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homeslice 11-27-02 07:36 PM

Enterprise 11-27
If she was able to walk through walls, why didn't she just walk out of that gym?

Show's over and boy did this one suck. I absolutely hate plots where at the end, the whole event was in someone's head. What a waste of my time.

Eric F 11-27-02 07:57 PM

It's over, and I'm done with Ent. Permanently.

Enterprise has now become Dallas.

What a load of ********. I want my ****ing hour back.:mad:

mikehunt 11-27-02 09:18 PM

It's like "The Next Phase" where they can still process oxygen and not fall through the floor

since she was dreaming or whatever it isn't as big of a plot hole

razorbackfan 11-27-02 10:00 PM

I thought it was a good episode. I liked it.

Eric F 11-27-02 10:19 PM

What episode? Isn't something supposed to happen in an episode to further the plot? If the whole thing is just a dream, and nothing really happened, what was the point? They could end every single episode this way if they wanted to. Clearly the point was having Hoshi run around in a skimpy outfit.

I loved how they had Hoshi and Archer sitting down to explain to us the moral of the episode. Since Hoshi stepped into the Alien transporter in her dream, she overcame her fear of transporters.

Kudama 11-27-02 11:12 PM

Damn! I was reeaaallllyyy embarrassed for this show after this one. The whole Beetlejuice thing was wearing really thin with the Morse code thing (shades of Executive Decision and countless other films, I’m sure) and the “it was all a dream” cop out occurred to me shortly after the first commercial break, but I thought, “There is NO WAY that they would stoop so low”.

I’m not giving up on this show because most of the time there is plenty that I like. This is pretty much my very least favorite episode that I can recall and Hoshi’s one of my favorite characters (her “fear of flying” initially endeared her to me). I really liked the one where she was able to negotiate despite (and maybe even better due to) the malfunction of the UT, but this transcendence of personal fear through a transporter buffer hallucination was CRAP! I even got the impression that the actors were all humiliated by having to perform this. Maybe it was just me (for having to watch them spout out this story).

mikehunt 11-27-02 11:15 PM

every other recent trek series(and most tv shows in general) has had plenty of episodes that didn't further a larger overall plot

das Monkey 11-28-02 12:00 AM

I feel bad for these actors. They seem like they're talented enough, but no one can escape the words "Written by Rick Berman & Brannon Braga." There are so many levels on which this episode sucked, I don't know where to begin.

I will give them credit, though. For the first time in a while, I'm having trouble isolating which <I>TNG</I> episode they stole the plot from. It's mostly a rip-off of 'Remember Me', with touches of 'The Next Phase' and 'Realm of Fear' mixed in to lame it up.


HurricaneKicker 11-28-02 03:06 AM

Sorry, I liked it.I did not care for the ending, but I still liked it overall. It was very interesting!

homeslice 11-28-02 06:53 AM

'Spock's Brain' from STOS was better than this episode. :)

razorbackfan 11-28-02 08:35 AM

Ok, remember Hoshi didn't really want to be on Enterprise in the first place. She's a linguist and didn't want to go on deep space missions. She's basically scared all the time, and this was an opportunity to show her conquiring her fears. It was also an opportunity to show the transporter which will be used more in later episodes. I like Enterprise, the actors like working on it and are having fun, and Rick said to stop trying to compare Enterprise to the original Star Trek, he wants this to be completely different.

Red Dog 11-28-02 08:38 AM

Worst episode ever. They might as well have had Bobby Ewing step out of Hoshi's shower and pretend it was all a dream. -rolleyes-

I second the Spock's Brain comment homeslice.

Jason 11-28-02 09:01 AM

Originally posted by razorbackfan
Ok, remember Hoshi didn't really want to be on Enterprise in the first place. She's a linguist and didn't want to go on deep space missions. She's basically scared all the time, and this was an opportunity to show her conquiring her fears.
So now she'll be just like everybody else, and any originality her character had will be gone.

CharlesC 11-28-02 09:43 AM

Eh. I liked it ok.

