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Jackskeleton 11-05-04 03:06 PM


I really think these "One and only simply because I made it" threads need to calm down. Happened with the Ep III teaser and now with this?

There's a three page thread already about the build up and thoughts of those who saw it.

Jackskeleton 11-05-04 03:08 PM

Re: Re: OK for a 4yo?

Originally posted by Big Worms
That is annoying how they rate these movies likes this. These movies are made for kids not adults, but yet the rating of PG makes parents not want to show it to there kids.
well the whole rating system is a little off now a days anyways. I'm sure it's on PG because of a bit of violence in fighting. But since it's a cartoon that seems aimed for both kids and adults, it should be fine.

I'll be checking it on Digital Projection myself. :) Best way to check out a Digital movie. ;)

OldBoy 11-05-04 03:33 PM

Originally posted by Rogue588
This flick rocked :up:

The entire sequence with Dash on the island was fantastic..

No SW trailer, but after the flick, it didn't even matter.

you didn't get the SW trailer? got it in mine and though i saw it a couple times last night. nothing beats the big screen!

anyway, yeah..this film rocked!

Rypro 525 11-05-04 05:58 PM

really enjoyed it. i think i was the oldest one there who wasn't dragged by their parents. (18), and i laughed at many of the slight sexual inuendo's that nobody got as well.

OldBoy 11-05-04 06:50 PM

Originally posted by Jackskeleton

I really think these "One and only simply because I made it" threads need to calm down. Happened with the Ep III teaser and now with this?

There's a three page thread already about the build up and thoughts of those who saw it.

this one is clearly for the release and not the anticipation of the release.

Brent L 11-05-04 08:05 PM


I loved this film so much that just by looking at the poster pumps me up. Yes, I saw this tonight, and it was a blast. I have enjoyed every film that Pixar has put together so far, loved all of them really, but this one takes the #1 spot. I don't know if it was just flat out better than the others, or the fact that I just loved the overall story. Either way, and heck maybe it's a mixture of both, I loved this one more than any of the others.

I was very happy to see that Pixar did not wimp out by not having in a lot of really fast action and violence. To be honest, I was quite shocked at just how violent the film actually ended up being. There obviously isn't any blood or the sort, but you see guns a blasting, crashes, and climatic scenes climatic enough to really take your breath away.

They did mine anyway.

This is one of those films that most people can just look at the trailer, and then at the creators, and go ahead and say it's a good film. The thing though, is that it was so much better than I initially thought it was going to be. I went into this one with very high expectations, and the film surpassed those expectations, by leaps and bounds.

I'd even go so far to say that this is my favorite animated film ever now, and I never thought I'd be saying that after seeing it.

The voice work is superb, the plot actually makes sense and all falls together perfectly, and when you see the "Supers" doing their job, you can't help but just sit back and smile, and say to yourself "holy crap this is awesome!!!". I especially thought Dash's run through the jungle was especially off the charts.

I also love the little hits and winks to those of us who are older. Lines like (a bunch of bad guys watching a robot destroy a city while drinking) "Ok, we take a shot for everyone who runs/screems." (I forget the exact quote) are just perfect.

If there is any fault with the film, to me, it felt like it was too short, even at 121 minutes. It also seemed to totally capture the children in the audience. I didn't hear any random jabbering, any crying to their parents, or anything like I usually hear in a theater when watching a "children's movie". All I heard from the kids in the crowd was laughter, and a lot of it. I also found it pretty funny all the times that the adults would laugh at something, while the children would sit silently, just because they had no idea what was supposed to be so funny. I only have one thing to say after seeing this one.

I want a sequel, and I want it NOW.

I don't know if that's possible though, so someone let me know one way or the other. Is this like Toy Story where Disney will take on the series, or will Pixar own the rights to make a sequel to this one?

Either way, if this is the only "Incredibles" film that we get, it was more than worth it. It's the third best film I've seen this year, behind only Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Garden State. Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, Dash, Violet, Jack, Frozone, and everyone else, I can't wait to see you all again.



Holy crap, I almost forgot to mention the Episode III trailer! I just can't put into words how awesome it is on the big screen, and I'll leave it at that.

