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Deftones 11-07-04 05:56 PM

Great flick. I agree it was a bit long setting up the plot, but it was very, very enjoyable. This is a definite DVD pick up when it comes out.

condorito 11-07-04 07:42 PM

im pretty amazed about some of the action sequences some movies are having and how much computer animation has advanced

The top two I can remember this year is spiderman with the train and dash running, they just make you believe you're in the movie

Loved this movie, a must in the bigscreen thats for sure

FantasticVSDoom 11-07-04 07:59 PM

Originally posted by Jackskeleton
I have to say that this is one hell of a great flick.

I'm a pretty big comic reader, so I enjoyed the flick on the other level where they take the typical hero powers and go a little beyond to them going into a normal life.

The film never really dragged on for me. I heard some complaints that it was a little slow in the middle. I loved how they used the powers of everyone pretty equally and highlighted them all well.

I really enjoyed the design of the characters, city, suits, villains, etc. and the beautiful CGI effects of the hair and just the feel of the film

I agree 100% :up:...Thought this film was great, and can easily say my favorite Pixar movie, and thats high praise for me considering how much I love Toy Story 1&2. I really wish makers of comic book movies would take a page from this movie to see how to get it right. Also, I hope that Disney and Pixar can fix their problems and come together again because they are pure movie magic together.

Jackskeleton 11-07-04 08:35 PM

I really liked how they were pushing the typical disney standards. Death was a pretty clear thing. People died. Have it be in a jet engine (cape thing was mentioned in watchmen) or on the island when Elastic girl tells the kids that they could be killed.

I also liked the play on monologing.

Jason lee was great. I was waiting for him to say "What? Just bcause a guy can't be a sidekick means he can't start shit?" :p

buckee1 11-07-04 09:20 PM

Just got back from seeing it and man, what an awesome film!! It's easily the best "movie" I have seen in a long time. Some may disagree but, I felt the film was absoultey perfect. The only real problem is that it was too short. I know it ran for two hours but with entertainment this good, I could sit for another hour or so!! Excellent, Excellent movie!

bsktballDude1 11-07-04 09:28 PM

I haved loved everything Pixar has done, so, I came with high expectations for this one. Of course, Pixar did not dissappoint, and I think this is one of more entertaining movies of the year. It was not as laugh-out-loud funny as other Pixar films or as this years Shrek 2, but the characters were still interesting I espeically liked Holly Hunter as Elastagirl, and the maturity of the script by being about a mid-life crisis of sorts for Mr. Incredible.

I thought it was smartly written, it did not result to childish gas jokes or anything like that, and I thought it was clever to make a villian a disgruntled fanatic of the superhero.

I liked the whole feel of the classic superheroes and old action adventures, with the robots reminding me of the recent film Sky Captain of the World of Tomorrow which I liked, but where as Sky Captain felt very much in love with itself, Incredibles plays it where it loves the superhero, but also makes fun of it a little bit.

Once they got on the island with the villian residing by a volcano it felt somewhere in the middle of a entertaining James Bond film especially with the use of brass in the snazzy score.

This makes six for six for Pixar. They truly know how to make entertaining movies for any member of the movie going audience with their great emotional stories and spectatular animation.

hugo1000faces 11-07-04 10:34 PM

The Incredibles is now my favorite Pixar movie.

It's now my favorite super hero movie.

It's also my favorite movie of 2004.

I cannot wait to see it again, and of course, own it on DVD!

iggystar 11-08-04 08:31 AM

Had a ball. I really enjoyed the movie, the story, the graphics, the family, everything.

My only complaint is I didn't take my six-year old to the bathroom before it started and I missed the last 5 minutes. Doh!

PixyJunket 11-08-04 09:32 AM

Okay, The Incredibles is probably my favorite Pixar movie yet, and that's saying a lot since I totally love all of their movies thus far. First thing I noted when the movie was over was that it was 2 hours long! I'm so glad they were able to break the invisible 90 minute barrier that has somehow been set for animated features over here. Disney's Atlantis, for example, was a decent flick that could've been great had it been given an extra half hour. Anyway, the movie was insanely fun. I know Pixar is known for putting story and character first, but I'm still blown away at just how character-driven this movie was, especially considering it was essentially an action/adventure movie. I got an eerie cold chill up my spine during all the scene of Mr. Incredible at his office job; both for reminding me of how I feel at work, and of just showing how much non-vocal acting Pixar was able to put into these characters. When he grabbed Syndrome's assistant by the throat, you could feel the desperation in his performance (considering what he thinks just happened). Amazing! Some of the action scenes portrayed a sense of suspense I haven't seen in a long time in any live-action action movie, notably the scene of Dash running from the bladed machines. On top of all this, there were tons of laugh-out-loud moments. I've got to see this again, and soon!!

Did anybody notice that Mr. Incredible called Jason Lee's character Brodie at the start of the film? -biggrin-

My favorite line from the movie was something like "Graduation? He's moving from the 4th grade to the 5th!! We are finding new ways to celebrate mediocrity while ignoring true greatness!!" I wish I had the exact line so I could put it in my sig, in my opinion a very powerful line.

Who wants to guess when Dreamsworks shits out an animated super-hero movie now?

Josh H 11-08-04 10:20 AM

Great movie. Definitely my favorite Pixar flick thus far, and I've liked them all.

