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-   -   Big Lebowski: why do people say it's the most quotable movie? (https://forum.dvdtalk.com/movie-talk/505132-big-lebowski-why-do-people-say-its-most-quotable-movie.html)

ytrez 07-02-07 07:30 AM

Cassablanca is the most quotable movie.

JaxComet 07-02-07 08:11 AM

Originally Posted by f1shf00d
I don't think I've ever gotten through that movie, but I hear so much about it that I think I'm missing something....[/I]

I've watched The Big Lebowski three times for this very reason and I still don't see the appeal. There are a few laughs but it just doesn't work for me.

Groucho 07-02-07 08:31 AM

Originally Posted by ytrez
Cassablanca is the most quotable movie.

Here'ss looking at you kid.

Drop 07-02-07 09:01 AM

Comedy's subjective, but how can you not laugh at this exchange?:

The Dude: Look, just stay away from my fucking lady friend.
Da Fino: Hey, I'm not messing with your special lady.
The Dude: She's not my special lady, she's my fucking lady friend. I'm just helping her conceive.

GradVT06 07-02-07 09:02 AM

My experiences show (and my opinion as well) that Office Space is at the top.

rexinnih 07-02-07 09:18 AM

Originally Posted by Suprmallet
Dude: They weren't Nazis, Walter, they were nihilists.
Walter: Nihilists? Jeez, Dude. Say what you will about the tenets of National Socialism, but at least it's an ethos.

Also, The Big Lebowski has provided maybe the best made-for-TV dub of all time, replacing "This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass" with "This is what happens when you make eggs for a stranger in the Alps."


Duder 07-02-07 09:36 AM


Matto1020 07-02-07 09:49 AM

<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/IQUdJ6FdUQ0"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/IQUdJ6FdUQ0" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

f1shf00d 07-02-07 11:06 AM

ok. ok.
I'm still not laughing at the movie, but I will concede and add, "You see what happens when you feed a stranger scrambled eggs in the Alps" to my vocabulary.

I'm committing it to memory now.
You see what happens when you feed a stranger scrambled eggs in the Alps.
You see what happens when you feed a stranger scrambled eggs in the Alps.
You see what happens when you feed a stranger scrambled eggs in the Alps.
You see what happens when you feed a stranger scrambled eggs in the Alps.

There. Got it.
Ain't nobody drinking with me who's not gonna hear that 2-3 times that night.

f1shf00d 07-02-07 11:08 AM

p.s. maybe this misquote will replace "play it again, sam" as the most often misquoted line from a movie.

Hiro11 07-02-07 11:21 AM

Ze pigs und blankets, or perhaps ze lingonberry panacaken?

Altimus Prime 07-02-07 11:23 AM

Never seen it. No desire to see it. Probably never will see it.

slop101 07-02-07 11:32 AM

Originally Posted by Altimus Prime
Never seen it. No desire to see it. Probably never will see it.

Do you even like movies? I mean, if you're posting on this board, you should at least have a passing interest in film, right? And to not even have a desire to see what is possibly the best film from the Cohen Bros. (who are arguably one of the best filmmaker of the last 20 years), pretty much means you don't care for movies.

Altimus Prime 07-02-07 12:13 PM

Originally Posted by slop101
Do you even like movies? I mean, if you're posting on this board, you should at least have a passing interest in film, right? And to not even have a desire to see what is possibly the best film from the Cohen Bros. (who are arguably one of the best filmmaker of the last 20 years), pretty much means you don't care for movies.

Well, shit. Guess I should get rid of those 200+ DVDs I own.

Come on - how can not seeing ONE movie mean I don't like ALL movies?

For some reason, when I hear "Big Lebowski," first thing I think of is WWF wrestling.

Michael Corvin 07-02-07 12:46 PM

Originally Posted by Altimus Prime
For some reason, when I hear "Big Lebowski," first thing I think of is WWF wrestling.


So you watch wrestling but won't watch Lebowski? :wtf:

Altimus Prime 07-02-07 12:47 PM

Originally Posted by Michael Corvin

So you watch wrestling but won't watch Lebowski? :wtf:

Actually, no, I don't watch wrestling.

Just because I'm aware of it doesn't mean I watch it.

Randy Miller III 07-02-07 12:47 PM

Originally Posted by Altimus Prime
For some reason, when I hear "Big Lebowski," first thing I think of is WWF wrestling.

Probably thinking about Sean Morley, AKA Val Venis.
He often referred to himself as "The Big Valbowski".

Altimus Prime 07-02-07 12:48 PM

Originally Posted by Randy Miller III
Probably thinking about Sean Morley, AKA Val Venis.
He often referred to himself as "The Big Valbowski".

