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metalhead212 03-06-08 04:49 PM

Middle East to get Xbox Live?
Xbox Live in the middle east?

Word has reached CVG that a big Xbox 360 announcement will be made in the Middle East next week, which could well mean the region's introduction to Xbox Live.

We're reliably informed that invitations have been sent out for the Dubai-based event, which promises "big news" for Xbox 360 in the region.

Microsoft's console has already launched in the Middle East, though without its highly regarded online service. That's a bit like having bread without butter.

Since events and announcements are rarely ever made in the region, says our source, this could very likely mean the launch of Xbox Live in the Middle East. That means we'll have even more strangers swearing at us from foreign parts. Welcome aboard!

Microsoft UK was unavailable for comment when we picked up the phone, but we'll let you know if and when it gets back to us.
Xbox Live in the middle East? I'm really not sure how I feel about that. I think it would boost a lot of numbers for Microsoft, but I already have a hard enough time as it is dealing with children screaming over the mics and being absolute ass's I don't need to throw children screaming over the mics saying things I can't understand and being absolute ass's into the mix.

Liver&Onions 03-06-08 05:05 PM

Originally Posted by metalhead212
Xbox Live in the middle east?

Xbox Live in the middle East? I'm really not sure how I feel about that. I think it would boost a lot of numbers for Microsoft, but I already have a hard enough time as it is dealing with children screaming over the mics and being absolute ass's I don't need to throw children screaming over the mics saying things I can't understand and being absolute ass's into the mix.

The rest of the world's children aren't quite as obnoxious as you might think. It seems to be a North American thing. I have yet to run into any obnoxious Japanese gamers, French Gamers, German gamers etc. And 99.99% of the time when I look to a gamercard to file a rep ding, the gamer in question is of North American jurisdiction.

FusionX 03-06-08 05:28 PM

The more the merrier even if they're obnoxious, its video games, not high society.

metalhead212 03-06-08 10:50 PM

Originally Posted by FusionX
The more the merrier even if they're obnoxious, its video games, not high society.

Very true. Haha. I guess I just have the misfourtune of runing into the worst of the worst in regards to the kinds of people on xbox live. I run into the kind of person on a daily basis that at least once a day I wish I could pull a "Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back" and fly to peoples houses and kick their ass's on their own doorsteps.

FusionX 03-06-08 11:20 PM

I encounter obnoxious people on a regular basis, but then again I can get pretty obnoxious too, in the right situation. I just don't mind and I actually like it when I get in a lobby with a riotous group. I've never been the kind of person to tattle or complain though, I don't take games that seriously. Besides its more fun to gun down some guy while he beatboxes than some polite forty year old who has to leave soon to pick up his wife from work.

Decadance 03-07-08 12:36 AM

Originally Posted by FusionX
Besides its more fun to gun down some guy while he beatboxes than some polite forty year old who has to leave soon to pick up his wife from work.


Giantrobo 03-07-08 01:53 AM

Being the sole fan of Lost Planet on this board I regularly play with people from all over the world. Japan(Naturally since it's a Capcom game), the UK, Australia, Singapore, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Germany, France, Poland, Italy, Spain, and other parts. It's only on HALO 3 and similar games that it seems the palyers are mostly Americans. Anyway, this news is interesting but I don't think it's a big deal. I doubt they'll be any more or less obnoxious than any other country.

lotsofdvds 03-07-08 06:56 AM

I have no concerns about people in middle easterners playing on Xbox Live. My concern is how even more obnoxious the racist american assholes are going to get once they hear an accent.

metalhead212 03-07-08 07:21 AM

Originally Posted by lotsofdvds
I have no concerns about people in middle easterners playing on Xbox Live. My concern is how even more obnoxious the racist american assholes are going to get once they hear an accent.

That is exactly what my fiancee was talking about with me last night while we were playing gears. How the second someone over here in the US hears a person from afghanistan it is going to be nothing but a slew of 9/11 paranoia and racist "sand ******" name calling. Makes you proud to be an American doesn't it? :(

kakihara1 03-07-08 07:42 AM


metalhead212 03-07-08 08:21 AM

Originally Posted by kakihara1

Derka Derka Ji'had

Team America?


