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jfoobar 06-02-11 12:24 PM

Any of you WoW players or MMOers tried Rift yet?
I have been an on again off again WoW for about five years now. I stopped playing WoW again just after New Years Day. However, a co-worker talked me into trying the new MMO Rift. It is very similar to Wow in many, many ways but also substantially different in a number of key areas. It apparently hit 1 million subscribers before it officially released.

I have played it for just a couple of sessions the past two days and I am pretty impressed with it so far.

Anyone else tried it?


There is a free 7-day trial and you don't need to provide a CC number to play the trial, which is nice. One thing I noticed in the trial is that you cannot private message (pst) other players unless they friend you first (pretty much the identical social tab and design as WoW). Other than that, the trial so far has been unrestricted as far as I can tell.

jfoobar 06-02-11 02:05 PM

Re: Any of you WoW players or MMOers tried Rift yet?
In a forum thread, a Wow player who had started playing Rift described the differences in this way, which struck me as a good summation from my very limited Rift experience:

I am not really good at the lore because I find myself speeding ahead to see the new areas and try out new builds etc, rather than read all of the text boxes. But here is my stab. The world of Rift is set in a strategically important nexus of planes in which precious planarite is found. Other planes (life, death, earth, fire, etc) are nearby and bump into this world to create tears in reality. From these Rifts spill forth invaders from the planes bent on conquering the world and laying claim to the planarite. The gods have created ascendants called Guardians who fight on their behalf to secure the plane from invasion. The Defiants have a Terminator movie theme in which they come from a future in which multiple souls can be bio-engineered into the bodies of people. Their interest is to avoid a future that is taking place, so they have engineered you to go back in time to solve the problem. Guardians hat Defiants because it was Defiant technology that was powered by dragon magic that went awry and caused a lot of harm to the world. The Defiants claim that technomagic was the only thing that stopped them from extinction at the hands of the dragons.

Please lore nerds, go easy on me.

Coming from WoW, here is what I like

1. Bye bye mods....no more busted mods on patch day rendering the game unplayable. The basic interface of Rift lets you move around stuff and customize your interface in the basic game, which required multiple mods in WoW to do. The only mods I really miss are an auction house mod (say hello to manual posting one at a time after manually scanning an AH which can only be sorted by bid price) and autobar. I really hope they work hard at making AH statistics standard (IE the game itself scans your shard for market medians and defaults that price as a starting point for buyout) and I would love to see a bar mod that auto populated with quest items, consumables etc and let you scroll up and pick what you want like autobar. The game is playable as is though...think of it WoW gives you a bit of an edge with customization, but it peridically crashes and becomes unplayable as mod makers no longer support their work. You can move stuff around in a layout menu, and you can group items together similar to the way you cluster things in powerpoint and move it as a group. When all is said and done, you can then import all of the settings for chat, interface, macros etc from one character to another. My only beef is the game wont let you import settings across servers/shards.

2. Open groups- this is the big hurray. You are out there questing, and the sky turns a different color, and a zone wide message goes out. Everyone in the zone gets a zone wide quest to thwart an invasion. All the roads are swamped with invading forces from another realm, and usually some population centers are under direct attack with NPCs leaving off from their usual quest giving business and pitching in. YOu merely have to move to another group of people when at the top of your screen a "Join Public Group" option appears. Click that button, and you are in the invasion raid group. Masses of people move towards objections with furious battle to throw back the invaders. I have not seen epic PVE like this ever, and it feels more like RvR from DAOC against the AI. You can level up and just spend your time fighting off invasions if you like. There is no headache over worrying about if you have curried enough favor with the guild leader heading the raid to get an invite....if you can click a button you are in.

3. Gaming CPU is on demand, going to where it is needed. In WOW and games like DAOC if you had a mass of people in an area, there would be a zone crash or impossible lag. This game routes CPU to handle that loading, and you can function just fine...never seen a gaming company do this well until now.

4. Rewards for open groups are based on your participation. So you can not turn on runlock and run into a wall while raid grouped and expect an equal share of the loot. The game apparently evaluates your performance verses the server/shard standard and rewards you based upon that. My son tried a pure support buffing class running rifts, where all he did was buff everyone, and he did no dps, and he got decent loot...he was playing his class as well as he could and the game recognized it and rewarded him

5. Portals work much like waypoints from Diablo, AC2. You have to discover and reach a portal to use it, but once you have one memorized, you can travel instantaneously to any other one for the price of gold. This cuts down on the tiresome 5-10 minute flight from Darnassus to Gagetstan. You have slow ground mounts and the world feels more lethal than WoW. In WoW you could ride through aggro regardless of level and usually make it through with little danger. Here if you try that you get a stacking debuff that hurts bad and you die. It feels more like getting around in DAOC, only the invasions can mean that a previously safe road is no not so safe, as invaders use roads to travel from A to B. I am on a PvE server, and I would imagine on a PvP server gettting around would be even more challenging.

