay G. 03-02-10 09:55 AM

Re: Please recommend a short story to me

Originally Posted by Numanoid (Post 10025928)
When did 126 pages become a short story?

I guess it's technically a novella, although I've read a few novellas that were tucked away inside "short story" collections.

Gdrlv 03-02-10 12:33 PM

Re: Please recommend a short story to me
My Father's Mask by Joe Hill (King's son). I've read that story several times, and it still gives me chills.

dugan 03-02-10 12:39 PM

Re: Please recommend a short story to me
How about some free ones?

Kelly Link, "The Girl Detective"
(free text and audio)

Robert R. McCammon, "The Miracle Mile"
(free text)

Neil Gaiman, "Snow Glass Apples"
(free text)

Jo Walton, "At the Bottom of the Garden"
(free text)

lizard 03-07-10 12:37 PM

Since Numanoid bumped this thread I might as well suggest a couple:

The Most Dangerous Game, by Richard Connell. Haven't read it in decades but I still remember it. (Same with The Lottery mentioned by others above).

The Man That Corrupted Hadleyburg, by Mark Twain (1899). A humorous look at human nature, with Twain at his cynical best. A more famous, and very short, story by Twain is The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County (1867), a good example of his ear for vernacular speech. (Twain later expressed reservations about how famous his throw-away short story had become, but he reprised it in several versions, so he couldn't have been too displeased with it.)

I don't like this story because it is too macabre for me, but fans of the horror genre might like The Cask of Amontillado by Edgar Allen Poe (1846).

movi3mogul 03-07-10 03:37 PM

Re: Please recommend a short story to me
"The Green Door" by O Henry is about a man who lives a predictable life. But "The most interesting thing in life seemed to him to be what might lie just around the next corner." Finally, one night in the middle of his extraordinarily ordinary life, on a routine walk down a nondescript street, Adventure beckons, and he responds with his whole heart and soul.

hope you will read it, its available in online for free

Travis McClain 03-18-10 02:25 AM

Re: Please recommend a short story to me
I hated his stuff when I read it in high school, but I've really come around on Nathaniel Hawthorne. "Young Goodman Brown" is a particular favorite. It's got great atmosphere, and it's very unsettling.

Also, I would recommend Christina Rosetti's poem "The Goblin Market." Yeah, it's a poem and not a short story, but it's rare that I like any work of poetry. It tells a story, rather than just throwing out aborted sentences insisting that flowers represent all that is good in life or whatever kind of crap poets tend to babble about. It's about two sisters who sneak off to the woods, and encounter some goblins selling fruit. It's very sensuous, and a great companion piece to "Young Goodman Brown" if you're willing to take the time to read them in the same night.

writer106 03-19-10 11:25 PM

Re: Please recommend a short story to me
The Yellow Wall Paper
Barn Burning
A Rose for Emily

Travis McClain 03-20-10 01:30 AM

Re: Please recommend a short story to me

Originally Posted by writer106 (Post 10059454)
The Yellow Wall Paper
Barn Burning
A Rose for Emily

I second The Yellow Wallpaper wholeheartedly. I haven't read Barn Burning since high school, and I hated it then. My older, wiser self should really give it another chance. A Rose for Emily doesn't ring any bells offhand; who wrote it?

Vendetta-AKK 03-20-10 07:43 AM

Re: Please recommend a short story to me

Originally Posted by 12thmonkey (Post 9277175)
The Lottery - Shirley Jackson

I am actually teaching this to my Fresh English class next week. There is so much to admire about Shirley Jackson's technique and how well it all comes together in the end.

bluetoast 03-27-10 02:20 PM

Re: Please recommend a short story to me
A Sound of Thunder
Harrison Bergeron (I think that's how you spell it)
The Veldt was another good one

Sure I read these all in around middle school, but I still remember them...good stories.

wewantflair 03-27-10 09:31 PM

Re: Please recommend a short story to me
Another vote for Harrison Bergeron. It's excellent.

Also, "Guts" by Chuck Palahniuk.

uteotw 03-29-10 06:17 PM

Re: Please recommend a short story to me
I buy The Best American Short Stories collection every year and inevitably find one or two authors I realy like, and then just go from there. Tobias Wolff is a personal favorite.

digidoh 11-19-15 10:20 AM

Re: Please recommend a short story to me

Originally Posted by Sean O'Hara (Post 9281466)
I recommend Fredrick Brown's "Knock". It's very short:

The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. There was a knock on the door.

The End
There was a story with a title like "The Second Shortest Horror Story by XXX words". I can't find it or remember the exact phrasing, but it was something like:

The last man on Earth sat alone in a room with no windows, behind a locked door. And that door was locked from the outside.

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