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Ketamine 05-30-05 10:11 AM

Your thoughts on camping in FPS deathmatch?
I was playing HL2DM yesterday and had a rocket launcher on high ground. Turns out this map was just made for camping with plenty of ammo for the rocket launcher. Of course I was making a killing with this strategy when this guy starts crying and calling me a camper. He says it isn't fair, it’s weak, etc. So what are your thoughts on camping? I obviously think it is ok. Yeah, a little cheap but legal and effective way to score some points. I actually enjoy it trying to take a guy out that is camping in a difficult to reach area. Makes that kill that much more satisfying when I finally get him. Thought?

UWSarge 05-30-05 10:30 AM

I think as long as you aren't camping a respawn point, it's a legitimate tactic. I won't think much of someone though that can only camp and that's it. They'll play only particular maps and in those maps, just camp to get a high kill rate.

Michael Corvin 05-30-05 10:34 AM

Originally Posted by UWSarge
I think as long as you aren't camping a respawn point, it's a legitimate tactic. I won't think much of someone though that can only camp and that's it. They'll play only particular maps and in those maps, just camp to get a high kill rate.

Or camping over the best item on the map. That gets frustrating real quick. But other than that, it is a strategy like anything else.

Dragon Fly 05-30-05 11:06 AM

Just a strategy really. It's easy to beat too, I like camping against the campers to flush them out.

Centurion 05-30-05 11:41 AM

I'm all for it. I do it myself if playing on a map that calls for long range fragging. If a map is more close-quarters or indoor-type then there is no way you could get away with it. What I'm saying is that it is dependant on the map you're playing on. The guy whining at you and crying about it is bitter because he either sucks big ones or because you specifically target him each time. :lol:

On the other hand, if you have someone sniping from a point that is 'inaccessible', meaning the camper got up to an area that you typically can't get to unless you do some sort of cheat, exploit a bug in the programming, etc. then I think that's weak and unfair because it wasn't part of the design of the map.

wlj 05-30-05 11:43 AM

i used to camp all the time in Goldeneye 64....good strategy in my opinion


Groucho 05-30-05 11:53 AM

I like when you're playing a "Capture the Flag" or other objective-based game, and the other team flames you for "camping" when you're defending your base. -ohbfrank-

Josh H 05-30-05 01:59 PM

I hate it, one of the main reasons I never got into multiplayer FPS.

I don't play much multiplayer in general (really none these days) so I hated playing Goldeneye against guys in my dorm at the time who played hours every day, had every nook and cranny of every level memorized and would just hide somewhere and snipe people.

Groucho 05-30-05 06:03 PM

To be fair, if somebody plays for hours a day, and knows the level, they're going to own your ass whether they camp or not.

fumanstan 05-30-05 07:03 PM

I've played first person shooters online on the PC for some time now, and i think it's fine if you're camping during scrimmages, practices, or matches between teams. But in pubs i think it's weak for the most part unless you're specifically playing a sniper type position. In that case, i think it's fine and suited for the map. But if you're just sitting in one area with a rocket launcher or machine gun, i don't see a point.

Draven 05-30-05 08:56 PM

I love campers. I get so much satisfaction taking them down. And if they are really being assholes, just hide and wait for them to get bored.

My favorite way to play is "counter-sniper" so I say bring on the camping (even respawn points...I'll kill your ass eventually :) )

asabase 05-30-05 09:23 PM

In day of defeat it's pretty easy to sneak up on hardcore campers (ones that dont move kill after kill) and kife them in the back. I don't have a problem with it since it always backfires on them if there are good players in the server.

outer-edge 05-30-05 10:01 PM

I think it is OK as long as it's not overused. If I ever do it, I typically camp somewhere for a brief bit, then move on, repeat.

tjr2mental 05-30-05 10:03 PM

While I try not to camp in Halo, I will do it if the need arises. Say that the people that you are up against hold all the power weapons, why should I run out to my death? I will hole up and make them come to me, it is alot harder to get kills on me in close confines (unless you have rockets).

boredsilly 05-31-05 06:16 AM

Hardcore camping is fine and legal, but boring as hell. Why would anyone want to do it? To increasing stats? Is it that serious? It's always more fun whey you're fighting with someone and you're both scrambling and jumping around trying to avoid getting got while trying to take that person out. Just chilling in the shadows and shooting someone every few minutes or so just doesn't seem like fun to me.

BTW - there is a definate difference between what I view as "camping" and what tjr2mental is talking about. There is strategy and then there is bloating stats.

AGuyNamedMike 05-31-05 08:02 AM

As said, camping is a perfectly legit tactic (except when targeting spawn points or teleporter destinations). It heightens the challenge of the map and turns up the adrenalin another notch. Heck, sometimes I'll spend a whole day playing only sniper/camper servers in UT99 or UT2K4. It's relaxing.

Josh H 05-31-05 11:38 AM

Originally Posted by Groucho
To be fair, if somebody plays for hours a day, and knows the level, they're going to own your ass whether they camp or not.

True, but its still more fun if they're at least moving around and giving you some chance.

I could tolerate it more in Goldeneye and other split screen games as you can just look at their screen and get an idea of where they are (I never played enough deathmatch to have the boards down enough for even that to be much help) but I can't stand it at all in online games. Kills the little desire I had to play.

jeffdsmith 05-31-05 01:12 PM

If a developer intends for there to be no camping, there should just have the players physical size increase the longer they are in one spot.

I also feel this would be a neat selectable feature for deathmatches were the current leader either grows in size (easier to hit) or damages easier as his or her lead increases.

DJ_Longfellow 05-31-05 01:16 PM

Aren't most SNIPERS campers anyways....

Ketamine 05-31-05 01:29 PM

There are a number of maps in HL2DM that were obviously made with camping in mind. Why else would they make overwatch have only one door up to the top level which looks over a broken wall, has holes in the floor, and has a rocket launcher and ammo up there. That was the intent of the map. The cool thing is that there are a number of ways to bring the campers down (crossbow through open area in wall, grenade/exploding barrel/etc. thrown over the wall to name a couple). Granted, camping is more fun with team games b/c as a team using good tactics, you can take the campers out and take their position. Other maps out there don't really give you the chance to camp so if you don't want to deal with campers, then play on the maps that camping isn't an issue. As previously stated, there are ways to deal with campers. Instead of crying about it, figure out ways to kill them. You don't like to camp, then don't. IMHO, it is fun killing guys that are probably used to camping for hours without people getting to them. It confuses them how you got to them and is rewarding when you take them out.

Michael Corvin 05-31-05 02:56 PM

Originally Posted by wlj
i used to camp all the time in Goldeneye 64....good strategy in my opinion


Proximity mines on spawn points... an even better stategy. rotfl Nobody liked playing with me.

Draven 05-31-05 03:39 PM

Originally Posted by Josh Hinkle
True, but its still more fun if they're at least moving around and giving you some chance.

I disagree. I much prefer the hunted-hunter battle against campers than jumping grenade spam in the center of the map.

strife 05-31-05 04:23 PM

No problem if used the right way as others have stated

Trigger 05-31-05 05:32 PM

camping is lame and it causes scores to not accurately reflect players that are good and players that are shit, but who know how to hide and shoot fish in a barrel.

duff beer 05-31-05 08:40 PM

I used to be a real asshole and tie down the whole enemy team in their spawn base room they'd be like "GET THAT ********ER" i'd laugh and laugh, pissed off a mighty many people.

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