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-   -   The Aviator, with bonus disc at Walmart - $14.77 YMMV (https://forum.dvdtalk.com/dvd-bargains/424121-aviator-bonus-disc-walmart-%2414-77-ymmv.html)

tofferman 05-25-05 10:23 AM

The Aviator, with bonus disc at Walmart - $14.77 YMMV
I was at Walmart yesterday and they were offering The Aviator both with and without a bonus disc (an additional keepcase shrinkwrapped together) for the same price ($14.77). The bonus disc as stated on the package includes:

1) Howard Hughes: A Brief Biography. Contains interview with Leonardo DiCaprio, Martin Scorsese, Michael Mann and others.

2) A Red Carpet Extravaganza: "The Aviator" film premieres from around the world (US, London, Rome and Berlin). Red carpet interviews with Leonardo DiCaprio, Martin Scorsese, Alan Alda, Cate Blanchett, Kate Beckinsale, Gwen Stefani and others.

I have yet to view this bonus disc, so I cannot comment on it's quality (anamorphic? I doubt it) or value. It doesn't seem like much of a bonus disc and has a run time of 26 minutes, but for you completists out there (you know who you are), you may want to have this in addition to the regular release.

Simpson Purist 05-25-05 10:46 AM

Can't be as good as Circuit City's deal (free DVD of Hughes' controversial movie "The Outlaw").

animatedude 05-25-05 04:35 PM

Originally Posted by Simpson Purist
Can't be as good as Circuit City's deal (free DVD of Hughes' controversial movie "The Outlaw").

i dissagree! i think these extras sound awsome...i wonder if i can get the bonus disc alone...cos i've pre ordered the amazon.de limited edition tin yesterday.

animatedude 05-25-05 04:45 PM

ohh i've just checked their website!

i dunno iam really interested in those extras...but it will be too much since i'll have the limited edition tin as well...do u think i should purchase it guys..or i'll find it later on ebay?

Jtnguyen12 05-25-05 05:35 PM

Nebraska Funiture Mart have it for $9.99 ;)

eau 05-25-05 11:18 PM

Originally Posted by Jtnguyen12
Nebraska Funiture Mart have it for $9.99 ;)

Darn! This place seems to have black Friday-like doorbusters lately.

MvRojo 05-26-05 02:03 AM

The Wal-Mart I went to only had the bonus disc with the FS copies. I had this same problem when they had a bonus disc with Sky Captain.

digitalfreaknyc 05-26-05 08:36 AM

Ugh...looks like i'm going to have to see if Mom and Dad can pick me up a copy.

Is the movie individually wrapped apart from the bonus disc by any chance?

tofferman 05-26-05 09:13 AM

Originally Posted by digitalfreaknyc
Ugh...looks like i'm going to have to see if Mom and Dad can pick me up a copy.

Is the movie individually wrapped apart from the bonus disc by any chance?

They are shrinkwrapped together side-by-side. Friday Night Lights with the bonus disc was packaged the same way. My Walmart had both Widescreen and Foolscreen versions with the bonus disc.

digitalfreaknyc 05-26-05 09:35 AM

OK but then are they individually shrink wrapped underneath that?

Manzana 05-26-05 10:13 AM

My Walmart wanted $19.44 for The Aviator with bonus DVD, and of course they wouldn't pricematch my Fry's ad for $13.99 because of the bonus DVD.

Since I can't find any sort of reviews of the transfer quality of The Outlaw (Platinum vs. Madacy vs. The Roan Group editions), I have to assume the Platinum edition is poor quality and inferior to the Roan Group. DVD Basen had nothing on it. It's amazing the "wonderful" Google only turned up a few hits and they turned out to be Amazon reviews where a couple people went into amazingly helpful detail like (and I'm paraphrasing) "it's watchable but there are a lot of print flaws" for Platinum or "the print is clean and the quality is good" for the Roan Group. Those 2 morsels of information make it sound like the Roan Group is the only version to get, and yet it's not even clear to me how a person would buy the Roan Group version if he wanted to as sites like Amazon do not specifically list the Roan Group. Amazon says Madacy while the Amazon reviews only mention the Platinum and Roan Group releases of it. It's very confusing and too much effort to try to dig into further.