This one was just a little more entertaining than the others, and a lot funnier IMO.

Xander 11-08-04 12:47 PM

Saw this on Saturday night and loved it. Not sure how I rank it amongst the other Pixar flicks. I'll have to process for a while. I love all their stuff so much. Wasn't that impressed with the short in front of it, but it was cute. I almost missed the Episode III trailer because we came in a couple of minutes before the show started, but I saw it. Looked awesome on the big screen.


Jackskeleton 11-08-04 01:38 PM

Originally posted by PixyJunket
Did anybody notice that Mr. Incredible called Jason Lee's character Brodie at the start of the film? -biggrin-
Wasn't his name just BUDDY. I'm sure that could sound like Brodie.

PixyJunket 11-08-04 01:46 PM

Originally posted by Jackskeleton
Wasn't his name just BUDDY. I'm sure that could sound like Brodie.
It was something like "Go away Brodie, I mean Buddy.." I'll double check when I go for seconds. I'm pretty sure it's an intentional nod, as Jason Lee was picked based on his Azreal character from Dogma.

Jackskeleton 11-08-04 02:14 PM

well then, wouldn't it be, "Go away Azreal" ? ;)

Like I said earlier. I was expecting him to say "What, just cause a guy can't be a sidekick means that he can't start shit?" :p

Josh H 11-08-04 02:31 PM

Originally posted by Xander
I almost missed the Episode III trailer because we came in a couple of minutes before the show started, but I saw it. Looked awesome on the big screen.

They didn't show the ep. 3 trailer at the theater I caught it at. :(

calhoun07 11-08-04 03:26 PM

All I wanna say is that to anybody who felt this movie wasn't that great or dragged or what have you, go and watch Daredevil and The Hulk again and come back and make your report. During this movie, I was hoping that Marvel execs (and DC execs) were seeing this too and taking notes on how to make a GOOD superhero movie.

One thing I was very glad about was they didn't take an hour to explain where each hero got their powers or what their origins were. It just jumped right into the story and went from there.

Some of the motiffs were somewhat cliche, such as the island for the villian, the attack on the city, the powers of the heroes, but to me, that made it work all the more. People don't want to be bogged down with trying to process things that are strange or unfamilar. I think that hooks people into the story all the more.

Personally, I loved it, and if Brad Bird wants to return to TV, then let it be with an Incredibles TV series, preferably in prime time. I so want to see more of these characters.

And no episode 3 trailer before my showing either, though I got to see the trailer for the stupid race zebra movie. I wanted my money back after that.

Vonner 11-08-04 04:05 PM

Originally posted by PixyJunket
It was something like "Go away Brodie, I mean Buddy.." I'll double check when I go for seconds.
That is correct. I just got back from my second viewing.

Jackskeleton 11-08-04 04:37 PM

ah cool.

goLUCKY 11-08-04 05:05 PM

great flick! five stars!!!!!!

BizRodian 11-08-04 06:14 PM

Ok, I'll go watch this tomorrow. I haven't gone to the theater in years, but you've convinced me all... plus I have nothing to do tomorrow...

Still haven't seen Bug's Life or Monsters Inc either.

Michael Corvin 11-08-04 10:05 PM

Originally posted by calhoun07

Some of the motiffs were somewhat cliche, such as the island for the villian, the attack on the city, the powers of the heroes, but to me, that made it work all the more. People don't want to be bogged down with trying to process things that are strange or unfamilar. I think that hooks people into the story all the more.

But that is the point. The over the top bad-guy and the standard bad-guy fortress, and female companion doing all the bidding until she falls for the hero, just makes it all familiar.

I saw it tonight and I must say...I went in expecting a good movie, what I came out thinking was that I had just seen the best movie of the year. It was... ahem.. incredible. I didn't think it dragged at all. If I had to pick a fave character, it would be violet. She seemed the more realistic character.

It is a shame Disney/Pixar can't work out their differences b/c this has franchise written all over it.

Jackskeleton 11-08-04 10:36 PM

The LCD subpixels in the tablet pc Mirage sent to Bob can be seen very cleanly. Very small detail there which was cool.

Mirage's business card was also holographic. How they got this to look right in a movie is fuck'n amazing

Bob's hair when it was styled looked different from when it was wet, and when it dried again it got frizzy.

Dash's race through the forest wasn't just an homage to the speeder chase in ROTJ, I think there was a brief homage to the pod race in Episode 1 as well.

Whenever Syndrome uses his Zero Point energy thing on people, check out the light patterns it produces on the floor. It's like the reflection of lights in a swimming pool on a ceiling.

Joe Molotov 11-08-04 10:45 PM

Originally posted by Jackskeleton
Dash's race through the forest wasn't just an homage to the speeder chase in ROTJ, I think there was a brief homage to the pod race in Episode 1 as well.
I thought I could hear some sound effects from the Pod Race in Episode I in there, but none of them were distinct enough for me to be sure. Not like in the opening scene on Toy Story 2. ;)

Giles 11-09-04 08:51 AM

wow, I mean wow! I didn't expect it to be that good.

Even the DLP presentation of the film was amazing (sound levels at the National Amusement's theatre though are always set way too low).

two under three year olds behind me fell asleep in the first twenty minutes of the film.

tofu 11-09-04 10:21 AM

Great movie. My only beef is that I would have liked to see more Sam Jackson

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