6. WoW is much more goofy with things like Snottz landing and the Snazis, and Indiana Jones, er I mean Harrison Jones, popping up. This game is more immersive because there are not so many pop cultural references. WoW is brighter and probably more intense if you do LSD, and this game is gloomier. Maps really feel a lot like DAOC.

7. Much Much Much less grind...for instance say you make a Cleric. You can in one of your 4 spec/role slots do a tank (Justicar), melee DPS (shaman), ranged DPS (Inquisitor), or heals (Sentinel). There are 9 souls (think WoW skill trees) per role (think WoW class). So Rift is 4 roles by 4/9 souls, while WoW is 10 classes by 2/3 trees. This means I can go through and do a rep grind ONE TIME for my cleric, and play him with all of those reputation benefits in a completely different role.

8. Much better talent tree options...WoW moved away from talent tree complexity, forcing you to go all the way down a tree before going into another one. You can mix and match between 3 souls in any given role, which leads to a lot more interesting combinations.

9. Crafted stuff as you level up your profession is slightly better than quest rewards, but not as good as dungeon rewards. This is a big difference because in WoW crafting was all about grinding to max then making the end game items, as heirloom or quest items were as good as or better than crafted items. This changes how I play, making using a craft useful as I go along.

10. Easy transition to this interface...so much comes from WoW that if you think how you did it in WoW, odds are it works in Rift. There was really no learning curve.

11. Macros. I am a keybinder and not a clicker. A clicker has 5 bars with 10 buttons each and mouse clicks each skill he uses. A binder keybinds mabye 10 attacks and hits them blind. As WoW went down the road to make the game more "interesting" they made it so that you had so many skills that it was very hard to play as a keybinder without tossing out skills. Blizzard deliberately did away with multiple spells in macros to force you to have one spell per button, and this really screwed keybinders. This game lets you make a macro with one anytime spell and a whole bunch of cooldown/conditional (ie range, out of combat, reactionary to parry/dodge) above it in the list. When you press it, it will do the first thing in the list. This has let me compress the unplayable number of skills from WoW into the meager 10 keybinds I have and play the game I like. For instance my rogue has a single target combo point builder macro, an AE combo point macro, a single target macro to finish, an AE macro to finish. Skill that I would toss off my bars and never use in WoW I use with regularity in Rift because of this. I am a firm believer that the true test of game skill is not in how you manage a cumbersome interface that takes your eyes out of combat and onto some button array, but instead your tactical decisions in response to battle that make or break the fight. For me a macro lets you focus on what is going on in the game rather than what is going on in your interface. There is no staring at cooldown timers, there is no stupid eclipse cycle or some obscure priority system. The game simply is more fun to play.

nickdawgy 06-02-11 06:11 PM

Re: Any of you WoW players or MMOers tried Rift yet?
I know a few people that left WoW for Rift (and Aion back in the day) and they all came back in a week or two.

mhg83 06-02-11 07:19 PM

Re: Any of you WoW players or MMOers tried Rift yet?
I'm Still waiting patiently for old republic.

flashburn 06-02-11 08:22 PM

Re: Any of you WoW players or MMOers tried Rift yet?

Originally Posted by mhg83 (Post 10799922)
I'm Still waiting patiently for old republic.

Same here, basically the only MMO I'm interested in at this point. Completely bored of WoW and all the clones. Even though gameplay for TOR looks similar to WoW, the combo of Star Wars lore + Bioware will get me to play the shit out of that game. I'm actually scared to see how badly my productivity suffers when this game does come out. :lol:

joeblow69 06-02-11 08:31 PM

Re: Any of you WoW players or MMOers tried Rift yet?
I tried it for a while, but eventually went back to WoW. My main problem is there's only 1 leveling path per faction. I started out as a rogue (bard) and got up to level 30 before I realized I didn't like the bard's playstyle. Tried the other rogue souls, and they didn't do it for me either.

So I switched to cleric, only to find you pretty much have to do all the exact same quests all over again. Sure you can do some rifts (which get dull quick) or pvp (which I don't do at all). It wouldn't be so bad if the quests were actually interesting ... but its all the very elementary "collect 6 of item X" or "kill 10 of monster Y".

The only way to vary things up is to play the other faction, but all my friends were defient, so ... meh.

gcribbs 05-19-13 03:57 PM

Re: Any of you WoW players or MMOers tried Rift yet?
Since Rift is going Free to Play I wonder if anyone is going to go back to it or try it for the first time.

I know I am going to give it another try now that it is free to play it.

wlj 06-04-13 08:30 AM

Re: Any of you WoW players or MMOers tried Rift yet?
I downloaded Rift (Lite) a couple of days ago. I have probably put around 4 hours into it. I am at level 10 (you can only go to 20 in the Lite version). I will certainly keep playing it more than likely since it is going F2P. I can't imagine paying $15 per month for this game, it isn't that interesting.

I also downloaded the WoW starter edition to give it a shot. It is ok I guess. Coming from Guild Wars 2 the action is certainly a change of pace. When I log in, it tells me I can get the battle chest (vanilla, burning crusade, and Lich King) for $4.99. I might do that -- if I get a month free of game time.

