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Abranut 06-25-04 03:17 AM

Episode 3: Will it be good or bad?
Since we're less than one year away from this coming out and as information travels down the pipe about the production and characters, I wanted to get a sense of people's confidence in the film's quality. I'm not including a "I'll wait until I see it before passing judgement" option, because that kind of defeats the whole purpose. It's a poll on confidence or lack thereof.

The polls at fanboy sites are always heavily one-sided, and there seem to be a few GL bashers here...So what do you think?

It is gonna rock the house?

Or is it gonna prove for once and for all that George should never leave the house again?

And let's please not try to turn this thread into a flame war. We've done that before. This isn't the place to try to get someone to change their mind. Express your opinion if you like and don't attack others for theirs.


RyoHazuki 06-25-04 03:27 AM

Well I havent seen it yet so I'm gonna vote for the sadly absent twikoff option.

Abranut 06-25-04 03:38 AM

Originally posted by RyoHazuki
Well I havent seen it yet so I'm gonna vote for the sadly absent twikoff option.
COP OUT!!! :p

caiman 06-25-04 03:46 AM

Given the material, Episode 3 has the potential to be truly great. Here we have the final installment in one of the most loved storylines of all time. The Godfather-esque story arc that Lucas has set up for himself has the potential to be epic, grand, dramatic, and ultimately very satisfying. Everything's all set up for him, now all he has to do is connect the dots.

Unfortunately, I'm not optimistic. I'm sure it will be the best of the prequels, but I just don't trust Lucas to make a quality movie anymore. If it turns out to be half as good as it has the potential to be, I'd be surprised. But I'm not getting my hopes up.

Qui Gon Jim 06-25-04 07:44 AM

Re: Episode 3: Will it be good or bad?

Originally posted by Abranut

And let's please not try to turn this thread into a flame war. We've done that before. This isn't the place to try to get someone to change their mind. Express your opinion if you like and don't attack others for theirs.


Riiiiggggghhttt.... That'll happen...

Dr. DVD 06-25-04 08:03 AM

No "simply satisfying end" option? That's how I would have voted.

B.A. 06-25-04 08:09 AM

It will be more good than bad. :p

Chew 06-25-04 08:15 AM

Originally posted by caiman
Given the material, Episode 3 has the potential to be truly great. Here we have the final installment in one of the most loved storylines of all time. The Godfather-esque story arc that Lucas has set up for himself has the potential to be epic, grand, dramatic, and ultimately very satisfying. Everything's all set up for him, now all he has to do is connect the dots.

Unfortunately, I'm not optimistic. I'm sure it will be the best of the prequels, but I just don't trust Lucas to make a quality movie anymore. If it turns out to be half as good as it has the potential to be, I'd be surprised. But I'm not getting my hopes up.

Sums up my thoughts as well. I was optimistic the first would be great, but was let down. I had less optimism for the second and even less for the third.

PalmerJoss 06-25-04 08:26 AM

Like most everyone else here, I was very letdown by the past 2 prequels, and I don't intend on getting my hopes up for the third.

silentbob007 06-25-04 08:26 AM

I just want it to be entertaining.

Maxflier 06-25-04 08:30 AM

I think it will be pretty damn good.

Tafellappen 06-25-04 08:41 AM

I think it will be just as entertaining as the previous five.

Spanky BananaPants 06-25-04 09:20 AM

I loved the original trilogy. I was extremely excited to see Ep1, waited in line for a week, etc. I wasn't as excited for Ep2, since Ep1 let me down. I saw it a week or so after release.

For the first time in my life, I'm not at all excited for a new Star Wars movie. I've lost faith & confidence in Lucas. His storylines have become ridiculous.

I've got a "hope for the best, expect the worst" approach to Ep3.

PixyJunket 06-25-04 10:14 AM

Originally posted by Tafellappen
I think it will be just as entertaining as the previous five.
Exactly. :up:

El-Kabong 06-25-04 10:52 AM

People who claim that Episode 1 and 2 are "the worst movie(s) I have ever seen in my life" clearly haven't seen a lot of films. Worse than Battlefield Earth? Worse than Police Acadmey 7: Mission to Moscow? Worse than The Adventures of Pluto Nash? "Manos" the Hands of Fate? Wing Commander? House of the Dead? Lost in Space? Batman and Robin?