I knew it was a dream or something right away, I can't believe any of you were surprised by that ending. A planet doesn't go from having NO bio-signs to being inhabited by members of the alien al-queda. Not to mention all the silliness with them searching for her goo and the doc wanting to take it because "her parents will want this". I thought the whole thing was very dream like actually.

Everybody was complaining, 'Why don't they use the transporter?' all the time and this episode showed why.

Eric F 11-28-02 10:28 AM

So you do something in a dream and it translates to real life? I think there's a little more to conquering fears that that.

And yes, there were fun, empty episodes on all the series, but at least there was some sort of character development. Are they going to use Transporter dreams instead of Holodeck episodes now? They desperately need new writers.

I'm done with the show for a while. If the show improves I might go back to it, but as it stands now I have better things to do with my time.

I honestly think Ent might not make it for 5 seasons.

Wizdar 11-28-02 11:12 AM

Originally posted by CharlesC
Everybody was complaining, 'Why don't they use the transporter?' all the time and this episode showed why.
It did? In what way? Since it was all a dream...

What a waste of an hour. All you folks who complained about holodeck episodes in the past now have something new to bitch about.

I'm actually relieved it all turned out to be a dream. It saves time writing about all the points leading up to that that were just wrong wrong wrong. -ohbfrank-

This wasn’t actually written by Dumb & Dumber. There’s an infinite number of monkeys trying to crank out Shakspeare, and they did this in their spare time. ;)

Won't make it for 5 seasons? You forget what the "P" in UPN stands for...

MvRojo 11-28-02 11:20 AM

This episode was interesting for most of it. But then you get to the fact its a dream and then the lame Archer-Hoshi crap at the end. Seriously, I was half expecting them to join hands and skip through the corridors.

das Monkey 11-28-02 01:25 PM

<BLOCKQUOTE> • Quoth CharlesC •<HR SIZE=1>I can't believe any of you were surprised by that ending.<HR SIZE=1></BLOCKQUOTE>

Who said anyone was surprised by it. One of the many things wrong with this episode was how absurdly predictable it was. I'm not a professional writer, but even I can spot how obvious their technique is. The whole "Hoshi screws up on the bridge" scene was too unrealistic, so at that point you know we're in an altered state of reality. It wasn't until the first time I heard Malcolm saying "Come on, Hoshi ... it's easy as 1, 2, 3" that I figured she was stuck in the transporter, and they would be going for the whole <B>Contact</B> angle. That was about 20 minutes into the episode.

Personally, I don't mind episodes where I know everything that's going to happen. Predictability isn't the barometer for quality in my book. But when you play off it, and count on it, as in this episode, it becomes embarrassing. I've never really considered 'Remember Me' to be a particularly great episode, but when compared to this one, it works so much better.

I'm glad the actors are having fun. By the end, many of the <I>Voyager</I> cast knew their show sucked and hated working on it. Being an actor stuck on a crappy show must suck. Anyway, Berman's requests that we stop comparing the show to <I>Star Trek</I> are really pretty hollow. Almost every plot has been yanked from a <I>TOS</I> or <I>TNG</I> episode ... how are we not supposed to compare them? I'm perfectly willing to give a show some latitude when it's trying something new and unique, but there's nothing inovative with <I>Enterprise</I>. It's just a dumbed down version of an already established franchise, and what's worse ... it's boring.


Darren Garrison 11-28-02 03:23 PM

Originally posted by Red Dog
Worst episode ever. They might as well have had Bobby Ewing step out of Hoshi's shower and pretend it was all a dream. -rolleyes-
Or maybe Daryll and Daryll speaking for the first time before Dick woke up. :-)

Fielding Mellish 11-28-02 07:15 PM

I haven't watched this show for 4 weeks straight now, and if the ratings are any indication, I am not alone. Enterprise in in serious, serious trouble... even considering the nearly "untouchable" status a latter-day Trek series is supposed to enjoy.

The buzz on "Nemesis" also continues to worsen.

Congratulations, Mr. Berman, on keeping Roddenberry's legacy alive.