Yes that is a Captain America tat on the burned guys left arm. ;)

FusionX 03-07-08 09:25 AM

Isn't stereotyping Americans as rednecks on a broken down porch just as bad as calling someone a racial slur based on their Middle Eastern ethnicity? I figure if someone is overly sensitive enough to file a complaint on XBL over some rude language, they'd disapprove of this kind of narrow mindedness.

lotsofdvds 03-07-08 09:29 AM

Originally Posted by FusionX
Isn't stereotyping Americans as rednecks on a broken down porch just as bad as calling someone a racial slur based on their Middle Eastern ethnicity? I figure if someone is overly sensitive enough to file a complaint on XBL over some rude language, they'd disapprove of this kind of narrow mindedness.

Yes but you're allowed to make fun of your own. Duh.

FusionX 03-07-08 09:44 AM

So those of you who file rep complaints, do you try to find out if the person was being insensitive against "their own," or do you just file the complaint regardless?

metalhead212 03-07-08 10:10 AM

Originally Posted by FusionX
Isn't stereotyping Americans as rednecks on a broken down porch just as bad as calling someone a racial slur based on their Middle Eastern ethnicity? I figure if someone is overly sensitive enough to file a complaint on XBL over some rude language, they'd disapprove of this kind of narrow mindedness.

It was just a joke to go along with the joke of the movie. Making a cheap joke on the coat tails of a cheap movie is not being racists. Also, its like a blond making a blond joke. Its funny because she's blond. . .

Being flat out racists even on XBL is wrong.

When I file a complaint on XBL it is because they are doing something wrong. I can handle a few racially/sexually based slurs in the heat of battle or what not because sometimes it slips out, but if someone on the mic is just sitting their the whole time going "I hate whitey, KILL WHITEY, F@@k Krackers, EAT WHITE BABIES" or just sits and says "your a F@@, shut up F$G, F#G F#G F#G" I'm going to file a complaint on them as opposed to the guy who was over all pretty nice and maybe accidentally said N*#@%r or F#G thinking he had his mic muted or just accidentally blurted it out.

Even though I manage to find a lot of assholes on XBL I have had people apologize after a match for letting a few less-than-acceptable remarks fly out of their mouths.

FusionX 03-07-08 12:08 PM

Originally Posted by metalhead212
It was just a joke to go along with the joke of the movie. Making a cheap joke on the coat tails of a cheap movie is not being racists. Also, its like a blond making a blond joke. Its funny because she's blond. . .

Being flat out racists even on XBL is wrong.

When I file a complaint on XBL it is because they are doing something wrong. I can handle a few racially/sexually based slurs in the heat of battle or what not because sometimes it slips out, but if someone on the mic is just sitting their the whole time going "I hate whitey, KILL WHITEY, F@@k Krackers, EAT WHITE BABIES" or just sits and says "your a F@@, shut up F$G, F#G F#G F#G" I'm going to file a complaint on them as opposed to the guy who was over all pretty nice and maybe accidentally said N*#@%r or F#G thinking he had his mic muted or just accidentally blurted it out.

So its cool to be a racist, as long as you're not too much of a racist. Gotcha.

metalhead212 03-07-08 01:09 PM

Originally Posted by FusionX
So its cool to be a racist, as long as you're not too much of a racist. Gotcha.

No, it comes down to what is the lesser of two evils? Someone burning a cross on your front lawn wearing a hood or someone who got cut off in traffic saying "damn Mexican" because the Mexican who cut him off startled him and he just blurted something out?

Both are forms of racism so they should be equally punished is what your saying, right?

Don't sit here and tell me you have never called anyone a f%g or a derogatory slang because if you say you haven't not only are you a liar, but per your definition of racism your a racist lair.

My comment as far as the XBL dialog goes was concerning what I would consider a punishable and negative reputation bearing infraction. Someone who sits on the mic and trolls with racial slurs deserves to be penalized, but does the person who called someone else f#g or said "that was gay" or even went so far as to let slip one single racial slur out of utter frustration? Calling someone a f#g or saying "thats gay" shouldn't even really be considered a punishable offense because it has gotten to the point where society has transformed the word from meaning a homosexual to meaning something that is absurd, ridiculous, comical, stupid, ect.

I never said racism is ok. Nor do I condone it. Have I ever said something racist or told a racist joke or called someone of a different race a name? The answer is yes, have I had it done to me? Yes. But never in a million years would I consider myself superior to anyone of a different race, creed, color, age, sexuality, ect.

