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Brent L 09-02-03 12:37 AM

Matchstick men: Is Nicolas Cage back for good?

The official website, check out the trailer!

This is the film that I'm looking more forward to than anything in the upcoming months. I don't really know what it is about it either. Maybe it's just because I'm a huge Nicolas Cage fan. Perhaps I'm still riding the high that Adaptation set me off on. Or, maybe the trailer has just totally won me over with the various scenes and the "mood".

Or maybe I just damn well love films based on con men.

Whatever it is, I'm really looking forward to this one. Here is a review that I found over at RottenTomatoes...

Four out of Five stars
Running time: 119 mins

Stylishly directed, well-written and boasting an eclectic soundtrack, this is an enjoyable con flick with both Cage and Ridley Scott on top form.

There is something clearly fascinating about watching con artists on screen - maybe it's the thrill of seeing characters live by their wits under the constant threat of being caught (as in Catch Me If You Can) or perhaps, given that 99% of con movies pull some kind of trick on the audience, it's the opportunity to prove youself 'cleverer' than the film-makers by guessing the plot in advance.

At any rate, there have been a string of decent con flicks lately, from the sublime Nine Queens to, more recently, the average but entertaining Confidence. Matchstick Men, then, is director Ridley Scott's spin on familiar material (it was dubbed 'Paper Moon in colour' on set, after the Ryan & Tatum O'Neal father-daughter con classic) and although it is primarily concerned with character, it's safe to say that you'll enjoy the story a lot more if you strap yourself in and enjoy (being taken for) the ride rather than trying to second guess it.

Obsessive-Compulsive Agoraphobe Needs Counselling

Nicolas Cage plays Roy, an obsessive-compulsive agoraphobe (and chain-smoker) who makes a living as a con artist with his younger partner Frank (The Great Sam Rockwell). Barely able to keep his neuroses in check, Roy flips out mid-con and Frank persuades him to get therapy.

This leads to the revelation that Roy has a 14 year-old daughter, Angela (Alison Lohman), whose existence he always suspected but never dared verify. What's more, Angela wants to get to know him and when she discovers what Roy does for a living she's keen for him to show her the ropes, even though her presence could seriously derail Frank and Roy's latest scam...

Matchstick Men (the title, like The Grifters,, refers to a slang term for con artists) is extremely well directed - it's stylish but never in-your-face stylish and shows Scott back on top form after the relative disappointments of Gladiator and Black Hawk Down.

Terrific Soundtrack

It also has a terrific, carefuly-selected, character-enhancing soundtrack that consists mainly of lounge classics (e.g Beyond the Sea) but occasionally strikes an eclectic, off-the-wall note, such as the inclusion of George Formby's Leaning on a Lamp-post when Roy is waiting for Angela.

The acting is excellent - Cage, with his Felix Unger-like collection of tics and mannerisms manages to be funny as well as heart-breakingly sympathetic. His confused mixture of guilt, pride, horror and joy when Angela shows a flair for the con game is a priceless, lovely moment.

Lohman is supreb too - she's both adorable and believably natural. There's also great support from both Sam Rockwell (always a joy to watch) and one of Hollywood's best character actors, Bruce McGill, as the proposed victim of Frank and Roy's latest con.

In short, this is an enjoyable, frequently funny and oddly moving con thriller with a terrific performance from Cage. If you've ever seen a con man movie before you won't be surprised by the ending but it's hard to complain when the ride is this much fun. Recommended.

Reviewed by - Matthew Turner
...so, at least in this one persons view, this one is a keeper.

Am I the only one that just loves the editing and style of the trailer? The colors, the clips, the sound, just everything about it is fantastic to me. Sure, I may be building myself up for something a whole lot more than it is, but even so, I really think I'll enjoy this one. Anyway, back to the topic of sorts.

If this is a hit of any sort, which I feel it will be, will this be yet another Nicolas Cage comeback, and if it is, will it finally be for good? After a string of films which many people didn't really love all that much, he finally busted out Adaptation, my personal pick for Best Picture of the past year. I just love that I'm getting great Nicolas Cage films once again, and I'm pumped up for Matchstick Men!

On a side note:

In Matchstick Men, we have the young actress Alison Lohman playing the role of the 14 year old daughter of the character that Cage portrays. In the film, she's pretending to be a 21 year old, but in reality she's really 24. Now, I'm not really all that familier with the work she's don thus far, so call me stupid if you want. When I first saw this trailer, I thought she was cute as hell but felt a bit weird for thinking this, as I thought she was so much younger than I am. It's safe to say that when I found out she's really older than I actually am, I was quite pleased, heh.

Mmmmmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmmm good.

DonnachaOne 09-02-03 12:43 AM

Wow, it's always struck me as an incredibly empty trailer. It destroyed any desire I had to see the film.

I haven't seen the film yet, but going by the trailer, is Nicolas Cage back? Yes

... to the "Trapped In Paradise" level.

badger1997 09-02-03 12:56 AM

Wow, I'm somewhere between Brent's and DonnachaOne's reaction to the trailer. While I ain't going ga-ga over it, I do like the style and the trailer made me want to see the movie more than I did before I saw it. I had heard a few things about it and it didn't really interest me, but the trailer sold me. Whereas before this wasn't really on my list to see anytime soon (not a huge Nicolas Cage fan and haven't liked anything he's done since Leaving Las Vegas) it is right up there now. Will be catching this sometime in the first week after it comes out.