I have just recently gotten into MMOs. I am trying to find that one that I will want to stick with for the long haul. It is looking like GW2 may take that spot. I play Order and Chaos on my iPad which is a great MMO. It feels just like WoW(from my limited play time). There are 2 knocks I have against WoW that will probably make me steer clear of it. For one thing, I don't want to pay $15 per month. I just don't see a game being worth that to be quite honest with my limited play time. Second, correct me if I a wrong, WoW requires alot of required gamer cooperation. The big thing I like about Guild Wars 2 is that I don't have to group with people to have fun and accomplish things. Rift appears to be very similar to that.

Krayzie 06-04-13 08:36 AM

Re: Any of you WoW players or MMOers tried Rift yet?
I haven't played WoW in awhile but back when I played the instances pretty much required a group of 5 people. They made it a lot easier to get a group though as you can group up with people from other servers. You can still play by yourself but you will miss out on a lot of the crap.

wlj 06-04-13 08:40 AM

Re: Any of you WoW players or MMOers tried Rift yet?

Originally Posted by Krayzie (Post 11716832)
I haven't played WoW in awhile but back when I played the instances pretty much required a group of 5 people. They made it a lot easier to get a group though as you can group up with people from other servers. You can still play by yourself but you will miss out on a lot of the crap.

yeah, that won't work well for me i don't think. i don't have the time to develop any "relationships". I just have 1 to 2 hours a night and I just want to play and not try to organize with other folks what to do. if I was unemployed with no family that would be cool, but that isn't the case.

flashburn 06-04-13 08:55 AM

Re: Any of you WoW players or MMOers tried Rift yet?

Originally Posted by wlj (Post 11716835)
yeah, that won't work well for me i don't think. i don't have the time to develop any "relationships". I just have 1 to 2 hours a night and I just want to play and not try to organize with other folks what to do. if I was unemployed with no family that would be cool, but that isn't the case.

It's as easy as clicking a couple buttons in the "Dungeon Finder" window and waiting a few seconds/minutes (depending on your class) for their system to automagically form/find a group. Definitely no "relationships" required. Almost all instances at this point can be completed in well under an hour I believe.

wlj 06-04-13 09:12 AM

Re: Any of you WoW players or MMOers tried Rift yet?

Originally Posted by flashburn (Post 11716859)
It's as easy as clicking a couple buttons in the "Dungeon Finder" window and waiting a few seconds/minutes (depending on your class) for their system to automagically form/find a group. Definitely no "relationships" required. Almost all instances at this point can be completed in well under an hour I believe.

That is good to know. I figured I would have to stand in front of a dungeon and spam the chat channel "can i tag along?" Then if i was lucky enough to join a group that didn't make fun of me, I would "friend" them.


Krayzie 06-04-13 12:21 PM

Re: Any of you WoW players or MMOers tried Rift yet?

Originally Posted by wlj (Post 11716884)
That is good to know. I figured I would have to stand in front of a dungeon and spam the chat channel "can i tag along?" Then if i was lucky enough to join a group that didn't make fun of me, I would "friend" them.


Nope, that was back in the day. Spend an hour looking for a tank or healer... Too many dps not enough tanks / healers...

DaveNinja 06-05-13 11:36 AM

Re: Any of you WoW players or MMOers tried Rift yet?
now you just click a button to join the queue for a dungeon, quest while waiting for the party to be formed, then run the dungeon (often with no one talking to anyone else) in 20 minutes.
Same thing for raids once you hit max level

Krayzie 06-05-13 11:58 AM

Re: Any of you WoW players or MMOers tried Rift yet?
Instances are only 20 minutes now? I dreaded going to lbrs or ubrs... It was great when you could just 15 man ubrs and lbrs so you didn't have to be stuck in there for hours... I loved the DM tribute runs as they only took ~45 minutes.

wlj 06-13-13 08:32 AM

Re: Any of you WoW players or MMOers tried Rift yet?
Rift went F2P yesterday. So if you haven't tried it here is your chance. I had played a little of the trial edition and got my character to level 9. The area i was in was fairly vacant, not alot of players during the trial period. However, last night there were TONS of players. It was alot of fun running around with 30 other people closing rifts.

I am not sure if Rift is good enough to keep me playing, but I am going to stick with it for a few more levels at least. I am still looking for that mmorpg that completely immerses me and I just want to play it exclusively, but I haven't found one yet. I am playing Guild Wars 2 quite a bit, but it is just missing "something" that keeps me from getting totally immersed. I tried the World of Warcraft starter edition, but I see no need to really stick with it -- I ain't paying $15 per month. Hopefully it will go free to play eventually -- haha fat chance. I am downloading Aion (F2P) today, so we will see how that goes -- it gets alot of good reviews. Anyway, my character on Rift is named -- Danystormborn -- so look me up and we can kill stuff DVDtalk style

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