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Rocky_Stallone 05-10-03 04:39 PM

A question that I never asked here before, what are your favorite Sly Stallone films?

After all this Stallone talk in other threads, I never asked this question so I'm just curious of what your favorite Sylvester Stallone movies are.

I can go on and on and on of why I like Sly so much, here are 10 reasons of why I like Sly so much.

1) He's a badass action hero who is pretty intense in many of his films
2) Even though I'll have to agree that his voice and droopy eyes are weird, that's why I find him so entertaining, he's got that perfect look as an "action" movie star
3) He can play any genre that throws at him whether it'll be a drama, action, thriller, comedy, etc.
4) It doesn't matter if his films bombs in the box office or not, if you hate an actor because he/she keeps choosing movies that flops, then you have issues, as long as you enjoy the movie
5) Many of his films have bad and silly plotting, I'll have to agree with some people there, but do Sly fans care if his movies have bad and silly plotting, no, his fans just want to see him kicking the bad guys asses. His fans find his acting very good, laugh if you want but it's true. He has lots of fans around the world that still love the guy.
6) The thing I don't get is, people hate a certain actor like Sly when they even like 4 or 5 of his movies and I find that a little hypocritical don't you think? I think these kind of people just like 'em for what the movies is itself. Even though people admit they like some of his movies when they enjoy bashing him just to jump on the bandwagon. People hating Sly and admitting to liking some of his films doesn't make any sense to me at all...
fans just like him for who he is even though a few of his movies may be bad.
7) In a lot of his movies, he has a lot of popular quotes and catchprases like "I am the law", "Hey Yo Adrian", "I'm Your Worst Nightmare", etc. That is another reason I can think of why me and other people like him so much.
8) What do both Arnold Schwarzenegger and Sylvester Stallone both have in common? Both men are muscular, both have weird voices, both have played all genres in films, both had played in movies that flopped and bombed. *ZZZIIIIINNNNNGGGG* Yay, more irony and hypocrisy here folks......yet, many people enjoy bashing Sly when both of these actors are much alike. Arnold had done the same exact things in everything Sly does, and yet, no one bashes Arnold on anything. Plus, another thing that Arnold and Sly have in common, is that both of them have two very well known movie characters. Arnold has the Terminator and Conan, Sly has Rocky and Rambo who are all huge icon movie characters. Sly fans like Arnold sure, but it's their opinion that Sly is a much better action hero than Arnold.
9) What attracts people that makes them want to watch a Sly movie? HHHHMmmmmmm, 1) Sly kicking the bad guys asses 2) A big hero saving the day 3) Sly owns everyone.
10) And the last reason of why I like Sly so much, is that I grew up and followed his career ever since I was a kid. When I was a little kid, my father got me into Sylvester Stallone movies. He got me to watch Rocky and I was tottaly hooked to Sly movies ever since.

And anyway, back to the title of this topic, I pretty much enjoy ALL of his films.

But my TOP FIVE favorite ones that stand up for me the most are:

1. Rocky (The first one, this will always be his best work)
2. Rambo: First Blood (Brian Dennehy makes a fantastic villian, such a great movie about a Green Beret running from the law)
3. Cliffhanger (This has possible got to be one of the best action movies ever made seriously, I always enjoyed watching this movie, it's a film I can watch over and over, I love John Lithgow's character in it)
4. Oscar (It's a comedy that I always enjoyed the most of his, he played a funny character in this movie and Tim Curry is great too)
5. Over the Top (Another one of my absolute favorites, a great story about a trucker getting into a arm wrestling tournament who's son gets kidnapped by the mafia, this movie still needs a dvd release)

So name your favorite Sylvester Stallone movies in this topic. Talk about what your thoughts about his acting, or whatever you want. Express your opinions on the man. Thank you and discuss. :)

Kal-El 05-10-03 04:50 PM

Daylight and Driven.

