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TOPDAWG 03-22-03 05:16 PM

Huge bug in Blood Omen 2
OK so I was playing Blood omen 2 cause I been meaning to beat the thing for like 4 months now :P Anyway I'm at the last level I'm almost near teh last boss and I get one of the lore boxes well kain does his little fire dance that makes your health higher. Well I die cause I full into the water I say ohhhhh well time to try again. Well it loads up and get this I have no more health bar it's gone I guess I earned so much health it made my health bar start over. I remember reading about this bug before but damn that was cause if you die you can get the same lore boxes over and over again so it was a cheap way to get your heatlh up quick using a bug in the game. I however got my health up fair and sqaure.

So now I can't finish the game cause if I stand in place and jump Kain will jump dead when he lands. I ask ya how in the hell does such a huge bug get past a testing? I did not use codes or anything I played the game as it was might to be played and this **** happens to me. I am damn so pissed off. I mean I got every lore box and sucked the blood of everyone I mean could they not have tested it so in case someone was getting everything along the way!?

I mean holy crap this is retarded so I damn wasted like 12 hours on this game cause I'm sure not going to start over now. I want to snip the disc in half turth be told. Has this bug happed to anyone else??? Man thay really need to start testing games for bugs beter and stop trying ot meet a dead line. Seems more and more games shop with bugs anymore then I remember form back in the day.

God I am pissed So a warning don't get Blood Omen 2 for Xbox.

Tarantino 03-22-03 06:08 PM


Sloth911 03-22-03 09:01 PM

your life will never be complete, might as well end it now

Groucho 03-22-03 09:11 PM

You don't have a backup save? THAT'S the biggest game bug in gaming history.

Decker 03-22-03 09:51 PM

I've heard of worse.

One that really bugged me : Jak & Daxter, a very good game by and large, had one challange where you had to beat the "track record" to get a power cell. Well that track record was 0:01. That's right, you had to make it around the track in less than one second. Now that was a huge mistake and made the game impossible to beat at 100%. I'm sure it was fixed by the time the GH version came out.

RoQuEr 03-22-03 09:52 PM

thanks for using spolers.......

Tigger 03-22-03 11:52 PM

TopDawg, just so you know, one of the biggest rules in Game Production is, Game Testers probably found it, but the occurance was probably not as common as anyone would expect. it did happen to you so I know that sucks, but more than likely than testing didn't find it, the Producers probably waved it and begged Sony to wave it also. Just a terrible reality.

trigun 03-23-03 12:58 AM

Maybe the testers thought the game sucked and didn't put in as much effort as they could have.

Tigger 03-23-03 01:18 AM

LOL @ Trigun... it's been known to happen. :)

jw2299 03-23-03 11:19 AM

Originally posted by Groucho
You don't have a backup save? THAT'S the biggest game bug in gaming history.
Ouch...I hate, to say it, but it's true.

glassdragon 03-23-03 04:20 PM

No, the biggest bug in gaming history was a pc game called magic and mayhem or something... wherein when you uninstalled the game it not only uninstalled the program folder it also DELETED YOUR WINDOWS DIRECTORY..... now that's a bad bug ... just thought i'd let you know :P

JuryDuty 03-23-03 05:05 PM

Originally posted by glassdragon
No, the biggest bug in gaming history was a pc game called magic and mayhem or something... wherein when you uninstalled the game it not only uninstalled the program folder it also DELETED YOUR WINDOWS DIRECTORY..... now that's a bad bug ... just thought i'd let you know :P
The first version of Half Life did that on some PCs, too! LOL

TOPDAWG 03-23-03 06:31 PM

Trigger I got no idea how someone could miss this bug. Here is what happed to me I got this off a code site. I was hoping I could find a full health bar code or something but I saw this it made me cry :( well not really but you get the idea.

Note: Do not max out Kain's lore (blood bar roughly the same length as lore bar and lore bar full). If this is done and the game is saved, Kain's blood bar will revert to absolutely nothing. If this happens, a simple jump will cause Kain to die. If you kill all available targets (including humans) throughout the game, you will achieve the same blood bar level as you would using the trick. If you do use this trick and are nearly maxed out, stop drinking blood and opening relics. Otherwise, you will lose all your hard work when you save.

Now knowing this little info it sould have been very easy to find such a huge bug. I don't mind small bugs or even bugs that make you have to start a level over agian it happens sometimes. However the fact is this bug was very easy to make kick in and sould have been find easy in testing that is if thay even tested this game.

Like I said I know I may said like I'm crying but still this is BS I mean if you lit a few bugs in a game game markers are going to get alot worse. I mean thay going to say hey nobody bitched when our last game shipped with bugs I'm sure thay will not mind a few on this game. I mean gaming is about money and that will be thier way of thinking. I'll bet my nuts on that one. Hell look at PC gaming of cousre I can understand them bugs alittle. I mean pacths coming out the first day of a game is out is alittle sad. I mean once the next gen systems get here and thay all have hard drives how you going to feel when it says game needs pacth plase download it or get get a disk with a picth on it. Mark my words if you lit companys get way with it alittle thay going to push it as far as thay can before thay start to lose money.

Also if you mean the fact I did not have a back up save was a big game bug why would I need one!? Also the fact is in Kain you have to suck blood to keep your heatlh up but at the same time it will rase your lore so I had no way to finsh the game if I did not keep sicking blood from people. So your back up save idea would not have worked for me. This is just a dumb bug that sould have been find and fixed right away.

