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markdclark43016 04-08-04 02:39 PM

Has anyone heard what Paramount intends to do once the current run of VOYAGER box sets is complete? I mean, other than the rumor that they will reissue TOS in season-by-season sets?

Specifically, I was wondering if/when we'd get the current Trek series, ENTERPRISE, on DVD? For my money, it's far better than either VOYAGER or DS9.

Also, any word on the long-lost ANIMATED SERIES? It and ENTERPRISE are my two most-wanted Trek DVDs. Yet, they seem to be the items Paramount is least interested in releasing...

bboisvert 04-08-04 03:01 PM

1. The reissue of TOS is more than a rumor. Paramount actually ran an advertisement in several magazines a few months back for Voyager releases that said at the bottom something to the effect of "and look for new season box sets of TOS later in 2004!"

2. They haven't announced anything yet, but I imagine that Enterprise could be in the plans for 2005. Especially if (as rumored) this show doesn't make it to the planned 7 seasons, and ends next year.

3. The official Star Trek site was actually asking about interest in the animated series just recently, so they are definitely considering it. I expect it next year. (Not sure if it is too late, but you can send an e-mail to [email protected] -- subject line: ATTN:ANIMATED_DVD to let them know your interest.)

4. You like Enterprise more than DS9? Really?!?

DrOBoogie1 04-08-04 03:06 PM

I like Enterprise only slightly more than Voyager, which I am not buying on DVD (cause I didn't like it much). So I'd be up in the air about Enterprise DVDs.

DS9 DVDs were eagerly scooped up. If anyone wants to give this show a second chance, it has just started being shown on the Spike TV network.

NaturalMystic79 04-08-04 03:06 PM


Originally posted by markdclark43016
For my money, it's far better than either VOYAGER or DS9.
:brickwl: :brickwl:

Austin54 04-08-04 03:08 PM

The current report is that Enterprise will be renewed for only 13 episodes next year. Depending on rating, it will either be dropped or picked up. This would be a major blow to the UPN.

ThatGuamGuy 04-08-04 03:14 PM

I mean, other than the rumor that they will reissue TOS in season-by-season sets?
Weird question, since when I heard that rumor, the rumor was "After they finish Voyager, they're gonna do TOS and Enterprise both as season-by-season sets."

But I guess they're not even waiting for Voyager to finish before releasing TOS. That's probably smart. Voyager is where I draw the line. I'll buy TOS when they come out, I'm gonna go back and collect TNG, and I actually look forward to at least the later seasons of DS9 (when it got to be the best episodic drama on television, really building off the universe created in the not-nearly-as-good first half of the show), but I didn't like 'Voyager' and haven't been able to get into 'Enterprise', so I won't go after them.

And I expect 'The Animated Series' will follow the final season of TOS, or be released the same week. If they released 'Season 3' and 'Animated' in the same week, I'd have to complete the trio and buy 'Star Trek V' too, just so I can have all the shittiest original Trek possible. [Yes, there are a few exceptions to that, at least in S3 and Animated, I just mean overall.]

"Brain, brain, why always this brain??"

nemein 04-08-04 03:22 PM

Personally what I hope they do (to rake in more money of course ;)) is start releasing specialty sets (a made to order setup would be nice too :D). There are only a dozen or so eps of ST:NG (none really from DS9 or Voyager) I would be interested in owning so it's certainly not worth it to me to buy the whole set to get those few. Pack all the "Worf" arc eps though and I'll drop some money on that.

Wizdar 04-08-04 03:27 PM

So, how much do you think the “Wesley Crusher Series” would fetch? :lol:

Enterprise better than DS9?

There are many who consider DS9 to be right up there among the best SF on TV.

At some point in time I guess I’ll end up buying it, just to complete the collection.

bboisvert 04-08-04 03:30 PM

Originally posted by nemein
Pack all the "Worf" arc eps though and I'll drop some money on that.
They did that one laserdisc (and probably VHS too, I don't know). There was a Worf "Return to Grace" collection with the TNG arc. And a set of the Borg episodes. And a Q Continuum set too.