That could be it. Just has that "wrestling" sound to me.

slop101 07-02-07 01:09 PM

I would think the involvement of the Coen Bros, and the excellent cast would mean much more to a movie fan than whatever connotations the title might drum up...

I mean, do like their movies? Aren't you even a little bit curious to see it, knowing what a rabid following this film has? I don't throw around phrases like "a perfect script" or "perfect performances" without really meaning them, but they're true for this film - does that sort of thing not interest you?

Groucho 07-02-07 01:19 PM

It's not a wrestling picture! That's Barton Fink.

Hiro11 07-02-07 01:36 PM

Originally Posted by Altimus Prime
Well, shit. Guess I should get rid of those 200+ DVDs I own.

Come on - how can not seeing ONE movie mean I don't like ALL movies?

For some reason, when I hear "Big Lebowski," first thing I think of is WWF wrestling.

Don't be fatuous, Altimus.

Altimus Prime 07-02-07 03:02 PM

Originally Posted by slop101
I would think the involvement of the Coen Bros, and the excellent cast would mean much more to a movie fan than whatever connotations the title might drum up...

I mean, do like their movies?

Had to look them up. Fargo is good. O Brother is just weird. Haven't seen any of the others.

Aren't you even a little bit curious to see it,

knowing what a rabid following this film has?
I didn't know it had a rabid following.

I don't throw around phrases like "a perfect script" or "perfect performances" without really meaning them, but they're true for this film - does that sort of thing not interest you?
That's a start of telling me why I should see it, rather than mocking me, so thanks. But I could use a better explanation of what this movie is, what it's about. The title doesn't tell me anything.

But a movie can have a good script and perfect performances... doesn't mean I'm going to like it.

rabbit77 07-02-07 05:21 PM

It's a mistaken identity story with some bowling and porno in it. And a kidnap and ransom plot involving nihilists.

Hope that helps.

DVDho78DTS 07-02-07 06:38 PM

I'll have to watch this again fairly soon just because of this thread. These two exchanges of dialogue always make me laugh:

The Dude: Fuckin' Quintana... that creep can roll, man.
Walter Sobchak: Yeah, but he's a pervert, Dude.
The Dude: Yeah.
Walter Sobchak: No, he's a sex offender. With a record. He served 6 months in Chino for exposing himself to an eight year old.
The Dude: Oh!
Walter Sobchak: When he moved to Hollywood he had to go door to door to tell everyone he was a pederast.
Donny: What's a... pederast, Walter?
Walter Sobchak: Shut the fuck up, Donny.


Walter, just arriving, is carrying a leatherette satchel in one hand and a large plastic carrier in the other.

Walter Sobchak: Way to go, Dude. If you will it, it is no dream.
The Dude: You're fucking twenty minutes late. What the fuck is that?
Walter Sobchak: Theodore Herzel.
The Dude: Huh?
Walter Sobchak: State of Israel. If you will it, Dude, it is no--
The Dude: What the fuck are you talking about? The carrier. What's in the fucking carrier!?

Michael Corvin 07-02-07 07:53 PM

The Dude abides. I don't know about you but I take comfort in that. It's good knowin' he's out there. The Dude. Takin' 'er easy for all us sinners. Shoosh. I sure hope he makes the finals.

slop101 07-02-07 09:05 PM

Originally Posted by Altimus Prime
But I could use a better explanation of what this movie is, what it's about. The title doesn't tell me anything.

It's hard to say if you'll like it, not knowing what movies you do like. I guess it's more like Fargo than Oh Brother, but a lot less realistic, and more funny.

Are you familiar with old Chandleresque mystery/noir movies like The Big Sleep? It's sorta like that, only more modern-day, turned on it's ear and way funny - mistaken identities, mysterious characters and motives. On top of all that, it really does have one of the tightest scripts I've ever seen. Really, everything is there in the script, not just the dialog, but the way it builds a world, and how well-defined each character is and the way the script references itself without making it too obvious - I've seen the movie at least ten times, and I'm still picking up new things (I just got the HDdvd of it). I liked it much better the 3rd time I saw it than the first or second. Add to that great script some of the best performances you're likely to see in an ensemble cast, and you have one of the best movies of the last 20 years, or heck, ever. But if you don't care for dirty words, you might want to skip it - it has a lot of "fucks", about as much as Scarface...

f1shf00d 07-03-07 08:49 AM


Originally Posted by RichC2
Its because it coined the word Dude, and everybody says Dude.


check this out....this is the license plate I used to have on my car (yes, many many years ago)...the left side is the real plate, and the image on the right is what the driver ahead of me saw when he looked in his mirror.

it says DUDEMAN

it said dudeman because I had a friend who always started each conversation with "Dude, man, ....."

and I told him that you can't combine your DUDEs your MANs and your BROs. Either you say DUDE or MAN, but not together.

so I had this plate made because I thought it was funny. so for a few years, I was sometimes called DUDEMAN. that's my story.

