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Chad 09-23-13 12:37 AM

"The Reef" Reviews/Discussion - 2013 Horror Challenge: Day 3
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The Reef (2010)


Selected by arw6040




These "October Horror Movie Challenge" threads are for the discussion of the films in the 31 FILM SUBSET list.

The plan is for everyone to watch this film on the October day in the thread title, and to start discussing it the morning of the following day.
You may start discussion early if you want, but the preferred plan is for this to be as much of a group exercise as possible, with all of us viewing it "together" and discussing after.

Of course, you are totally encouraged to participate in these threads even if you haven't watched the movie on the designated day.
Even if you haven't watched it in years, or are not participating in the Horror Challenge, please feel free to chime in.

Spoiler tags are unnecessary in here, so if you have yet to see the film BEWARE OF SPOILERS.

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Spiderbite 10-02-13 01:23 PM

Re: "The Reef" Reviews/Discussion - 2013 Horror Challenge: Day 3
Damn. Once the boat flipped, I was into this movie and my stomach was in knots. It helps that I enjoy movies like this so I honestly didn't see many faults. Staying on the boat or swimming for the island 12 miles away...I have to admit I would swim for the island. But this movie made me rethink that...but then again, the dude was never found on the boat, so swimming has the better odds.

Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed this movie & thumbs up to arw6040 for recommending it. Yeah, there were a few dumb decisions by the group but I didn't think any of them was out of the realm of possibility. People do dumb shit when they are scared and this was no different. The only fault was that it ended how I figured it would once they all chose what they would do. But the tension was high and and I was on the edge of my seat. :up:

Good acting, editing, and effects!

My rating: ****1/2 out of *****

Trevor 10-02-13 08:59 PM

Re: "The Reef" Reviews/Discussion - 2013 Horror Challenge: Day 3
Crap. I guess I need to pay for a month of Netflix again.

Undeadcow 10-02-13 10:27 PM

Re: "The Reef" Reviews/Discussion - 2013 Horror Challenge: Day 3
Nuts. I didn't realize I had the wrong film until about 45 minutes in and by then I was too hooked to stop...


arw6040 10-02-13 10:45 PM

Re: "The Reef" Reviews/Discussion - 2013 Horror Challenge: Day 3
Thanks spiderbite, I heard it was good from a friend so I decided to suggest it since it was readily available on netflix streaming which I have. I just finished watching it for the first time and enjoyed it. I was on the edge of my seat too. Definitely going to scare people out of the water. I don't know what I'd do in that situation either, tough to imagine unless it's actually happening.

Undeadcow, I saw that too and my boyfriend teased it'd probably be a cool horror film :lol:.

J. Farley 10-02-13 10:49 PM

Re: "The Reef" Reviews/Discussion - 2013 Horror Challenge: Day 3
Caught this on Cinemax HD a few months back and liked it. Despite the deaths and order in which they occurred being pretty predictable, the tension of the situation kept things interesting. If you enjoy this one, I'd suggest checking out the director's previous film, Black Water. It's in a similar vein, but a more gripping effort overall.

Cardsfan111 10-02-13 11:01 PM

Re: "The Reef" Reviews/Discussion - 2013 Horror Challenge: Day 3
I enjoyed this one. When it comes to films like this, I sometimes wonder if the tension isn't raised just a bit more for me since I don't care for the water and I'm not a very good swimmer.

Undeadcow 10-03-13 12:34 AM

Re: "The Reef" Reviews/Discussion - 2013 Horror Challenge: Day 3
The Reef was really atmospheric with great wave splashing sound effects and quality photography that gave me the sense of being stranded in an open sea. It's cool they used all real sharks in filming instead of resorting to CGI, which would have killed some of the immersion. The relationship between the two characters give a good bit more emotional depth to the film's simple premise but some of the other characters did feel a little too disposable. I really enjoyed this one.

So many films claim to be "based on true events" but I don't see any indication of what this is based on... maybe it's a lose claim based on the fact that someone somewhere got bit by a shark.

Spiderbite 10-03-13 07:38 AM

Re: "The Reef" Reviews/Discussion - 2013 Horror Challenge: Day 3

Originally Posted by Undeadcow (Post 11858036)
So many films claim to be "based on true events" but I don't see any indication of what this is based on... maybe it's a lose claim based on the fact that someone somewhere got bit by a shark.

On wikipedia, it says it is based on the story of Ray Boundy. I found these two articles:

"The Reef" is a horror-thriller movie based on the true story of Ray Boundy. It debuted in theaters in 2010 starring Damian Walshe-Howling and Zoe Naylor. The names were all changed in the movie.