Jackskeleton 11-05-04 08:13 PM

Originally posted by scott1598
this one is clearly for the release and not the anticipation of the release.
But the problem is there isn't much of a need for a release when the anticipation thread already has release discussion. People reviewed it, expressed their post-viewing thoughts in it and so forth. So either get someone to close the "anticipation" thread so "release" discussion could be carried on in one or the other.

Didn't we go through this with Dawn of the dead also?

Brent L 11-05-04 08:15 PM

(I thought I'd post this here also. I figure only one of the two threads will pick up and become "the" Incredibles thread, heh.)


I loved this film so much that just by looking at the poster pumps me up. Yes, I saw this tonight, and it was a blast. I have enjoyed every film that Pixar has put together so far, loved all of them really, but this one takes the #1 spot. I don't know if it was just flat out better than the others, or the fact that I just loved the overall story. Either way, and heck maybe it's a mixture of both, I loved this one more than any of the others.

I was very happy to see that Pixar did not wimp out by not having in a lot of really fast action and violence. To be honest, I was quite shocked at just how violent the film actually ended up being. There obviously isn't any blood or the sort, but you see guns a blasting, crashes, and climatic scenes climatic enough to really take your breath away.

They did mine anyway.

This is one of those films that most people can just look at the trailer, and then at the creators, and go ahead and say it's a good film. The thing though, is that it was so much better than I initially thought it was going to be. I went into this one with very high expectations, and the film surpassed those expectations, by leaps and bounds.

I'd even go so far to say that this is my favorite animated film ever now, and I never thought I'd be saying that after seeing it.

The voice work is superb, the plot actually makes sense and all falls together perfectly, and when you see the "Supers" doing their job, you can't help but just sit back and smile, and say to yourself "holy crap this is awesome!!!". I especially thought Dash's run through the jungle was especially off the charts.

I also love the little hits and winks to those of us who are older. Lines like (a bunch of bad guys watching a robot destroy a city while drinking) "Ok, we take a shot for everyone who runs/screems." (I forget the exact quote) are just perfect.

If there is any fault with the film, to me, it felt like it was too short, even at 121 minutes. It also seemed to totally capture the children in the audience. I didn't hear any random jabbering, any crying to their parents, or anything like I usually hear in a theater when watching a "children's movie". All I heard from the kids in the crowd was laughter, and a lot of it. I also found it pretty funny all the times that the adults would laugh at something, while the children would sit silently, just because they had no idea what was supposed to be so funny. I only have one thing to say after seeing this one.

I want a sequel, and I want it NOW.

I don't know if that's possible though, so someone let me know one way or the other. Is this like Toy Story where Disney will take on the series, or will Pixar own the rights to make a sequel to this one?

Either way, if this is the only "Incredibles" film that we get, it was more than worth it. It's the third best film I've seen this year, behind only Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and Garden State. Mr. Incredible, Elastigirl, Dash, Violet, Jack, Frozone, and everyone else, I can't wait to see you all again.



Holy crap, I almost forgot to mention the Episode III trailer! I just can't put into words how awesome it is on the big screen, and I'll leave it at that.

Jackskeleton 11-05-04 08:45 PM

I have to say that this is one hell of a great flick.

I'm a pretty big comic reader, so I enjoyed the flick on the other level where they take the typical hero powers and go a little beyond to them going into a normal life.

The film never really dragged on for me. I heard some complaints that it was a little slow in the middle. I loved how they used the powers of everyone pretty equally and highlighted them all well.

I really enjoyed the design of the characters, city, suits, villains, etc. and the beautiful CGI effects of the hair and just the feel of the film

Oh yeah, I loved the poster set for the film also.


RichC2 11-05-04 10:06 PM

Excellent film with an excellent buildup and excellent payoff.

Lives up to its name in spades.

Jackskeleton 11-05-04 10:13 PM

I'm just really really amazed with the level of detail with the hair. That's one aspect that stood out a lot.

PopcornTreeCt 11-05-04 10:31 PM

I'll wait for Pixyjunket's review.

Brent L 11-05-04 10:34 PM

Originally posted by Jackskeleton
I'm just really really amazed with the level of detail with the hair. That's one aspect that stood out a lot.
I noticed that also, but then again it'd be hard not to notice it. I couldn't help but pay attention to that aspect throughout the entire film.

This animated film just felt so full of life.