Even being a "little racist" is wrong, but I am asking if it should bear the same penalty as someone who is blatantly belittling someone else based on their race?

FusionX 03-07-08 02:59 PM

I wouldn't file a complaint on XBL regardless of "level of racism," I'm just curious about those of you who act so offended by what people say during games designed mostly for teens. XBL is mostly a user policed environment and I am intrigued by the thought process of those who choose to be the police, that's all.

lotsofdvds 03-07-08 03:03 PM

Originally Posted by FusionX
I'm just curious about those of you who act so offended by what people say during games designed mostly for teens.

Designed mostly for teens? Even if that were true, what does that have to do with jackassery in online gaming?

Lt Ripley 03-07-08 03:18 PM

Originally Posted by FusionX
So its cool to be a racist, as long as you're not too much of a racist. Gotcha.

No, no, no. You got it all wrong. It is perfectly fine to make fun of poor southerners and christians.

Liver&Onions 03-07-08 03:31 PM

Originally Posted by lotsofdvds
Designed mostly for teens? Even if that were true, what does that have to do with jackassery in online gaming?

He must mean games like Halo 3 - wait, that's rated M.
Then maybe he means GRAW - shit, nope. That's M too.
Gears? Ahh hell, nope that's a M game too.

FusionX 03-07-08 03:42 PM

Your rating argument doesn't hold up. History has shown us that companies of all kinds market products designed to sell to consumers that probably shouldn't have access. I've seen countless movies rated R that were clearly made with teen audiences in mind, cigarette campaigns aimed at teens, and yes, even video games rated M (as if those ratings mean ANYTHING). I am not trying to offend people, I am just very interested in the whole "filing complaints is a duty, not an option" crowd.

LotsofDVDs- I understand what you're saying, a jackass is a jackass. But like I said, I don't take video games seriously, I play for fun. I wouldn't get the same feeling of accomplishment of giving someone a negative review, then patting myself on the back. I'm a "live and let live" kind of person when it comes to fluff like video games. If more than words were exchanged, I would side with you guys, but its just words and in an environment that is similar to a Chuck E. Cheese of on-line gaming.

Liver&Onions 03-07-08 03:50 PM

Originally Posted by FusionX
Your rating argument doesn't hold up. History has shown us that companies of all kinds market products designed to sell to consumers that probably shouldn't have access. I've seen countless movies rated R that were clearly made with teen audiences in mind, cigarette campaigns aimed at teens, and yes, even video games rated M (as if those ratings mean ANYTHING). I am not trying to offend people, I am just very interested in the whole "filing complaints is a duty, not an option" crowd.

Filing complaints is something I've never done. Flagging someone as a unsporting gamer or being obnoxious and putting them on my do not want list? That's just me cleaning up my own personal cesspool of bullshit and limiting the chances that I end up having to play with assholes in the end.

For example - the dick who I played Catan with the other night who decided it was cool to wait the full 15 seconds to roll or play his soldier card, then wait the full minute for each turn before doing anything...he got a rep ding for acting like an idiot, and he's now on my anti-friends list. Whereas the other guys in the room with me who also noted this jackass' behavior and helped move the game along as much as possible without resorting to quitting (thereby giving the cheeser the win, which was his plan) got rep increases and I'd gladly play with them again in the future.

FusionX 03-07-08 03:51 PM

Originally Posted by Lt Ripley
No, no, no. You got it all wrong. It is perfectly fine to make fun of poor southerners and christians.

I am well aware of that loophole, but I'd be careful what you say, you could get a "poor sportsmanship" complaint filed against you.

FusionX 03-07-08 03:53 PM

Originally Posted by Liver&Onions
Filing complaints is something I've never done. Flagging someone as a unsporting gamer or being obnoxious and putting them on my do not want list? That's just me cleaning up my own personal cesspool of bullshit and limiting the chances that I end up having to play with assholes in the end.

For example - the dick who I played Catan with the other night who decided it was cool to wait the full 15 seconds to roll or play his soldier card, then wait the full minute for each turn before doing anything...he got a rep ding for acting like an idiot, and he's now on my anti-friends list. Whereas the other guys in the room with me who also noted this jackass' behavior and helped move the game along as much as possible without resorting to quitting (thereby giving the cheeser the win, which was his plan) got rep increases and I'd gladly play with them again in the future.

You dinged someone for taking their full allotted turn time? Remind me not to play Worms against you.

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