"The Reef" follows a group of friends who must fight to survive shark-infested waters after their boat capsizes at the Great Barrier Reef in Australia.

The "true events" on which the movie is based involves the story of 28-year-old Ray Boundy. His story made headlines in 1983 when his boat capsized at the site of the Broadhurst Reef in Townsville. The skipper was traveling with cook and deckhand Linda Horton, 21, and Dennis Murphy, 24, at the time.

Both Horton and Murphy survived in the water for 24 hours before they were attacked by a tiger shark.

Randy Boundy survived 36 hours in the water before he was finally rescued, according to The Courier Mail.

The movie brings back painful memories for him.

"The Reef" is similar to another true story movie entitled "Open Water." The movie "Fatal Honeymoon" is also based on a true story involving a death at the Great Barrier Reef.

THE sole survivor of a shark attack off the Townsville coast almost 30 years ago says he is worried Townsville City Council will alter a memorial built in honour of his crewmates.

Former trawler captain Ray Boundy was the only one of his crew to survive being stalked by a tiger shark off Lodestone Reef, about 90km off the coast of Townsville, when his vessel, the New Venture, capsized and sank in rough seas in 1983. Deckhand Denis "Smurf" Murphy, 24, and Linda Horton, 21, were both mauled to death by the shark over 36 hours.

Mr Murphy was posthumously awarded the Star of Courage for his actions in trying to lure the shark away from his crewmates.

After having one of his legs already ripped off by the shark, Mr Murphy swam away from Mr Boundy and Ms Horton in a bid to entice the shark to attack only him, instead of his two crewmates.

But two hours later the shark came back and attacked Ms Horton and dragged her by the arm under the water.

The Smurf and Lindy memorial park was built in memory of Mr Murphy and Ms Horton, by grieving friends and relatives, including Mr Boundy, who wants it to stay exactly as it has for decades.

Mr Boundy said he was worried the council had plans to change the swings and barbecues in the park, as part of the recreational boat park being built on the site.

"They just don't get the fact that this park was built by friends and relatives of Dennis and Lindy," he said.

"It's not something they have the right to come in and change because they think it will improve the area.

"This park is an important tribute to Townsville's maritime history and it should stay exactly how it is.

"These council blokes, you just can't trust them."

Deputy Mayor Vern Veitch said the council would treat the memorial with the utmost respect even if it had to upgrade playground equipment.

"We will treat the memorial with the same deference that we would any other in Townsville, like in ANZAC Park," he said.

Mr Boundy doesn't like speaking about what happened on Lodestone Reef that day but he wants to ensure the memorial stays untouched.

"Because of Denis, I have had another 30 years to spend with my kids and that's something you never forget," he said.

I didn't give the link on the first story because that page was full of bullshit pop-ups and crap.

Undeadcow 10-03-13 09:33 AM

Re: "The Reef" Reviews/Discussion - 2013 Horror Challenge: Day 3

Originally Posted by Spiderbite (Post 11858335)
On wikipedia, it says it is based on the story of Ray Boundy. I found these two articles...

Interesting, thank you. It should be obligatory for "based on true event" movies to give updates before the credits or at least a snapshot of the real people. Watching The Reef I wondered if a shark would really swarm around people and pick them off like that, now I know sharks would.

Spiderbite 10-03-13 10:20 AM

Re: "The Reef" Reviews/Discussion - 2013 Horror Challenge: Day 3
I found dark humor & truth in the line by the guy that stayed (paraphrased): "Putting those on (wet suits) make you look like seals. Sharks like seals."

indiephantom 10-03-13 11:54 AM

Re: "The Reef" Reviews/Discussion - 2013 Horror Challenge: Day 3
Pretty good stuff but I've been enjoying the cheaper thrills of lowbrow cinema and I wish this felt more like the exploitation flick that the poster above represents. I've seen so many cheapie water thrillers that I've almost developed more of a taste for those. Maybe I'll rinse off with some Cruel Jaws.

DaveyJoe 10-03-13 01:37 PM

Re: "The Reef" Reviews/Discussion - 2013 Horror Challenge: Day 3
At first glance, the title made me think this was a drug-induced horror movie about marijuana, in the vein of Shrooms. But a killer shark movie sounds fun too, looking forward to watching it tonight.