Hokeyboy 05-10-03 04:53 PM

Rhinestone :)

Seriously, I love Nighthawks with Rutger Hauer. I would venture to say that Nighthawks proved that Sly had the potential to balance action, suspense, and drama.

Unfortunately, he never followed up on that. No to mention the enormous nosedive his career took when he hitched his wagon to the Cannon team. Eesh. :P

karnblack 05-10-03 04:57 PM

Demolition Man
Cop Land
First Blood

Trigger 05-10-03 05:20 PM

Here's the bulk of his career (that I've seen anyway) and my thoughts on them...

Taxi 3 (2003) - Can't wait. :)
Driven (2001) - It was mediocre, but okay.
Get Carter (2000) - Terrible.
Cop Land (1997) - Yawn
Daylight (1996) - Decent yet dumb
Assassins (1995) - Awful and boring
Judge Dredd (1995) - Terrible, but not his worst.
Specialist, The (1994) - Suck
Demolition Man (1993) - Dumb yet decent.
Cliffhanger (1993) - Pretty good
Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot (1992) - Horrible. Complete disaster
Oscar (1991) - I kinda liked it - as farce goes, it was pretty farcical
Rocky V (1990) - :lol: suck
Tango & Cash (1989) - Bad, but it had its moments.
Lock Up (1989) - I liked it... can't explain why.
Rambo III (1988) - Worst of the 3.
Over the Top (1987) - Sucky, but entertaining on a stupid level
Cobra (1986) - Stupid, but sucky on an entertainment level
Rocky IV (1985) - Sucky von suckenheimer
Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985) - Terrible, but not as bad as 3
Rhinestone (1984) - Complete crap.
First Blood (1982) - Decent flick.
Rocky III (1982) - Best Rocky of them all. Mr T and Hulk. :up:
Victory (1981/I) - His best film by far.
Rocky II (1979) - Eh - not bad for a sequel
Rocky (1976) - Boring, while engaging at the same time
Cannonball (1976) - Deathrace meets Cannonball Run... yawn
Death Race 2000 (1975) - Classic bad movie goodness.

So - given that, my top 5 favorites would have to be:

1. Victory
2. Death Race 2000
3. Cliffhanger
4. Rocky 3
5. Lock-Up

badger1997 05-10-03 05:52 PM

Um, does Stallone's kid get kidnapped by the mafia in Over the Top? Been awhile since I saw it, but I loved it as a kid and I could have sworn the kid's mother's father basically has him taken away. Not any mafia storyline that I can remember.

Although I love Rocky (the original) as a movie, I love Rocky IV for pure, cheesy entertainment. :) But First Blood comes toward the top for me as well.

I grew up on Stallone and I have weakness for some of his stuff. But as I grew older and was able to tell good performances from bad performances, I really haven't cared for anything he has done over the past decade or so.

Buck Turgidson 05-10-03 05:55 PM

Nighthawks, Victory and Assassins. All cool.

TCG 05-10-03 06:13 PM

Rocky IV
Rambo trilogy
Rocky III

Trigger 05-10-03 06:34 PM

Rambo trilogy is 3 movies. :)

The Nature Boy 05-10-03 06:35 PM

I love anything with Renny Harlin...

Just kidding, seriouisly I do appreciate Sly. My top 10 in descending order:

10. Copland(meant well, bad directing and a weaker script but he holds his own)
9. Assassins(much malingned, but I actually found this to be an engaging little story. I went in with low expectations, and that helped)
8. Lock Up(I wish they still made films like this. Not a blockbuster, and not an alltime classic, but just a nice logical mindless star vehicle and made for a good night out. Not shakespeare, but you can't eat lobster for dinner every night)
7.Rocky II( a late entry for me, I watched it last week and only began to realize how terrific it is. May go up higher on my list, truly a sequel that suprises but doesn't insult, lots of nice moments)
6. Rocky III(We're talking Stallone movies, and though he and Talia Shire are the worst parts of this, because I never knew getting your ass beat around a ring could turn you from a enforcer street thug into an erudite classy guy, but Weathers and Mr. T in the performances of a lifetime.)
5. First Blood(well crafted film that is very underrated)
4. Rocky IV(soaring emotions, and pitch perfect patriotism in the mid 80's and today)
3. Cobra(another one that gets slammed, but it's a personal favorite. Lots of nice action here.
2. Rambo II(I got in on the Wal-mart deal for this and I forgot how much I loved it. He plays the greatest screen hero since the man with no name in this one)
1. Rocky(what else, great film!)

