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dsa_shea 09-08-13 09:42 PM

Re: Breaking Bad-- To'hajiilee -- 9/8/13

Originally Posted by mhg83 (Post 11826136)
When Jesse was on the phone with Walt it sounded like he was still indoors with the echo. I'm assuming they kept the recording of Walt confessing at the house. So they do have that on him.

Most likely they will make it where anything they do have on him will be with Hank and ultimately be destroyed before ever seeing the light of day.

DthRdrX 09-08-13 09:44 PM

Re: Breaking Bad-- To'hajiilee -- 9/8/13
One of the online reviews already mentioned that Hank and Gomez did call the DEA to dig up the cash. Does anyone remember that? I'm going to have to watch the replay!

Mike86 09-08-13 09:44 PM

Re: Breaking Bad-- To'hajiilee -- 9/8/13

Originally Posted by mhg83 (Post 11826136)
When Jesse was on the phone with Walt it sounded like he was still indoors with the echo. I'm assuming they kept the recording of Walt confessing at the house. So they do have that on him.

It did sound that way but I don't see how they would have gotten there as fast after Walt did unless they were close by.

Originally Posted by DthRdrX (Post 11826140)
One of the online reviews already mentioned that Hank and Gomez did call the DEA to dig up the cash. Does anyone remember that? I'm going to have to watch the replay!

I think Hank was talking about getting them out there right as or after he put Walt into the SUV. I don't think they actually did it yet though before Todd and his crew showed up.

Lt Ripley 09-08-13 09:44 PM

Re: Breaking Bad-- To'hajiilee -- 9/8/13

Originally Posted by boss429 (Post 11826137)
Why the hell couldn't they have put a bullet in Hanks head?!?!?!

To make us tune in next week.

auto 09-08-13 09:52 PM

Re: Breaking Bad-- To'hajiilee -- 9/8/13

Originally Posted by Lt Ripley (Post 11826142)
To make us tune in next week.

Those fuckers. I wasn't going to bother watching the last few.

dvdjunkie32 09-08-13 09:54 PM

Re: Breaking Bad-- To'hajiilee -- 9/8/13

Originally Posted by boss429 (Post 11826137)
Why the hell couldn't they have put a bullet in Hanks head?!?!?!

Hank is pretty damn good at taking cover and dodging bullets. He took down Tuco with just a revolver versus a damn assault rifle.

CaptainMarvel 09-08-13 09:55 PM

Re: Breaking Bad-- To'hajiilee -- 9/8/13
I'm thinking that before Hank and Gomie buy it in the shoot out, Todd eats a bullet. Meaning the nazis will need a new cook.

Lt Ripley 09-08-13 09:59 PM

Re: Breaking Bad-- To'hajiilee -- 9/8/13

Originally Posted by auto (Post 11826150)
those fuckers. I wasn't going to bother watching the last few.


RoyalTea 09-08-13 10:04 PM

Re: Breaking Bad-- To'hajiilee -- 9/8/13
Also, they can kill off any character they want. But not Walt Jr.

bluetoast 09-08-13 10:08 PM

Re: Breaking Bad-- To'hajiilee -- 9/8/13
Hank will survive.

mhg83 09-08-13 10:10 PM

Re: Breaking Bad-- To'hajiilee -- 9/8/13
I wonder if Next Episode Walt begs the crew not to kill hank? They see how much he cares for him and takes hank hostage to get Walt to cook.

dsa_shea 09-08-13 10:16 PM

Re: Breaking Bad-- To'hajiilee -- 9/8/13
I wonder why they would bother listening to him now since they basically ignored every yell by Walt to not do it.

uteotw 09-08-13 10:21 PM

Re: Breaking Bad-- To'hajiilee -- 9/8/13
Very solid ep., nice plays by Hank to get some intel, but unless they are going to fill in some blanks next week, that was the worst shootout of all time. Heck, even if they do, the bad guys had Hank and Gomie right out in the open and opened fire with multiple full-auto sighted weapons. No way they hit no one.

I'm guessing they're both dead or close with Jesse trying to get away. I hope Todd's not dead; he's a great character, but maybe when they zoomed in on Hank and those 4 burst shots...

mhg83 09-08-13 10:21 PM

Re: Breaking Bad-- To'hajiilee -- 9/8/13
Maybe he says he'll cook as much as they want?

musick 09-08-13 10:26 PM

Re: Breaking Bad-- To'hajiilee -- 9/8/13

Originally Posted by uteotw (Post 11826183)
, but unless they are going to fill in some blanks next week, that was the worst shootout of all time. Heck, even if they do, the bad guys had Hank and Gomie right out in the open and opened fire with multiple full-auto sighted weapons. No way they hit no one.

