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movieking 10-07-02 07:01 PM

Buffy 10/08/02 "Same Time, Same Place"
Another spoiler for the next Buffy...

Show starts off with Buffy, Dawn, and Xander waiting for Willow at the airport. They are talking amongst themselves about how to feel about Willow coming back. We find out that she actually didn't finish the whole time in England with Giles, but he thought that she should come back early. They then realize that everyone is off the plane, with no Willow. Split to a replay of an earlier shot of everyone getting off the plane with Willow (the earlier shot didn't have her). She looks around, but does not see anyone. For some reason, even though they should have seen each other, the Scooby Gang and Willow do not see each other.

Next scene something attacks a guy spraypainting. Willow goes to Buffys but finds noone. She goes into her old room, and remembers Tara getting killed. She goes asleep on the couch. At the exact same time, the Scoobies come home, and check the house, but no Willow, even though she is in the same room at the same time.

Willow goes to the Magic Box, and Anya meets her there. She can see Willow, and they talk. Anya tells her that the gang is probably at the new high school. We see Buffy talking to Xander, who found the skinned body of the spraypainter. They think that it is the work of Willow. Willow is there, sees the body, and splits, without seeing anyone, and without anyone seeing her.

Both Willow and the Scooby Gang end up seeing Spike and the same time, but not each other. Both Willow and Scooby Gang end up at a cave at the same time, where the monster is. He cuts Dawn with his fingernails, and causes paralysis. Xander and Buffy take her home, unknowingly leaving Willow there alone. The creature cuts Willow, and starts to eat strips of flesh from her stomach. Back home, Anya is called to babysit Dawn while she is paralysed, but she tells the gang that she was talking to Willow, and that she is probably at the cave with the demon. Xander, Buffy and Anya go to the cave to save Willow.

They go to the cave, and Buffy kills the demon, which causes the paralysis in Dawn and Willow to end. After a few moments, Willow and the Scoobies can see each other. Willow tells Buffy later that she may have caused them not to see each other, because she was not sure if she was ready to face them.

Spike was in this episode at various points, still talking gibberish and acting insane. This episode was okay, but not great. It wasn't as good as the first two, IMO. None of the trademark Buffy humor either (nothing good). This episode was a letdown, IMO, but Buffy is still better than most of the stuff on TV.

Wizdar 10-07-02 11:08 PM

I thought this was TV Talk, not Download Talk.

Silly me. -rolleyes-

Is a full screen of black really necessary?

movieking 10-08-02 06:00 AM

I don't download them, they air a day earlier where I live.

David_M 10-08-02 06:05 AM

They air Buffy Monday night in Canada, and considering movieking is from Canada and has watched it when it aired, I don't see why he can't post about it.

Wizdar 10-08-02 07:34 AM

There's a difference between posting about it and publishing an episode guide, IMO.

Since the thread is dated, spoiler tags are not needed. Consider how well these complete episode recaps would go over without them. ;)

No offense intended.

"That's just my opinon. I could be wrong."

movieking 10-08-02 08:15 AM

I watch Buffy when it airs here, and I do a recap for people that do not see it. It is not really for the people that do not see it until the next night, but for the people who watch Buffy that cannot see it at all in their local areas (especially since the first couple of seasons are out on DVD now).

I put the US date on it, mark it with spoilers, and you are still complaining. If you don't like it, don't read it. Simple as that.

Wizdar 10-08-02 10:19 AM

I’m merely expressing my opinion. I trust you’re not saying that I have no right to do so?

I don’t see any other threads with a total recap of each episode. It’s unnecessary for those who have watched it to have a blow-by-blow account, which is all I’m saying.

That’s my opinion. I don’t see a reason to get huffy about it.

movieking 10-08-02 11:03 AM

You have a right to your opinion, but you are not putting it in the correct place. This is a thread to discuss the latest Buffy episode.
It is unneccesary for those who have watched it, but it is appreciated by those that have not. Those that have watched it can skip it.

Your opinion seems a lot like trolling to me, since it has nothing to do with the topic of my post. If you want to continue to talk about what you feel is appropriate in a post and what is not, start a separate thread for it. It doesn't belong in this one, nor does it belong in this particular group. If you want to talk about the episode, this is the thread for it.

superstringtheory 10-08-02 12:35 PM

Originally posted by Wizdar
I’m merely expressing my opinion. I trust you’re not saying that I have no right to do so?

I don’t see any other threads with a total recap of each episode. It’s unnecessary for those who have watched it to have a blow-by-blow account, which is all I’m saying.

That’s my opinion. I don’t see a reason to get huffy about it.