Trevor 10-03-13 10:09 PM

Re: "The Reef" Reviews/Discussion - 2013 Horror Challenge: Day 3
I usually love shark films, even though none have ever nearly measured up to my favorite film, Jaws; but really disliked this one. It was predictable, the acting was subpar, it featured the same shots over and over, and never made me care that much for the characters. Why not just call it Open Water 3?

cproaps 10-03-13 11:12 PM

Re: "The Reef" Reviews/Discussion - 2013 Horror Challenge: Day 3
I liked a lot of the underwater photography, but I have seen Jaws WAY too many times to get much else out of this one. Now if the movie just had sharks with frickin' laser beams, I might have been on board!

DaveyJoe 10-04-13 12:13 AM

Re: "The Reef" Reviews/Discussion - 2013 Horror Challenge: Day 3
No no no no no. Just finished this and my nerves are shot. I'm not a fan of the water and sharks are terrifying so this was a suspenseful watch for me. The thought of being stranded in the middle of the ocean(or space, I'm looking at you Gravity) is horrifying to me. First of all I loved the photography in this, the first act featured a ton of gorgeous shots of clear blue water and blue skies full of clouds. That instantly made it more appealing to me than Open Water.

This was no Jaws, but like Jaws, it worked in the way it relied on tension and the gradual building of suspense. The first shot of the shark is 51 minutes into the movie and it effectively freaked me out. I pretty much remained on the edge of my seat for the remainder of the film. I can see how some would find it humorous how many times we got a similar shot of Luke thrusting his face into the water with his goggles on, but ultimately I was too freaked out to really find any major flaws with this movie.

Great recommendation, I'm glad I watched it.

Originally Posted by Undeadcow (Post 11857949)
Nuts. I didn't realize I had the wrong film until about 45 minutes in and by then I was too hooked to stop...



rbrown498 10-04-13 12:20 AM

Re: "The Reef" Reviews/Discussion - 2013 Horror Challenge: Day 3
While The Reef was very well-made, I don't get the point of it. It gave off the same vibe that Wolf Creek, another Australian film, did, and I really disliked that film as it just seemed to be an unrelieved wallow in sadism. I prefer my horror films to have an air of fun about them--to me, watching The Reef was no different than watching one of those depressing medical documentaries about conjoined twins who are separated and then die. I don't have anything to take away from films like these except a pronounced feeling of depression. Where's the fun in that?

Mondo Kane 10-04-13 12:31 AM

Re: "The Reef" Reviews/Discussion - 2013 Horror Challenge: Day 3
Whoa. Definetly didn't see that sudden, abrupt ending coming.

Mostly positive reaction from me here. I loved how the suspense was drawn out on numerous moments when Luke was underwater in the cabin and the slow reveal of a certain turtle.

Couldn't help but laugh at the whimpering noises Matt & Suzi made it was revealed that a shark was around them. I've never heard sounds like that from humans before! :lol:

Dimension X 10-04-13 12:35 AM

Re: "The Reef" Reviews/Discussion - 2013 Horror Challenge: Day 3
I was a little bored during a major part of it. It seemed like there was at least twenty minutes of nothing but the four of them swimming along while nothing else was happening (and I'm already getting tired of movies with long scenes of people slowly moving from one place to another before anything actually happens). And then, when it got to the end, I knew who was going to survive, yet I'm pretty sure I haven't watched it before. The best I can figure is I saw it on a Cinemax or HBO free weekend. I guess I won't count it as a FTV. :shrug:

dcrw6 10-04-13 03:23 AM

Re: "The Reef" Reviews/Discussion - 2013 Horror Challenge: Day 3
I was not a fan either. Felt like it was treading water, both figuratively and literally. I didn't find it that suspenseful myself but I'm not really on edge about these sort of films in the first place. I might have just been in the wrong mood for it but it felt exactly like people floating around for what seemed like an eternity.

ntnon 10-04-13 03:44 AM

Re: "The Reef" Reviews/Discussion - 2013 Horror Challenge: Day 3

Originally Posted by Cardsfan111 (Post 11857970)
I enjoyed this one. When it comes to films like this, I sometimes wonder if the tension isn't raised just a bit more for me since I don't care for the water and I'm not a very good swimmer.

Personally, I'm in the same (figurative) boat, but I find that that fact lessons the tension as I know I'd never put myself in that situation... and hence it bizarrely worries me less, knowing that it's that much less likely to happen.

And it's odd, because I can objectively see why I ought to be more bothered...

Anyway. I watched it, but didn't find it quite as good as everyone else seems to have. Then again, I was tired and kept getting bothered by outside influences, so maybe it's better than I'll now think.