This may make sense down the road, but I think the current state of the market is to focus more on complete seasons. Although it would be cool to have them release all of the Borg episodes together in 2006 with commentary and new extras -- and have everyone start bitching about 'having' to buy them again! ;)

Dazed 04-08-04 03:48 PM

Wow, A modern day Star Trek Series not making it to Season 7. How the mighty have fallen.

Its a shame really as I like enterprise (especially the current Xindi stuff) DS9 was my least fav show (yes, shock horror its true, more than one person prefers Enterprise to DS9 :D )

Philip Reuben 04-08-04 04:25 PM

Originally posted by Austin54
The current report is that Enterprise will be renewed for only 13 episodes next year. Depending on rating, it will either be dropped or picked up. This would be a major blow to the UPN.
I found seasons 1 and 2 mildly entertaining, but have really enjoyed season 3. This is mainly due to the fact that the focus is on one story arc that will definitely end at the end of season 3, and there are almost no filler episodes. That being the case, I definitely hope Enterprise gets renewed, and if it does, I'll be GLAD for there to only be 13 episodes. Hopefully that'll weed out the subpar episodes completely and give us 13 episodes of tight storytelling.

The other reason I hope it doesn't get cancelled is because I can't see the Temporal Cold War plot from seasons 1 and 2 getting resolved in season 3, and it'd be annoying for it not to have any resolution. (Of course, the Suliban could be in season 3 after all... we're only up to episode 3x14 here in the UK.)

Shannon Nutt 04-08-04 05:39 PM

My guess would be that they finish releasing Voyager, then release the three seasons of TOS, then release the animated series, and then release Enterprise. Hopefully, somewhere in there we'll get new versions of GENERATIONS and FIRST CONTACT as well.

nemein 04-08-04 05:47 PM

This may make sense down the road, but I think the current state of the market is to focus more on complete seasons.
Probably true. The more I think about it the more I like the "create your own" set thing though. Seems like it would be easy enough to do to, just select which eps you want from any of the series, pick the cover/disk art you want from a selection, burn the DVD, package it and send it out. This means also you'd be able to make a custom DVD of eps from different series, like both the tribble eps on 1 DVD. (Hopefully someone at Paramount is reading these boards and will promote the idea ;))

markdclark43016 04-08-04 07:00 PM

"1. The reissue of TOS is more than a rumor..."

Great! I hadn't heard the official announcement, but I knew it was coming.

"2. They haven't announced anything yet, but I imagine that Enterprise could be in the plans for 2005."

I figured it would be then, at the earliest. Possibly longer if the series continues.

"3. The official Star Trek site was actually asking about interest in the animated series just recently, so they are definitely considering it."

Even better.

"4. You like Enterprise more than DS9? Really?!?"

Really! I liked DS9 ok, but I love ENTERPRISE, especially the current season with the extended Xindi storyline. ENTERPRISE is very un-TREK-like: Action-packed, raw, violent. Every episode probably sends The Great Bird spinning in his grave, but I really dig it. And Archer is my favorite captain since Kirk.

Mike Lowrey 04-08-04 07:48 PM

Well, I have bought complete collections of TNG and DS9, and to be honest, I was disappointed with DS9. It seems that the 'Niners (DS9 fans) have over hyped the series, and after hearing all the praise, I was let down because I was expecting a mind blowing experience, and what I got was an average Star Trek series. However, I've only watched it through once, and may change my opinion throug subsequent viewings.

So with that being said, I will eventually buy the VOY sets, but not this year. I have to finish up 3 series (Highlander, Xena, Hercules) this year before I start collecting another $100 per set series from Paramount.

And then whenever ENT gets released, I'll buy those as well. At least for the cool CGI and action.