And if someone publishes a synopsis (which is exactly what that huge black box is) on a particular website then just contain the link. I thought it was from Wildfeed at first! lol.

I think most posts revolve around stand-out scenes, correlations, questions about what occured and overall feelings about the epsiode.

Rogue588 10-08-02 01:18 PM

Allow me my 2¢ on this subject.

Gotta agree with Wizdar & superstringtheory-- While these threads are a common occurance, 9 times out of 10 they're usually started to discuss the show not provide episode recaps. [unless someone requests it as the thread progresses]

At least it's not as bad as "this week's" Smallville thread. -rolleyes-

Colonel Mustard 10-08-02 08:09 PM

Good grief, the guy has spoiler tags. If you don't want to know what happens, don't highlight.

Static Cling 10-08-02 08:29 PM

I don't understand the problem. If you don't want to read the ep recap, don't read it. Posting the recap doesn't stifle discussion about the episode, as far as I can tell.

Draven 10-08-02 09:56 PM


I thought it was a pretty good episode. I enjoyed Dawn (HUGE shock) and I thought she and Anya had the best lines. I like Anya more now than I did when she was with Xander. It's nice to see them working together again.

And WOW to the demon eating Willow's skin. I mean, how often do you see something like THAT happen to a main character on a show. Cree-py. Too bad they showed the demon in the stupid UPN previews, otherwise he would have been a little more scary when we finally saw him. But interesting, nonetheless.

Lot's of "trademark" Buffy moments. I was getting a little misty seeing Willow and Buffy on Buffy's old bed. I mean, when was the last time we saw those two having a heart to heart? As sorry as I was to see her go, I think it's good that Tara isn't around any longer. Back to more of a "core" group.

And no "random girl" killed in the opening this week. I must say that I am enjoying this season a lot so far. This episode was a little weaker than the others, but all in all I was happy with it. I appreciated the "why Anya isn't teleporting" explanation, and Dawn's "Stop talking about vomit!" through clenched teeth was hilarious.

CaptainMarvel 10-08-02 10:03 PM

Nothing wrong with the episode recap, IMO. It's actually pretty valuable to make sure you didn't miss a point.

Tonight's episode was pretty weak. A lot of the good humor was there, but I don't know. Maybe it was mopey Willow, maybe it was the lack of meaningful interaction between the characters. Maybe it was b/c Xander is still being treated like a chump. I don't know.

What I did like:

Anya and Willow's dialogue. They've actually been through a lot of similar stuff, although I think they're work towards the middle from different ends.

The Spike/Willow/Xander and Buffy dialogue.

Dawn was actually funny.

Rogue588 10-08-02 10:07 PM

I'm wondering if it's me or what...but this is the second show this week that i've like that others have said "the ep was ok, but not as good as the previous". [the first was the Sopranos]

I liked this much better than last weeks. There's been much talk about returning Buffy to the way it was before...haven't seen it yet. [then again, I didn't see the 'darkness' in last season] I agree about Anya & the whole Dawn's posable stuff was funny. The creature was truly horrifying & you're right about UPN's promo department f'n it up. I was seriously wondering what was going to happen to Willow as he was 'dining'.

All in all, I enjoyed it.

dolphinboy 10-08-02 10:08 PM

Originally posted by draven-x

I thought it was a pretty good episode. I enjoyed Dawn (HUGE shock) and I thought she and Anya had the best lines. I like Anya more now than I did when she was with Xander. It's nice to see them working together again.

And WOW to the demon eating Willow's skin. I mean, how often do you see something like THAT happen to a main character on a show. Cree-py. Too bad they showed the demon in the stupid UPN previews, otherwise he would have been a little more scary when we finally saw him. But interesting, nonetheless.

Lot's of "trademark" Buffy moments. I was getting a little misty seeing Willow and Buffy on Buffy's old bed. I mean, when was the last time we saw those two having a heart to heart? As sorry as I was to see her go, I think it's good that Tara isn't around any longer. Back to more of a "core" group.

And no "random girl" killed in the opening this week. I must say that I am enjoying this season a lot so far. This episode was a little weaker than the others, but all in all I was happy with it. I appreciated the "why Anya isn't teleporting" explanation, and Dawn's "Stop talking about vomit!" through clenched teeth was hilarious.

Wow, you pretty much said everything that I was going to say. Thanks. I'm tired and would rather not type much.

The only quibble is that I thought it was better than pretty good. I'd say, very good, but not great. I too got misty at the end. Dawn was very funny, Anya was hilarious, and I'm even thinking Spike is finally attractive. The best line:

"I'm insane, what's his excuse?"

writteninstars 10-08-02 10:23 PM

I loved it! Yay, Jane! How I've missed her.