If that's the sum total of DVD review info that exists on all the Internet for this movie, I'll return The Aviator/The Outlaw to CC next week and keep the $13.99 one I bought because I don't feel like paying $1 for a bad transfer of The Outlaw (a movie which I've never seen) nor pay almost $6 more at Walmart for a 26 minute bonus DVD (even if they might become worth a fortune on eBay which is what often happens with bonus DVDs I pass on) whose 26 minutes of extras should've been included in the 2-DVD package. On principle I can't pay extra for bonus DVDs just as I can't rebuy most of the double and triple dips that studios like to do (such as the next Gladiator 3-DVD edition). Sorry to rant there for a moment, but a lot of things I do are on principle such as trying to get the best deal.

digitalfreaknyc 05-26-05 03:39 PM

My mom just went to the Wal Mart in Shelton, CT and they had none. In fact, they didn't even know what she was talking about (no surprise). :( Can anyone pick me up one?

jayceman 05-26-05 04:12 PM

Mpls/St. Paul people,

The Wal Mart on University Ave in St Paul, has FS and WS versions with the addl. DVD for $14.87

digitalfreaknyc 05-26-05 04:19 PM


Any chance you might be able to pick me up a copy?

coolbleu 05-26-05 05:10 PM

I'll have to checkout the Walmart by me to see if they have that Aviator w/bonus disc for $14.77. I had picked up a copy on Tuesday from CC for a friend of mine.

emerald9999 05-26-05 05:45 PM

Originally Posted by tofferman
They are shrinkwrapped together side-by-side. Friday Night Lights with the bonus disc was packaged the same way. My Walmart had both Widescreen and Foolscreen versions with the bonus disc.

Which Walmart did you go to? I'm going to check in Martinez tonight on the way home.

tofferman 05-26-05 07:51 PM

Originally Posted by emerald9999
Which Walmart did you go to? I'm going to check in Martinez tonight on the way home.

I went to the store in San Leandro. And just a fyi, the bonus disc is also shrinkwrapped separately (both are shrinkwrapped together as well).

digitalfreaknyc 05-26-05 11:03 PM

Well...if anyone can pick it up for me, i'll pay ya back :)

emerald9999 05-27-05 05:40 PM

Originally Posted by tofferman
I went to the store in San Leandro. And just a fyi, the bonus disc is also shrinkwrapped separately (both are shrinkwrapped together as well).

Thanks. I did not see it at Martinez, they just had the regular pack for 16.xx. Might check out San Leandro over the weekend.

Cameron 05-27-05 08:00 PM

Originally Posted by digitalfreaknyc
OK but then are they individually shrink wrapped underneath that?

same question

digitalfreaknyc 05-27-05 11:05 PM

My parents checked all the Wally Worlds near them and none of them had this bonus disc. :( To add to that (and not that it's surprising), none of the people there knew anything about it.

animatedude 05-28-05 12:07 AM

since it's only 26 min long...i think someone should just rip it and upload it in h ere. ;)

shaggy 05-28-05 12:55 AM

Originally Posted by animatedude
since it's only 26 min long...i think someone should just rip it and upload it in h ere. ;)

Good idea, we need a site for torrents of all bonus discs. I would love to buy them but there are never enough, I missed the Scrubs disc at best buy last week, and i was there the first day

digitalfreaknyc 05-28-05 09:56 AM

Originally Posted by shaggy
Good idea, we need a site for torrents of all bonus discs. I would love to buy them but there are never enough, I missed the Scrubs disc at best buy last week, and i was there the first day

I've emailed you about this request, Shaggy. :)

Btw...has ANYONE else but Tofferman seen this disc?? I can't find any information about it on the net besides this post...not even on other forums. Not saying he's lying because that's just silly but I tried to email him to get a copy and unfortunately, I can't. :(

CloudVader 05-28-05 04:58 PM

Originally Posted by digitalfreaknyc
I've emailed you about this request, Shaggy. :)

Btw...has ANYONE else but Tofferman seen this disc?? I can't find any information about it on the net besides this post...not even on other forums. Not saying he's lying because that's just silly but I tried to email him to get a copy and unfortunately, I can't. :(

I have it in my hands right now, but I haven't opened it yet.

So it does exist, unlike those dark chocolate M&M's that don't seem to be anywhere in south Jersey. I don't believe they exist. :)

ecwfan 05-29-05 01:21 AM

I can also confirm it exists. I bought one today. However, my Wal-Mart charged $19.99.

El Gray 05-29-05 01:25 AM

They had it at the Roswell, GA Super Wal-Mart earlier this week. I didn't check to see which version of the movie it was attached to.

Cameron 05-29-05 01:38 AM

but was the aviator disc shrinkwrapped underneath the two pack shrink wrap

Dabaomb 06-03-05 12:42 AM

it's available at Walmart.com for $19.96 + S&H


jpdude 06-03-05 01:16 AM

i've got the 26min bonus disc, picked it up this past Sat night.....and was even able to sweet talk the CSM to price match CC's $14.99 price even though the Wal-Mart disc was an "exclusive".....they can always do what they wanna do, u just gotta convince them that they wanna do it for ya :)

Cameron 06-03-05 01:42 AM

Originally Posted by Cameron
but was the aviator disc shrinkwrapped underneath the two pack shrink wrap

still no help on this

jayceman 06-03-05 07:29 AM


At least on my set, both the Aviator 2 disc and the 1 disc bonus DVD were each individually shrinkwrapped as well as group wrapped together.