I'm not that big of a TOS fan. I grew up watching it in syndication back in the '70s, but to me, the show just doesn't hold up today. By that I mean, it's look is too dated. It screams 1960s. While the early seasons of TNG screamed late-80s, the overall look of the show was clearly modern Trek.

Actually, it's too bad that Star Trek Phase II never materialized. That could have been a cool show.

Mike Lowrey 04-08-04 07:51 PM

Oh as for Enterprise getting picked up for a 4th season, one UPN affilliate has announced a slot for Enterprise for the 2004-2005 season. Which says to me that it'll be picked up for a full 26 episode season.

Falc04 04-08-04 09:21 PM

"Brain, brain, why always this brain??"
It goes more like this:

Kirk: "What have you done with Spock's brain?"

Female Leader: "Brain and Brain...what is Brain?"

Buck Turgidson 04-09-04 03:55 AM

I know Paramount has a lot on their plate, with 6 full seasons of Voyager yet to emerge (I'm getting at least season two...I need my B'Elanna Torres digitally, damnit...) and the upcoming Special Eds of the TNG films and TOS season sets, but I swear I think it would be a good idea to sell seasons sets of Enterprise, (at a more reasonable price, like $60.00), now.

I think it would get the series more fans, like it seems to have done with Alias.

Shannon Nutt 04-09-04 04:43 AM

Originally posted by Mike Lowrey
Oh as for Enterprise getting picked up for a 4th season, one UPN affilliate has announced a slot for Enterprise for the 2004-2005 season. Which says to me that it'll be picked up for a full 26 episode season.
No, the other poster was correct...it's only getting a 13 episode commitment. But this is not unusual...many new series that you see in the fall will only have 13 episode commitments going in. This is only a bit unusual due to the fact that Enterprise isn't a new show. This is kind of UPN's warning to fans to let them know the show is "on the bubble". That way, if it gets cancelled next season, Star Trek fans will have no one to blame but themselves. (And perhaps the writers of Enterprise for not giving us something worth tuning in for)

Philip Reuben 04-09-04 06:33 AM

Originally posted by Shannon Nutt
No, the other poster was correct...it's only getting a 13 episode commitment.
From the source of this news:

"Please note that none of this has been confirmed by Paramount Television or UPN, so treat it as any other rumor would be treated."

EDIT: Also, your wording is very close to that used by Trek Today, which explicitly labels this as a rumour.

Although, both these sites say 12 episodes and you said 13... so did you read a more recent article that hasn't been linked at Trek Today yet? (I don't check any other Star Trek sites for news, because I'm lazy and don't really care that much...)

Dragonslayer 04-09-04 12:31 PM

Specifically, I was wondering if/when we'd get the current Trek series, ENTERPRISE, on DVD? For my money, it's far better than either VOYAGER or DS9.
I beg to differ about that Sir!

Kimiakane 04-09-04 01:53 PM

Here is another person who likes ENTERPRISE more than any of the others save TOS. Yes, it's true for what its worth.

For the record, I have enjoyed them all and will buy all of them on DVD. Following the two series above, number 3 is NEXT GENERATION followed by DS9 and with VOYAGER bringing up the rear...not that I didn't thoroughly enjoy it too.

jough 04-09-04 05:08 PM

Given that William Shatner will be reprising his role as James T. Kirk in six episodes of Enterprise next season, I think that may give it just the kick-in-the-ratings-pants that the series needs.

I'm still waiting for a price-drop on the Next Gen season sets. There's no way I'm going to pay $120 for a season when Fox releases season sets with more bonus features for around $40-50.

nemein 04-09-04 05:36 PM

Given that William Shatner will be reprising his role as James T. Kirk in six episodes of Enterprise next season,
:whofart: You're joking right? I had heard he was going to get involved but I thought it was more on the production end of things. How are they going to explain this? Actually I'm not sure I really want to know...

jough 04-09-04 06:09 PM

He mentioned the Nexus at his last signing. I don't know, I think it could be pretty cool.

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