My favorite thing about this episode was the dual conversation in the basement. At first, I'm thinkin' "Oh, that crazy, wacky Spike!" but then it all comes together and actually makes sense so that Spike is much less crazy there than I had thought. I loved that Buffy shut Xander down when he was trying to be snarky to Spike. That statement, of course, brings me to the woods and her own snarky comments....discussing this in chat, I've decided that she wasn't trying to be mean to Spike. She was putting a humorous bent on something she didn't want to deal with (the whole Crazy!Souled!Spike!). I get that. She does it a lot. I'm okay w/ it. Who am I to judge how someone deals? I'm more of a hide-under-your-covers-til-it-goes-away type anyway, so she's at least braver than I am . Seriously, I'm not upset b/c I know that it will be addressed eventually.

Can I just gush for a minute over how thrilled I am that Willow's back? I missed her so much and didn't even realize it until tonight. I felt so terrible for her when she thought no one wanted to see her. It was fulfilling the prophecy she stated to Giles last week. Of course, she did it to herself, but we didn't know that through most of the show.

Anya, Anya, Anya. Man, I love that woman more every week. Even though we already knew that she was finding the vengeance gig unfulfilling, it was still especially poignant to hear her admit it to Willow. I can't wait to see where her story goes.

Finally, the Dawn doll was hilarious. How funny was it when she fell off the couch? That Dawn is growing on me too. Damn it! Now, I don't have any character to bitch about. I like them all. Well, Xander could still piss me off, I'm sure, but for now, I'm all kinds of good.


Tscott 10-08-02 10:50 PM

I really liked tonights episode as well.

One very minor quibble, though, I was a bit let down with the final explanation of why they couldn't see each other. I was thinking the whole time there had to be more to what was going on than "Just Another Willow Spell Gone Wrong"(TM). I had the same reaction at the end of the musical episode when it turned out
Xander summoned the musical demon.
They both put a slight damper at the end of an otherwise enjoyable episode.

Darren Garrison 10-08-02 11:04 PM

So, was Anya "hitting on" Willow after the spell? All of that "that was sexy" and "do you want to do another spell" stuff?

I didn't like the voice of "skin eater dude", and the ending seemed tacked on to the same degree as the Lord of the Flies Simpsons episode (Willow did it vs. Moe saved them) but overall it was an okay episode.

Originally posted by writteninstars

Finally, the Dawn doll was hilarious

Well, now, when I find that magic lamp, I have only to come up with two more wishes.

writteninstars 10-08-02 11:24 PM

Originally posted by Darren Garrison
Well, now, when I find that magic lamp, I have only to come up with two more wishes.
Oh, Darren. *said in a Samantha Stevens type voice*

khieng 10-08-02 11:33 PM

Originally posted by writteninstars
My favorite thing about this episode was the dual conversation in the basement. At first, I'm thinkin' "Oh, that crazy, wacky Spike!" but then it all comes together and actually makes sense so that Spike is much less crazy there than I had thought.
I thought that too. And then I thought, maybe he's so messed up now that the voices in his head are trying to tell him something about what's going on with Willow. Then the scene switched to Buffy and Xander walking in and it all clicked.

I thought this episode worked out pretty well. And I was a little squirmish when the demon was eating Willow. :yack:

writteninstars 10-08-02 11:41 PM

Originally posted by khieng
And I was a little squirmish when the demon was eating Willow. :yack:
I had to turn my head. I *never* imagined the demon would make a snack out of Willow. That was just... :yack:


Arcade 10-09-02 12:35 AM

Originally posted by Darren Garrison
So, was Anya "hitting on" Willow after the spell? All of that "that was sexy" and "do you want to do another spell" stuff?

Sure came across that way to me. It would sure make an interesting story or two.
Over all I loved to episode. I was however waiting to see who would get killed in the opening chase scene, only to find out there was not one.

Patman 10-09-02 01:17 AM

Well, I didn't much care for this episode tonight. I'll try to give it another go, but it just felt like a filler episode.

MrN 10-09-02 01:40 AM

I have to say that I enjoyed the suspense - that "What the hell is going on?" part but other than that I'm starting to feel that all the episodes so far have been doing is getting the status quo back - to set up the background for whatever the overall arc is going to be. Of course there may be hidden minor details in this one that will make it more relevant later, but yeah other than Willow being back, this was a real filler episode.

And BTW, my 2 cents on the synopsis - I didn't open this thread till after I saw the episode. I highlighted the first post and didn't read too far into it when I saw that it was a recap. So, if there were actual comments, movieking, you should post them without the spoiler tags.

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