I hate to break it to you, but Attack of the Clones and Phantom Menace are no worse and no better than the original trilogy. The original trilogy is also rife with bad acting and sloppy writing and hokey plotting. You've just had 20 years to get used to the rose-tinted glasses you've been wearing.

That said, I fully expect that E3 will rock the house.

Fok 06-25-04 11:09 AM

I think it will be pretty good, but not as good as the O.T. I'm looking foward to all questions being answered in this movie.

kcbrett5 06-25-04 11:42 AM

Eevyrthnig taht has a ednnig has a bgenining.

It wlil rcok the husoe!!

PopcornTreeCt 06-25-04 11:46 AM

We aren't allowed to talk about movies until we see them. (Oh wait that's probably just for Fahrenheit 911) My official stance on this matter is I'm hoping it will be good but I'm not holding my breath.

Chew 06-25-04 11:55 AM

Originally posted by El-Kabong
I hate to break it to you, but Attack of the Clones and Phantom Menace are no worse and no better than the original trilogy. The original trilogy is also rife with bad acting and sloppy writing and hokey plotting. You've just had 20 years to get used to the rose-tinted glasses you've been wearing.
Maybe. But, the original trilogy still has one huge plus over the prequels: characters I actually give a damn about.

gcribbs 06-25-04 11:57 AM

I expect it to be worse than the other two.

darqleo 06-25-04 12:08 PM

I think it's going to be more of the same and anyone thinking it will be different than the first 2 is just kidding themselves. That goes for whether you loved or hated Episode 1 and 2.
But it'll probably rank slightly higher than the first 2, just because of how much closer to the original trilogy (setting up the events for Episode 4, etc.) it'll be.

On a personal note, I'm going to pass on this movie. I renewed my hopes up for Episode 2, giving Lucas another chance, but I'm just... done. Even recent cool news like Gary Oldman being involved doesn't even register with me, knowing he'll still be directed by Lucas. Man, remember back when they announced that Ewan McGregor and Liam Neeson and Natalie Portman were going to be in the new Star Wars? It should have been rocking with talent like that! All flushed away... Yeah, great, this is the one that Anakin becomes Darth Vader, but under Lucas's direction it'll most likely be devoid of all emotion and meaning. Whoopee, it's got Chewbacca in it, well, I guess it's nice that Peter Mayhew's got work again, he must be tired endlessly being at conventions, I think just about everyone has his autograph by now.

Jason Bovberg 06-25-04 12:11 PM

I do expect it to be the best of the prequels, but that ain't sayin' much. Even if it's the "Citizen Kane" of Star Wars movies, Lucas will still have tainted the entire saga with this new trilogy and with his tampering of the originals.

Abranut 06-25-04 02:12 PM

Originally posted by El-Kabong

I hate to break it to you, but Attack of the Clones and Phantom Menace are no worse and no better than the original trilogy. The original trilogy is also rife with bad acting and sloppy writing and hokey plotting. You've just had 20 years to get used to the rose-tinted glasses you've been wearing.

Other people are entitled to their own opinions on this topic, El-Kabong. I happen to disagree with you.

I recognize flaws in the OT, and have gone back and viewed them with adult eyes. They aren't the same movies I watched as a kid, but they still hold up for the most part.

I was very excited for Episode I. I bought tickets for some crappy movie just to see the trailer. I was very disappointed when this movie did not deliver for me. Of course there are worse movies out there, but the standard to which some of us hold Star Wars films is higher than the ones we hold to "Wing Commander" or "Battlefield Earth". I still gave Episode II the benefit of the doubt, and thought it was okay. I can't say my confidence in GL's filmmaking abilities at this point allow me to think that Episode 3 will be a good film. I'm not just talking in terms of Star Wars movies. I'm talking films in general. It saddens me to say that, but I have lost the faith.

I'd love to be pleasantly surprised in May 2005.

OldBoy 06-25-04 02:34 PM

i think it will be hands down the best of the 3 prequels. The dark overtones will make it gritty and hopefully unparelleled to any of the previous 5, giving it more of a low budget "indie" feel...of course in a lavish, uber-produced blockbuster sort of way.
It will however most likely be the heart wrenching, intense & perfect precursor to the more 'skip to my lou' episodes of 4 through 6.

Michael T Hudson 06-25-04 02:41 PM

I hope it will rock but I am not getting my hopes up like I did in 99. I am just happy to have the DVD's coming out this year.

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