Dr. Henry Jones, Jr. 07-03-07 08:56 AM

Originally Posted by GradVT06
My experiences show (and my opinion as well) that Office Space is at the top.

What is quoted from that movie? Don't think I've heard much at all.

Hiro11 07-03-07 09:06 AM

Originally Posted by Lunatikk
What is quoted from that movie? Don't think I've heard much at all.

"cover sheets for the TPS report"?
"Uhhh, yeah, Hi. Bill Lumburgh calling."?
"I'm gonna need you to come in on Saturday"?
"Pieces of flair"?
"Show her my 'O' face"?
"PC load letter...what the fuck does that mean"?
"This... is a suck"?
"I could see the squirrels, and they were married"?
"Red stapler"?
"Samir Nagan...Nagan... Notgonnaworkhereanymore"?
"I celebrate the man's entire catalogue"?
"Lumburgh fucked her"?
"Someone has a case of the Mondays"?
"How 'bout some extreme fajitas of pizza shooters"?
"No-talent ass-clown"?

Never heard any of those? Do you work in an office?

Dr. Henry Jones, Jr. 07-03-07 09:11 AM

yeah a few of those.

bunkaroo 07-03-07 10:54 AM

I love the Coens and I have still never gotten around to seeing Big Lebowski yet. And I count Fargo and The Hudsucker Proxy as two of my all-time favorite films. Of course then again Miller's Crossing is still on my to-see list.

I think a saw a little of BL years ago but didn't get into it. I just got the HD-DVD of this and I will be giving this a very attentive screening.

I'll admit I'm not into the hippy-druggy type stuff which is probably why I got turned off by The Dude, but I'm going in with an open mind this time.

starman9000 07-03-07 11:07 AM

Originally Posted by bunkaroo

I'll admit I'm not into the hippy-druggy type stuff which is probably why I got turned off by The Dude, but I'm going in with an open mind this time.

If you don't like it the first time, don't give up on it. Some of the characters just grated on me the first time through, but I learned to love them.

As for Miller's Crossing, I see a lot of people list it as their favorite, but it is definatley at the bottom of the list for me. It just didn't have the humor of the others IMO.

Meglos 07-03-07 12:05 PM

And...I would like my dirty undies back.

La Bella Rose 07-03-07 12:16 PM

Look, Larry. Have you ever heard of Vietnam? You're entering a world of pain, son

wendersfan 07-03-07 01:19 PM

Originally Posted by rabbit77
It's a mistaken identity story with some bowling and porno in it. And a kidnap and ransom plot involving nihilists.

And a kick ass musical scene set to a song by Kenny Rogers and the First Edition. :up:

porieux 07-03-07 09:44 PM

I didn't get much out of this movie the first time I watched it, but it gets better and better each time.

....takin' 'er easy for the rest of us....

slop101 07-03-07 11:50 PM

... I dunno about you, but I take some comfort in that.

GoldenJCJ 07-04-07 01:45 PM

Originally Posted by f1shf00d
I told him that you can't combine your DUDEs your MANs and your BROs. Either you say DUDE or MAN, but not together.

How about His Dudeness, or uh, Duder, or El Duderino if you're not into the whole brevity thing?

My favorite line in the whole film:
*After the cop throws the coffe mug at The Dude's head*

"Ow! You Fuckin' Facist!"

jjcool 07-04-07 02:13 PM

Originally Posted by Altimus Prime
Never seen it. No desire to see it. Probably never will see it.

your loss

jjcool 07-04-07 02:22 PM

Originally Posted by Hiro11
"cover sheets for the TPS report"? NOPE
"Uhhh, yeah, Hi. Bill Lumburgh calling."? NOPE
"I'm gonna need you to come in on Saturday"? NOPE
"Pieces of flair"? NOPE
"Show her my 'O' face"? NOPE
"PC load letter...what the fuck does that mean"? NOPE
"This... is a suck"? NOPE
"I could see the squirrels, and they were married"? NOPE
"Red stapler"? NOPE
"Samir Nagan...Nagan... Notgonnaworkhereanymore"? NOPE
"I celebrate the man's entire catalogue"? NOPE
"Lumburgh fucked her"? NOPE
"Someone has a case of the Mondays"? NOPE
"How 'bout some extreme fajitas of pizza shooters"? NOPE
"No-talent ass-clown"? *
"Pound-me-in-the-ass-prison"? NOPE

Never heard any of those? Do you work in an office?

Out of those I have heard exactly one in casual conversation, and it was well before this movie came out. Saw the movie, Didn't think it was very funny. and I do work in an office.

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