Jay G. 11-05-04 10:53 PM

Haven't seen it yet, so here's yet another Brad Dird interview. In this one he defends the action in The Incredibles while making a case for more adult-themed animated fare:


SeekOnce 11-05-04 11:57 PM

Pretty sure this doesn't count as a spoiler but just to be safe...

Did anyone know that the two old gentlemen near the end of the movie that had the "old-school" line were Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston from Disney’s legendary “Nine Old Men?" I didn't find out til afterwards. And looking back on the film now, that "old-school" line was powerful I thought. Very appropriate and spot on. Coming from the masters where the storytelling was always first. I can't help but look at it as a jab to Disney's half-ass work they've been releasing lately. Love that.

Rogue588 11-06-04 12:34 AM

Originally posted by BrentLumkin
If there is any fault with the film, to me, it felt like it was too short, even at 121 minutes.

I have no idea what Claudia Puig over at USA Today was talking about...

Although the story is well written, simultaneously funny and sweet, it bogs down toward the end. Clocking in at 115 minutes, it feels about 15 minutes too long.

LorenzoL 11-06-04 12:38 AM

Just came back from seeing it and I loved it. Pixar animation is getting better and better. The whole segment on the island was "incredible".

Plus my theatre carried the Episode III trailer.

Brent L 11-06-04 12:39 AM

It's pretty rare for me to not want a film to end. The only times that happens with me is when it's something I just fall totally into, and this one did it for me.

When I noticed the end was coming up, it had to drag me kicking and screaming, heh. I felt like a kid in a candy store whose mom was yanking them by the arm pulling them out away from the sweets. :D

Rogue588 11-06-04 12:44 AM

Originally posted by SeekOnce
Pretty sure this doesn't count as a spoiler but just to be safe...

Did anyone know that the two old gentlemen near the end of the movie that had the "old-school" line were Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnston from Disney’s legendary “Nine Old Men?" I didn't find out til afterwards. And looking back on the film now, that "old-school" line was powerful I thought. Very appropriate and spot on. Coming from the masters where the storytelling was always first. I can't help but look at it as a jab to Disney's half-ass work they've been releasing lately. Love that.


Did not know that. Looks like i'll just have to drag the fam again... ;)

Jackskeleton 11-06-04 12:59 AM

Originally posted by LorenzoL
Just came back from seeing it and I loved it. Pixar animation is getting better and better. The whole segment on the island was "incredible".

Plus my theatre carried the Episode III trailer.

The Episode III trailer on the big screen was another big bonus for the film.

Anyone else see it in digital? I'm tempted to go see it in a normal theater to see if there is much difference in quality and colors between the digital and non. great flick.

Dabaomb 11-06-04 01:16 AM

I'm definitely gonna give this one another chance sometime this week as I'll probably see it with some other friends or a girl.

I think I was a lil tired from waiting 2 hours in line to get in.

Don't get me wrong, I definitely enjoyed it a lot the first time I saw it on Wednesday but I wanna see it again when I'm not as tired. Plus I wanna see the Star Wars Episode III Trailer :D

Oh yeah, did anyone have that Pixar Sheep & Jackelope short film prior to their screening cuz they had it when I saw the pre-screening.

cross 11-06-04 01:20 AM

Best movie experience I've had all year. Hands down by a landslide.

UKingdom 11-06-04 02:19 AM

wow this movie was awesome; it seems more geared towards adults actually than little children, as i don't think they'll fully "get" the film although they'll certainly enjoy it

A; one of the best films of the year, and now one of the best animated films of all time for sure

Jackskeleton 11-06-04 02:49 AM

Oh yeah, did anyone have that Pixar Sheep & Jackelope short film prior to their screening cuz they had it when I saw the pre-screening.
yeah, they had that. I'm pretty sure it's tagged on all the prints as the Pixar short before the film like their other films.

I couldn't make out some of the words in the story because of the accent or voice they used, but over all I enjoyed that little segment. It was being advertised before wasn't it? I recall some short trailer for it some time ago.

I didn't stick around after the credits, anything interesting happen, for those of you who did?

Dabaomb 11-06-04 02:52 AM

Originally posted by Jackskeleton
I didn't stick around after the credits, anything interesting happen, for those of you who did?
unfortunately, nothing after the credits :(

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