Darren Garrison 11-28-02 09:47 PM

Oh, please. NOBODY could keep the Trek thing going FOREVER. Like it or not, good ideas run out and you have to start doing the same thing over and over and over. Where would TNG have been if it weren't for CONSTANT holodeck fowl-up and Rogue Data episodes?
And then the new movie is digging up damned Lore AGAIN? How can it possibly be different than every other darned time Lore turned up from the dead and screwed with Data?
Trek hass years since jumped the space-shark.

cooper2000 11-28-02 11:43 PM

The dream episode is a clever way of doing what Braga and Berman do best, hitting the reset button and nothing ever really changing on a Trek show.
That way it is easy to show in syndication. This is what they did with Voyager.
Except for Farscape, I think Sci Fi has really been watered down over the years and people take it as good Sci Fi but in actuality it isnt.
What a shame.

Eric F 11-29-02 12:52 AM

What do you consider "good"? It's subjective.

I don't get cable, but I saw a few episodes from the first season of Farscape on DVD, and frankly it sucked. It probably improved, but it seemed dumbed down for me, like most of the stuff Sci-Fi (the channel) produces. If someone wants to buy me the whole set to prove how good it was, I wouldn't object to it.:D

B5 was the last consistantly good TV SF show as far as I'm concerned. DS9 is a close second. Then you have to go back to TNG, and even further back to ToS. There really hasn't been challenging SF on TV since the 60s. Shows like The Twilight Zone and The Outer Limits are still smarter and more sophisticated than anything that's shown on TV today. Why? Because they didn't care about "demographics" much those days. Visionaries like Rod Serling, were able to do things for educated adults.

Todays shows are aimed at kids. Is it any wonder so many episodes of Enterprise focus on Hoshi and T'Pol running around in their underwear?

Wizdar 11-29-02 11:21 AM

Eric, nice rant. :up:

Considering the number of folks fawning after Firefly, I’m convinced that people wouldn’t know science fiction, good or otherwise, if it bit them on the ass. I’m talking about a crowd that would embrace Space: 1999 as wonderful arc-driven pure SF at its best.

SF should never have been introduced to the masses, who have lowered the bar to the point where this episode is possible.

das Monkey 11-29-02 01:03 PM

Yeah, I've grown to accept that there's a large portion of "fans" who don't care if it's good SF, only if there are spaceships and lasers. Oh well ... it's like that anywhere I suppose. Look how popular crap like <I>Will & Grace</I> is (to be fair, that show used to be good, so I can see how some are still hanging on). Regardless, though, <I>Farscape</I> was some incredibly brave and compelling television. If I had to put it into words:

<I>Star Trek</I> defined science fiction television.
<I>Babylon 5</I> redifined it.
<I>Farscape</I> grabbed it by its ankles, flipped it upside down, and shook the bejeezus out of it.

It's unlike anything ever on television, and I wonder how long it will be before another attempts to do what they did. Early on, I thought it was going to be just another "space adventure" show, albeit a stunningly visual one, but before long they came strong with some wonderfully compelling <I>science</I> fiction. It's rare that we see science concepts that Trek hasn't already conceived, but <I>Farscape</I> found those areas. It showed us the nooks and crannies, it went beyond the beyond, and I can honestly think of no other show that took so many chances from week to week. Not all of them worked, and I really don't mind, because when it did work, it was astounding. There aren't many risk-takers in this industry anymore, so it was doubly refreshing to have <I>Farscape</I> on the air.

Like all things, it's not for everyone, and I don't believe it will ever have the broad appeal of <I>Star Trek</I> or what I believe <I>Babylon 5</I> will one day reach. But, man, it sure did kick some ass during its run. It got in the viewers' faces, challenged them to really think outside the box and question what they truly believe. It gave us a glimpse of something we'd never seen, and I'm very thankful for that.


Btw, Kemper and Rockne's mutually favorite shows of all time are <I>Star Trek</I> (TOS) and <I>The Twilight Zone</I> (again, TOS ;)).

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