I would guess both sides (all but Walt) were body armored up pretty well
they certainly showed Todd's uncles crew getting suited up

Edit: definitely no body armor on Hank, Gomie, or Jesse

Jimmy James 09-08-13 10:32 PM

Re: Breaking Bad-- To'hajiilee -- 9/8/13
There's something about the lack of badges displayed and the shootout that suggests to me perhaps it's not going to be a bloodbath. Perhaps they're going to take them hostage, get information from them, or maybe even turn them to use as an asset. I mean, the operation is a very much off the books one. There is the video. Maybe they're thinking who better to run protection for their meth op than the DEA.

musick 09-08-13 10:37 PM

Re: Breaking Bad-- To'hajiilee -- 9/8/13

Originally Posted by DthRdrX (Post 11825827)
I was reading article earlier today that mentioned how this show really telegraphs everything before it happens but the hard part is that we have to pick up on it.

being reminded (for no apparent reason) how not to remove masks during a cook might be a good indication of how Todd's uncle/crew bites it under a Mr. White cook

DthRdrX 09-08-13 10:41 PM

Re: Breaking Bad-- To'hajiilee -- 9/8/13

Originally Posted by musick (Post 11826203)
being reminded (for no apparent reason) how not to remove masks during a cook might be a good indication of how Todd's uncle/crew bites it under a Mr. White cook

Thats a good point, also saving the ricin for Todd who knows better.

DJariya 09-08-13 10:44 PM

Re: Breaking Bad-- To'hajiilee -- 9/8/13
That was fucking awesome!!! Great ending to that episode.

With that many bullets flying, someone has to die. I'm going to guess that Gomez dies, but Hank survives and is seriously wounded.

Hank was being way too cocky. He and Gomez should have wrapped their shit up and left ASAP.

Btw, Cranston was on Talking Bad and he was great.

BuckNaked2k 09-08-13 11:31 PM

Re: Breaking Bad-- To'hajiilee -- 9/8/13
Well, the M-60 definitely has to be to go against the white supremacists, that much has been made clear. They are the only ones with sufficient firepower to warrant such a response. The ricin? We still don't know.

Bill Needle 09-08-13 11:34 PM

Re: Breaking Bad-- To'hajiilee -- 9/8/13
The gunfight was ridiculous.

I love the show, and the rest of this episode even.

But the gunfight was ridiculous. I'm talking A-Team ridiculous.

DthRdrX 09-08-13 11:38 PM

Re: Breaking Bad-- To'hajiilee -- 9/8/13
Watching it again Hank and Gomez actually had cover, maybe 3-4 steps from behind the car the entire time. The camera angle made it seem like they were out in the open.

Raul3 09-08-13 11:57 PM

Re: Breaking Bad-- To'hajiilee -- 9/8/13
Those last minutes were so awesome. You have to forgive the show, because it always go for style, before reality. So yeah, a lot of things to nitpick but you should be used by now.

Poink 09-09-13 12:00 AM

Re: Breaking Bad-- To'hajiilee -- 9/8/13
Love how Jesse and Hank played Walt so hard. At this point, I guess it's likely going to be Marie that truly exposes Walt; if Hank dies or is critically injured she knows what he was doing at the time regardless of the outcome.

My predictions for Ozymandias:

The next episode is pretty much where Walt loses everything. His money is as good as gone; he's not going to just dig it all up in front of the Nazi crew. The DEA will find it eventually like Hank said. Marie knows enough about the situation and probably has Jesse's confession as well as Walter's false confession within her home. She can talk to the proper authorities and spill the beans on this whole mess which will at least end up with Skyler being taken in for some serious questioning.

Skyler has no idea of what just happened. She'd be completely blindsided by some agents coming along and hauling her away. While there might not be a whole lot of evidence to charge her with anything, she doesn't have much proof that she's innocent. Her being taken away will be how Walt Jr. is going to find out the truth about his family. Everything that leads to the flash forward (the abandoned house, etc) is probably going to fall into place.

As for the outcome of the shootout, who knows how that will end up. Obviously Walt survives, and I'd imagine Jesse does as well. I don't think Hank is going to get killed in the actual shootout. That would have happened in this episode if that were the case. The location is where this entire misadventure started for Walt and Jesse, and that has to have some importance. I see everything coming full circle; Walt killing an incapacitated Hank by strangling him with the handcuffs just like how he killed Crazy 8 with the bicycle lock early in the series, which was/is something he doesn't WANT to do yet has no better option (probably due to the armed gang forcing him to in this possible scenario). He'll deal with Uncle Jack and the other guy(s) the same way he did with Crazy 8 and the other guy: using a meth cook and their lack of masks to his advantage.

Or maybe none of this happens. All I know is I love this damn show and wish it was next Sunday already.

Raul3 09-09-13 12:04 AM

Re: Breaking Bad-- To'hajiilee -- 9/8/13
He can't lose all the money. He needs cash to disappear and get the new identity.

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