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MrX 08-06-06 02:27 AM

Entourage - "Vegas Baby, Vegas!" - 8/06/06
"Vegas Baby, Vegas!"
The guys head to Vegas for a much-needed break and a $100K promo appearance for Vince. The appearance turns out to be more than they thought it would be, with Turtle reaping the benefits. Eric's jealous side is brought out by Seth Green's insinuating comments about Sloan. Vince and Ari partner at the tables, but Ari freaks out when Vince's luck wavers. Drama pours compliments on his masseur, leading to an awkward misunderstanding.

Drama's story sounds like it's going to be great:lol:

Mopower 08-06-06 09:22 PM

:lol: Best episode of the season so far. Drama's crush on Ken was hilarious. Drama's break down after was great too. As was Seth Green's "entourage". The whole Ari joining them thing just seemed like it was thrown in because Ari is the most popular character but it was still good.

Mr. Cinema 08-06-06 09:35 PM

Pretty good episode. I loved the part when Eric tells that guy to take his hands off of him and then Drama charges out of nowhere and knocks him on his ass. It appeared that misunderstanding had built up some anger. :lol:

BDB 08-07-06 12:11 AM

the payoff with drama was perfect!!

slop101 08-07-06 01:19 AM

I love that they got Seth Green to play a total dick version of himself.

Chauzer 08-07-06 01:32 AM

great episode :lol:


MrX 08-07-06 02:43 AM

The ending was awesomerotfl

Drama walking through the casino floor in his robe was hilarious

I agree Ari went with just becasue of Ari, but it's screentime they probably would have given to E anyway and the less I have to see of him the better.

boogieman03 08-07-06 08:34 AM


zekeburger1979 08-07-06 09:26 AM

"I have to go to the theater with the wife and her mother tonight............I'm in, let's go"

"Vegas and strippers, it's like Christmas!"

Great episode. Ari losing it at the blackjack table was hilarious.

The guy playing blackjack at the table with Vince was one of the Bobs from Office Space.

I knew where the subplot with Drama and Ken was going from the get-go, but it was still hilarious to see Drama walking through the casino in his robe and the ending. I was thinking that Ken was going to say "What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas."

I don't remember where I was reading it, but someone was complaining about Vince doing nothing at the end, but I can't blame him for not getting involved in the fight. The last thing he needs is to get hurt and not be able to do another movie.

Drama's punch was awesome.

Fielding Mellish 08-07-06 09:31 AM

Originally Posted by zekeburger1979
The guy playing blackjack at the table with Vince was one of the Bobs from Office Space.

Or, as my wife yelled, "That's Paul from Cheers!"

Michael Ballack 08-07-06 09:40 AM

Originally Posted by zekeburger1979

The guy playing blackjack at the table with Vince was one of the Bobs from Office Space.


Don't forget him as the "thumbs up" guy that Larry David Broke his thumbs playing Dodge Ball on Curb.

I especially enjoyed this weeks episode since I was at the Hard Rock just last year. It's kind of cool seeing something on TV where you hung out at.

kms_md 08-07-06 09:45 AM

"sloan likes her men petite." rotfl

bunkaroo 08-07-06 10:16 AM

Man the use of the Rob Zombie song at the end was awesome when it started with Drama's punch. That'll get your blood goin'.

Red Dog 08-07-06 12:17 PM

:lol: at Ari yelling at the guy splitting Kings.

zerotl 08-07-06 01:11 PM

Great episode, I had to rewind my dvr just to see Drama knock that guy out again. VICTORY!!!

Coral 08-07-06 01:33 PM

Great episode.

Drama's punch out of nowhere was an obvious reaction to the Ken incident. I guess he felt he needed to reassure himself that he's still a man.

Ari is pure gold as usual. Nobody flips out better than he does.

"...blasted her in the face like a Jackson Pollock" :lol: (I'm gonna use that)

I wonder if Vince's actions are gonna blow up in his face sooner or later.
The one thing he has is integrity (to some degree anyways). He's always looking out for his friends and follows his heart and tries to be honorable - even at the cost of some serious cash. He has the attitude that if Hollywood doesn't accept his terms and his standards that he'd be happy to walk away from the whole thing.

However he's just bad with money. Even before the Aquaman gig, he was spending like he was printing his own money. Right now he doesn't have a project to work on and has pissed off a lot of people in Hollywood - yet he's in Vegas willing to lose 500k at the tables. He seems to be contradicting himself. He's aware that this could all come to an end at any time (Drama's past is even more proof to that possibilty) and yet he acts like he'll always have a steady flow of major income.

Even though they touched on it in Season 2, I wonder if we'll see some major financial woes in the future.

slop101 08-07-06 02:18 PM

Originally Posted by Coral
However he's just bad with money. Even before the Aquaman gig, he was spending like he was printing his own money. Right now he doesn't have a project to work on and has pissed off a lot of people in Hollywood - yet he's in Vegas willing to lose 500k at the tables. He seems to be contradicting himself. He's aware that this could all come to an end at any time (Drama's past is even more proof to that possibilty) and yet he acts like he'll always have a steady flow of major income.

Even though they touched on it in Season 2, I wonder if we'll see some major financial woes in the future.

See, I think that he views money just like how you said he views his career.

He has it now, so he might as well use it and enjoy it - if he doesn't have it in the future - oh well, no big deal - it was fun while it lasted.

B.A. 08-07-06 03:05 PM

The ending was great - Drama punched Green's stooge, then Green before they knew what was even coming. :lol:

I knew I recognized the guy that pissed Ari off by splitting his kings from somewhere.

Willy 08-07-06 03:44 PM

Great episode, kinda offended by the Jager comment tho.

Nausicaa 08-07-06 04:42 PM

I was kind of disappointed that the story didn't really progress at all during this episode. It was really just filler, but I'm willing to let it slide since this doesn't happen often. That said, I thought it was a pretty funny episode. Drama's scenario was probably the best part, but Vince and Ari blowing hundreds of thousands of dollars at the tables was great as well.

For some reason, Ari seemed really out of place in this episode. I can't quite put my finger on it. I guess we're just so used to seeing him working.

Also, I loved it when Vince first goes to the table, drops down the cash with the ribbon still on it and asks for chips.

Mopower 08-07-06 04:57 PM

Originally Posted by Willy
Great episode, kinda offended by the Jager comment tho.

Yeah no shit. Isn't E usually nursing a Budweiser? Like that isn't "high school".

Red Dog 08-07-06 05:07 PM

Bud is pretty high end (and thus uncommon) for HS. Hell, it was high end for college.

aktick 08-07-06 05:35 PM

Originally Posted by Red Dog
Bud is pretty high end (and thus uncommon) for HS. Hell, it was high end for college.

Yeah, here in WI Busch Light is the norm for HS/college kids ( :yack: ).

Plus I think they're usually drinking Bud Select on the show?

B.A. 08-07-06 09:14 PM

Originally Posted by Red Dog
Bud is pretty high end (and thus uncommon) for HS. Hell, it was high end for college.

The only Bud product we used to drink in HS was Natural Light or Busch Light.

Bud has been placing their products in this show since its inception, iirc.

flashburn 08-07-06 09:51 PM

Can't believe this season is only going to be 12 episodes long. I was hoping it would be closer to 20 episodes.

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