Sly's problem is when he makes a bad movie, it's embarassingly bad. Rhinestone, Oscar, Stop or My Mom will shoot, Judge Dredd, and Driven. That's a lot of clunkers on an otherwise decent resume.

evenflow 05-10-03 06:38 PM

My favorite Stallone movie is Rocky and I don't even like it that much. Taxi Driver and Network got robbed! The rest smells more than a Taco Bell bathroom after a beef and bean taco special.

LBPound 05-10-03 09:42 PM

The original Rocky is pretty good, but All The President's Men and Taxi Driver were more worthy of Best Picture, IMO.

The Rocky sequels get progressively bad through 5, but after 3, they are good for being unintentional comedies.

Rambo: First Blood Part II is one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Never bothered to see the original or the third one.

Cop Land is pretty good, from what I've seen on USA, but I don't think Stallone alone is worthy of the majority of the credit on that one. And we can't even give credit to Renny Harlin, since he was uninvolved.

jfoobar 05-10-03 10:08 PM

Honestly, I would have to say First Blood.

NCMojo 05-10-03 10:27 PM

All right, I have a confession here... I actually saw Tango and Cash in the movie theater... as a full-price evening showing... twice.

Just a fun movie, nothing else. I laughed, I cried, it became a part of me.

eedoon 05-10-03 11:51 PM

Just his best, Rocky.

Trigger 05-10-03 11:53 PM

Originally posted by ncmojo
All right, I have a confession here... I actually saw Tango and Cash in the movie theater... as a full-price evening showing... twice.

Just a fun movie, nothing else. I laughed, I cried, it became a part of me.

It takes a big man (or woman) to admit that.

NCMojo 05-11-03 12:00 AM

I am a big man. Except on Saturdays, when I use some tasteful rouge and a flowery house dress and become... a big woman...

fumanstan 05-11-03 12:40 AM

Let's see... ones i enjoy time and time again whenever they're on TV

Rocky 3
Rocky 4
Demolition Man

Those are the ones i'll leave on if their on tv... the other ones... no go. Not that i hate them... just not as entertaining

Gdrlv 05-11-03 01:09 AM

Rocky because it's a great film.

Rocky IV because it's so bad it's good. "I must break you."

Rocky_Stallone 05-11-03 05:09 AM

Originally posted by Trigger
It takes a big man (or woman) to admit that.
Yeah, I agree.

That's the hypocrisy and the irony that I was talking about.

I go through a lot of movie message boards when I asked a topic about Sly, even though people enjoy bashing him, they admit to liking some of his movies later on.... :rolleyes:

But I can understand why some people only like him for Rocky though.

jdslater 05-11-03 07:11 AM

i've liked some of his stuff,but for some reason never watched any of the rocky films abd only the last 2 rambos.however:
1.demolition man-love this,great action,sandra bullocks ass in tight trousers and the first film i saw in america.
2.cliffhanger-saw this 3 times at the cinema,harlin did a great job,and i agree that lithgow does a great baddie.
3.judge dredd-has its moments
4.tango and cash-pretty good,but sly has the worst suit at the beginning.
5.cobra-gotta love that car and the line "i don't shop here"
6.assasins-for some reason enjoyed it better on video.
i must admit i am curious about him being in spy kids 3

matome 05-11-03 09:16 AM

In no order, his flicks I liked:

Rocky 1-4
Demolition Man
Eye See You
Rambo 1-3

The OK ones:

Tango & Cash

The ones I didn't like:

Get Carter
Rocky 5
Judge Dredd

jessecrx 05-11-03 12:11 PM

I'm a big fan of Sly also. My faves are:

Rocky Saga - Yes, I liked all of them...even #5. I loved seeing his character go right back to where he started and make the best of it. Great movies...all of them.