:( This **** never happed much in 2-D games god bliss them.

Groucho I read your post again why sould I have a back up save from 3 levels ago!? I played it like 4 hours cause I was bored and never dead so then I dead near the end and the bug kicked in. That seems kind of dumb to think the gamer sould find ways around bugs. That is not my job I paid to play this game not find ways to fix it. Also do you think I sould use a differt save everything I save a game!? I'd have 100 saves on my system for one game. Not to be mean or sound like a ass but what you said is just dumb and would not work. Sure you can say well at least then you only got to do 3 hours over and not the whole thing but still it's just dumb. I play games not fix them so I rest my case on that one.

People who played blood omen 2 can understand better what I am talking about. So the hell with it I will write the marker and tell them about it in a nice clam letter and that is that.

Also why do people act like I am super upset it did not take alot of my time and energy to type out my post. If I was really upset I'd go upstars and get my shot gun and go to Eidos HQ. I'd be yelling you son of b%$^&s I may not be able to drink the blood of the game people anymore but I can drink the blood of your game testers MAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

Damn people relex. I'm not crying just saying what happed in a load and pissed off vocie. Also I changed the title cause it made poeple look at this who may not understand how Blood Omen 2 works. It made me htink of a post where some poeple say new halo 2 pictures and it's just some dumb fan drewing. I feel it alittle missleading. Also I've had that pc bug happen to me before Zone alream did it to me I had to take it off the pc then boom PC stoped working. I find it funny soemthing that sould keep your PC up and running made it not work to I reformted it.

PS. I do find something funny I am sure most of ya are into dvd's your on a dvd site. If a little bug is find on a DVD there be hell to pay for the company but I report a game bug and nobody cares or seems to think I sould have fixed it or I'm just crying. The hell up with that!? I mean lits just say baby hurman missing a finger was just a bug and have nobody say a word about it anymore. Geez as least with that bug I can finsh wacthing the movie but with the bug I had I can even finsh my game or finsh the story the game was telling.

PSS. My writing and spelling and no grammer use make baby jesus cry.

Groucho 03-23-03 06:58 PM

Originally posted by TOPDAWG
Not to be mean or sound like a ass but what you said is just dumb and would not work.
Hey, fine. I'll admit it...I'm an idiot for making backup saves. All I know is this: if I'm playing a game and encounter a game-breaking bug or another problem, I only have to go back an hour or so (often less) to the last good save.

Josh H 03-23-03 07:06 PM

A back up save would do me know good. If something like that happened to me I'd get rid of the game in a heartbeat and NEVER by another game from that developer (not much of a loss in this case).

That's just inexcusable to have bugs that bad in something that sells for $50.

TOPDAWG 03-23-03 07:12 PM

Originally posted by Groucho
Hey, fine. I'll admit it...I'm an idiot for making backup saves. All I know is this: if I'm playing a game and encounter a game-breaking bug or another problem, I only have to go back an hour or so (often less) to the last good save.

UHHHHHHHHH man I don't think you read what I typed or it was typed so bad you did not understand it. In the game Blood Omen 2 you have to sick Blood to keep your heatlh up if you don't Kain will bleed to death. So to finsh the game I had to keep sicking blood but cause of this bug you could not do that so I was damned no metter what I did in the end. Anyway think what ya want it be your god gaven freedom. Also if I tried differt saves I'd have 50 saves just for this game alone. Man If I had a PSX2 game and did that I'd have alot of memery cards laying around. Like I said I don't pay to fix bugs in games I pay for them to play them. So I don't understand your thinking.

PS. OHHHHHHHH it also seems like I pissed ya off alittle. I was nto trying ot be a ass to ya so you know. If you think I was sorry about that. That is why I said I know this makes me sound like a ass. So don't be getting mad now with me. Remember I said I had a shot gun upstars and I play videogames :P That was a joke so don't freck out on me.

RoQuEr 03-23-03 11:32 PM

thanks for using spoilers this time around......

TOPDAWG 03-24-03 12:24 AM

Originally posted by RoQuEr
thanks for using spoilers this time around......

You talking to me man????? If you are I did not spoil anything besides a bug you may find later if your playing the game. Like who are you talking too??????????

DARTH GAMER 03-24-03 08:44 AM

My advise to you would be to stop playing video games all together and go back to school. Your grammar and spelling is horrible!!

duy37 03-24-03 11:49 AM

glad i picked up Halo instead of Blood Omen 2

Liver&Onions 03-24-03 12:01 PM


Thunderball 03-24-03 12:21 PM

I hate the internet.

TOPDAWG 03-24-03 02:21 PM

Originally posted by DARTH GAMER
My advise to you would be to stop playing video games all together and go back to school. Your grammar and spelling is horrible!!

OHHHHH god what shall I do someone talked about me on the internet. Also of cousre my spelling and grammar are bad I don't write much. Hell look at my name here I'm a cool new member and I been at this site for 3 damn years. Of cousre your writing skills go down when you not online 8 hours a day making posts on a forum. Geez your a ******* but I thank you for caring about me enouth to care about my spelling and grammer you must really like me.

bigsoos 03-24-03 02:24 PM

Originally posted by TOPDAWG
cousre my spelling and grammar are bad
sorry, couldn't resist.

Just start over and try not to run into that game bug.

Rob V 03-24-03 02:26 PM


are you retarded?

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