Geofferson 09-02-03 08:35 AM

The trailer isn't all that great, but for some reason, I have very high expectations for this one. Maybe it's the talent involved - I'm not sure. I think it'll be great though.

fumanstan 09-02-03 11:09 AM

Now if only he'll come back and do another action flick :)

PalmerJoss 09-02-03 11:30 AM

I'm hoping he's back. I thought he gave an amazing performance in Adaptation, so let's hope that he gets back on track. Although, I did hear that he will be playing the title character in Marvel's Ghost Rider sometime next year, so you never know.

mdc3000 09-02-03 11:54 AM

This is easily one of my most anticipated films of the year. I think Cage is fantastic and have been a huge fan of his...when he goes out on a limb, he really goes out there and makes some great movies... of course, when he plays it safe he usually turns in some run-of-the-mill over the top performances, but this looks to me like he's really going for it... I think just looking at the trailer and advance buzz , that another nomination could be in his future.

Add this to the fact that Sam Rockwell is in this flick, and I think you've got an acting goldmine...and with Ridley Scott behind the camera I don't see how this can loose... the trailer hits all the right notes for me, and I can't wait to see this on opening day.


is Cage back? Well, for me...he never really went away... but it seems that the "good actor" side has returned.

William Fuld 09-02-03 12:16 PM

Ebert and Roeper both raved about his performance this weekend. Their enthusiasm over him made me want to see the movie much more than the trailer did.

sd_smoker 09-02-03 02:47 PM

Re: Matchstick men: Is Nicolas Cage back for good?

...and shows Scott back on top form after the relative disappointments of Gladiator and Black Hawk Down.
Disappointments? WTF?!

Ripper 09-02-03 03:17 PM

Re: Re: Matchstick men: Is Nicolas Cage back for good?

Originally posted by sd_smoker
Disappointments? WTF?!
You read my mind! Loved both of these movies!


ArchibaldTuttle 09-02-03 04:21 PM

I like ridley scott, and sam rockwell, so hopefully their contributions will cancel out my annoyance for the way cage acts sometimes, I did like him in adaptation and raising arizona

badger1997 09-02-03 06:38 PM

Re: Re: Matchstick men: Is Nicolas Cage back for good?

Originally posted by sd_smoker
Disappointments? WTF?!
I can see where he's coming from. For me both Gladiator and Black Hawk Down were both disappointments of varying levels. While I don't hate Gladiator, I find it to be little more than a basic action flick. Saw it once and really never have had the urge to ever see it again.

Black Hawk Down on the other hand totally let me down. I know it may be the minority opinion around here, but I just found the movie horribly repetitive and not very interesting. I loved the book after picking it up off the library shelf years ago knowing nothing about it and read it several times. The movie just failed to capture the intensity and the feeling the book did. (About the only other movie I was more disappointed after loving the book it was based on was The Perfect Storm. ) I just walked out of the movie feeling numb and bored and definitely felt it was a disappointment.

God, I know I am going to get flamed for this, but I actually enjoyed Hannibal, which he directed between Gladiator and Black Hawk Down more than either of those films. *ducking*

Cosmic Bus 09-02-03 08:53 PM

I had completely forgotten Rockwell was even in this. He doesn't show up at all in the trailer, does he?

SPiRAL 09-02-03 09:18 PM

Looks great. I saw Sam Rockwell this weekend in the lobby of The Ritz-Carlton in Pasadena.

The Bus 09-02-03 10:07 PM

Level of enjoyment


Geofferson 09-03-03 12:56 PM

I think this film looks very promising - Cage and all.

BJacks 09-03-03 07:28 PM

This film has one of the worst trailers since Kangeroo Jack. People were literally groaning in the theater I saw it in. The movie may be good, but they should fire whoever came up with the marketing campaign.

bsktballDude1 09-03-03 09:56 PM

I am really looking forward to this movie. Ridley Scott and the cast is amazing, and have been waiting for this one ever since I heard about it . Hopefully it will not dissappoint especially since Ebert & Roeper were really impressed by the film.

badger1997 09-03-03 11:52 PM

Originally posted by BJacks
This film has one of the worst trailers since Kangeroo Jack. People were literally groaning in the theater I saw it in. The movie may be good, but they should fire whoever came up with the marketing campaign.
I guess I just must be missing something or else I just saw a totally different trailer than the one being discussed here, but why do people think it's so bad? Why are people literally groaning in the theaters when it plays? It didn't seem that bad to be and I actually thought it was pretty stylish and did a good job of making me want to see the movie.

bdots48 09-04-03 08:35 AM

Caught Matchstick Men in a sneak preview last night. It's a tour de force performance by Cage and a really inventive story.

Iron Chef 09-22-03 07:36 AM

Cage was awesome in this movie. Rockwell was up to his usual stuff.

but since it isn't a Matrix-style kung-foo action flick, way too many people on this board will overlook it.

DonnachaOne 09-22-03 08:03 AM

I was quite impressed with the film. Not brilliant, but definitely worth a look. Not sure if it would stand up to repeat viewings, though (well, the pharamacy scene would).

Trigger 09-22-03 08:15 AM

Originally posted by Iron Chef
but since it isn't a Matrix-style kung-foo action flick, way too many people on this board will overlook it.
That's not really fair... I mean, not many people on this board admit to liking action movies. I think I'm one of the few who does admit to liking action movies and I don't apoligize for it either. Anyway - I liked Matchstick Men and I never intended to overlook it. I guess even a dumb guy like me can be interested in movies that don't have matrix-style kung-foo.

Geofferson 09-22-03 09:04 AM

I saw this over the weekend and liked it very much. Cage did a great job - as did all the supporting players. Cage may or may not be back, but Ridley Scott sure is on a roll.

Face/Off 09-22-03 12:00 PM

This is an odd subject, especially considering that NO ACTOR has a perfect record when it comes to picking projects.

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