Rambo 1-2 Great action. What else is there to say.

Over The Top - Love this flick. The armwrestling competions were a sight to see, even if they were overdone :D

Lock Up - Stallone and Sutherland together in a film was just too good! Good prison movie, IMO.

Nighthawks - Still gives me the creeps. Good performances by all.

Geofferson 05-11-03 01:25 PM

Originally posted by jessecrx
I'm a big fan of Sly also. My faves are:

Rocky Saga - Yes, I liked all of them...even #5. I loved seeing his character go right back to where he started and make the best of it. Great movies...all of them.

Rambo 1-2 Great action. What else is there to say.

Over The Top - Love this flick. The armwrestling competions were a sight to see, even if they were overdone :D

Lock Up - Stallone and Sutherland together in a film was just too good! Good prison movie, IMO.

Nighthawks - Still gives me the creeps. Good performances by all.

ditto to everything you said. :up:

DRG 05-11-03 04:09 PM

Of the ones I've seen...

Eye See You (2002)... B-
Had a cool setup and premise, but it falls apart just when it starts to get good.

Driven (2001)... C
Ridiculous goofy story with some fun racing scenes.

Daylight (1996)... B
Enjoyable dumb fun.

Assassins (1995)... B+
The basic story had some flaws, but I liked the assassin vs assassin thing.

Judge Dredd (1995)... F
Absolutely horrible. Seriously, I think this is worse than Battlefield Earth, Batman & Robin, or Hudson Hawk.

Specialist, The (1994)... C
Don't really remember much about this, except that it was average... and there was a shower scene with Sly and SHaron STone.

Demolition Man (1993)... A-
Kick ass movie with a lot of humor. Some of it is cheezy now, but it's still fun.

Cliffhanger (1993)... B
Not bad, but I laugh at the opening sequence now because it makes me think of the parody in Ace Ventura 2.

Stop! Or My Mom Will Shoot (1992)... D-
What was he thinking? This seems like a role Jim Belushi would've rejected.

Oscar (1991)... A
I love this movie. Sly's best comedy by far.

Rocky V (1990)... D+
It didn't bother me that they returned Rocky to his roots, but why'd they have to make it so dull?

Tango & Cash (1989)... B-
Fun but nothing special.

Rambo III (1988)... C+

Over the Top (1987)... A
Okay, that's not a relative 'A'... I just enjoy the hell out of this movie for reasons I cannot ascertain. I watch it and realize its sappy and stupid, but I can't stop myself from enjoying it every time. "Meet Me Half Way" does me in every time...

Rocky IV (1985)... B
The series went overboard by this point, but its still very watchable... Wait, was this the one with the robot maid? If so, I'll knock it down to a B-. :)

Rambo: First Blood Part II (1985)... B
A silly movie in retrospect... the one man army thing... but its still watchable, even though Hot Shots Part Deux makes most of it a gigglefest nowadays.

Rhinestone (1984)... C
No comment, really.

First Blood (1982)... A-
The best of the series, the only one that had a sense of realism.

Rocky III (1982)... A-
Clubber Lang rules... and Thunderlips ain't bad either. :)

Rocky II (1979)... C+
Rocky I is reimagined, except all the drama is replaced with tv movie-level melodrama, and the ending is made happy.

Rocky (1976)... A
A good movie that gets a bad rap from the silly sequels.

Death Race 2000 (1975)... B
Cheezy fun, but Sly's work is minimal here.

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