Dick Laurent 10-04-13 08:00 AM

Re: "The Reef" Reviews/Discussion - 2013 Horror Challenge: Day 3
I enjoyed it for what it was, but the whole time I kept thinking of Open Water, and toward the end I was just waiting for the last survivors to

Open Water spoiler:
give up and sink to her/their deaths.

Burgundy LaRue 10-04-13 08:41 AM

Re: "The Reef" Reviews/Discussion - 2013 Horror Challenge: Day 3
The movie doesn't break any new ground, but it's well made. The thing that sticks out for me is that no matter what choice was made, you're doomed to die. Try to make it to land? Get eaten by sharks. Stay with the boat? Float out further with the rising current and no one will ever find you.

I appreciate that while everyone was scared, no one resorted to screaming and crying. They made their case for swimming or staying, but everyone behaved like adults. That probably isn't realistic so much, but it's something of a departure from the usual panic mode horror films can have.

I did wonder how the boat flipped. There was a hole in the bottom, but was that enough to make the boat capsize? It seems that had the boat stayed upright, the group patches the hole and makes it to Turtle Island for help. Of course, with that scenario, there would be no movie.

The ending was predictable, figured that only one would survive. But there were only a few issues with the movie and again, it was very well made, especially for what had to be a small budget.

Undeadcow 10-04-13 10:24 AM

Re: "The Reef" Reviews/Discussion - 2013 Horror Challenge: Day 3

Originally Posted by dcrw6 (Post 11859614)
I was not a fan either. Felt like it was treading water, both figuratively and literally. I didn't find it that suspenseful myself but I'm not really on edge about these sort of films in the first place. I might have just been in the wrong mood for it but it felt exactly like people floating around for what seemed like an eternity.

I agree with this but I also think the dead time was intentional to give the viewers an impression of the experience (uncertain hope). The Reef reminds me a little of Buried (which takes place entirley in a buried coffin) and both seem to invite the viewer into mundane details of the dilema (floating endlessly in The Reef) to establish a connection to the trauma. In The Reef there were also a number of first person point of view shows showing water, or looking under the water as if the viewer was there; also possibly to create the impression you are there. It seems like there's a huge "well, what do we do now?" segment to suggest the possibility of hope and give a subtlety to the experience.

Spiderbite 10-04-13 02:41 PM

Re: "The Reef" Reviews/Discussion - 2013 Horror Challenge: Day 3

Originally Posted by Trevor (Post 11859487)
I usually love shark films, even though none have ever nearly measured up to my favorite film, Jaws; but really disliked this one. It was predictable, the acting was subpar, it featured the same shots over and over, and never made me care that much for the characters. Why not just call it Open Water 3?

I can see or understand a lot of the criticisms for this film but the acting is not one of them.

arw6040 10-04-13 07:20 PM

Re: "The Reef" Reviews/Discussion - 2013 Horror Challenge: Day 3

Originally Posted by Undeadcow (Post 11859883)
I agree with this but I also think the dead time was intentional to give the viewers an impression of the experience (uncertain hope). The Reef reminds me a little of Buried (which takes place entirley in a buried coffin) and both seem to invite the viewer into mundane details of the dilema (floating endlessly in The Reef) to establish a connection to the trauma. In The Reef there were also a number of first person point of view shows showing water, or looking under the water as if the viewer was there; also possibly to create the impression you are there. It seems like there's a huge "well, what do we do now?" segment to suggest the possibility of hope and give a subtlety to the experience.

I agree with this well said. I think I enjoyed this movie more because its been years since I've seen any shark related horror movies so it was a breath of fresh air to watch something on the subject that wasn't complete trash and I went into it with an open mind. I was surprised to recently see it's the same director as Black Water which I watched last year for the challenge. While Black Water did drag more than The Reef I still thought it gave the same feeling of dread/uncertain hope and I was able to forgive it for that reason. I also feel its more realistic in a survival horror film than a made up one so I don't mind it as long as some suspenseful events happen during the runtime to make up for it.

Chad 10-04-13 11:21 PM

Re: "The Reef" Reviews/Discussion - 2013 Horror Challenge: Day 3
I enjoyed it, and couldn't stand Open Water. That's probably due to good pacing and suspense with far less annoying characters. That said, the ending was a tad predictable and doubt it holds much weight in replay value.

Now the waiting begins for the inevitable found footage shark film Massacre at Seal Island. A Shark Week documentary crew in South Africa are filming Megalodon 2 footage when....

Darkgod 10-05-13 01:39 PM

Re: "The Reef" Reviews/Discussion - 2013 Horror Challenge: Day 3
I liked it... I liked how they integrated the underwater footage with the shark and the people...

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