So, some of you that already bought this elsewhere and have the idea of buying the Wal Mart set to get the bonus disc, then taking that sealed copy of the movie back wherever for a refund, can do so.

jpdude 06-03-05 08:05 AM

yes, both were shrinkwrapped individually, but together as a side-by-side package.

Manzana 06-03-05 11:31 AM

It took a few moments for it to dawn on me, but is this why some people were asking if The Aviator was sealed separately underneath the shrinkwrap with the Walmart bonus DVD:

Some people had bought The Aviator somewhere else and opened it before they knew about the bonus DVD at Walmart, so if they later buy it at Walmart with the bonus DVD, open it up to remove the bonus DVD, they could then take the shrinkwrapped The Aviator and return it to the original store within 30 days with receipt? That sounds like it should be perfectly legal. I guess people would have to make sure the UPC codes on The Aviator match before doing it.

Of course that was never an issue to me. My dilemma was paying $13.99 (PM to Fry's) at Best Buy for the movie by itself vs. $19.44 at Walmart to get the bonus DVD. I may be weird and wrong (this bonus DVD may soon sell for a fortune on eBay), but I didn't think 26 minutes of material was worth $5.45 + tax. Considering the 2nd DVD of The Aviator is not entirely full, they could've (and in my opinion should've) easily put the 26 minutes on the 2nd DVD. However, the studio chose to withhold 26 minutes of material and sell it to Walmart for a bigger profit, and I'm not about to reward Walmart with an extra $5.45 for doing this. So on principle I bought it for $13.99 and passed on the bonus DVD. When a bonus DVD is included "for free" with a release (as Best Buy usually does) then I can stomach it better. Frankly I hate the whole exclusive content bonus DVD business because I think everyone who buys the same movie should get the same extras and not have to buy at special places to get more material. Yes I know it's a free market so that's the way it is.

Since these bonus DVDs don't get repressings and there's no more "revenue stream" on them, it's too bad they (the studios) don't make the bonus material available for free download online after a certain time period, but there are probably copy right issues or something like that even though when the bonus DVDs are all gone they can't make any more money on the bonus material (unless they repressed and sold them separately), so you'd think they wouldn't care about locking the bonus material away in their vaults. However, if they gave away the bonus material online, they'd kill the bonus DVD market on eBay where certain discs sell for $20-$30 each (twice the price of the original DVD) while other bonus DVDs barely get a buck or two. All I know is I could never predict which ones were going to become valuable so I never bought anything with the goal of selling the bonus DVD on eBay. Well, I'll get off my soapbox now.

phraseturner 06-03-05 01:59 PM

I agree with everything in the previous post.

My expeerience:

Several shelves in electronics dept. with wide and full displayed @ $14.99. Bottom shelf of the 3-disc bonus pack with no price tag on the shelf or the product itself.
Now, there was no signage anywhere to the effect of "we're beating a competitor's sale price by lowering our to $14.99", nor any special sale signage, either.

I checkout at elec. dept. and when it rings up @ $19.99, I ask why. Blank stare. I lead him to shelves and say that "bonus" implies something that is a free extra, yet they're charging $5 more for it. No intelligible response, except that the dept. head is not around to help. So I check out and head to customer service desk and explain my argument. She looks at the back of the bonus case cover, and printed plainly on it is that the disc is for promotional use and not for resale. She wonders aloud how they can charge more for something that isn't supposed to be "sold". She pages the elec. dept. head and after some back and forth, she hands up in a huff, ignores the dept. head's reasoning of it being exclusive, so they can charge more, and gives me the $5+ difference in a refund.

I knew my argument was shaky, but with no signage and a dept. employee who offered no help, I got what I wanted.

I wouldn't have paid full price for it, just on principle...

jpdude 06-03-05 07:00 PM

^u know, you are 100% right...when a promotional product is clearly labeled "not for resale", i would think that they can't legally charge you for the extra "bonus" or "promotional" disc.

DeltaSigChi4 06-03-05 10:21 PM

The Walmart closest to home (Mililani Hawai'i) has the FS version for 15$ and the widescreen for 20$ or so. What the deuce was my first thought. I was close to burning the whole place to the ground.

mifuneral 06-04-05 10:53 AM

Those extras don't interest me. Not to say that they aren't good, but I doubt I'd watch 'em more than one time. Getting a free film, on the other hand, is my idea of a great "extra." And I don't even care about the transfer. You get what you pay for, afterall.

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